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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1916)
WORLD’S DOINGS or O M N I WEEK PROPOSED FEDERAI MSJTU PUN W li RAISE 200,600 MEN SUSPECT ANARCHIST OE BIG POISON PLOT ASTORIA COMMITTEE ACTIVE FOR LOCATION Of NAVA1 BASE ALLIES TO PROTESI BERLIN’S SEA Astoria, Ore. - A representative Washington. D. C. — The proposals committee of citizens of this city v e of the National Guard association for prosecuting a vigorous campaign or the location of a government naval federalization o f the state were before base of the first class at or near the the m ilitary committee of congreas mouth of the Columbia river. Mondayin the form o f a bill drafted The camgaign is predicated on the ; at the bequest of the senate commit broad claim that the Columbia river is tee. Force is given the regulations the logical location for the third Pa cific Coast naval base of the first class; contemplated by a provision lim iting ----------- that it is capable of admitting and ac- participation in the Federal pay feat r li_ commodating the largest vessels of the ure to officers, men or organizations complying with certain specified re quirements. _________ of the Pacific coast; that it is the The scale o f annual pay proposed is shortest and most mobile from the Pa as follow s: Major generals, $800; cific to the Atlantic; that it has tribu brigadiers, $700; colonels, $600; lieu tary to it, easy of assembly, all ma tenant colonels, $550; majors, $525; terials necessary for the maintenance captains, $500; first lieutenants. $300; of a naval station; that it can be most second lieutenants, $250. Enlisted easily mined and fortified for defense men would be paid on the basis o f 25 and for the operation of battleship«, per cent o f the pay rates o f the regu scout cruisers and submarines; that lar army, a private receiving approxi for the government to neglect to ade Washington, D. C.— Diplomat« Chicago— " I do not wish to create a mately $45 a year. Germ*™ capture large section o f ■ The maximum number o f troop« pro- panic in Chicago,” was the cryptic quately equip it as a naval base of the gotiations o f various character will confront the United States* French trenches in Artois. reply o f First Deputy Superintendent result of the expected intention oi ! o f Police Schuettler, when asked Mon Portland citizens have raised a fund German and Austrian govern day to give his views of the plot to o f over $13,000 for the relief of suffer treat armed merchant ships of 1 poison several hundred prominent Chi ing Jews in Europe. tente allies as war vessels after cagoans. ruarv 29. The Willamette river at Portland Schuettler spoke testily and in the reaches a 19-foot stage and floods all Apparently it is certain that tone of a man who is harboring the waterfront Easements. attempt by the United Stata secret of a great calamity. A t the change the present rule permittinj same time he refused to admit that he The customs officials at San Fran use of American ports by ms believed Jean Crones, missing assist cisco have seized a totem pole that ships armed fo r defensive I ant chef at the University Club, who bears r.ude pictures and is otherwise would be met by a strong j served the banquet, was the only man indecent. Correspondence also is likely to fJ who figured in the plot. A lone robber near Cheyenne, Wyo., i f the United States assumes as Two hundred of the distinguished enters a Union Pacific train and re tion which coincides with that oC list o f 400 banqueters who attended a lieves 30 passengers of their valuables many and Austria regarding the; dinner given to Chicago's new Catholic and escapes. of submarines to sink armed i archbishop. Most Reverend George without warning. Secretary of War Garrison resigns W illiam Munderlein. were taken ill of On the other hand, the United Se from President Wilson’s cabinet be poisoning after the soup course. The itself may take the initiative sk cause o f difference in opinions over archbishop did not partake o f the soup, the entente allies impose a the defense program. nor did Governor Dunne, who was boycott on American ports among those present- A liquid which bursts into flame evert that this government indications are that Schuettler is when poured on paper is believed to that armed merchant ships ent; hot on Crones' trail and is gathering have been used by incendiaries who American waters are ships of i evidence of a plot in which Crones was set fire to the Ottawa, Car.., parlia therefore subject to internment only a unit among a gang o f anarchists ment tjuilding. The view o f at least some of who planned to kill the distinguished The Turkish expedition against representatives o f the entente group of men. This was borne out by Egypt appears to have E<een postponed, here is that any change made is the activities o f his staff of detec pending completion of the railroad rule bearing on submarine tives. which is being constructed to the during the war would be an u Two hours before Health Commis Egyptian frontier. sioner Robertson gave out the report Lord Brooke il In command cf the act. The governments are rep- of F. O. Tonney, city chemist, that Canadian forces that have proved as not being prepared to I Twenty memt>ers of the Elks Club 3.7 grains of white oxide of arsenic themaelves to brave and effective In there has been any change in the at Fort Dodge, la., were trapped in the club rooms and were rescued with ditions of naval warfare which Capta.n Bristol, chief of the U. S. had been found in an analysis of a the European war. ladders by the fire department, when a navy's aeronautical bureau. Is likely pint of the poisoned soup served at the warrant characterizing merchant gas explosion in a three-story building soon to have under his charge a big banquet, two anarchists were taken first class, and to fully fo rtify it, is to armed for defensive purposes as caused damage amounting to $95,000. leave the logical point o f attack open ships. "eet cf aeroplanes, for Secretary Dan into Schuettler's office. Both of the anarchists were ques In Teutonic quarters, however, to the mercy of a hostile fleet. iels snd the general board of the navy The Navajo Indians are dancing When This is a move in line with the non- contended that merchant ships their war dance and threatening to at have adopted hie recommendation that tioned for more than an hour. tack white settlers in Northeastern 200 of the air craft be obtained for they had gone Schuettler, in an inter partisan preparedness program of the for defensive purposes are Arizona, in retaliation for the slaying the service. Congreas will be asked view, admitted he had reports on general government, and is a serious armed for resistance and that; o f one o f their number recently by po to appropriate $2-200.000 for this pur Crones for several months. He knows effort to safeguard the lives and prop chant ships have no right to the meetings Crones has attended, erty of the citizens o f the Pacific Moreover, it is contended by Ger licemen. according to two cowboys pose. what he said at those gatherings. He Northwest. It is argued that the that it is impossible to adhere from Utah. admitted Crones was a red hot "dyed- equipment of the Columbia river as principle o f warning merchant video for by the bill is 500 for each According to the decision o f the Na in-the-wool” anarchist, that he knew outlined, is absolutely necessary for as, should they be armed, a tional Association of Merchant Tailors, congressional district or a total peace Crones' assiociates, that his detectives the protection of the Northwest coast shell of small caliber could sink the ideal American's measurement strength of approximately 200,000, an have questioned these men. of the United States, including Puget submarine. increase o f 70,000 over the present should be, height, 5 feet 6 inches; Schuettler made known the fact that Sound and the large naval investments American officials seem inclined chest, 38 inches; waist, 33} inches; strength of the National Guard. They Crones at a meetnig of anarchists last at Bremerton. the view that the contentions of hips, 39} inches; thigh. 21} inches; would form a separate branch of the May asked the speaker i f his study of Boiled down, the argument, as set German and Austrian government! calf. 14} inches; head measure, one- regular army in time o f war when chemistry— he is an amateur chemist forth by the chairman of the Astoria well founded, and from several eighth o f the full length of the body; called into the Federal service. The — would injure his standing in the an committee, F. C. Harley, is as follow s: ters came the information act would take effect July 1, 1916. legs straight and feet arched. archist movement. The speaker's re The Columbia can and should be United States might warn its i The bill provides also for organiza ply throws some light on the motive Germany and Austria, through their made as impregnable as the Darda to remain off merchant ships t tion o f a junior guard, composed of of the poison plot. It was this: embassies in Washington, have notified nelles or the Keil canal. armed. This, it was said in boys between 12 and 18, available for " No, a chemist, could do a great the United States o f their intention This can t>e accomplished by fortifi quarters, was precisely what the? active service only after every other deal in the anarchist movement.” to treat armed merchantmen as war cations at its entrance and close within man and Austrian governments! class of m ilitia had been called out. ships after March 1. That date was its harbor and by the mainten&ne of been aiming to achieve. The juniors would be divided into fixed to give the entente allies time to mines and submarines. The possibility of the entente two classes, cadets, or those o f 15 and sign ify their intentions toward the re The Columbia should have the ad putting into effect a practical above, and cadets o f the second class, cent note of the United States pro ditional arm of a naval base o f the of American ports was widi those less than 15. posing the disarmament of all mer first class for speedy, mobilized re cussed in official circles. The; An enlistment contract would be re chantmen. sistance of attack by a foreign fleet at may permit only a sufficient I quired under which the soldier would Portland, Ore.— Tw o were drowned any part of our coast line from San their unarmed ships to enter , Tw o hundred of a distinguished list bind himself to serve the Federal gov and six other narrowly escaped drown Francisco to the Straits of Juan de ports to take away n.erchsndi» o f 400 banqueters who attended a ernment. "w ith in or without the con ing when a Salero-to-Portland canoeing Fuca. goods consigned to themselves, dinner given to Chicago's new Cath tinental limits of the United States." party of the Portland Rowing club Our fleet at Puget Sound would be was admitted in high official olic archbishop. Most Reverend George for a period of two years or until dis struck the whirling rapids and eddies bottled up in the event of war with W illiam Munderlein, were taken ill of charged, should the Guard be called that shculd such a plan be pot I off Rock Island in the Willamette Great Britain or her allies, and with ptomaine poisoning after the soup <*jt at any time during his three-year effect action might be taken. river five miles south o f Oregon City the Columbia river as the point o f con course. The archbishop did not par enlistment period. Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o ’clock. centration of a large reserve it would take of the soup, nor did Governor The drowned were Charles K irk Dunne, who was among those present, be possible to speedily send a fleet to patrick, 660 East Madison street, 22 its relief, either to the Sound or to and both escaped. years o f age. a clerk in the clearing nk other points on the coast as far as the New York murders during 1915 were house at the First National bank, and Southern Oregon line. 24«. in 1914. 257. Harry Gammie, 33 years of age, pav- The Columbia has transcontinenal St. Louis— Locked in a room on lasrgc rebel force« o f China have Detroit. Mich.— It was announced ing teller in Ladd & Tilton bank! and rail lines and highways reaching di sixth floor of a popular down t o « an athlete of considerable repute, been defeated at Ping Shan. here that Henry Ford ia preparing to whose residence w as 348 East Six rectly by watergrade into the interior, tel here Saturday night four Washington's stand on the Lusitania launch a country-wide campaign of teenth North. Both were athletes of providing facilities for easy and expe fought with knives, dentists’ ditious movement of supplies and roents and pistols until all « * * kse with Germany it unaltered. newspaper and magazine advertising the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club troops. badly wounded to continue. The and expert canoeists o f the Portland Colonel Hepburn, ex-repreeentative a g a in « the program program for for huge naval Rowing dub. The Columbia river basin contains tie was a sequel to business diffo Iowa, dies of heart trouble. about one-third o f the available unde between two dentist*. i and m ilitary expenditures before coo- The accident came at a sudden turn- Eremng dress this season is to be <re*e. It was said Mr. Ford intends ing point in s heretofore uneventful veloped waterpower o f the United When the police and hotel wine colored with lavender vests. *oon to carry out his announced inten- trip down the W illam ette from Salem. Mates, and is rich in undeveloped ni broke into the room they found trates for the manufacture o f explo F. Johnson, a local dentist, German raider capturee British liner I tion to devote millions of dollars to an About midway through the eddies sives. Considerable coal deposits lie scious with a bullet wound in tin educational campaign a ga in « war and O n u s bound from O tile to Liverpool. the canoe in which Gammie and Ki.k- within its confines or are directly trib Dr. Charles W. Kennerly, of & . ... .. . . _ preparedness, which he declared to be patrick were struggling suddenlv utary to it. **r pouU from »»irb en k s to the f i „ t toward actual war tonio, Tex., with blood pouring turned over and dumped them into the These resources, available for our knife wound in his arm; arotb« J \ PrOP° * " J l° tb* *»* details o f the plan could river. Both began a d e s p e ra te ___ B I W o l l W department. he obtained et present except that Mr strug- own miantenance and defense, would, who had registered as W. E. gle against the water, but their efforts Colonel House. President W ilson’s Ford had beer considering the cam- in the present unpsoteteted snd help of Mobile, Ala., unconscious seemed to be o f little a va il the wat*r persona) advisor, who visited Euro- pagin fo r some time and "th a t all the less condition o f the Columbia river, bed with his throat cut, and being sw ift and the undercurrent peen belligerents, is returning home. people would be reached by it .” be of immense advantage to an attack! Lody. an assistant to Dr. John*'", tremendous. ing force, and easy o f capture. bruised and dazed. Liner Harvard in denee fog in San British Loss Tw o Vessels. Erwocis.-» hay. rams steamer Excel- 296.000 Belgians Shod. Carranza Men In Mutiny. London -Loss of the British steam •ior. which sinks. No live« were Icwt. Spring Arrives on Mars. New 1 ork — The Commission for ships Springfield and Cedarwotd were R elief in Belgium announced Sunday r Tex-— A mutiny iB Nuevo Flagstaff. A riz. — What »Pi**'’, A war correspondent declaren Ger reported Monday by the admiralty. that since the beginning of its winter Laredo smong the troops of the de fac be the first spring thaw on M** many is instigating revolution« in the The Springfield was torpedoed with campaign it had sent 296.000 pair* of to government caused the closing of j u « been detected by the as Far East, hoping to keep Japan from out warning in the Mediterranean on »hoes to the destitute of Belgium and the international bridge between this of the Lowell observatory. Tb* aiding her allisa. her way from London to Calcutta. Her Northern France. About cap itself is in active process * O f these 100 000 place and the Mexican town. ■ Prince Oscar o f Prussia, fifth sen of crew of 75 were landed at Malta. She w 50 ***** Wf" and much alarm ing. a circular r ift having ere for women. 60.000 for children. Kniperor W illiam. has been slightly was a 425-foot of 5593 occasioned here. Censorship , . tons. ____ 4*.000 fo r boys. 48,000 for girls half way through it which i* w wounded in the head and on I the upper Only two o f the crew of the Cedar- 40.000 for men. The and which is conrected with the comm £ t‘ bli**m l by * * part o f the thigh by ahsll b ll splinter* wood »rer« saved. The place of her bought $25.000 worth o f by radical tributary rifts. Tbs vac the fighting in the eastern war sinking was not given. She was a cut up and tacked onto wooden J Z ** ld the ™ t,n - surrounded by a clear blue 1» ■ o f 654 • °* ~ ^ °°P * ***d been captured and that like the tint o f the vegetation and to repair old shoes. , loyal men were patrolling the town. ings. Iwo Hundred Banqueters Taken Sick When Soup Is Served. Boycott on U. S. Pork p If America Accepts Vim. m a n o ti GIEf BEUEVED MERE UNIT IN SCHEME DIP10MACY WITH GERMANT 1 Live News Items of All Nations and Pacific Northwest Condensed for Our Busy Readers. Lives Saved by Custom of Serving Meager Portions— Only Ounce of Arsenic Used in Food. Brief Resume of General News from All /-round the Earth. unyrsal mmß Teutons to Treat Armed M Ships as War Vessels and Them Without Warning. LORD BROOKE C A P T. MARK L B R IS TO L ïwo Athletes Drowned When CáBw Hits Eddy in M id mette fard Wi Spend Millions Against Program for Ptatiooul Preparedwss Four in Blood> Battle to fnisfc In Prominent St I