FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 2 much more for which to be thankful, much more than many other people. We should he thank ful for our many fine schools, societies and churches. GEOR GE H U N TIN G TO N CURREY Scattered thruout the county are the granges, E D 'T O R A N O O W N E R schools and churches, sometimes all in the same little white building, and in the town we have Publuhrci every TKuriday *1 Forex Grove. We«hin«too County, Oregon. the larger churches the larger schools and the Entered at the f orest Grove, Oregon, PoX Office a s «econd-clasa matter. more societies tho no better than the rural insti­ tutions. Thru the country we have the means o f communication by good roads and the tele­ S ubscription K ates in A dvanc ::. phone and mail deliveries. In the town we One Y ear................... $1.50 Six Month«.......... 75 Cents have paved streets, electric lights and good water. O ffice on M ain S treet . P hone M ain 502. Going back from man to nature we have hun­ dreds o f giant monarchsof former forests stand­ ing as commemorations o f past ages and living I drempt of a grave that was freshly made; ’Twas covered with beautiful flowers. as blessings to us today. From Mt. Hood’s I drempt that the sleeper arose therefrom peak across the rolling valley o f the Williamette, And gathered the withering' flowers. to the tree clad heights o f the coast range may She gave them each one a refreshing kiss; the people o f Forest Grove rest their tired eyes Then off to the homes o f the poor and sick, She laid a sweet flower on each child’s bed. and enjoy the harmony o f the greatest artist “ They Bhould have been placed there at first’ ” she said. and architect whose work never fails to inspire. —J ist H unt , And now we come to our greatest blessing, a blessing made possible only by all these other A fte r all o f our doubts and things, the blessing o f truly American homes. OREGON’S skepticism has been put to Secure in commodius houses warmed by a plenti­ HOME naught by the abundance of ful supply o f wood, with pantry filled with the TOWN Washington county’ s diversified abundance o f their own field and garden, the production; in spite o f our con­ children pursuing the studies o f their school or tinual search for hard times made unsuccessful college, the mother humming a tune o f their own by natures working overtime to make up for our church, and the father reading the local papers half hearted efforts; after all is totaled, citizens such !s the typical home o f the people o f this o f Washington county find ourselves in such a prosperous community. Here one may live and sound financial condition that we view Thanks­ let live cheerfully for there is plenty for all. giving times thru the eyes o f Bobby Burns To the worn out city drudge the home life o f our tov/n cannot but appeal; to the exhausted east­ when he repeated: ern farmer our 60 bushel wheat and six gallon “ Some hae meat and cana eat. cows and 300 egg hens cannot but attract. Let And some wad eat that want it; us give thanks for our many blessings and in the But we hae meat, and we can eat, coming year tell to the many less fortunate of And say the Lord be thanket!” Surely we are thankful for the past bounteous the blessings awaiting them in Washington harvest, for the excellent market for our pro­ county so by another year we will have many duce, for strength o f the trade among ourselves newfaces at the Thanksgiving communion in "OregorPs Home Town.” and besides the bare necessities o f life we have FOREST GROVE Encouragem ent From quarters PRESS H ead­ THE GRANGE A t last the Forest Grove’ (O re­ Conducted by gon) P ress has ceased changing j J. W. DARROW. Chatham, N. T„ hands, the name o f George Hunt-1 York State Grange ington Curry now being inserted j Editor of the New Ilevisto in the sub-head as editor and owner, and he is surely giving I his subscribers an up-to-date pub­ G R A N G E AND C O U N T Y FAIRS. lication. This new editor of the They Can Co-operate to tho Advantage P ress is doing some unique of Both— Work of Some Granges. things, one o f which is the inaug­ Recently tile management o f a coun­ uration o f a contest, in which ty agricultural society in New York prizes are offered for the most j state addressed a communication to complete lists submitted to the every grange in Its county asking how editor o f local, judicial, execu-1 each would co-operate to make the fair tive or legislative officials. This i more successful and Invited sugges­ innovation, Brother Currey ex­ tions on the fair management. W e plains, is put on to stimulate in­ believe that every county agricultural terest in local political govern­ society has a right to thus enlist the ment, as well as for mutual in­ assistance of the grangers, and it is struction in an all important their duty, because It Is directly In matter, and makes an altogether their line o f duty to respond cheerful­ ly and in aorae practical sort o f way. commendable thing. Another The grange should lead in any such retty bright idea from this new agricultural enterprise, and It should 'RESS owner is this advertise­ ussist the fair authorities In the muk ment to advertisers, reproduced lng of an educational exhibit and not as Exhibit No 17. The P ress is nil interesting one simply. Flow can produced, as l suppose I have they do this? There should tie a grange headquar­ remarked in former reviews, in a shop o f up-to-date equipment, ters at the fair to begin with. There and, with an abundance o f news, should be exhibits by sulKirdlnnte or county grange*, or both, and these ex­ the result is an up-to-date news­ hibits should be located In the snrue paper. Besides being strong in building so that they could he easily local news, with a special effort com pa re