The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 22, 1916, Image 4

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Now Then, we are going
to have a real
are not advertising in the local
paper, we immediately flood that
territory with our literature. It
Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon.
brings results far in excess
W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher.
of the same effort put forth in
Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the n postoffice
at Forest Grove,
territory where the local merch- j
ants use their local papers.”
Qllfp Jffnreat (Urnii? lExpreaa
_______________ ______
God, Give Us M en!
At this time, wjien a dozen or more candidates
for office are asking the voters of Washington coun­
ty to nominate them, it might be well to see who of
the applicants measure up tc the standard set by
the author of the following impassioned lines:
God, Give us men ! A time like this demands
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready
Men whom the lust of office does not k ill;
Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy;
Men who possess opinions and a will;
Men who love honor— men who will not lie;
Men who can stand before a demagogue
And brave his treacherous flatterings without wink­
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog
In public duty and in private thinking.
For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds,
Their large profession, and their little deeds,
Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps,
Wrong rules the land, and waiting justice sleeps.
all Spring and Summer.
Watch our Bargains in Odds and Ends
of lines we will cease handling.
We have about ninety pairs of Men’s
Oxfords that have been selling at from
$3.50 to $5.00; take any pair of them
while they last at
The News-Times, a republican
newspaser at Forest Grove, isn’t
particular as to candidates, just
so he wears a Republican collar.
It says editorially: “ If Hughes
will not run and the party will
not unite on Colonel Roosevelt,
then we are for Cummins.”
This same kind of talk has
caused Republicans in Oregon to
turn over the governorship and
senatorship to Democrats. The
| process of selection has been for­
gotten by Oregon Republicans.
The “ bunch” has done the select­
ing, aided by a few country news­
papers in boosting the “ picked”
candidates and a trouncing at the
polls has been the result.— M c­
Minnville News-Reporter.
Kangaroos can jump a fence
eleven feet high. They’re equal
to some candidates for office that
can jump on any platform.— M c­
Minnville News-Reporter.
$ 1.85
About 250 pairs of Ladies', Misses’ and
Children’s Oxfords— just the stuff for
Summer— going at
65c, 85c, $1.15 to $1.50
Get busy and save yourself from 50c to
$1.25 on a pair.
In addition to this clean-up sale,
we want you to know and remember
that we handle all the newest styles
and for cash will save you money on
your shoe bills.
C. V. B. Russell
Annual Convention of
Christian Endeavoi
Fame is fleeting and perishable
and if Villa doesn’ t stop running
and make a fight, his place on the
be nominated by the democrats front page will be given over to
Following is the program for the annual meeting of the1
President Woodrow WiIs n has an<l elected by the people of Hans Wagner, T. Cobb, et al.
ton County Christian Endeavor Union, to be held at the Bed
been re-elected president of these America, regardless of political
If Editors Scott and Fernsworth
Congregational church April 1 and 2 :
United States. The good people faith- The editor o f the Express are elected and fail to make good,
S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 1, 1 0 1 6
of Cornelius recently got together
no^ vo^e ^or President Wilson the editor of the Express knows a
10:00 A. M. Registration (25 cents).
for a social evenmg
evening ana
and one of ^our ypars aK°’ l)Ut *1 the presi- dozen other editors who will feel
Devotional Service______ ______ _____ Rev.
the features was a national con­ dent continues his present course it not only a privilege, but a duty,
Opening Talk, by County President, Miss
vention a n d election. Wilson, he will get one vote next Novem ­ to tell the public where their
Appointing of Committees—
Roosevelt and Bryan were nom­ ber he didn't get in November, “ dearly beloved” brethren have
failed to make good. Under these
inated and then an election was
circumstances, Scott and Ferns­
held, with the following result:
Address— “ Why Efficient” ........... Rev. James
Wilson received 55 votes, Roose­ SEEKING W E A K SPOTS
worth are just naturally bound to
Several months ago a number do their best.
11 ;35
velt 3K and Bryan 19. And if
the nation were to vote on the of Chicago merchants got together
2:00 P. M. Devotional Service.................................... Rev,
Washington County Transfers
question today, with only the at a banquet and during the
Address...................................“ W hat Is Worth
The following real estate trans­
three candidates named in the evening a number of those in at 1
Rev. 0 . H. Holmes
fers were recorded with the regis­
running, the E x p r e s s believes ; tendance told of their methods of
ter of deeds at Hillsboro during
President Wilson would be elected s e c u r i n g out-of-town business,
Extension........................... E. E. Fieke
the past week:
with even a greater proportionate Here is one big firm’s plan, as re­
........... ............. G. E. Baker
K N Staehr et ux to C L Large,
plurality. Some years ago the j lated by one of its department lot 14, blk 1, Curtis Add to Forest
Lookout and Social..... C. H. Sprague
republican press cautioned the heads: “ We have a bureau whose Grove, $100.
Evangelism.................... Lloyd Carrick
James Dilley et al to P W Watkins,
voters not to swap horses in mid- duty it is to read each week the
6:30 P. M . Banquet (25 cents)
stream and many of them have country newspapers from all over part of blk 6, Forest Grove, $10.
Toasts. (Mr. James Elvin, Master).
J H Shearer et ux to Samantha W
heard the expression often enough the country. There is not a pa-
1. Rev. Upshaw, “ W elcome”
Coleman, part of lot 2, blk 29, Forest |
to be guided by it. The stream per of any consequence in our Grove, $5.
2. Miss Ruth Cady
is at present deep and treacherous trade territory that our bureau
Emma A Heisler et ux to Phoebe
3. Miss Ruth Haines
and Woodrow has proven a care- does not get. This bureau looks Ward, lots 1 and 2, blk 8, South Park
4. Mr. C. H. Sprague
ful pilot. If he keeps his head over these papers and when we Add to Forest Grove, $2500.
7 :35
F R Spaulding et al to F E Morrill
until the next convention, he will find a town where the merchants
et ux, lots 5 and 6, blk 20, South Park
Roll Call
Add to Forest Grove, $10.
Secretary’s Report
H H Porter to Mary A Porter, lot 3,
Treasurer's Report
Curtis subdivision to Forest Grove, $10.
Report of Auditing Committee
J H Shearer et ux to Samantha W !
Election of Officers
Coleman, part of lot 2, blk 29, Forest
Grove. $5.
Special Message from Our State President
W J Good et ux to John VanKough-
Social Hour
— J. G. Holland.
net et ux, part of lot 1, blk 25, Forest
Grove, $1.
M A Barnes t o J H Shearer, part o f I
blk 1, Walker’ s Add to Forest Grove
$ 1100 .
D«1 von know that tickets to Eastern Destinations via
( alifornia cost but a trifle more than on more North­
ern Routes?
? »
Do you know that only one rhanfre of cars is neces­
sary if you go via California to Chicago. Omahn. Den­
ver. Kansas City or St. Louis?
IH i you know that the transit limit of tickets is longer
if you go via California? This allows liberal stop­
Do you know that there are library observation, stand­
ard ami tourist sleeping cars on three daily trains via
California on Shasta and Ogden Routes?
Do vou know that information on all travel routes
can be ohtameii from locai agent or
by writing to
John M Scott. General Tassenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
Southern Pacific
M S Taunton et ux to O P Kelsey,
lots 14 and 15, blk 2, Hall Add to For­
est Grove; lot 16. blk 3, Valley View
Add to Forest Grove, $300.
Miles C Purdin et ux to Leo G Aerts.
50 acres in SE 1-4 sec 32, 2 N 3. $6000.
Emil Thiel et ux to Kitt Roberts.
24.89 acres in T G Naylor D L C, 1 S
4. $10.
Albert C Sargent et ux to Walter A
Sargent, 160 acrea sec 32, 2 M 5, $2000.
John Wunderlich to R L Sabin
50x130 feet sec 31, 2 N 3, $1.
C. F. Tigard of Tigardville, a
candidate for n o m i n a t i o n for
county commisssioner, was in th e’
city last Thursday, getting ac­
quainted with some of the voters.
We will insure your auto against
fire, theft and collision. Hancock
& Wiles.
9 . tf
Union Social Committee, Miss Taylor,«
Camp Fire
S u n d a y , A p r il 2 , 1 9 1 G
7:00 A . M . Quiet H o u r ... ................
Sunday School
Regular Services at Local Churches
2.00 P. M . Song Service__ _________
Devotional Service
G. E.i
Address---------- ------ -------------------- R ev.
Installation of Officers
Response by Our Newly-Elected President
Report of Resolutions Committee
Special Music........ ...............
Address— “ Consecration” _____
6:00 P. M .
Pre-Prayer Service________
Model Christian Endeavor Meeting—
g. E. 1
LI°yd Carrick, C. H . Sprague
Special Music .........
gM l
' :30
Closing Address— “ A Layman’s Message to
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. T a y lo r
Washington County”
left Saturday for Everett, Wash.,
where Bob has secured a position "
a i pacing he highest market
The Express is prepared
at carpenter work. They expect
price ’ or butter and eggs and am the prices of traveling f
to return before fall.
selling from my wagon fresh fish salesmen in lots of 100 of
Milk for sale by pint or
Lum worth, The Express prints butttf1
at Shearer's Confectionery. ^ g i
the Grove feh man; phone 62.
pens with non-poisonous int