Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 27, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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much more for which to be thankful, much more
than many other people. We should he thank ful
for our many fine schools, societies and churches.
Scattered thruout the county are the granges,
E D 'T O R A N O O W N E R
schools and churches, sometimes all in the same
little white building, and in the town we have
Publuhrci every TKuriday *1 Forex Grove. We«hin«too County, Oregon. the larger churches the larger schools and the
Entered at the f orest Grove, Oregon, PoX Office a s «econd-clasa matter. more societies tho no better than the rural insti­
tutions. Thru the country we have the means
o f communication by good roads and the tele­
S ubscription K ates in A dvanc ::.
phone and mail deliveries. In the town we
One Y ear................... $1.50
Six Month«.......... 75 Cents
have paved streets, electric lights and good
O ffice on M ain S treet .
P hone M ain 502.
Going back from man to nature we have hun­
dreds o f giant monarchsof former forests stand­
ing as commemorations o f past ages and living
I drempt of a grave that was freshly made;
’Twas covered with beautiful flowers.
as blessings to us today. From Mt. Hood’s
I drempt that the sleeper arose therefrom
peak across the rolling valley o f the Williamette,
And gathered the withering' flowers.
to the tree clad heights o f the coast range may
She gave them each one a refreshing kiss;
the people o f Forest Grove rest their tired eyes
Then off to the homes o f the poor and sick,
She laid a sweet flower on each child’s bed.
and enjoy the harmony o f the greatest artist
“ They Bhould have been placed there at first’ ” she said.
and architect whose work never fails to inspire.
—J ist H unt ,
And now we come to our greatest blessing, a
blessing made possible only by all these other
A fte r all o f our doubts and things, the blessing o f truly American homes.
OREGON’S skepticism has been put to Secure in commodius houses warmed by a plenti­
naught by the abundance of ful supply o f wood, with pantry filled with the
Washington county’ s diversified abundance o f their own field and garden, the
production; in spite o f our con­ children pursuing the studies o f their school or
tinual search for hard times made unsuccessful college, the mother humming a tune o f their own
by natures working overtime to make up for our church, and the father reading the local papers
half hearted efforts; after all is totaled, citizens such !s the typical home o f the people o f this
o f Washington county find ourselves in such a prosperous community. Here one may live and
sound financial condition that we view Thanks­ let live cheerfully for there is plenty for all.
giving times thru the eyes o f Bobby Burns To the worn out city drudge the home life o f our
tov/n cannot but appeal; to the exhausted east­
when he repeated:
ern farmer our 60 bushel wheat and six gallon
“ Some hae meat and cana eat.
cows and 300 egg hens cannot but attract. Let
And some wad eat that want it;
us give thanks for our many blessings and in the
But we hae meat, and we can eat,
coming year tell to the many less fortunate of
And say the Lord be thanket!”
Surely we are thankful for the past bounteous the blessings awaiting them in Washington
harvest, for the excellent market for our pro­ county so by another year we will have many
duce, for strength o f the trade among ourselves newfaces at the Thanksgiving communion in
"OregorPs Home Town.”
and besides the bare necessities o f life we have
Encouragem ent From
H ead­
A t last the Forest Grove’ (O re­
Conducted by
gon) P ress has ceased changing j
J. W. DARROW. Chatham, N. T„
hands, the name o f George Hunt-1
York State Grange
ington Curry now being inserted j Editor of the New
in the sub-head as editor and
owner, and he is surely giving I
his subscribers an up-to-date pub­ G R A N G E AND C O U N T Y FAIRS.
lication. This new editor of the They Can Co-operate to tho Advantage
P ress
is doing some unique
of Both— Work of Some Granges.
things, one o f which is the inaug­ Recently tile management o f a coun­
uration o f a contest, in which ty agricultural society in New York
prizes are offered for the most j state addressed a communication to
complete lists submitted to the every grange in Its county asking how
editor o f local, judicial, execu-1 each would co-operate to make the fair
tive or legislative officials. This i more successful and Invited sugges­
innovation, Brother Currey ex­ tions on the fair management. W e
plains, is put on to stimulate in­ believe that every county agricultural
terest in local political govern­ society has a right to thus enlist the
ment, as well as for mutual in­ assistance of the grangers, and it is
struction in an all important their duty, because It Is directly In
matter, and makes an altogether their line o f duty to respond cheerful­
ly and in aorae practical sort o f way.
Another The grange should lead in any such
retty bright idea from this new agricultural enterprise, and It should
'RESS owner is this advertise­ ussist the fair authorities In the muk
ment to advertisers, reproduced lng of an educational exhibit and not
as Exhibit No 17. The P ress is nil interesting one simply. Flow can
produced, as l suppose I have they do this?
There should tie a grange headquar­
remarked in former reviews, in
a shop o f up-to-date equipment, ters at the fair to begin with. There
and, with an abundance o f news, should be exhibits by sulKirdlnnte or
county grange*, or both, and these ex­
the result is an up-to-date news­ hibits should be located In the snrue
paper. Besides being strong in building so that they could he easily
local news, with a special effort com pa re<l by the public. For these ex­
to build up an edequate corps of hibits liberal premiums should he of
country correspondents, an able fered. even If n horse race lias to be
editorial department is main­ cut out o f the program. There should
tained, which is worthy o f praise ; he lioys' Judging contests o f vnrlous
both in point o f subject matter j kinds. Tennis o f Judges could enter
merit—National from different granges and thus Incite
a spirit o f fraternal rivalry. Youug
Printer Journalist.
men from the granges could be readily
coached by some expert In the matter
Sewing machine extras and o f Judging, and It matters little whilt
needles for any machine,made kind o f Judging Is undertaken. Va
linus classes o f live stock, grains.
fo r sale at Staehr’s Bazaar.
fruits. Vegetables—In faef. every de
pnrtment o f the fair could properly
come within these Judges' province.
i For the lower prize in judging give a
j free trip to the state fair, while for
! the main prize there might be u achol-
urshlp to the Agricultural college for
a short term or a full term If isissible.
There are many ways the grange can
actively Interest Itself in the fair, and
then when the fair is over let some
one or more persons explain to the
grange some o f the more Interesting
educational features o f the exhibition.
We have not said anything about the
floral parade, which Is so attractive a
feature o f some county fairs. One
county fair association In New York
state offers very liberal premiums for
decorated wagons and automobiles.
Every one who enters a decorated ve­
hicle gets $20, and there is an addi­
tional first prize o f $40 to the winner,
with other liberal prizes. On these
terms a grange is sure o f something,
and It may be something very much
worth while.
Agricultural Exhibit at Annual Meeting
of the State Grange.
The Massachusetts stute grange au­
thorities are certainly to be commended
for their plan to have an agricultural
and horticultural exhibition In connec­
tion with the next state grange meet­
ing in this city in December. It is not
to be an exhibit for revenue, as no
premiums will be awnrded, but it Is
to he strictly educational, and each de­
partment will be under expert manage­
ment. Each grange Is to have charge
o f that class of products or articles
with the production o f which Its mem-
twrs are most familiar. This will in­
sure the best possible showing In the
respective articles or products nnd will
familiarize the public with that which
Is the best that the state can produce.
This exhibit is likely to equal the ex­
cellent exhibition o f fruits and vege­
tables made at the last session o f the
national grange that waa held in A t­
lantic City, N. J. And that was simply
wonderful. In the public mind New
Jersey Is capable o f raising on Its
sandy tracts not much else than melons
and mosquitoes, but people were con­
vinced to the contrary when they w it­
nessed what the state was really pro­
ducing. So It may bo with the Boston
exhibit. It will, we believe, open the
eyes o f Bostonians nnd suburbanites
as to the possibilities o f Massachu­
setts orchurds and gardens end all the
agricultural resources o f the state.
There will be no trouble, we Imagine,
to get the consent of the exhibitors to
the proposition o f State Master Gard­
ner and his committees, to give the
produce placed on exhibition, after the
close o f the state grange meeting, to
different charitable institutions o f Bos­
ton. It will show a generous spirit on
their part, nnd it will save them the
expense of freighting the articles back
to their homes. The date of meeting
o f the state grange la fixed for Dec. 8,
9 and 10. and the place is Tremont
The Personal Element
la A dvertising
Chelsea (Me.) Grange Hall.
One o f the recent new grange halls
that are always an evidence o f grange
prosperity and grange permanency ts
that of Chelsea grange In Maine. For
two years the project has beep under
way. The lumber was bought stand­
ing in the forest. The grange men
gave their labor freely to cut It nnd
haul it to the mill to be sawed and
prepared for the building.. They also
contributed a large part of the labor '
required In the erecting of the build­
ing. so Incidentally learned a practical !
lesson in co-operation. The new prop­
erty is estimated to be' worth $4,000, i
and there is only $S00 debt upon it. ■
Chelsea grange is not a large one. 115
members, but they are active, and the I
work they have accomplished nnd the I
spirit displayed are evidences of en- j
terprise and loyalty worthy commend-
y o u ’ll have no h alf-h o w
troubles and you’ll »a v e money.
Iron Q a d H osiery surpasses all
others In durability because o f the supe­
rior qu ality o f the yarn of ■which it is
m ade and the 44 E xtra T w is t
strengthens every strand.
B ein g seamless, it is a lw a y s comforta­
ble. T h e handsome styles are another
distinction o f Iron C la d H osiery. YouTl
find fust w h a t you w a n t in h alf hose at
our store.
John E. Bailey
d v e r t is e r s
Groceries, Dry Goods, Fruits and Nuf*
We have our own delivery and
will deliver outside city limits
| where amount o f purchase justi­
fies. —Ind. Phone 871.
Mens Cassimere, made in Ore-
iron all wool suits for only $12.50
at Bailey’s Big Store.
Cold feet are not very pleas­
ant bed-fellows. To avoid such
unpleasantness, provide your­
self with one o f our all-rubber
The comfort one will afford is
worth many times its cost. Hot
water bottles are valuable for
many other purposes, too. In
fact, they have become house­
hold necessities. W e have a
nice assortment o f hot water
bags in various grades and
prices, hut every bag is a bar­
gain at the price we ask.
Forest G ro ve
Fine Maine Grange Hall.
Caribou grange, Maine, has what Is
probably the finest grunge hall in the
world, says the Lewiston Journal. It
is an opera house as well as being a
grange hall. The main building is 45
by 85 feet, wing 15 by 30 feet and 38
foot posts; kitchen on back 12 by 20
feet. There is a concrete cellar under
the entire building, divided into com­
partments for the heating apparatus,
storage for the store and laundry room.
First floor has a store 38 by 45 feet,
office for laundry, dining room 30 by
45 feet, reception room 15 by 30 feet,
connected with dining room by drop
rolling doors. When the two rooms are
opened together they have a table
seating capacity of 200 people. Kitch­
en connected with dining room. Sec­
ond floor, front main entrance to au­
ditorium and balcony. Anteroom for
gentlemen, cloakroom for ladles. The
auditorium is 44 by 50 feet, with a
seating capacity o f 394. The balcony
seats 259. Total seating capacity, 653.
The stage Is large and well arranged,
fitted with modern up to date scenery
and has three large dressing rooms In
connection. The entire building is
heated by steam and lighted by elec­
tricity and cost $17.40(1. Besides the
main building the grange owns the old
hall, a building 90 by 60 feet, used for
a storeroom and a small hall to rent
and a large stable; ulso a fine new
storehouse and feed mill at the station.
The membership o f the grange at this
time is 477, with additions steadily
coming on. On the whole. Caribou
grange is fortunate in Its officers, its
members and Its prosperity.
Royal bread at Purdy’ s store.
Pacific Drug Cc.
Giving Correct Time of the Arrival and
| Departure of All Forest Grove Train»
•L v P ortland
6:45 a.
8'05 a.
10:25 a.
1:25 p.
3:45 p.
5:15 p.
6:35 p.
8:30 p.
11:40 p.
A r F orest G rove
8:05 a.
9:25 a.
11:45 a.
2:45 p.
5:05 p.
6:40 p.
7:55 p.
9:35 p.
12:45 p.
Lv F orest G rove
Like a man without a w ife
Like a grove without a tree
But the biggest fool in life
Drinks no Rocky Mountain
•A r P ortland
6:10 a. m.
7:30 a.
6:45 a. m.
8:05 a.
8:30 a. m.
9:50 a.
10:35 a. m.
11:57 a.
1:05 p. m.
2:25 p.
3:40 p. m.
5:00 p.
6:00 o. m.
7:20 p.
8:05 p. m.
9:25 p.
9:45 p. m.
10:50 p.
•Jefferson Street Station.
Is N o w O p en for Business
L v P ortland
A r F orest G rov
7:15 a. m.
3:30 p. m.
5:40 p. m.
8:40 a. m.
5:32 p. m.
6:58 p. m.
Lv F orest G rove
+6:40 a. m.
8:24 a. m.
*8:40 a. ra.
4:38 p. m.
•Sunday only
Over the
A r P ortlan
8:00 a. m.
10:20 a. m.
10:00 a. m.
6:20 p. m.
tDaily except Sunday
------------------------------ 1
Job Printing Satisfies
Y O U Need a New Heater for the Winter
A Rightly Built Stove W ill Save
Its Price in Heat Efficiency
Many Styles
'Wear Iron Clad Half Hose.
D ealer In
make a
mistake in treating their
advertising as something ex­
traneous to themselves and
to the people they want to
reach. They omit ttie iierson-
al element, which is the es­
sence o f successful advertis­
Be personul In your adver­
tising as you would be In
conversation. Try to Impress
the individual buyer by direct
and personul appeal. Write
your advertisement with the
knowledge that It is to be
read by individuals each of
whom thinks uud acts Indi­
vidually. But into your ad­
something of
yourself, something of your
sincerity and enthusiasm.
Make your advertising as
much a part of yourself as
your business Is.
(lave it
distinctive nnd characteristic,
as dignified as you are. as
unconventional as you are.
in writing your advertising
be yourself.
Don't try to
write above or below your
level. W rite as you would
talk—simply, sincerely.
doing your advertisement will
“ pull.”
The editor’s advice and
suggestions are always yours
for the asking. You are en­
titled to ask him any ques­
tions you please, and he will
not feel offended If you de­
cide not to follow his sugges­
This is^the season to buy your new heater.
You will find the desired requirements of good
looks, efficiency and long life in any of our
standard lines of heaters. W e carry a complete
line of
The Comfort Heaters
The Mission Heaters
Ccme in while you can make your selection
from our complete stock
All Colors
Foreit Greve
Oi egon
The Beaver Heaters
All Sizes
At Right Prices
C'est T o p , Cast Bottom and Caat Lin ed , using
leas w oo d , g iv in g m o re heat; o f b e tte r qu ality
and n e a te r a p p e m n e e th an oth er h eaters.