FOREST GRO\ E PRESS PAGE 8 T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 23, 1913 W an ted Commercial and Miscî’'a leous. G irl W anted LK j i f i e r a i lions The talk of the city. Almost work phone 754. three thousand up to-date Ladies’ and Gents’ Shoes just received : t Wanted —Girl for genera! The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf house-work, best wages. Tele The Book Store has u nice line phone 0455. of novelties, for your Halloween W ood W a n t e d -T he P r e s s * party Come and look tnem desires to secure several cords of over, H. R. Bernard proprietor» both Oak and Fir wood to apply 1 4 tf on subscription, advertising, or : job work. . New shipment of ladies and gents silk hosiery, just received W a n te d — Giil for general at The Peoples Store Hillsboro. housework, Phone 754. 14t2 p .V .' -V.V. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ferrin en­ 0 tertained last Tuesday evening a number of friends with a pheas­ ant dinner. Those who were present were the Misses Goldie Peterson, Beulah Ireland, Hazel Davies. Mildred Copeland, Mar- by Wednesday afternoon, or earlier^ | Karet Lowell and William Ferrin if possible. Jj j r .• A W A W The P rkss ¡ h desirous of publish »• ing all th e social ev en ts o f the w eek, and your ’phone call or a ** le tte r w ith the p a rticu lars o f any : social o r o th er ev en t will be g re a tly \ \ appreciated. Phone num ber, Main N ! 502. Item s should be a t the office 1 Mr. and Mrs. B enjam in Schofield cele- The D alles w hen m oving to O regon and b ra te d th e ir golden w edding an n iv ersary her m other a t th e tim e w as so ill w ith V V /« W .V .W .V 4 ,V .V .V .V .; . M v» 35tf . .. . , , . .. . - th e m easles th a t she w as unable to a t th e ir home about one mile e a st of . . . . ,r. . ___ Mrs. Coon entertained a num­ The Working Society of the carejfo r th e baby. The child w as given The new school-books are now Beard and Room ber of ladies at her home Thurs­ Congregational church met Wed­ Cornelius, \\ ednesday O ct. 22d. A bout ^ a S(jUaw to care fo r and when her , , , ... ,, . for sale at Staehr’s Bazaar. day afternoon at a silver tea A nesday in the parlors of the 150 friends and relativ es g a th e re d a t m other w as able to continue the jour- Board and room at the W a lk e r----------------------------------- —— pleasant time was reported by church and were pleasantly en­ th e home to w itness th e cerem ony, ney the squaw refused to give up th e place, 3d Ave., North, between j The largest assortment of tertained by Madams Potwin, which w as p erform ed in th e sam e house baby. T hey w ere obliged to steal the A and B Street Phone Main 367 men’s straw hats ever showed in all present. Pringle and House- in which th ey w ere m arried fifty y ears baby then h u rry from th e place. Mrs. 34tf Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples ago M any u seful and b e a u tifu l g ifts Schofield’s m o th er m arried again to — Store Hillsboro. 35tf Pilgrim’s Progress Moving Pic­ The Methodist Ladies Aid met w ere received by the couple. Wm, McLin and w as th e first w hite tures Last Saturday night a Mr. Schofield w as born in M artins- woman m arried in W ashington county. For Rent Some exceptionally fine bar- large crowd assembled in Marsh Wednesday at the home of Mrs. ville, Clark county, III., Ju n e 20, 1840, Mr. and Mrs. Schofield a rc the par- M. S. Allen on 2d Ave. Delic- Hall to see “ Pilgrims Progress” ous refreshments were served cam e to C alifornia in 1852 then to Ore- en ts o f seven children, six girls and F or R e n t - light house keeping ( gains in pianos, organs, and sew- as given in moving pictures. and all enjoyed a pleasant time. gon in 18">8 and lived n e a r Hillsboro, one boy. T hey have 15 grandchildren room. Close in nice for girls or ing-machines at Staehr’s Bazarr boys in to school from country. terms to suit. The pictures were of a high class He m arried Miss S arah H all, O ct. 22, and one g re a t grand child. Call at Press. 5tf and the Woman's Club are to be The living children are, Mrs. S. T. 1863. Men’s work shirts all colors _ _ such Seven of the members, of the, Mrs, Schofield w as born in M issouri, Cornelius of A storia, Mrs. E. J . W ard complimented for bringing F or R e n t —5 room house, five high class shows into our city. Washington County Christian E n -. F , 17 1M.7. . . nrwmn of G aston, Mrs. W. A. Goodwin, Mrs. dollars a month, Phone 0185, Ed. and prices at The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf The pictures he,™,, hy pviiw ; d « ,« r Plymit S„ea,lron, .M u d L to _______ A. E Yoder, and W. T. Schofield all of Naylor. 13tf the early life of Bunyan and it the Sunnyside school house last H r fa th e r died o f black measle8 a t Cornelius. was while in prison he wrote Sunday night. “ Pilgrims Progress. I he society there ; ____________________ ______ ______________________ Next was numbers about 21 members. the adventures' of Pilgrim and «►»*'» «-» The subject of the morning the acting was most natural. The ladies of the Women’s Re- ' at ,he Congregation gave 'o^it^i-tnin Thob-1 Church Sunday morning will be: Mrs s. Curtis of Portland * ““ _ u ‘ * ‘ . . „ , 1 f..;.,n(is inJ the “'1 he Healthy Religion.” In the an ex xplanation of tne pictures as they came which was very u s 0f the J B Matthews eveninpr< “ H<)W R'» is YoUr helpful to the audience. todnfol tn «mlionce 1 Post this^afternoon at an after- World?” Post this afternoon at an after- . noon tea. Dr. and Mrs. Coal leave for Bible Class Entertains Prof. California Or. snd IVlfs. Co