DOINGS OF THE WEEK OREGON CARTOONIST, DEAD IN NEW YORK, AND ONE OF HIS FAMOUS MARK HANNA CARTOONS. Current Events oí Interest Gathered From the World at Large. Investment Realty Abstract Company Makes Your Abstract Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillsboro. GUARANTEES RELIABLE SERVICE The proposal to send out a third steamer to search for bodies of the Ti­ tanic’s wreck victims has been aband­ oned. Alaska steamers arriving at Seattle report the ice floes in the North the most numerous and dangerous they have ever encountered. Anthracite coal miners have refused the agreement offered by the opera­ tors to settle the question pf wages and working conditions. Locomotive firemen and hostlers on Eastern roads have demanded an in­ crease in pay which will aggregate $26,000,000 a year. The “ honor system” among convicts in the Nevada penitentiary has proven a practical failure, and all men out on road work have been called in. - U. S. A. — Pacific A venue, FOREST GROVE H orses and R igs fo r sale. and delivered to all p a rts. W . T . JO H N S O N , Proprietor. Dr.ElofT.Hedlund, Dentist N . W. Corner 6th and Oak, 2nd floor, take elev»t« J. W. Buckley Ed William« WILLIAMS & BUCKLEY LUMBER We are able to supply everything necessary for the complete construction of house, barn or shed. Prices and Estimate« Furnished Phone Gales 453, Wheat — Track prices: Bluestem, $1.08; red Russian, $1.01; valley, $1.03; forty-fold, $1.03. Mllistuffs — Bran, $24 per ton; shorts, $26: middlings, $31. Corn—Whole, $39; cracked, $40 per ton. Hay— Timothy, $16@17 per ton; alfalfa, $12.6001)13; clover, $8.60; oats and vetch, $10.60@U; grain hay, $9. Barge Load of Gasoline Burns. REBELS ARE DEFEATED. Oats—No. 1 white, $390140 per ton. Cleveland—Five men were burned Fresh Fruits—Strawberries. $2(