Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 23, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 23, 1913
W an ted
Commercial and Miscî’'a leous.
G irl W anted LK j i f i e r a i lions
The talk of the city. Almost
work phone 754.
three thousand up to-date Ladies’
and Gents’ Shoes just received : t
Wanted —Girl for genera! The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf
house-work, best wages. Tele
The Book Store has u nice line
phone 0455.
of novelties, for your Halloween
W ood W a n t e d -T he P r e s s * party
Come and look tnem
desires to secure several cords of over, H. R. Bernard proprietor»
both Oak and Fir wood to apply
1 4 tf
on subscription, advertising, or
: job work.
New shipment of ladies and
gents silk hosiery, just received
W a n te d — Giil
for general
at The Peoples Store Hillsboro.
housework, Phone 754. 14t2 p
.V .'
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ferrin en­
0 tertained
last Tuesday evening
a number of friends with a pheas­
ant dinner. Those who were
present were the Misses Goldie
Peterson, Beulah Ireland, Hazel
Davies. Mildred Copeland, Mar-
by Wednesday afternoon, or earlier^ | Karet Lowell and William Ferrin
if possible.
Jj j r
.• A W
The P rkss ¡ h desirous of publish »•
ing all th e social ev en ts o f the
w eek, and your ’phone call or a **
le tte r w ith the p a rticu lars o f any
: social o r o th er ev en t will be g re a tly \
\ appreciated. Phone num ber, Main N
! 502. Item s should be a t the office 1
Mr. and Mrs. B enjam in Schofield cele- The D alles w hen m oving to O regon and
te d th e ir golden w edding an n iv ersary her m other a t th e tim e w as so ill w ith
V V /« W .V .W .V 4 ,V .V .V .V .; .
. .. . ,
, .
. - th e m easles th a t she w as unable to
a t th e ir home about one mile e a st of
. . . .
Mrs. Coon entertained a num­ The Working Society of the
carejfo r th e baby. The child w as given
The new school-books are now
Beard and Room
ber of ladies at her home Thurs­ Congregational church met Wed­ Cornelius, \\ ednesday O ct. 22d. A bout ^ a S(jUaw to care fo r and when her
, ... ,, . for sale at Staehr’s Bazaar.
day afternoon at a silver tea A nesday in the parlors of the 150 friends and relativ es g a th e re d a t m other w as able to continue the jour-
Board and room at the W a lk e r----------------------------------- ——
pleasant time was reported by church and were pleasantly en­ th e home to w itness th e cerem ony, ney the squaw refused to give up th e place, 3d Ave., North, between j The largest assortment of
tertained by Madams Potwin, which w as p erform ed in th e sam e house baby. T hey w ere obliged to steal the A and B Street Phone Main 367 men’s straw hats ever showed in
all present.
Pringle and House-
in which th ey w ere m arried fifty y ears baby then h u rry from th e place. Mrs.
Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples
ago M any u seful and b e a u tifu l g ifts Schofield’s m o th er m arried again to
— Store Hillsboro.
Pilgrim’s Progress Moving Pic­ The Methodist Ladies Aid met w ere received by the couple.
Wm, McLin and w as th e first w hite
tures Last Saturday night a
Mr. Schofield w as born in M artins- woman m arried in W ashington county.
For Rent
Some exceptionally fine bar-
large crowd assembled in Marsh Wednesday at the home of Mrs. ville, Clark county, III., Ju n e 20, 1840, Mr. and Mrs. Schofield a rc the par-
Hall to see “ Pilgrims Progress” ous refreshments were served cam e to C alifornia in 1852 then to Ore- en ts o f seven children, six girls and F or R e n t - light house keeping ( gains in pianos, organs, and sew-
as given in moving pictures. and all enjoyed a pleasant time. gon in 18">8 and lived n e a r Hillsboro, one boy. T hey have 15 grandchildren room. Close in nice for girls or ing-machines at Staehr’s Bazarr
boys in to school from country. terms to suit.
The pictures were of a high class
He m arried Miss S arah H all, O ct. 22, and one g re a t grand child.
at Press.
and the Woman's Club are to be
Men’s work shirts all colors
_ _ such
Seven of the members, of the, Mrs, Schofield w as born in M issouri, Cornelius of A storia, Mrs. E. J . W ard
complimented for bringing
F or R e n t —5 room house, five
high class shows into our city. Washington County Christian E n -. F , 17 1M.7.
. nrwmn of G aston, Mrs. W. A. Goodwin, Mrs. dollars a month, Phone 0185, Ed. and prices at The Peoples Store
The pictures he,™,, hy pviiw ; d « ,« r Plymit S„ea,lron, .M u d
A. E Yoder, and W. T. Schofield all of Naylor.
the early life of Bunyan and it the Sunnyside school house last H r fa th e r died o f black measle8 a t Cornelius.
was while in prison he wrote Sunday night.
“ Pilgrims Progress.
I he society there ; ____________________ ______ ______________________
Next was numbers about 21 members.
the adventures' of Pilgrim and
«►»*'» «-»
The subject of the morning
the acting was most natural.
The ladies of the Women’s Re- '
at ,he Congregation
'o^it^i-tnin Thob-1 Church
Sunday morning will be:
Mrs s. Curtis of Portland
_ u ‘ * ‘ . . „ , 1 f..;.,n(is inJ the “'1 he Healthy Religion.” In the
an ex xplanation of tne pictures
as they came which was very
u s 0f the J B Matthews eveninpr< “ H<)W R'» is YoUr
to the audience.
todnfol tn
1 Post
this^afternoon at an after- World?”
Post this afternoon at an after-
noon tea.
Dr. and Mrs. Coal leave for
Bible Class Entertains Prof.
California Or. snd IVlfs. Co<il,
Taylors bible class were enter-
The Intermediate League of who have been living in Forest
tamed at the Congregational the M. E church met in the Grove, for the past two years,
church luesday afternoon an church parlors last Friday even- left last week for 1 resno, Cali-
evening. About 35 members of jujr, They had supper at six | fornia. Dr. Coal and wife were
the class were present. Each o’clock and following this a busi- missionaries in Turkey before
lady took a picture of herself ness meeting, at which the fol- coming here and the colony of
when she was young and part- lowing officers were elected :Pres- Tamil people in. Fresno, among
ners for dinner were chosen by ¡dent, Ruth Patton; Vice-presi- whom they worked, thought so
the men guessing the pictures. (|ent, Irene Robinson; Secretary much of their friends that they
Games were played and all en- Estelle Stokes; Treasurer, Velma sent them round trip tickets to
1 __
• McConkje
Fresno, also provided hotel ac-
joyed --------------
a pleasant -------
------------------------------------------ comodations for their guests
More Trout—Owing to the
efforts of Willis Goff and Edward
Boose, a car load of trout was
received from the authorities,
on October the 2d. Half of the
Hsh were put into, West Dairy
Creek and the rest into Gales and
C|ear Creeka. Mr. Goff says
that if thti sportsmen of this vi
cmjtv take an inerest in this work
the authorities v ill send another
car load next year, 112.000 trout
were planted in the Tualatin
river, last July.
You will do well by calling us
ner of Pacific Avenue and B up before you sell your beef,
Street, North.
14tf veal, mutton, and pork. Hills­
boro Mer. Co.
F or R ent -Furnished rooms,cor
Kidney trouble is particularly
For Sale or Trade
to be dreaded because its pres­
We have a client who has two- ence is not usually disovered un­
lots in Portland, worth $900 and | til it has assumed one of its
$2,000 who wants a 20acre farm worst forms—diebetes, drobsy,
near Forest Grove—wants rolling or Bright’s disease. If you
land and prefers shot soil,
suspect that your kidneys are
This advertisment affected, by all means use Hollis­
will appear just once so answer ter’s Rocky Mountain Tea the
Oregon Land Co great systemic cleaner and reg­
ulator.—Vankoughnet & Reder
F or S a l e — Oak library table,
leather rocker, body brussels hall
The largest and most complete
carpet. Ingrain arch square, lace stock of DRESSERS to be found
curtains, all in good eon'dition. in Washington County are at
Postoffice box 441.
Roe & Co.’s, the uioneer furni­
ture dealers.
F or S a l e —Furniture at 19.
3rd. street south. J. W. Martin.
Mens Cassimere, made in Ore­
gon all wool suits for only $12.50
F or S a l e —A cash register, a at Bailey’s Big Store.
large coffee perculator, and a
cigar case, inquire at Press office.
Commencing October 10th, I
w II close my grocery store a t
F or S a l e -1 dresser, 2 beds, 2 6;JO P. M. except on Satur.'ay
matresses, 6 oak dining chairs, n'.dits. H. T. Giltner.
1 library table, steel range, 1
We intend moving into our new
mile east of Forest Grove, apply
cm al ters in the near future, so
to W illia m B eals .
we are giving special prices in
F or S a l e or T r a d e : Stump a!! lines to reduce stock. Littler’s
puller in good condition and I liaimacy.
suitable for heavy work. Will
u per cent lean« on farms,
sell cheap for cash or take cow, orchard lands, city residence or
young cattle, or calves, or pigs business property, to buy, build,
in trade or might consider a improve, extend or refund mort­
light wagon if in good condition. gages or other securities; terms;
reasonable; special privileges;
Five passenger touring car for correspondence invited. Dep’t.
sale will take some live s ock. L, 618 Commonwealth Big., Den­
H.W Scott Forest Grove.Or. l l t f ver Colo, or Dep’t. I, 749 Henry
Big., Seattle Wash.
Lost and Found
Fundamental Music Training
L ost Hand bag on the Newell in classes, as taught by Mrs.
road, contents; bible, pair of Mary Cahill-Moore in Portland.
gloves, Mrs. O. G. Carnahan, Mrs. E. E. Williams.
Gaston Ore.
12t2 p
I feel as happy as ari eel.
W oman is E lected City T reasu rer.
Oh! how happy I do feel
R oseburg. O r.—In th e city election,
If vou’d feel as well as me
w hich w h s c h aracterized by a heavy
Drink Hollister's Rocky Moun­
w om en's vote, th e e le c to rs ot Rose- tain tea. Vankoughnet & Reder.
Local Boy Making Good-—H.
R- Glaisyer, professor of agricul-
ture in the Wallowa County High
School -* at Enterprise,
writes that
his class carried off high honors
at the county fair in stock judg­
while there.
ing. Mr. Glaisver is the son of
Locates from Kansas —Pearl H. Glaisyer, of this city, and a
Smith arrived in this city last graduate at 0. A. C. in the class
week from Kansas and rented |of 1913.
Geo. D. Rogers’ farm north o f !
town He went to The Dalles to
Popuiar Entertainers to Be
— get his family who have been Here Major R. H. Hendershot
I visiting there. Mrs. Smith is a! and his son, Grand Army drum­
Mrs. Kerr Presents Fine Pic-
Taken to Hospital —Mrs. C. E. cousin of Mrs. L. Graham and mer and fifer and popular solo­
ture. Mrs. Wm. Kerr presented Jay, the obliging clerk and book- Mr. Kelsey,
ists. entertainers and readers
the Pacific University afine steel keeper of A. G. Hoffman & Co., I
by the best local talent,
engraving, “The Inspiration of was taken to the ho pital for an Truly an Ideal Autumn—“ What supported
Mozart” before leaving for the j opera'ion last Sunday evening, i is so rare as a day in June,” but the auspices entertainment
of the Epworth
East last summer.
It is a 1 She had been sick for about a why not apply that right now to
November first
unique picture for one rarely, week, but she is reported to be a day in October when the sun ReaK e Wo
(smiles down on us with the
Bees such steel engravings at the [getting along nicely now.
The Forest Rebekah Lodge
brightness of a June day. And
present day and the massive
frame adds much to its beauty. | Traded Pieces Mr. Calpit has what can be more beautiful than will entertain at a Halloween
The picture will in a few days! traded the farm, north of town t 'e woods with the colorings and social on Wednesday evening,
hang in the parlor of Herrick ion the Thatcher road, to Mr. shades which no brush can repro- October 29. A good musical pro-
Ramsey for a place in Eastern duce except the hand and brush gram is promised and refresh-
of the Almighty. Let us not menfs appropriate to the Festi-
Visit OIu Homestead Mrs. .1.
grumble and look for bad weather val of All Soul's Eve. 10 cents
L. Hay left Tuesday for her
Die 3 On Train
Tom George but enjoy this sunshine while we admission. All Rebekahs come
Home in Tacoma after having who was accidently shot while may.
and bring your friends.
visited with her parents, J. L at work with a section gang on
Fletcher and wife of this city. the Southern Pacific railway near
Monday Mrs. Hay, Mrs. Walter McMinnville, was buried here
Sargent and Mr. Fletcher and last Tuesday in the pottersfield.
wife ate dinner with their He was being taken to Portland
daughter. Mrs. M. L. Vincent, and died near here. It was re­
and family, who live on the old ported by the coroner, that the
homestead of Mr. Fletcher on dead man’s name was, Tom
Clearwater. Mr. Fletcher says George, that he was a Turk by
The PRESS will give for the best article dealing with this
. things are ., quite changed since
birth, and was about 32 vears question from any standpoint a nice Leather Bound Bible and a burg chose A gnes P itch fo rd city tr e a s ­
he moved there years ago when jj
there w as no pesteftice or any
u re r over D anna H ow ser. by a vote of
year’s subscription to the PRESS.
558 to 475. M iss P itch fo rd h as th e
close neighbors and the conven­
iences of the present day. Mrs. tection A splendori specimin of
All articles must reach us hy Monday evening, October 27th. distin ctio n of being th e first woman
elected to office in R oseburg.
Hay had not visited the old place
China pheasant, which some call a and
announcement and winning article will appear in the issue
for 20 years.
Reaves pheasant sat comfortably
R epublican C om m ittee to Meet.
on the highest part of the Court of October 30tb.
W ashington.—T he R epublican n a ­
Will Spend Wr ter in Callfcr- House roof all afternoon Monday
Article, ahould
short. 500' This contest is open to all— tional co m m ittee will m eet In W ash ­
rin Mrs J. II. Wirtz and son, the 20inst. 1 Ins is unusual and
Herbert, left Satur. ay on the more than one of those who words, but no restrictions will Men and Women, High School ington D ecem ber 16 “to co n fer on
party m a tte rs and to ta k e any action
steamer Beaver for San Fran­ passed wished they might have
cisco to attend the Portola Fes­ permission to try their aim, and
Students. College S t u d e n t s , which may be deem ed ad v isab le.” T he
m eeting w as decided on a t a co n fer­
tival. Mrs. Wirtz is a native later the fine meat of this game .
, , . ,
ence of Ch-tirraan H illes and S ecre­
| Teachers, or any one else.
Californian, and has many friends bird.
It probably feared that Arguments both in favor
tary R eynolds.
and relatives in a»d around the wandering about in the ajacent against the use of the Bible in
Bay Citj. Mr. Wirtz will join fields, some of the many hunters
. _... ... .__ _____ . „
them Inter, and they w ill remain who shoot piomiscously might
All articles of especial merit
there through the winter, visit mar his splendid plumage. So sideration.
will probably bo published. We
ing many points of interest he betook himself to a place of
W te a t. Now Crop— Club, 79c; blue
throughout the state and going
safety. “ Over” the law.
Also articles proposing a satis- offer the prize merely to stimu- stem , 90c; red R ussian, 78c.
as far south as San Diego.
H ay—T im othy. 116; alfalfa. »13.
B u tte r—C ream ery. 34c.
Several Sales Made The Val- t°ry system of teaching the Bible, late this discussion.
Pleated With Oregon Mr.
E ggs—C andled. 36c.
and Mrs. ('has. Walston and b’.v Realty Company report the
S eattle.
Or on the question as to
daughter. Miss Etta, left for fallowing Sides: the Thomas
W heat, New Crop— B luestem , 89c;
If you have any views on this
their home, in Hale Missouri, house and lot, in Valley View whether the Bible will supply
c lu t, 80c; red R ussian. 78c.
Saturday after a three months Addition, to W. C. Graddy; Mrs.
H ay—T im othy. $17 p er to n ; alf?!fa,
visif in Idaho and Oregon. They Mallory’s lot, on 1st Avenue, to the needed moral training in our subject let your fellow citizens
$13 p er ton.
share them with you.
wore very much pleased with K. W. Bennett: and Mrs. Crane’s 9choola
Eggs— 3«c.
Oregon and think they will re­ house and lot. on 1st Ave., to E.
• B u tte r -C re a m e ry . S3c.
turn in the Spring.
N. Bennett.
All Articles must lie in by October 27.
A l Aramä Town
What do You Think About the BIBLE
in the Public Schools
Mrs. Wilbur McEldowney will
receive vocal pupils after Oct.
1st. at her home 232 A street
to rth. ___
The Peoples Store is receving
new up to date goods daily.
Dont forget to see the many
bargains at the Peoples Store
Hair work made to order, Mrs.
William Matison, Cherry Grove
9t4 pd_
Stylish dressmaking, fancy
sewing. Phone 525, P. 0. Box
Staehr’s Bazaar carries an em-
mense stock of the latest music
and sells at Scents, 10 cents and
15 cents a copy.
Something especially nice in
stationary at the Book Store.
The new corduroy and linted
paper is very attractive. Come
in and see it, H. R. Bernard