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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1916)
\ i t e s i tërmt? lExprraa _______ AN IN D E PEN D EN T W EEKLY NEW SPAPER No. 10 FOREST GROVE. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH IS, 1916 (UB M EM BERS HOLD MEETING FOR B A B IES Hall. Rarebit and opera sticks were served. Those present be sides the Philomathean girls were Grace G i b s o n , Helen Phillips, Margaret Morgan, Lucile Robin- inson, Mabel Patton and Irene Robinson. LaMont-Walker $1.50 per Year ONE COUNCILMAN QUITS OFFICE The home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A Walker was the scene of a pretty wedding Sunday, when their daughter, Miss Belle, was The city council met in monthly The merchants and business united in marriage to Mr. Harlan session last night, with all mem- LaMont. The bride, a beautiful b*rs present except Councilman f e * - Grove O b*™ * brunette, was becomingly gowned. Nixon, but ni. absence was ac- Baby W k by decorating their he said “A mother’s work was the Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Scott en- I 1 n. • ,. , , , counted for by a written com windjkvs with pictures of babies, greatest on earth under the shin- joyed “ Rebecca of Sunnybrook ! The couple left immediately for munication, in which he resigned babyltoilet articles and other ac- ing canopy of heaven.” It takes Farm” at the Hippodrome Theater, Portland, where they spent a his position and asked to be re cessofies for the comfort of thetod- more brains to raise a family of Portland, last Sunday night. short honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. lieved of his duties pronto. The HWa A committee from the Wo- chlldren properly than to build a I LaMont will make their home on resignation was accepted, but no dJers. A committee¡from the wo rai!road or run a bank Under th steps wire taken to fill the vacancy. Jollity Reigned Supreme ! the LaMont farm. man $club,composed of Mesdames head Qf “ p r0per Moral Teaining t L L Night W atchman Bennett also White Semour, Hoskins and Walk- Rev. Holmes said “ I would first Saturday evening, a t their home sent in a written notice of a desire ler direction of Mrs. Todd, consider obedience and reverence whh^Jnna» to quit April 1st and this, also, ,ucsted this recognition!«^ U im (ear of th« Almighty party ¡¡, Forcst G ^ C s c h a r in g was accepted. Street lights were ordered in at young people, to celebrate the George Wilcox returned from • ladiK ? T those - ! S motber A I S d a great First avenue and Sixth street and ire very thankful ,* to Eastern Oregon Sunday evening. a t Sixth avenue and Fourth street. A woman’s work is more io cheerfully complied with laborious than any other work. ! *®r ’ U zf ^ f klnd!’ Former Councilman Wirtz again ,, „ „ , . to suit the different tastes were , , Max . Ricker, accompanied by a _ _ luggestions. Nothing is bet- Mrs. L. E. WUliams played a played. Refreshments of delicious delegation representing each of presented a bill of $7.00 for ex t e r ® a town than the hearty CO- pretty instrumental solo; then Dr. t.iikes and ice cakes were served, the college classes, went to Mon- penses when going out of the city ion of all its worth-while W alkerta ,,, ° n ‘T hf,Anatomy everything carrying out a color mouth last Friday for the state on city business and, for the sec ts. The committee isalso ... • He said the science scheme of pink, which is Eliza- oratorical contest While Ricker ond time the bill was turned down. , , . ., . . . , with which medicine had to deal h e t h 's f a v o r i t e color T h e re u,aiuIltai conie^i. v\nue m caer J. A. Thornburgh and E. W. ful to the physicians who so went hand-in-hand with physiol-1 mainder of the evening wa« «1! has not had much training in or- Haines offered to deed to the city gave their time to make the ogy The average young baby’s voted t0 dancing and “500.” atory previous to this year, yet he an alley in rear of block 5 if the oon of “Baby D ay” a success, head measures 13 1-2 inches if a The guests were: Misses Beth developed into a good speaker and city would reimburse them for the Brookbank, who appeared siH, and in a boy 13.9 inches. The Emerson, B a r b a r a Buchanan, won sixth place against the state, paving tax already paid anti as- In the Program, f ve a very The Lyceum course entertain- ?urne Hduie payments, l he of - „ . , fer was accepted, --------------------------- int sting talk on the care of domen smaller .ta n .he ches., u n -1 g ---- ment presented by Schumanns! ~ ~ , g . . f. , . •. , Councilman McCready recom- i until one year old. A few til the third year, when the three _____ ______ _ ___ *__ . mendod that the city pay Frank Rasmusen and Messrs. Quintette last Wednesday even- ______________ points made by the doctors dimensions are about the same, i Mabel Frank Burlingham, Chester Buell; 'n& was certainly a grand treat to Bernard $15.00 as full payment of interest to mothers who Dr. Walker said that sometimes Encell Todd, Robert Enschede, music lovers. A good crowd at- of damages to a private alley in ! not present. Among these wreckage is caused by lack of Willis Goff, Glen Hoar, William tended. These talented musicians I 'ay*nK a sewer, Bernard to waive , , . , , mineral salt in the system; that Iwere the mistakes made by parents should ever be on the Martin, Howard Reeher, Lloyd played with a sincere enthusiasm all future rights to the alley. Such an offer will be made Ber m o t h e r s in permitting guard for nervous diseases, such Kirry. that showed their appreciation of nard. children to eat too much as infantile paralysis and epilepsy. Last Saturday evening Mr. and the way the audience received Recorder M a r k h a m read a and other indigestible foods, About the fourth month muscu'ar Mrs. H. R. Bernard entertained them. communication from the Civic ihild should be ten years of development begins to be quite at a St. Patrick’s party a dozen of The last game of the basket committee of the Woman’s club, marked. Be sure and leave the | their friends and neighbors. The thanking the council for personal fore eating meats, such as legs free for good lively kicking playing of Irish games, telling ball season was played here Sat ur- donations for the purchase of iver, ham, etc. The nourish- and watch carefully for decay of Irish stories and a very tempting day evening between McMinn- trees to replace those cut down to ds for young children which the teeth, either having them luncheon were features of the ev- ville College and P. U. Both make room for sidewalks, be used after the ninth filled or pulled to prevent injury ening. teams played with a little less pep City Engineer Kirkwood report- are coddled eggs, beef to the health of the child. of than of old—evidently because it ed work going very slowly on the The Knights and Ladies Mrs. McEldowney sang and first sewer; said, said, in his opinion the was the the last last game. game. In In the the first j sewer; on toast or crackers. The Mrs. Williams played while all Security will hold a social evening was at their hall next Wednesday ev- half P. U. kept the score mount- contractors were keeping open too d child is the one who kicks sang “My Country. ’Tisof Thee.” ening. Dancing will be a feature, ing until it stood 23 against 12 for many trenches and not complet- The president asked Mrs. Ash creams when mad. The ---------- r “ Mac.” However, in the last half, in work as they went along. ley to close the meeting, which ill of colic usually utters a The officers of the Woman’s the Baptists played with renewed This induced Councilman Me- cry and the child th a t is she did with prayer. club are arranging for a public deternination a n d h e l d P. U. Cready to remind the council th at meeting a t the Congregational down to a tie score of 9 to 9. P. in three months it had spent in and fretful certainly is not S O C IA L N O T E S church a t 2:30 p. m Monday, U.’s advantage in the first half the neighbourhood of $1,700 for properly nourished by the March 27th, to hear a speaker made the final score stand 32 t o , inspection. He thought the in- of food used. Absorption or Glenn Morgan spent an exceed- from the Extension department of 21 in favor of P. U. Considering specting force should be cut to poisoning cares were ones Inspector McKenzie doctors should be consulted. ingly happy birthday Thursday the O. A. C. The speaker will that Wilcox was not in the game one-third. tried to reply to the remarks and Hawke talked on preventa- when his mother surprised him by d '-scuss the care of lawns, land- this is a good showing. iseases of young children and j „ v l ^ several of his college 1 The second teams played a finally got in the opinion that the Ihat statistics given are that game following in which P. U. contractors would be pleased to 30 children die annually from friends to dinner. The table was again won. P. U.’s second team have the inspecting force cut off ct. Most of these deaths oc beautifully decorated and a splen- lost to “ Mac” before, so it was a entirely. Engineer Kirkwood was . » 1 C * iring the first year. Aphysi- did chicken dinner was served. source of no little satisfaction to of the same opinion and just as can do more to prevent than All enjoyed it and ate to their lull- HI AlHlUal oPSSIOfl win this game. The score was 36 things were getting interesting ire a disease. The above- est capacity. Those who attend- Ten members of the Forest to 16. The close of the season (about 11:45) Mayor Paterson lioned death rate in ten years ed were: Thayne Livesay, Harold Grove Commercial club answered finds P. U. the undisputed Cham- quelled the volcano by suggesting avesay, Harold ^ r o ^ o m m e r a a . ^ u D answereo pion oftheNon-eonference league, a conference between the council amount to a city the size '— . , . and , elected J. i 7, rv game came n played la v e d and the contractors a t a near date. pcago Dr. Hawke said the Reed, Leslie Webb , Vene Stanley i Monday having won won ev every night P havimr After allowing the monthly bills, lintine regulations could not and Glenn Jack. within the league. Hurley, E. ' W. Haines, L. M. council adjourned to March 21st. severe; th at in a case recov- A surprise party was given Graham, C. A. Littley, W. J. Mc- Dull student: “ Is there any law [from scarlet fever the child High School to Entertain Monday night by the Congrega- against destroying U. S. coins?” j not be allowed to mingle Haskell Ferrin and C. A. Broder- The High School is extending tional church choir in honor of jthers for from eight to ten Professor: “ Yes, there is.” sen as directors. an invitation to the interested . The doctor spoke of a their able leader, Mrs. E. E. Dull student: “ Well, then what The directors later organized by erum to be used to prevent Williams. The party assembled electing officers as follows: could you do to a man if he threw public to attend an open session ling cough from running say a five dollar gold piece into of the several students’ organiza President—J. P. Hurley. tions of the School on Friday three weeks, saying th at in at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gil Vice President—O. H. Holmes. the Willamette river?” more and then went to the Wil evening of this week. The pro 1st, thirty per cent of all Secretary—H. E. Ferrin. Bright student: “ They could gram will commence promptly a t en under one year having it liams home in a body. The sur Treasurer—C. A. Littler. send him to the insane asylum .” 7:30, with music by the orchestra. ||ed, and the disease lasted prise was complete. Games were Secretary Ferrin reported that Throughout the year all of the fcix weeks to six months. The Freshman pi ¡y was pre played and those present pro the club had collected in dues $56 students of the school have been Kauffman spoke on sanita- nounced it a regular old-fashioned during the year. Other receipts sented last night before a crowded participating in some activity in “ Let your back yard be the Difintv refreshm ent brought the'total up to $72.10're- house. The p l a y was “ T h e which a public appearance n fore if your neighbor.” Be sure good time U , ty U ! reived and expended. Treasurer Elopement of Ellen.” The parts Fat the fly but let the adults were served. Those present were Littler’s report coincided with that were well acted all t h e w a y a group of students is necessary. for it has been known in Prof, and Mrs. Thomas, Mr. and of the secretary. President Hur-1 through and showed much prepa- These interests a r e Orchestra, | where prizes were awarded Mrs. O. H. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. ley made a short report of the ration and hard work had been Girls’ and Boys’ Glee Clubs and Bad flies by the quart, the Underhill, Mr. and M rs. Patter club’s activities. He said that, done. The sommittee in charge Dramatic and Literary Societies. Friday evening the Dramatic class sters f ix e d u p breeding while business men were backward of the production deserve much for them. Roaches, bod- son, Mr. and Mrs. Mayne Ab about attending meetings, they credit for the success of the play. will present a reading a n d a fleas and the town dog bott, M r. and Mrs. Fred Jones, generally came to the front with Between acts Mr Morgan sang a sketch from the play “ Richelieu,” id be cleaned up also. Dress Dr. and Mrs. Walker, Dr. and contributions when anything was solo th at called for an encore. the Glee Clubs will sing, the Children more for comfort than Mrs. Kauffman, Mrs. Seymour, to be done for the Upbuilding of This was followed by a solo by orchestra will play and represent tyle, allowing them plenty of Mrs. Gilmore, Mrs. Ingersoll, the town or county. Miss Thorley, who also responded atives of two literary societies will debate the question of mili air and raise them in Mr. Graham reported that the to an encore. Miss Davis, also ure of from 65 to 70 degrees ^ re’ White, Mrs. McEldowney, federal government was -about to of the Freshman class, played a tary training in the public schools. being careful not to ex- ^ r - Willard, Mrs. Carmack, Mrs. sell the g ro u n d on w h i c h the violin solo. Following the last A group of boys of the literary (them to a sudden change, House, Camilla Abernathy, Pearl Indian school once stood, which, act, Mr. Irle, president of the society will present in Shakespear- jot omit frequent bathing, Hall, Liola House, Lucile Higby in his opinion, was a bad move Freshman r reshrnan class, read rearl a v e r y °,, A doctor closed by saying “A and Helen Phillips. for Forest Grove, as the agricul- humorous prophecy of the Soph- 1 I |dgunjnier-Night s Dream, [is just as clean as its people.” tural department needed the prop- o m o r e class. Altogether t h e George Haskell Collier, who was V’ o 11 m e r was to have Saturday afternoon the Philo- erty for its bugology station. The evening was full of interest from from 1866 to 1876 professor of on..D e u i of mathean girls e n t e r t a i n e d the lot is known as block 6 and first to last. Those taking part chemics and physics at Pacific ren. Kev. Holmes took Mrs. ^rls who s e r v e d at the Philo ban- is 201x397 feet in dimensions. A in the play were: Miss M argaret University, this city, died at his er s place and said he felt , number of those present promised Marsh, Miss Grace Haines, Miss home a t Eugene, yesterday morn- The girls went went to to the shot rattling around m a ;quet. 1 Foe girls the ^ w r j te their congressmen, ask- Ella Dews, Mr. Barendrick, Mr. ing, aged 89. A great many of handling this impromptu matinee, after which a delightful ¡niZ that the lot be given to the Jensvold, Mr. Romig and Mr. the pioneers of Washington county The mothers present, how- afternoon was spent a t Herrick agricultural department. Wade. j will remember Professor Collier. Pacific University Commercial Club