Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 09, 1912, Image 2

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Current Events oí Interest Gathered
From the World at Large.
Investment Realty Abstract Company
Makes Your Abstract
Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillsboro.
The proposal to send out a third
steamer to search for bodies of the Ti­
tanic’s wreck victims has been aband­
Alaska steamers arriving at Seattle
report the ice floes in the North the
most numerous and dangerous they
have ever encountered.
Anthracite coal miners have refused
the agreement offered by the opera­
tors to settle the question pf wages
and working conditions.
Locomotive firemen and hostlers on
Eastern roads have demanded an in­
crease in pay which will aggregate
$26,000,000 a year.
The “ honor system” among convicts
in the Nevada penitentiary has proven
a practical failure, and all men out on
road work have been called in.
- U. S. A. —
Pacific A venue, FOREST GROVE
H orses and R igs fo r sale.
and delivered to all p a rts.
W . T . JO H N S O N , Proprietor.
Dr.ElofT.Hedlund, Dentist
N . W. Corner 6th and Oak, 2nd floor, take elev»t«
J. W. Buckley
Ed William«
We are able to supply everything necessary for the
complete construction of house, barn or shed.
Prices and Estimate« Furnished
Phone Gales 453,
Wheat — Track prices: Bluestem,
$1.08; red Russian, $1.01; valley,
$1.03; forty-fold, $1.03.
Mllistuffs — Bran, $24 per ton;
shorts, $26: middlings, $31.
Corn—Whole, $39; cracked, $40 per
Hay— Timothy, $16@17 per ton;
alfalfa, $12.6001)13; clover, $8.60;
oats and vetch, $10.60@U; grain
hay, $9.
Barge Load of Gasoline Burns.
Oats—No. 1 white, $390140 per ton.
Cleveland—Five men were burned
Fresh Fruits—Strawberries. $2(<i3 Mexican Garrison, Aided by Police,
to death and damage estimated at
per crate; cranberries, $10(d!ll.60 per
Drive Off Insurrectos.
barrel; apples, $1.26ot3 per box.
Tepic, Mexico—With 220 dead and $460,000 was done to boats and gaso­
Potatoes — Jobbing prices: Bur­ more than this number wounded, many line on the docks here when Standard
banks, old, $1.60011.66 per hundred; of whom were unable to crawl from Oil barge No. 88 exploded late Thurs­
new California, 6c per pound; sweet the battlefield, 2000 rebels, under day afternoon. All the injured were
potatoes, $3.26 per crate.
command of Manuel Guerrero, have employes of the Great Lakes Towing
Onions — Bermuda, $3003.60 per been completely routed by the garri­ company. The barge, which was at
son of this city, aided by the police of the Jefferson avenue docks on the
Cuyahoga river, was being filled with
Vegetables — Artichokes, 760090c the local commandery.
per dozen; asparagus,
The battle occurred on Wednesday, gasoline from a 10,000-gallon tank on
$1.76 per crate; beans, 7Je per April 24, the rebels appearing on the the bank. Leaking oil on the surface
pound; cabbage, 4c; cauliflower, hills surrounding Tepic on the day of the river was ignited and set Are to
$2.76 per crate; celery, $6006; cu­ previous and demanding the surrender the barge.
cumbers, $20j)2.60 per doten; egg of the garrison, which was under com­
Japan Will Join in Fair.
plant, 26c per pound; head lettuce, $2 mand of Colonel Martin Espinosa.
per crate; hothouse lettuce, 76c00$l
has accepted
Colonel Espinosa responded to the
per box; peas, 10c per pound; pep­ messenger of the rebel chief by means the invitation of President Taft to
pers, 26c; radishes, 30c per doien; of a cannon ball, which killed three participate in the Panama-Pacific In­
rhubarb, 2}c per pound; spinach, $1.16 rebels and wounded two.
ternational Exposition, to be held in
ftOl.26 per box; tomatoes, $3.60 per
this city in 1916, according to official
box; garlic, 80010c per pound; tur­
information received here by Presi­
Town Finds Name Odious.
nips, $1@1.10 per sack; beets, $1.60;
Sioux City, la.—According to dis­ dent Moore, of the exposition com­
rutabagas, $1001.10; carrots, $1.
pany. The information was cabled
Butter — Oregon creamery butter, patches from Ismay, Mont., the hus­ from Tokio to Consul General Nagi, in
tling young town on the Puget Sound this city. Japan is the first foreign
solid pack, 26c per pound.
Eggs—Frtsh Oregon ranch, candled. extension of the St. Paul railway, the nation of importance to signify its in­
residents are contemplating steps to tention to participate in the exposition.
21c per dosen; case count, 20$c.
change the name of the town since the
Pork—Fancy, lO^Oillc per peund.
Poultry — Hens, 16c per pound; Titanic disaster and the resultant crit­
Yaquls Raiding in Sonora.
springs. 16|c; broilers, 26oi30c; icism leveled at J. Bruce Ismay, man­
Tucson, Aril. — Reports received
ducks, 20c; geese, 11c; turkeys, live, aging director of the ill-fated ship. A
majority of the residents favor adopt­ here tell of depredations committed at
20c; dressed. 26c.
Hops — 1911 crop, 89oi39ic; olds, ing the name of some man who acted a Toledo. Sonora, last Sunday by the
hero's part on the doomed vessel, and Yaqui Indians. Three Mexican team­
nominal; 1912 contracts, 240026c.
i divided between Astor, Butt, sters and one rancher were killed in a
Wool — Eastern Oregon, HV.iUic
per pound; valley, 180019c; mohair, Smith and Straus.
raid on a hacienda.
Quiet was re­
choice, 36iotS6c.
ported south of Culiacan, as far as
Cattle—Choice steers, $6.500?7.20;
Tepie, to which point wire communi­
good, $6.26(^6.40; medium, $4(n6.26;
Tacoma—The Indian Refining com­ cation was restored.
choice cows, $6.600i'6.26; good, $&<<£ pany, said to be controlled by the
6.60; medium, $4.60006; choice cal­ Rothschilds, has bought seven and
Sawmill Strike is Off
ves, $ 6 . 80008 . 86 ; good heavy calves, one-half lots at Center and M streets
$60i8.50; bulla, $3.60tf6.60; stags, and the city commission has been
Seattle—At Industrial Workers of
$4.76««. 36.
asked to grant a permit for building the World headquarters it was said
Hogs — Light, $80{8.40; heavy, of six oil tanks immediately. The the strike in the Hoquiam and Aber­
M. 60007.60.
permission was given, subject to the deen sawmills was declared off and the
Sheep — Yearlings, $4.600(6.60; approval of the fire chief. Between strikers authorised to go back to
wethers. $6o$6.60;
ewes, $4«t6; $60.000 and $76,000 will be spent srork. All the mills are paying $2.26
lambs, $4.602(6; spring lam be, $6<u there at this time in establishing the a day for common labor. Before the
strike the pay was $1.80 and $2.
Gales Creek, Oregon
| promptly obtained OR HO FEB. Trade-Mark«,
Caveats. Copyright« and Lab«]« registered,
TWENTY TSARS’ PRACTICE. Highe.t refer«««.
Send model, «ketch or photo, for free report
on patentability.
A ll basin««« confidential
HAND-BOOK FREE. Explain«everything. Tell*
How to Obtain and Sell Patent«, What Inventioni
Will Pay, How to Get a P artner, explain« beat
mechanical movements, and oontaina 300 other
| subjects of importance to inventors.
H. B. WILLSON & CO. Attorney
_ Patent
. Box 3 91 Willson Bldg.
118 1 in i m a i iM M a ii iia i i m i
Closing Out Sale
of Odd Pieces of
While A. C. Dexter was defending
the Stars and Stripes with fellow vet­
erans of the Spanish-American war on
Seattle streets his siBter, Caroline M.
Dexter, came to the defense of the
flag in Union Square, New York,
where Industrial Workers of the
World and Socialists were trampling
the national colors under foot.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rough and Dressed
Homer Davenport, one of the great­
est of modern cartoonists, died of
pneumonia in New York.
The Ti­
tanic disaster and the pictures he
drew bearing upon it had greatly de­
pressed him and are believed to have
hastened his death. He was a native
of Silverton.
B aggage called fo r
Independent Phone 412
Full confessions covering nine burg­
laries, one of which was unknown to
the owner of the place burglarized,
were made to the Spokane police by
two men under arrest there.
Federal suit to dissolve the harves­
ter trust has been filed at St. Paul,
Secretary Knox is en route to the
Pacific coast, via Atlanta and New
The Mississippi river is again rising
and has reached the danger point at
St. Louis.
American residents in Western
Mexico are leaving as rapidly as they
can find means of travel.
Yuan Shi Kai, in a message to the
senate of the new Chinese republic,
urges progress and modernization.
8rd. I guarantee all th at I do, as I consider
work not worth guarantee!ng. not worth deny.
This has been my policy.
4th. Abeoluta cleanliness. Every Inetrumeol
m ust be cleansed, and are used aa they art takta
from the sterilisers.
tth. My prices are reasonable, not advertiud
cheap prices to lure you in. and then charge yo,
more—but a price that w ill make more friendi;
more patients; one price to all.
Livery, Feed and Sales Stables
Good Team s and Rifrs.
U t. Good, ko»
eet D e n tistry to th«
beet of my «(¡d't,.
Could one do more]
2nd. I examine
your mouth and t*jj
you Ite actual eon.
dltion before I be.
s in y o u r actu,
work, etatiny in ad.
vanoe what th e
« » t w II | be. u
ready, we begin: tf
not, the examine,
tion coats you noth­
O ffices, with Forest Grove Press, Hoffman Building.
General Relume o f Important Event« ,
Presented In Cendenaed Form
for Our Buey Readers.
Prisident Taft pays high tribute to
Major Butt, his aide, who was lost on
the Titanic.
The British inquiry into the Titanic
disaster promises to be as thorough as
the American.
Railroad officials are preparing for
the largest passenger traffic this
spring ever known in the Northwest.
At Greatly Reduced Prices
All Fumiture that is tagged with red tags are the
close-outs. Some of these pieces have been in stock
for some time and seemed to be slow sellers, but 1
have reduced the prices so that they will move now.
T hat 1 have a limited amount of different articles, as
Dressers, Buffas, China Closets, Beds,
Chairs, Rockers, some Rugs, Lace Curtains,
Lounges and Center Tables.
In fact something of each article.
have to come early to get the best buys.
You will
PURE M ASURY’S WHITE PAINT in 5-gallon cans at $1.95 per Gallon
A Paint Insurance Policy. W e have the exclusive sale in this vicinity for
GOLD SEAL PAINT. W e are authorized by the manufacturer to issue a
written guarantee over our own signature that the paint will last five years.
Special GOLD SEAL PAINT at $1.95 per Gallon.
Let us figure on your whole bill of Paint, Oil, W hite Lead, Varnishes, etc.
in stock.
At Cost.
Must close these out.
See my windows
A few remnants of Linoleum cheap.
All Linoleums reduced.
Sewing Machines
Guaranteed Sewing Machines, with drop head, Special $16.50. Guaran­
teed ten years by the maker.
Have a limited amount of other Sew ing
Machines that will be sold at cost this w eek only.