Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, December 18, 1913, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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Church Locals and Notices
( F o r all c h u r c h e s w h o hold regu lar se rvice s in this
c it y . T h e p r o p e r a u th o ritie s are requ ested to
send in th e ir a n n ou n cem e n t early each w e e k .)
Conducted by
D A R R O W . C h a t h a m , N.
Editor o f the New York State Grange
The subject o f the sermon at
the Congregational church Sun­
day morning will be "A Xmas
Message,’ ’ evening, “ One and
One More Than Tw o.”
Christmas exercises of the Free
Methodist Church will be held at
the church next Tuesday evening The New State Master Enthusi­
Decern her 23, at 7 :30.
astic Over the Outlook.
R. Miller and A. A. Laudy of
the U. B. Church will hold ser­ An Account of a Grange Field Day at
vices in the Free Methodist! Austin, Minn., Where a Grange Pa­
Church Sunday afternoon at 31 rade Waa Witneeaed by 10,000 People.
o ’ clock.
And the "Goat” Waa There.
S eventh
D ay
A d v e n tist :— Third
National Lecturer N. P. Hull o f
Street. Regular services Sabbath day:
10:00 A M., Sabbath school; 11:15 a . m ., Michigan tells the National Grange
church services. Missionary meeting, Monthly of what he witnessed this
Sunday evening, 7:30 p. m . Prayermeet­ summer In Minnesota at a grunge field
ing, Wednesday evening, 7:30 p. m . A Jay, and it is worth reading.
cordial invitation extended to all
In the course of my grunge work,
F ir st C o n gk eg atio n al : Rev. D. T.
Thomas, pastor. Bible School, 9:45 A. he suys, I have attended many grange
M.; Morning worship, 11 a . m .; Junior field days, hut have never attended a
C. E., 3 P. m . ; Intermediate C. F. and more successful one than that held at
Y .i'.S .C .E ., 0:30 p. m .; Evening service, Austin, Minn., June 11. This field day
7:30 P. m . Thursday, midweek prayer- was held under the auspices o f the
meeting. Visitors are heartily welcome. Mower county Pomona grange, and
F irst M eth o d ist : Dr. R. E. Dun­ there are affiliated wRh this Pomona
lap, pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 a . m ., twenty-two subordinate granges. The
M i s s MaryCorl,superintendent; Preach­
exercises opened with a parade at 11
ing service, 11 a . m ; Epworth League,
6:30 p. m .; Eveni g preaching service, ! a. m.. which was fully three-quarters
7:30 P. M.; Prayermeeting, Thursday! of a mile long and was prece<led and
evening. All are cordially invited to followed by brass bands. Nineteen of
the twenty-two granges bad floats rep­
these services.
F irst C hristian C hurch : — First resenting some phase of grunge or farm
and Third streets, J. B. Holmes, pastor. work.
Sunday School, 10 A. M., J. A. Parker,
The Pomona float consisted of two
superintendent; Communion and preach­ wagons, with especially wide plat­
ing at 11 A. M,; Christian Endeavor, 7 forms. bitched together and drawn by
P . m . , Kennard Dixon, president; Even­
ing sermon at 7:30 p. m . Weekday serv­ six black horses with their harness
ices: Officers’ and teachers’ meeting wrapped with white bunting.
on Tuesday evening, 8 p. m . ; Chorus floats represented "Then" and “ Now."
drill, Mr. George Jackson leader, each Hie platform representTiifir "Then” had
Thursday evening; Prayer service on it au okl fashioned well curb, sweep
each Thursday evening. The ladies of and bucket, a ludy washing- with an
the church meet each Wednesday after­ old fashioned washbourd, a dash churn,
noon at 2:30. The C. W. B. M. meets a grain cradle, etc. The “ Now" was
the first Tuesday afternoon o f each
month. The board o f officers meet on equipped with a gasoline engine belt­
the first Monday evening o f each ed to a shaft. To the shaft were belt­
month. A cordial invitation is extended ed a modern washing machine, a cream
separator, barrel churn corn shelter,
to all to share in these se vices.
S t . A n th on y ’ s C hurch :— Rev. J. R. etc.
One grange had a beautifully
Buck, pastor. The following are the decorated float drawn by six horses,
bearing a ladies' uniformed degree
Forest Grove— Mass on the first and team. Behind this twenty of the young
fourth Sunuays of the month at 8:30 A.
members on horseback I »ore banners.
m . ; Mass on the second and third Sun­
days o f the month'at 10:30 a . m .; every They were followed by the Imitation
week day at 8 a . m . Benediction with o f a large goat, drawn by two horses
and mounted upon eccentric wheels.
sermon every Sunday, 7 : 3 0 p . M .
Cornelius Mass on the first Sunday Despite the wabbling motion, a young
o f the month at 10:30 A. m .; Mas3 on man succeeded in riding this goat. An­
the second and third Sundays o f the other float represented a farm home
month at 8 a . m .
with a bouse, burn and silo; also fields
Gaston Mass on the fourth Sunday luld out with grass and trees growing
o f the month at 10:30 a . m .
N o t e —A fifth Sunday in the month thereon.
Space will not permit a description
occurring, the time and place for the
o f the many beautiful and comical fea­
masses will be announced.
Catechism: In Forest Grove on Fri­ tures of this great parade. Fully 10,000
day at 3 P. M.; in Cornelius on Satur­ people lined the streets o f Austin
day at 4 p. M.
watching the parade. About 4,000
Confession: Saturday at 4 and 7 P. M. people attended the afternoon meeting,
Altar Society: A general meetieg of which was held in a fine park in the
the society will be held on the first city. The program consisted of music,
Wednesday of January, April, July and
October. Sermons are always in Eng­ short talks and addresses by the state
lish at both masses on every Sunday. master, the attorney general of Min­
Everyone, regardless o f creed, is cor­ nesota and the lecturer o f the national
grange. Austin is the home of C. L.
dially invited to all services.
Rice, master o f the Minnesota state
grange. This magnificent field day
Nelly—If vou follow the direc speaks volumes for the hustle and abil­
tions faithfully, I will wager my ity o f Brother Rice and for the loyalty
sweetest smile you’ ll gain 16 and enthusiasm of the many faithful
pounds by taking three packages members of the Order in that locality.
but, according to the Good Roads Year
Book, she is the only state in the Un­
ion whose improved roads amount to
half o f her total roads. Delaware, her
closest rival for smallness, has only 6
per cent of her roads improved. Mas­
sachusetts presses her tiny neighbor In
this respect by making a showing of
49 per cent of her roads improved.
Naturally other states try to discount
this primacy o f Rhode Island. An In­
diana Journal accounts for it on the
I ground that the state is In reality
| nothing (nit Providence and Newport
i and their suburbs.
1 It then disposes o f Massachusetts by
the remark that, excent for some hills
through which only state roads run.
that commonwealth Is practically one
big town. This process of elimination
leaves Indiana at the top in the per­
centage o f improved roads. But the
Hoosier State already has honor enough
in the fact that it possesses more itillea
of Improved roads than any other state,
although Its 25.000 miles exceed Ohio's
supply of Improved highways by only
a few hundred miles. These two states
are far ahead o f the rest. Next to
them come New York, with 15.000
miles; Washington, with 12.000; Wis­
consin and Kentucky, with 10,000 each.
—New York Evening Post.
m e i■ t .re ol .lamnica mis ov»-r
1.000 miles o f first class macadam
roads. Each section, a distance rang­
ing from a few hundred yards to a
mile or more. Is in charge o f a sec­
tion man or woman, who Is responsi­
ble for the road's condition within
those limits.
proved Roads Than Any Other.
A Mrrrti Xman Drum (Thr
"The Black and Yellow Tra il” to Bo
Built From Chicago.
South Dakota, Wyoming, Minnesota
and Wisconsin are interested in a high­
way from Chicago to the Y'ellowstone
National park, to he known as the Chi­
cago. Black Hills and Y’ellowstone
Park highway, or "the Black and Yel­
low Trail.”
The tentative route la from Chicago
north along the lake shore to Milwau­
kee. west through Mudlson to La­
crosse. north to Winona, west through
Minnesota and South Dakota, follow­
ing closely the line of the Chicago and
Northwestern railway, through the
Black Hills and on to Yellowstone
— -v
Highway Will Ba a Hundred Milaa
Long— To Sparo No Exponao.
Chinese engineers under the direc­
tion of Jick G. Wang, an American
trained engineer, hr ve been In Hong­
kong for some time making arrange­
ments for commencing the survey of
an automobile truck road In Kwang-
tung province, which is designated as
a feeder for the Kwangtung section of
the Canton-Hankow railway and also
probably as the beginning of a rail­
way In connection with :h»t trunk line.
The road now piarmeli and for which
detailed surveys are being commenced
will be substantially 100 miles long.
It Is expected to start at a station call­
ed Poko in Chinese. In section 12 of
the Canton-Hankow railway, about
seventy inl'es from Canton, and will
follow the line o f the old Imperial mail
and courier road or path, a road over
which imperial dispatches have been
transported for hundreds of years by
relays much In the manner o f the old
pony express in the western states of
the Uniteli States, except that as a
rule the service was performed by nin­
nerà. The new road wll! extend to
l he town o f Kongsi. near the Isirder
of Fukien province. It Is planned to
give the new road considerable hard
surface dressing.—Horseless Age.
o f Hollister’s Rocky Mountain
Hoosier State Has More Miles of Im ­
Tea. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets.
Forest Grove Shoe
e-"1» '
yij W ith this and several other
good lines of shoes, we ex­
tend to you our
X m as Greetings
H oping for Y,ou and Yours
" -y - —
pleasantest X m as for
ye3 «
>) ---------------------- :----------------- --
Usable Gifts
- ’^Should you like something
» m
Our h o l i d a y stock is
made up almost entirely
o f utility. We have an
unusual fine showing of
such goods this season—
goods selected with par­
ticular care. Goods of
worth, the kind with art,
beauty and utility in them
so well serve the purpose
o f conveying your good
will at Christmas time.
We can interest you in
prices. All of these gift
goods are marked in plain
figures and at the same
fair prices which we sell
staple goods throughout
the year. We have no
space to itemize or de­
scribe our lines, but invite
you to call and see them.
For your own satisfaction
we would urge early buy­
in Shoes or Slippers, com e
o *
in and see what w e can of­
fer you at the Forest G rove
Shoe Store.
Store Open Evenings Until 8:30
Forest Grove Shoe Store
C. V. B. Russell
Q Q fTTTHI □ □
□ B Dim BQ [
1 □□
1 O Q ililui □ Q
■ v i;
T he Rexall Store
Van Koughnet & Reder
Forest Grove -
Som e in fancy bottles, some in bulk sold by the
ounce, som e of the old stand-bys known the world
M ain Street G arage
One o f our beautiful Perfume Atomizers filled with
some of our most excell nt perfumes will make one of
the nicest medium priced Xmas presents one could get.
A uto Repairing, Vulcanizing and
General M achine W o rk .
and Supplies.
□ a
Phone Main 6 2 X
W e also have some beautiful X m as Stationery, U uique'
Manicure Sets, Brush and C om b Sets of Parisian Ivory or
R eal Ebony, Handsome Xm as Post Cards, Artistic Xm as
Booklets and Letters.
Main Street, Forest Grove.
A n d an almost innumerable variety
of presents for every member of the family and at Prices
Death to headaches. Glasses Rhode Island may have fewer square
fitted by Drs. Lowe & Turner. miles than anv o f her sister s*«Jos:
That are Surprisingly L ow .
W e Must Dispose of This Stock
Before W e
M ove
Into Our New Quarters in the
First National Bank Build ng
üüüüî Prescription Specialists
□ B LO D D E
B B oro c
3 □Q E C 3C JO
To Our Many Friends and Patrons We Extend Our HeaHy Wishes fo r j
A Merry Xmas And A Happy New Year
□ □ I
□ □ I
Fröhliche Weihnachten und Prosit Neu Jahr
A s a Christmas Present to Yourself and Family
W e have M any Articles that will be a help every day in the year J
A n Economical H eater
Cream Separator
Gasoline Engine
W ir e Fencing
Oil Stove
! Hardware
A G ood R ange’
Cor. Main Street and Pacific A ven u e
Farming Implements
* hardware j
Forest G rove, Oregon
% / |i|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||lllllllllllllllllll!lllllll|lllll|lllllllll|llll|l|llllll||l||llillllllll||||ll|l|llllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllll#
*•*•*«*. Ml
A fine b ox of Delicious H om e
A b ox of G o o d Cigars.
Made Candies, pure and fresh
have his favorite smoke. N oth-
and pleasing.
ing could suit him better.
F. W . E M E R S O N , Pro p .
S u c c e s s o r to W a l t e r B u rk e .
M a in S t r e e t ,
F o re e t G ro v e .