li Jkk Now Then, we are going to have a real are not advertising in the local paper, we immediately flood that territory with our literature. It Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon. always brings results far in excess W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. of the same effort put forth in t Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the n postoffice at Forest Grove, territory where the local merch- j ____ ____ 879 ants use their local papers.” Qllfp Jffnreat (Urnii? lExpreaa _______________ ______ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1916 NOTES AND C O M M E N T S God, Give Us M en! At this time, wjien a dozen or more candidates for office are asking the voters of Washington coun­ ty to nominate them, it might be well to see who of the applicants measure up tc the standard set by the author of the following impassioned lines: God, Give us men ! A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands! Men whom the lust of office does not k ill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; Men who possess opinions and a will; Men who love honor— men who will not lie; Men who can stand before a demagogue And brave his treacherous flatterings without wink­ ing! Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog In public duty and in private thinking. For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds, Their large profession, and their little deeds, Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps, Wrong rules the land, and waiting justice sleeps. House-Cleaning SALE all Spring and Summer. Watch our Bargains in Odds and Ends of lines we will cease handling. We have about ninety pairs of Men’s Oxfords that have been selling at from $3.50 to $5.00; take any pair of them while they last at JESSO, JE S S O ! The News-Times, a republican newspaser at Forest Grove, isn’t particular as to candidates, just so he wears a Republican collar. It says editorially: “ If Hughes will not run and the party will not unite on Colonel Roosevelt, then we are for Cummins.” This same kind of talk has caused Republicans in Oregon to turn over the governorship and senatorship to Democrats. The | process of selection has been for­ gotten by Oregon Republicans. The “ bunch” has done the select­ ing, aided by a few country news­ papers in boosting the “ picked” candidates and a trouncing at the polls has been the result.— M c­ Minnville News-Reporter. Kangaroos can jump a fence eleven feet high. They’re equal to some candidates for office that can jump on any platform.— M c­ Minnville News-Reporter. $ 1.85 About 250 pairs of Ladies', Misses’ and Children’s Oxfords— just the stuff for Summer— going at 65c, 85c, $1.15 to $1.50 Get busy and save yourself from 50c to $1.25 on a pair. In addition to this clean-up sale, we want you to know and remember that we handle all the newest styles and for cash will save you money on your shoe bills. C. V. B. Russell Annual Convention of Christian Endeavoi Fame is fleeting and perishable and if Villa doesn’ t stop running and make a fight, his place on the A POLITICAL STRAW be nominated by the democrats front page will be given over to Following is the program for the annual meeting of the1 President Woodrow WiIs n has an