Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1912)
F orest G rove P ress WASHINGTON Vol. 4 C O U N T Y ’S N E W S P A P E R . FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1912. ELECT OFFICERS OF GALE GRANGE WOMEN TOLD OF EDUCATION NEEDS F o u r N e w M e m b e r s in it ia t e d I n t e r e s t in g T a l k o n N e c e s s it y a n d E x c e lle n t L i t e r a r y a n d o f A d d i t i o n a l S c h o o l F a c i l M u s ic a l P r o g r a m m e E n itie s G i v e n b y P r o f e s s o r jo y e d L a st S a tu rd a y . P r o c t o r t o L o c a l C lu b . Members o f Gale Grange en joyed an interesting session in this city Saturday last. Four candidates were initiated into the organization, a delightful dinner was served at noon and the afternoon given to an excel- lent musical and literary pro gram. During the morning ses sion the following officers were elected: Master, Dan Baker: Overseer Mrs. H. J. Rice; Lect- uress, Mrs. G. L. Rogers; Sec retary, Mrs. Eva Adams; Treas urer, H. T. Buxton; Chaplin, Mrs. R. Stevens; Stewardess, Mrs. Allen Rice; Assistant Stew ardess, Miss Maud Miller; Assist ant Steward, W. S. Ewing; Gate keeper, Oliver Buxton; Court Ladies, Mesdames Mickle, Schaff er and Noah Baker. A plan is being considered to invite the business men of the Grove to join the members o f the Grange in dinner during the next meeting which will be the first Saturday in January. Mrs. W. W. McEldowney was | hostess to the Women’s club Monday afternoon of this week, j A large number of the members were present and enjoyed the session immensely. Haskell Ferrin favored the meeting with I a solo and Miss Margaret Lowell rendered a violin selection which was greatly appreciated. Dairy Commissioner-elect J o h n D. Mickel delivered an address upon the care of milk in the dairy and the home which was listened to with great attention. Mrs Aus tin Buxton spoke upon the con serving of public health and Prof. Proctor, Superintendent of ; the Forest Grove public schools, 1 explained to the ladies the nec-j essity o f more school room and j the need of a High school build ing. Prof. Proctor had plans and specifications at hand to demonstrate the methods by which the present Central build ing could be renovated and re paired so as to be available for grade purpores for several years to come, at an approximate cost of $5,000. \ '• WELL KNOWN COUNTY PHYSICIAN TO VISIT CITIES OF OLD WORLD HILLSBORO, ORE.,— Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Tamiesie will leave in a few days upon a tour of the southern and eastern portions of the United States and an extend ed trip through Europe. They will go to New York by the way The Progress of City and County of New Orleans, sailing from the eastern metropolis for Paris where their continental trip ‘Rapid Strides ¿hCade in ‘Past Year ¿y will start. Many of the old Forest Qrove and jddjaccnt “üerritory world cities will be visited and the doctor plans a journey to the former home of his parents. I The year just coming to a looking to the paving of a num During his absence, Dr. Tam close has w i t n e s s e d many ber of additional blocks. Cor iesie will investigate the methods changes for the better in this nelius, Orenco and Beaverton, it employed at a number o f noted city and throughout the county. is understood, are also contem scientific institutions, both in Forest Grove has practically led plating the laying of hard sur this country and abroad. the way with many improve face pavement upon the princi “ Under the Mistletoe I” ments of a permanent nature. pal streets. Hillsboro now has PRESIDENT OF PACIFIC UNIVERSITY This city was the first in the a number o f blocks o f standard ATTENDS FUNERAL OF BROTHER county to secure paved streets, pavement, and will, it is said, H. J. Haskell, brother-in-law and the 27 blocks of Bithulithic of W. S. Ferrin, president of pavement which has been laid in Pacific University, was killed in the past two years has been an a railroad wreck near Dresden, incentive to the business men Ohio, Dec. 3; the remains were and others to further improve taken to his old home at Bloom the city. Numerous well con field, Ohio, where interment was structed business buildings have made a few days ago. President been erected and the city beauti Ferrin, who is in the middle j fied with many handsome cluster west, attended the burial. Mr. I street lights. In all probability Haskell was prominent in church the coming year will witness work, and an active Gideon. At still further improvement, as a the last national election he was movement is now under way a candidate for the United States senate on the Prohibition ticket. CIVIL WAR VETERANS ELECT OFFI- POULTRY SHOW HELD AT ORFNCO FRIDAY WAS ONE GREAT SUCCESS ORENCO, O R .,-T h e first poultry show to be held in Oren- co took place Friday and was a complete success. Over 100 lo cal birds were entered in the competition, and some remark ably fine specimens in the var-1 THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. ious breeds shown. During the : The Missionary Society of the evening a meeting of poultry Christian Church will give their raisers o f this vicinity was held | annual open meeting next Sun and steps taken to organize a day night. Mrs. Dr. Semones local poultry club. The speaker | will deliver the address of the was J. Morrow, o f Hillsboro, evening. Mrs. Semones is well who awarded the ribbons at the acquainted with the missionary show. It is expected to make i field and forces, and is a capable the show an annual event. public speaker. There will be “ ’ BANKS MERCHANTS MAKE CHANGE B anks , O r .,-J . C. Schulmer- ich has purchased Harold Jen sen’ s interest in the general merchandise firm o f Kinton & Jenson. The deal involved sev eral thousand d o l l a r s . Mr. Schulmerich is one of Washing ton County’ s native sons, and is an extensive land owner near Banks. Mr. Jennings will rest for a time before again engaging in business. j No. 6 \ CERS AT MEETING ON WEDNESDAY At a recent meeting of the J. B. Matthews Post No. 6, G. A. R., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year. Post Commander, Patrick Cron in; Senior Vice Commander Wil liam Ridgely; Junior Vice Com mander, W, H. Hath way; Sur geon, W. H. Perry; Quarter master, G. C. Thomas, Chaplin, other features of interest. Don’ t W. J. R. Beach; Officer of the fail to hear this address next Day, John Baldwin; Officer of Sunday evening. The pastor the Guard, A. J. Dooley; Sen will speak in the morning at the tinel, G. C. Giltner; Delegates to usual hour. Subject, “ The the Department Encampment, Building of Christian Character’ ’ A. J. Ross and D. C. Carnahan; Bible school at 10:15. Doing Alternate, A. B. Thomas. In splendid work. All are wel stallation will be held the first come. Wednesday in January, jointly Marriage licenses have been with the Woman’s Relief Corps. granted Fred A. Fleishauer and All civil war veterans are invit Viola Lucille Woodhouse; Ward ed. The Department Command A. Walker and Lillian Viola. John er and the Adjutant General will . be present upon this occasion. son. BOYS ARM BLOWN OFF BY ACCI DENTAL DISCHARGE OF SHOTGUN Leslie Downs, the 14 year old son of the pastor of the Corneli us Methodist church, while hunt ing about two miles from this city, Saturday afternoon, had his right arm torn to pieces by the accidental discharge of a shot-gun. The injured lad was taken to a Portland hospital, where amputation o f the shatter ed member between the elbow and wrist, was found nec essary. Two companions, White and Hughes, were with young Downs at the time, but neither can give a coherent account of the accident, which was caused by the weapon the lad was carry ing dropping out of his hands and striking the ground. add a number of blocks before the end o f 1918. Throughout the county improvements of all SHOULD SELECT WASHINGTON COUNTY kinds have been made, and sev SALEM, OREG.— Gov. West eral new towns have sprung up is in receipt of a letter from where before were but fields of Postmaster-General Hitchcock grain or standing timber. With advising him that if he will se a continuation of the progressive lect a 50-mile stretch o f road 0RFN:0 FIREMEN HAVE BANQUET spirit which has been shown in entirely covered by postal routes, ! THURSDAY-ELECT NEW OFFICERS the past, Washington county and will give assurance that the ORENCO, OR. The retiring will soon be recognized as one of sum of $20,000 will be expended the leading, if not the leading j on its improvement, the Post officers of the Orenco fire depart county of the state. master-General’s office is au ment were banqueted Thursday thorized to expend $10,000 on j evening last by the fire laddies Toasts the road. The piece of road at the Orenco hotel. CELEBRATED TWENTY-FIRST WED- were responded to by J. McGee, DING ANNIVERSARY FRIDAY EVE’G may be selected in any part of M. McDonald, F. W. Power, B. the state. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, A. Mitchell, Roy McDowell, R. entertained the F. G. B. C. last E. Parsons, Mrs. Power for the HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Friday evening, the occasion be-1 ladies, B. Salvador and H. V. ing the celebration of their! The High School Girls G lee. Meade tostmaster. The new twenty-first wedding anniver- j Club will make their first a p -! officers of the fire company are sary. A full course dinner was; pearance at the debate next B. A. Mitchell, president; Verne served, covers being laid for 21. week, Shipley, secretary-treasurer; R. The dining room was decorated A school band was organized E. Parsons, vice-president; B. in yellow, the centerpiece being . last Monday and elected officers. Salvador, chief. Music byOren- a great bouquet of vellow chrys- 1 Glenn Morgan was appointed co’s woman orchestra was fur anthmums with place cards of the manager. There are 18 mem nished. -ame color. After the dinner bers. The practice meeting will Harry Goff presented the host be held Monday and Wednes SET DATE FOR OPENING OF CANAL and hostess with two hand day evenings in the High School. some pieces of hand-painted NEW YORK According to china in behalf of the club. John Representative Fitzgerald, chair A dispatch from Paris states Thornburg and Mrs. Buchanan thatGeorge Philbrock, a former man of the house appropriations delivered toasts. The balance of P. U. Student and foot-ball star, committee, the first ship to ;>ass the evening was passed with has been charged with profes through the Panama Canal will music, dancing and Fivehundred. sionalism by the French athletic be sent through the waterway, Punch was served during the association. Philbrook is an all now approaching completion, on evening. round athlete and partcipated in September 25, 1913 the 400th the olympie games at Stockholm anniversary of the discovery o f the Pacific by Balboa. Read our advertising pages, last summer.