N THURSDAY DECEMBER 18, 1913 Church Locals and Notices FOREST GROVE PRESS THE GRANGE ( F o r all c h u r c h e s w h o hold regu lar se rvice s in this c it y . T h e p r o p e r a u th o ritie s are requ ested to send in th e ir a n n ou n cem e n t early each w e e k .) Conducted by J. W. D A R R O W . C h a t h a m , N. Editor o f the New York State Grange The subject o f the sermon at Review the Congregational church Sun­ day morning will be "A Xmas Message,’ ’ evening, “ One and One More Than Tw o.” Christmas exercises of the Free Methodist Church will be held at the church next Tuesday evening The New State Master Enthusi­ Decern her 23, at 7 :30. astic Over the Outlook. R. Miller and A. A. Laudy of the U. B. Church will hold ser­ An Account of a Grange Field Day at vices in the Free Methodist! Austin, Minn., Where a Grange Pa­ Church Sunday afternoon at 31 rade Waa Witneeaed by 10,000 People. o ’ clock. m O T A WORK And the "Goat” Waa There. S eventh D ay A d v e n tist :— Third National Lecturer N. P. Hull o f Street. Regular services Sabbath day: 10:00 A M., Sabbath school; 11:15 a . m ., Michigan tells the National Grange church services. Missionary meeting, Monthly of what he witnessed this Sunday evening, 7:30 p. m . Prayermeet­ summer In Minnesota at a grunge field ing, Wednesday evening, 7:30 p. m . A Jay, and it is worth reading. cordial invitation extended to all In the course of my grunge work, F ir st C o n gk eg atio n al : Rev. D. T. Thomas, pastor. Bible School, 9:45 A. he suys, I have attended many grange M.; Morning worship, 11 a . m .; Junior field days, hut have never attended a C. E., 3 P. m . ; Intermediate C. F. and more successful one than that held at Y .i'.S .C .E ., 0:30 p. m .; Evening service, Austin, Minn., June 11. This field day 7:30 P. m . Thursday, midweek prayer- was held under the auspices o f the meeting. Visitors are heartily welcome. Mower county Pomona grange, and F irst M eth o d ist : Dr. R. E. Dun­ there are affiliated wRh this Pomona lap, pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 a . m ., twenty-two subordinate granges. The M i s s MaryCorl,superintendent; Preach­ exercises opened with a parade at 11 ing service, 11 a . m ; Epworth League, 6:30 p. m .; Eveni g preaching service, ! a. m.. which was fully three-quarters 7:30 P. M.; Prayermeeting, Thursday! of a mile long and was prece) ---------------------- :----------------- -- Usable Gifts - ’^Should you like something » m Our h o l i d a y stock is made up almost entirely o f utility. We have an unusual fine showing of such goods this season— goods selected with par­ ticular care. Goods of worth, the kind with art, beauty and utility in them so well serve the purpose o f conveying your good will at Christmas time. We can interest you in prices. All of these gift goods are marked in plain figures and at the same fair prices which we sell staple goods throughout the year. We have no space to itemize or de­ scribe our lines, but invite you to call and see them. For your own satisfaction we would urge early buy­ ing. in Shoes or Slippers, com e o * in and see what w e can of­ fer you at the Forest G rove Shoe Store. : s • : Store Open Evenings Until 8:30 Forest Grove Shoe Store C. V. B. Russell Q Q fTTTHI □ □ IO O £ □ B Dim BQ [ 1 □□ 1 O Q ililui □ Q □□ CHRISTMAS ■ v i; T he Rexall Store Van Koughnet & Reder D R U G G IS T S Forest Grove - IN ENDLESS V A R IE T Y Oregon F O R E IG N AND D O M E S T IC TO BOTH S U IT THE MOST FASTIDIOUS Som e in fancy bottles, some in bulk sold by the ounce, som e of the old stand-bys known the world over. M ain Street G arage One o f our beautiful Perfume Atomizers filled with some of our most excell nt perfumes will make one of the nicest medium priced Xmas presents one could get. A uto Repairing, Vulcanizing and General M achine W o rk . and Supplies. Storage □ a Phone Main 6 2 X W e also have some beautiful X m as Stationery, U uique' FORD AGENCY. Manicure Sets, Brush and C om b Sets of Parisian Ivory or R eal Ebony, Handsome Xm as Post Cards, Artistic Xm as W . A . CHALM ERS, Booklets and Letters. . Main Street, Forest Grove. A n d an almost innumerable variety of presents for every member of the family and at Prices Death to headaches. Glasses Rhode Island may have fewer square fitted by Drs. Lowe & Turner. miles than anv o f her sister s*«Jos: That are Surprisingly L ow . 2112 W e Must Dispose of This Stock 55 BO Before W e M ove Into Our New Quarters in the BB First National Bank Build ng LITTLER’S PHARM ACY üüüüî Prescription Specialists □ B LO D D E B B flr.ni oro c 3 □Q E C 3C JO ßiide.. •iuta 53485348534889892353534848535353534848235323 To Our Many Friends and Patrons We Extend Our HeaHy Wishes fo r j A Merry Xmas And A Happy New Year OQ □ □ I □ □ I j Fröhliche Weihnachten und Prosit Neu Jahr A s a Christmas Present to Yourself and Family | W e have M any Articles that will be a help every day in the year J A n Economical H eater Cream Separator Gasoline Engine W ir e Fencing Oil Stove ! Hardware A G ood R ange’ Crockery GOFF BROS. Cor. Main Street and Pacific A ven u e Farming Implements — Cutlery * hardware j Forest G rove, Oregon % / |i|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||lllllllllllllllllll!lllllll|lllll|lllllllll|llll|l|llllll||l||llillllllll||||ll|l|llllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllll# *•*•*«*. Ml FOR LADIES FOR MEN A fine b ox of Delicious H om e A b ox of G o o d Cigars. Made Candies, pure and fresh have his favorite smoke. N oth- We and pleasing. ing could suit him better. DOLLY VARDEN SW EET S H O P F. W . E M E R S O N , Pro p . S u c c e s s o r to W a l t e r B u rk e . M a in S t r e e t , F o re e t G ro v e .