Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, August 07, 1913, Image 6

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(2) Roads used for similar important country road. There­ ing on this quality o f resilence
fore, as before stated, you now rather than roughness for a foot­
purposes, but less extensively.
(3) Roads for through horse have a considerable portion of ing. Such surfaces are usually
your improvement district in 100 composed o f bitumen in various
and automobile traffic.
(4) Unimportant or by-roads. per cent efficiency until such forms and thicknesses, mixed
(Some o f the first two eventually time as conditions change on the with screenings for the shallow-(
PLAN OUTLINED TO SECURE developing into the third.)
roads so treated. Building costly, er depths and with larger stone
permanent roads in the locations for the greater, the latter afford­
Bearing in mind that the ex­
indicated would be an econom­ ing more wear. Thicknesses of j
penditure should be for all class­
Have you anything for »ale, or to exchange? Do you wish any­
ic failure. It is true that the this bituminous coating have
es of traffic and for the entire
and do not know where to get it? Have you lost or found
All Kinds of Roads Discussed area so far as practicable it is roads so treated will require varied from one-fourth inch toj anything? The solution of these and many other problems is a
more costly maintenance than
from Dirt to Permanent
immediately apparent that the
Such a smooth surface has the classified advertisement in The Press.
permanent roads, but the
fundamental steps for all road
interest on the cost o f the latter following advantages:
VV a n t e d — The PRESS desires
W ood WANTED-The PRESS de­
improvement and construction
Minimum tractive for hauling. sires to secure several cords of to secure a live correspondent in
should be applied at once to all
(By Murray Kay, C. E.)
Affords one of the best known both Oak and Fir wood to apply every community in Washington
Now that there seems to be a the roads. These fundamentals
footings for horses on grades. on subscription, advertising, or county Send in your application
Intermediate Roads.
general understanding o f the are:
Originates no dust; is noisless, job work.
at once.
(1) Proper location as to
value of good roads and various
It is now advisable to put all water-proof and sanitary. Cost
ways and means are being rapid­ alinement and grade.
the poads in their final condition and maintenance are fairly low.
F o r R e n t , sm all house, Ed. F o r S a l e , T r a d e o r L e a s e —
(2) Proper drainage.
ly adopted to raise large sums
as rapidly as the funds will per­ Repairs are easily made.
Naylor, phone 0185.
splendid eight
(3) Proper crowning or shap­ mit, and the quicker the per­
with which to build them, it may
One o f your greatest questions
modern in every way, well lo­
be a good time for an examina­ ing of the cross section.
manent roads can be built on is still to come, viz: Who is
For Sale—Brood sows and pigs. cated with respect to the State
tion of methods to obtain the
No matter what the proposed your heavily traveled arteries competent to design, lay out and Call at Goodman and Ruggle University and the business sec­
best results for the greatest final improvement o f ar^ road the more saving wil' be made in build these roads?
Ranch one mile south o f Gaston. tion o f the city, located in Eu­
number in making the .contem­ may be these three initial steps reducing the higher maintenance
3-tf gene. Will sell at a bargain or
In the newer and more rapidly
trade for Forest Grove property
plated expenditures.
must be taken, and as this work cost on the present temporary devei0ping parts o f this great
W a n t e d — Young pigs, phone or close in acreage, price $4,500
It is not possible to reconcile must be dune in preparation tor roads.
and glorious country the usual 1047, Marv R. Sorber,
36 tf
$1.500 down or terms. Address
the two important points which any kind o f a future surface a
Excluding the unimportant and p0pUiar demand is for a so-called
Box 635, Forest Grove for par­
will at once engage the attention, large proportion o f the funds so the permanent classes you have
mnri k .,iu e. .
Dr. Lowe, August 14.
viz: That the safest and least S,K,U will he permanently save,, a large mileage o f reads o f ¡„ter- f “
H hard fo find a
wasteful manner o f investment to the community.
mediate requirements, treatment; ¡n any wa|k o f life, particularly
is to build permanent roads, but
When you have completed the of which will naturally depend am0ng famers and others living
with such a policy and by reason construction to this stage, what on the cost allotment.
¡n t[ie county, who does not be-
o f the great cost o f such work is the situation? You have im-
Among the suitable surface , |ieve deep jow n in his heart that
only a small mileage can be com­ proved your entire road system, treatments for intermediate roads ; . :
nracticnl rmd hnilrW
pleted each year, while condi­ say 25 per cent. You have done may be mentioned:
Be not deceived. but remember
to plan for that College Course.
tions over the remainder of the the kind o f work that will be re­
(1) Sand and day.
that all your present disgrace-
area to be improved remain as quired for any kind o f future im­
(2) Gravel
, , .,
. , ,
| ful roads have been built by
There is considerable discussion about Education but
bad as ever, probably for many provement that can be devised.
(3) Gravel laid with heavy U ese s o . ca)led practical road
years to come, awaiting the ad­ You have* therefore, saved to hot oil.
there is no doubt that a good general college course taken right
vent of the permanent work. the community a large propor­
(4) Water bound macadam.
If you have a dearth of high­
is in the long run the practical thing in Education.
Such a policy is not one to give tion o f the value o f all improve (Not to be used on roads carry-
way engineers you will find no
the most benefit to the greatest ments made, Of course, these ing many motor cars or trucks at
difficulty in developing such men
A school well equipped to do first class general college
number. It may be well, there­ improvements will not last for- high speed.)
from those engaged in kindred
fore, to attempt to formulate a ever, with or without mainten-
(5) Water bound macadam and often much more exacting
work is
plan to benefit at once as large ance, but the claim is here made with surface of heavy hot oil.
branches. To believe that en- i
sin area as possible, at the same that such expenditure represents
(6) Oil bound macadam, and gineers employed on work like |
time avoiding so far as may be the best use of the money to the | others.
the Panama canal and other ca-
Forest Grove, Ore.
temporary and wasteful types of greatest number and is much
Permanent Roads.
nals, large irrigation projects or
Your attention, preferable to an outlay of all the
You are now ready to consider water systems like that now un-
This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such
therefore is called to the follow­ available funds in the construc­
the question of permanent roads, der construction for the city of
general college lines September 17th, 1913.
Terms reasonable.
ing points:
tion of a few miles of final and
It is probable that such improve- New York and large railroad en-
In develeping a system of permanent loads representing
ments will be financed by long terprises cannot qualify as high-
Record and equipment good. Come and help us help you.
roads and improvement of exist­ but a very small per cent o f the
j term bonds and expense items way engineers is to credit your­
ing ones study should be made of total improvement area. You
self with a lack of sense. Ad­
Come in and talk the matter over or address for Catalogue
| must include:
the entire area (as o f a state) to should now be able to develop
mit, at least, in the face of the
(1) Maintenance.
which the funds may apply and from your chart the amounts of
and further information
present system, or lack o f sys­
(2) Interest, and
a chart should be prepared con­ desirable final expenditure cn
(3) Sinking fund to retire the tem, that the civil engineer is
taining the following'data:
each, road in the system. It will
worth a trial.
(1) Value of abutting and ad­ be found that on many o f the
America will surely come to
Maintenace o f all classes of
jacent property for each road.
unimportant roads the expendi­
roads should begin with their the front in good road building
(2) Value and importance of ture now completed is all such
construction. The first require­ land has already some splendid
M eeting o f B oard c f Equalization.
district to be connected.
roads will warrant under present
ment for a road which is to be examples o f scientific road con-
To the taxpayers of Washington
(3) Amount and kind o f traf­ conditions, and by making this
financed by long term bonds is struction, notably in Massachu- county, Oregon: Notice is hereby giv-
fic each road is to mainatin.
25 per cent improvement the un­
A Good Old Remedy
obviously to select the type o f setts. New York, Rhode Island, Washington c^Tty wilf ^meero^Mon*
Examination o f these figures important roads have really been
construction that will surely out- Michigan, California, Washing- day, September 8th, 1913, at the court
want just three minutes of
will indicate what proportion of improved to l heir final or 100 per
live the bond term, and as and, ton and M
These mag-
your time when you are again
the expenditure will be war­ cent requirement and allotment.
troubled with Cholera, Diarrhoea
term is likely to be 50 years it is nificient roads, which are a th in g; September and the time and place pro-
ranted on each proposed road or
It will be ft und that many such
or any bowel complaint.
therefore desireable that the ma- o f beauty and a joy forever, are ^sessment^Us of^saui ^ouTt™ fur
improvement and the roads may roads are through a material of
terial be that of the most per- \ such examples of practical road 1913, and correct all errors in valuation
Nyal’s Blackberry Carminative
then be classified accordingly.
such a natural mixture of sand
manent known. If this theory construction chat he who runs fo t o o r o ’tfe^ ^rop ertie^ 'an d it ii“ th^
I* the quickest and surest relief
In reference to amount and and clay as to make an extreme­
be correct, you have only one | may read. They were built by duty o f all persons interested to appear
fo r b ow el disorder* w e k n ow of
kind of traffic, first consideration ly satisfactory surface as soon as
___ , t „
| ____
at the time and place appointed, and if
choice concrete. All road au- t n g i n t e t s wi n a i e t he only pt a c-
shall appear to saiil board o f euualiza.-
Allays irritation—cleanses the
should be given produce haul. the preliminary work is accom­
thorities agree that there is tical road builders.—Hood River tion that there are any lands, lots or
bowels before they are checked
You then have a classification plished. It will be found cn
other property assessed twice or in the
and acts as an antiseptic.
It is
much question about the value Glacier.
name o f a person or persons not the
something like this:
other stretches that the addition
moderate in action—being only
owner o f the same, or assessed under
and permanence o f the different
(1) Main roads for produce o f a light dressing o f sand, clay
V*1.% V .*»V ,V ft V ,V V .V » V .V V .V ,* » or beyond its value, or any lots, land or
slightly astringent it does not go
surface treatments. Admit this S . n / . . . i i A m i / i n n
8 ’ o her property not assessed, said board
haul and local horse and auto­ or gravel will put the surface in
to extremes—it acts just right in
for the time being, if you please,
every way
mobile traffic.
most excellent condition for an un-
and you find that whatever your
You can give it to the little
ax C r a n d a ll ,
Assessor, Washington County, Ore­
ones with perfect safety—it is all
mistakes may In? in surface treat­
good and good for you all and
ments you always have the per­
N otice of Contest.
>t thould be in your home.
(For Publication.)
sizes -2 5 and 50 cents
’ D e p a r t m e n t o r t h e I n t e r io r ,
75 per cent of the investment. I
This much of your expenditure is
Portland. OreRon, July 26th, 1913.
Any doctor will tell you that
o Anna K. Starr, of Gaits Creek, OreRon, Con- G i/in g C orrect T im e o f the Arrival and
therefore safeguarded forever T testee:
when we compound a prescription
and you cannot lose it no matter! Y o u « ™ hereby notified th.t Marie Staehrw ho D eparture o f A ll Forest G ro v e Trains
it’s done right.
Bring us your
! Rives
Madison St., I ortland, O reR on, as her
post office address, did on July 12th. 1913, file in j
what mistakes may be made as this
office her duly corroborated application to
and secure the cancellation of your Home
to surface treatments. If, as contest
stead. Entry Number 16249, Serial Number 01374.
Littler’s Pharmacy
made May 9th, 1907, for Northwest one fourth.
stated, authorities differ some­ Section
*L v P o r t l a n d
A r F o rest G rove
14. Township one North, Ran Re five W est. |
Willam ette Meridian, and as Rrounds for her
what as to surface treatments, j contest
6:45 a. m.
8:05 a. m.
she a lleRes that said Anna K. Starr has
never established residence on said land, has nev­
8-05 a. m.
9:26 a. m.
consider the points on which er
cultivated any part o f the same nor made any j
Phone 901
10:25 a. m.
11:45 a. m.
thereon, has never lived on said
there is no disagreement and improvements
land, but has wholly abandoned the same for
than six months immediately preceedin*
which have been subject to the more
the beRinninR o f this contest.
3:45 p. m.
5:05 p. m.
tests o f time and experience.
You are therefor, further notified that the said
p. m.
6:40 p. m.
Allegations will be taken by this office as having:
(1) A hard, unyielding sur­ been confessed by you, and your said entry will
6:35 p. m.
7:55 p. m.
be canceled thereunder without your further
8:30 p. m.
9:35 p. m.
face, such ns concrete affords, is r i R h t to be heard therein, either before this office
or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within ,
11:40 p. m.
12:45 p. m.
not desirable in that it is hard on twenty days after the FO U RTH publication of
Begin Now!
Pacific University
tile horse und vehicle, tending to
1 --.« 1
nreaK tne Strain.
/0 \
.I ?
(J )
I t IS
S l i p p e r y in
w e t and
trO S ty
/0 \
(o )
Wf e a t n e r .
». •
, r
I t IS t l O l S y a n d f r e c j l i e n t l y
d lis t.
p la n
„ <r___»
this notice, as shown b t i w , your answer, under
oath, specifically meetinR ami responding to these
allegations o f contest, or if you fail within that
time to file in this office due proof that you have
served a copy of your answer on the said c o n -'
testant either in person or by reRistered mail. If
this service is made by the delivery of a copy of 1
your answer to the contestant in person, proof
of such service must be eith er th e said con te s t-
ant s written acknowledgement o f her receipt of
the copy, show in R the date o f its receipt, or the
affidavit of the person by whom the delivery was
made statinR when and where the copy was de-
liv e m l; if made by reRistered mail, pioof of such
service must consist o f the affidavit o f the person
by whom the copy was mailed statinR w hen
ami the'poetoffice to which it was mailed, and
this affidavit must be accompanied by the poet-
master s receipt for the letter.
You should state in your answer the name of
1 M
Ot roughening
surface to atioru better footing
i ____
» _
. • .
tOr hOrSeS has been tried and
r it
. .
proven unsuccessful! m that you
increase the tractive force neces- S iW 2 « rA .wfc'ch y°“ d" ’" ,u,ur*no,ic"
sary to move the loads and rend- p.,„ Bf publi„ tkwH
jJy ?,! Aui^TuTii.
er it more subject to wear, there-
— C a m . in S t . P a u l P i o n e e r P r . » » .
bv increasing the noise and dust.
A surface must be smooth to fa­
cilitate the moving of heavy
loads, otherwise your object in
surfacing is largely defeated.
Modern practice favors a re-
t silent or rubbery «urface, rely
N e t t e . t . I k . P u b lic .
Notice i . her—by riven that the lorg Bridge
» m u . Dairy Creek. Went of Hill.bnrrv will he
ck—ed to traffic after Turmiay. July 15th. 191.‘I.
from t a . i n . t o i p . m. of each day until the re
p a in on the >atne are completed.
By order o f t h . County Court o f
County, Oregon.
M tf
O. B. R E A S O N E R , County Judge.
F orest G rove
•A r P o rtlan d
6:10 a . m .
7:30 a .
6:45 a. m.
8:05 a .
8:30 a. m .
9:50 a .
10:35 a. m.
11:57 a.
1:05 p. m.
2:25 p.
3:40 p. m.
5:00 p.
6:00 o. m.
7:20 p.
8:05 p. m.
9:25 p.
9:45 p. m.
10:50 p.
•Jefferson Street Station.
Lv P o r t l a n d
7:15 a. m .
3:30 p. m.
5:40 p. m.
A r F o r e st G rov
8:40 a. m.
5:32 p. m.
6:58 p. m
F orest G rove
A r P ortlan
+6:40 a. m .
8 :0 0 a. m.
10:20 a . m.
8:24 a.
*8:40 a. in .
4:38 p. m .
in dsy only
10:00 a. m .
6 :- 0
p. m.
+D aily e x c e p t Sunday
Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet
Metal Work and Re­
pair Shop.
North First Avenue, between Main and
“ A ” Streets; phone 863.
Kidney truoble is particularly
to be dreaded |because its pres­
ence is not usually disovered un­
til it has assumed one o f its
worst forms—diebetes, drobsy,
or Bright’s disease.
If you
suspect that your kidneys are
affected, by all means use Hollis­
ter’ s Rocky Mountain T ea—the
great systemic cleaner and reg-