Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, December 07, 1911, Image 2

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Packed Carload at
Apple Show .
Spokane— Three distinct prizes were
awarded to the Moscow car on exhibi­
tion at the National Apple show in
this city, but the big sweepstakes, the
contest that brought out the keenest
competition, was for the best packed
carload exhibited at the fair, any vari­
ety. All save one carload entry, the
Yellow Newtowns from Talent, Ore.,
G«neraJ Resume o f Importent Events were entered in this
which Moscow won.
Presented In Condensed Form
In addition the Moscow Wageners
fo r Our Busy Reeders.
took first for the best car o f W agen­
ers and won a special prize for com­
mercial apples.
It is reported thst Italians ere be­
In all Mr. Orcutt and Mr. Knapp,
ing crucified end buried alive by the with their car o f Wageners, have won
Turks and Arabs.
$800 in cash, a silver loving cup, two
Current Events or Interest GaDond
Fran the World al targe.
Women Aid Turks in Psrpstrstlon o f
Barbarous Acts.
C .— Stories o f al­
most incredible barbarities practiced
by Arabs and Turks are contained in
Believed Establish Industry on Largs Seals in dispatches received at the Italian em­
Douglas County.
bassy here.
In a dispatch received from Rome,
Oakland— One o f the important de­
Lakeview— Supplementing a million
dollar bond issue through underwriters velopments projects launched recently the Italian minister o f foreign affairs
Big Laksview Bond Issue is
data porated last week by Portland capital
done by ists. The company has obtained title
the Lakeview Irrigation
& Power to a tract o f 900 acres located one and
company toward the reclamation o f one-half miles from Oakland, in Doug­
60,000 acres in Goose lake valley.
las county, and is preparing plans to
10 days in Lakeview
and investigating the
That the report o f the engineer will conduct an extensive poultry and egg
ties it is believed that the bonds are is declared to be particularly well
adapted to poultry raising. The trai
adjoins the 1640-acre farm purchased
a few days previously by a Chicago
syndicate to be used for colonization
It is the purpose o f the Oakland
Poultry Products company to subdivide
as the Goose Lake Irrigation company. the farm into ten-acre tracts. , Set­
Warranty deeds were given for all tlers will be urged to engage chiefly
holdings and quit claim deeds to ail in poultry raising, as it is pointed out
rights o f way, water rights and water that larger returns are received from
poultry products on a less initial in­
Up to the present time, nearly $1,- vestment than from any other farming
000,000 has been spent on the Drews activity. The company will organi
creek project, which is now about 70 an extensive selling agency and wi.l
per cent complete. In addition to the take charge o f the marketing o f the
completion o f the Drews project, con­ products raised by the settlers.
struction work will go forward in
In connection with the enterprise
early spring on the Cottonwood pro­ one o f the features of the poultry cul­
ject, which roughly estimated, will ture will be a free educational depart­
cost close to three-quarters o f a mil­ ment. An Eastern expert has been
lion dollars. With these two projects engaged to teach the settlers the mod­
completed, sufficient water will be ern methods .of poultry growing.
available for watering every acre o f addition to individual assistance on
land in the valley as far south as the the farms, the superintendent will
California state line.
give weekly lectures, touching upon
all phases o f the subject.
Before the next hatching season the
company will have in operation a 20,
Trip s to Be Made to Burns N ow All 000 capacity incubator to supply the
market with one-day old chicks. It is
Year Round.
also planned to rent compartments to
Bend— A fter many delays in getting persons who have eggs to be hatched.
them here, the two auto trucks which The company has 1,000 White Leg­
the Central Oregon Trucking company horns to provide for the first egg sup­
will operate between here and Burns,
hauling freight to the Harney country,
As soon as the enterprise is well
have arrived. Several car loads of under w ay, the company announces
freight have been waiting here for that it will open branch stores in the
weeks to be freighted to the interior.
large cities in the Northwest to handle
The road to be traveled is smooth and
the products for the trade demanding
solid now.
the highest class poultry and fresh
The auto truck will get mfleh o f the
guaranteed eggs.
freighting business from this termin­
The general manager o f the com­
al, from present indications.
In ad­
pany said recently that the plan o f
dition to the line to Burns, cars will
the project has been completed and
be operated to Lake county towns.
that work on the development o f the
Frank McKay, o f Portland, has ar­
poultry co-establishment at Oakland
rived with a machine to be used for
would be started at once.
runs to all towns in the interior where
“ Scientific poultry raising is one of
freight offers. Only a very deep snow
the big needs o f the Northwest,’ ’ said
will stop these cars, as the roads in
the manager. "W hen approved meth
this part o f Central Oregon remain
ods are used in connection with this
firm the year round.
activity there is no industry that will
give such substantial returns.
A I D S IN W A T E R F I G H T .
can raise poultry here to as good ad­
vantage as in other parts o f the Unit­
Government Helps Indians to Win ed States."
Russia is said to have been involved
In the sweepstakes competition for
practically taken up now.
in a plot to assassinate the American the best packed carload exhibit the
In order to facilitate the bond issue,
treasurer ger.cial o f Persia.
Moscow car scored 18461 points out of
the Oregon Valley Land company
a possible 2,000. The prize for this
transferred its property rights to the
Governor Foss, o f Massachusetts,
was $600 and a gold medal banner.
Lakeview Irrigation & Power company
fears that government restraint of
In the competition on Wageners the
business may be worse than restraint Moscow car won first prize, with a who in turn last week transferred its
entire holdings to a corporation known
o f trusts.
score o f 9701J out o f a possible 10,-
Japanese Baron Cottu has succeeded 000. The prize was $300 cash and a
in negotiating a loan o f $30,000,000 gold medal banner.
The car entered by George M.
for China among French and Belgian
Stowe o f Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho, ran
the Moscow car a close
race in this
England is considering a loan o f
event, scoring 9,4771 points and tak­
$150,000,000 to build warships to pre­
ing second prize [of $100 cash and a
serve her two-to-one percentage with
silver medal banner.
the German navy.
A Wisconsin detective who had not
seen* his parents for 16 years, found
them both serving life sentences in
prison for murder.
A San Francisco fireman climbed to
the fourth floor o f a burning apart­
ment house and rescued two canary
birds at the immiennt risk o f his own
The Standard Oil trust ceased to ex­
ist as such, according to law, on De­
cember 1. About 30 subsidiary cor­
porations are now supposed to be inde­
Manchu troops have captured Han
Yan and put the Chinese rebels to
Twenty-seven brass bands combined
in one immense band at the Spokane
Apple show.
The proposed lumber combine of
Northwest mills gets little encourage­
ment from Attorney General Wicker-
The Santa Fe railroad is blockaded
by snow and ice in New Mexico.
A small schooner with 23 Chinese on
board was caught trying to land the
celestials at Monterey, Cal.
The strike o f coal miners in North­
ern Colorado is becoming serious and
the governor is about to call out
Italians report a fierce battle with
the Turks in which the city o f Henni
was captured and 600 Turks killed and
many prisoners taken, including sev­
eral officers.
W heat— Track prices:
82(d 83c; club, 79<i(i80c; red Russian,
77(c(78c; valley, 79<g:80c; forty-fold,
Corn— Whole, $ 3 7 ; cracked, $38 ton.
Millstuffs— Bran, $23 per ton; mid­
dlings, $8 1 ; shorts, $24; rolled barley,
Oats— No. 1 white, $31 per ton.
H ay— No. 1 Eastern Oregon tim ­
othy, $186(18 .60 ; No. 1 valley, $16(d)
16 ; alfalfa, $1 86 (14 ; clover, $ l lf $ 1 2 ;
grain, $11(3)12.
Barley — Feed, $346(36 per ton;
brewing, nominal.
Fresh Fruits— Pears, 50o«0$1.60 per
b ox ; grapes, 75c(ijt$1.25; cranberries,
$12.5061'13 per barrel.
Apples— Jonathans, $1.60(312.26 per
box; Spitsenberg, $1<< i .2 .6 0 ; Baldwin,
76<*$$1.60; Red Cheek Pippin, $1.26
601.75 ; W inter Banana, $ 2 6(3; Bell­
flower, $16(1.26.
Potatoes — Buying prices:
banks, 90c6($1.20 per hundred.
Onions— Buying price, $1.16 per
Vegetables — Artichokes, 75c per
doaen; cabbage, lftil|c per pound;
cauliflower, $1.90602 per crate; cel­
ery, 76c per dosen; garlic, 106012c per
und; lettuce, 766080c per dozen;
thouse lettuce, $1601.25 per box;
peppers, 86010c per pound; pumpkins,
l(& l| c ; sprouts, 8 «(9 c ; squash, 1060
l$ c ; tomatoes, 9Oc60$1.60 per box;
carrots, $1 per sack; turnips, $ 1 ;
beets, $ 1 ; parsnips, $1.
Butter — Oregon creamery butter,
solid pack, 86c; prints, extra; butter
fat, lc lees than solid pack.
Poultry— Hens, 1260121c; springs,
12c; ducks, young. 1 6 « il6 e ; geese, 12
4$13c; turkeys, live, 206021c; dressed,
choice, 25«i'26c.
E g g s - Fresh, Oregon ranch, 60c.
Pork— Fancy, 8609c per pound.
Veal— Fancy, 126018c per pound.
Hope— 1911 crop, 4S$046c;
Wool— Eastern Oregon. 96116c per
choice, 3V aS7c per pound.
C a ttle -C h o ic e steers, $ 5 .40(95 .50;
good, $6615.35; choice cows, $4.666i
4 .6 6 ; fair. $4.l6«.i 4 .6 0 ; extra choice
yed heifers, $ 4 .7 6 6 (6 .4 0 ; choice
$ 4 .6 0 6 (4 .6 0 ; choice bulls,
$ 6 6 (4 .6 0 ; good. $ 4 (9 4 .2 6 ; choice
Salves. $ 7 « 7 .7 6 ; good, $76(7.25.
Hogs Choice
light, $ 6 .6 6 «t6 .7 0 ;
good. $ 6 .3 6 6 (6 .6 0 ; fair. $ 6 .2 0 6 (6 .2 5 ;
$ 66(6
Sheep — Choice yearling wethers,
soars* wool. $4.16414.80; choi ee twos
sad threes. $46(4.1$
choie» killing
choice lambs,
$ 3 .2 6 6 (3 .6 0 ;
$ 4 .6 0 ^ (4 .7 6 ; good to choice, $ 4 .2 6 «
4 .M ; salts. $0608.76.
The International Apple Shippers’
association offered a special prize o f
a silver loving cup " f o r the best com­
mercially packed and graded carload
o f all entered in the competition.’ ’
The association had its own schedule
o f counts for deciding this competi­
tion, the grading being different than
under the apple show rules.
Moscow Wageners took this prize.
All carloads were graded on a basis
o f 10,000 points, divided as follows
Quality, 2,000; color, 2,000; size, 1,-
000; uniforimty, 1,000; condition, 2,-
000; pack, 2,000.
The other carload awards were as
For the best carload o f Rome Beau­
ties, first prize, $300 cash and Nation
at Apple show gold medal banner-
First, score 9,464(, R. P. Wright,
Chelan, Wash.
For the best carload o f Spitzen
burgs, first prize, $300 cash and Na-
tional Apple show gold medal banner
— First, Keystone Fruit compnay, En-
tiat. Wash.
For the best carload o f Stayman
Winesaps, first prize, $300 cash and
National Apple show gold medal ban­
ner — First, score 9.098J, Keystone
Fruit company, Entiat, Wash.
For the best carload of Yellow New
towns, first prize, $3 cash and Na
tional Apple show gold medal banner
— First, (not competing in pack),
Houston Brothers, Talent, Ore.
For the best carload o f any standard
varieties not mentioned in the forego­
ing carload contests, first prize, $300
cash and National Apple show gold
medal banner— Firts, Keystone Fruit
company, Entiat, Wash., on a car o f
For the best mixed carload o f any
standard winter varieties, each vari­
ety to consist o f at least 5 boxej, first
prize, $300 cash and National Apple
show gold medal
prize, $100 cash and National Apple
show silver
medal banner— First
(9586} score), H. S. Simmons, Wen­
atchee, Wash., second (8157 score),
J. Rosenhaupt & Sons, Spokane.
Rosenhaupt & Sons had already
captured a $200 prize on this same
carload for the most artistic carload in
the fair.
B. C . Gets 4 9 Prizes.
Pendleton Controversy.
Pendleton— Government aid for the
Indians in the water rights contro­
versy with the Byers Milling company
is promised in a letter received by
Major E. L. Swartzlander, agent on
the Umatilla reservation, from C. F.
Hauke, second assistant commissioner
o f Indian affairs.
Hauke says the department o f jus
tice has already been instructed to
funrish the Indian service with data
showing the exact status o f the situa­
tion. As soon as this is obtained, he
declares, the courts will be called up­
on to settle once for all the right o f
the Indian lands on which water is
needed for irrigation purposes.
the government and the Indians win it
will make possible the irrigation of
5,600 acres o f valuable land imme­
diately contiguous to Pendleton.
The British Columbia exhibitors
are jubilant over the capture o f 49
prizes, while E. G. Fauquier, o f
Needles, B. C., is especially rejoic­
ing over the 10 prizes he captured
I won seven firsts,’ ’ said Mr.
Fauquier, "and three seconds, out of
Potato Experiments Success.
a total o f 14 entries.
We feel that
Gold Hill— W ith the idea o f propa­
British Columbia is doing mighty well
to come down here and walk off with gating a potato suited to soil and cli­
matic conditions in Southern Oregon,
that bunch o f prizes.
which has no particular claim to fame
a potato county, George Holcomb
has experimented the past season with
vines grown from seed from all the
countries o f the
world. Although potatoes grown di­
rect from seed are supposed to be
about the size o f marbles, Mr. H ol­
Thrice Rich, Now Pauper.
Bloomington, III.— In all the poor- comb has some as large as eggs.
hopes to discover the best potato for
houses o f Illinois there is not a case so
cultivation in the Rogue River valley.
remarkable as that o f W illiam J. Hen­
derson, o f Rossville. H e was taken to
C oo s Bay Seeking Oil.
the Vermillion county poor farm to
Marshfield— Final arrangements for
spend the remainder o f his days.
oil boring have been made'by the Coos
Rated on three different occasions as
a millionaire, he lost each fortune, Bay Oil A Gas company, recently or­
"T h e apple show is doing a big
thing for the fruit raisers and the
fruit industry.
It will be a fine
boost for us when we exhibitors go
back home with a list o f 49 pri
won at the National Apple sh o w ."
and now in his 80tb year he has
neither friends nor money.
son came to America from Ireland
when a youth o f 17, full o f energy and
with a shrewd head for money-making.
He was married four times.
Rich Men’ s Tax Doubled.
New York— Andrew Carnegie and
John D. Rockefeller will pay their
personal taxes assessed by the city.
Carnegie will pay taxes on $10,000,-
000, as against $6,000,000 last year,
and Rockefeller pays on $6.000.000,
twice last year’ s assessment.
Russell Sag*, whose personal property
had been assessed at $6,000.000. will
have to pay taxes only on $1,500.000,
half the original amount being taken
off on an affidavit by her attorney.
Full Confession Mode lo Los No-
geles Times Cose.
describes alleged atrocities practiced J L!ta imprisonment for O ne, 14 Years
headed by Jnmes H. Pershing, o f Den­ in the Umpqua valley is the new
for Other— M cM snlgal, Infor­
ver, H. I. Reid, ex-city engineer o f terprise o f the Oak land'Poultry Pro­ on the Italian wounded which include
mer, Gets O ff Light.
W o­
Colorado Springs, has spent the past ducts company, organized and incor crucifixion, and burial alive.
men, it is said, take part in the perpe­
tration o f the cruelties.
is signed by
Signor San Guiliano, minister o f for­
eign afiairs, follow s:
"N ear the mosque o f Heni, where
China is beginning to believe that gold medal banners, an extension be a favorable one is evident in his producing business.
the medical post o f the Twenty-
the new premeir, Yuan Shi K ei, as­ frame orchard disk harrow, and five enthusiasm regarding this
drums o f lime-sulphur solution for
pires to become emperor.
and aside from a ft#v legal technicali­ poultry center o f the Northwest, and seventh battalion o f Bersaglieri had
ganized by local men.
The company
is capitalized for $25,000 and nearly
$18,000 o f the stock has been sub­
scribed. C. M. Maupin, formerly o f
the California oil fields, will probably
be chosen as general manager.
first boring will be made on the
Catching InleL near this city.
Potatoes, 2 6 0 Sacks, Acre.
Freewater— Two hundred and fifty
sacks o f potatoes to the acre is the
record made on the Grandview tracts
near Freewater by Bradley and Far-
rish. The potatoes are o f the Bur­
bank variety and are smooth and uni­
form. They average from a pound to
a pound and a half each in weight,
and sell for a cent and a half per
Soldiers Near Teheran.
o f Doctors' Fees,
London— A Times dispatch from Te­
Baker— A uniform rat* o f fees for
heran says advance parties o f 400 the doctors o f this county will he
Russian troops are reported to bo
In effect If the plans which
nearing Teheran. It is probable, says
discussed at the meeting o f th*
the dispatch, that some resistance will Baker County Medical association are
be offered to tho
located, 40 bodies o f our soldiers were
found. They were horribly mutilated,
crucified with their throats cut open,
impaled, torn to pieces and dismem­
bered. Among them was the body o f
a surgeon lieutenant.
" I n the Arab cemetery, near the
places where the fourth company o f
Bersaglieri was located, seven bodies
o f Bersaglieri were discovered. They
had been interred alive, with the
heads out o f the earth.
“ The body o f one o f them showed
that he had been terribly tortured.
There were many shot and dagger
wounds, and the eyes had been pulled
out and threaded and the eyelids sewn
to the brows. I Another one had one
arm out o f the earth from which the
hand had been cut off.
“ A captain’s cap has been found
and its owner identified as a corporal
who escaped miraculously after- re­
maining four hours in a ditch.
testified that among the hordes were
Turks and women. The military en­
gineer corps took photographs.
Establishment 2 0 Per Cent Larger
But Cost of Upkeep Less.
Washington, D. C.— With an appro­
priation reduced by $400,000, the gov­
ernment, the past two years, has been
maintaining a navy larger by 20 per
cent than it was during the preceeding
two years.
This was made possible by econo­
mies resulting from improvement in
business methods,
Meyer in a statement made public
A reduction o f 10 cents a pound in
the cost o f powder is reported by the
ordnance bureau, 1,000,000 pounds
having been made during the past
year at a cost o f 33.6 cents a pound.
Purchasing hemp at Manila resulted
in a saving o f $40 a ton, an annual
saving o f approximately $30,000; by
docking vessels at navy yards the de­
partment saved $46,000 during the
past fiscal year, a reduction o f 20 per
cent; and the use o f substitutes for
linseed oil netted a saving o f about
By manufacturing certain classes of
goods at the navy yards in which they
can be purchased cheapest large sav­
Tunnel Gives Outlet to Lake in C as­ ings have resulted.
Particularly is
cade Mountains.
this true o f standard mess tables, the
Springfield — The tunnel through cost o f which has been reduced from
rock to W.aldo Lake, at the summit of $20 to $11.94 at one navy yard.
the Cascade mountains 100 miles east
o f this city, which was started three
years ago by the Waldo Lake Irriga­
tion & Power company, was completed Father o f Girls Buried in Sand House
May Never Speak Again
this week and the crew o f laborers
which has been at work on the tunnel ^ Kansas City— Grief over the loss of
have been laid off.
his two little daughters, Ethel and
The tunnel, which averages eight Flossie, who were killed when their
feet square, is 535 feet long and al sandpit playhouse caved in, caused
lows the water o f the big lake to emp­ Andrew Hutchinson, o f Kansas City,
ty into the North Fork o f Salmon Kan., to lose his power o f speech.
creek, which is a tributary o f the up­ Hutchinson, a well-digger, suffered
per Willamette River.
from an injury several years ago and
This company was organized five for the last year has worked
only a
years ago by A . R. Black, o f Coeur small part o f the time.
When the
d'Alene, Idaho, and the plan is to util­ cave-in occurred, he ran to the sand
ize the waters o f the lake to irrigate pit and looked
at the bodies o f his
large tracts o f land in the upper W il­
daughters. He did not return home
lamette valley.
A fte r leaving the for an hour, but sat on a pile o f rails
lake the water will flow down Salmon and gazed at the heap o f sand. He
creek into the W illam ette river and
has been mute since and physicians
ill be diverted from that stream in fear he will never speak again.
the vicinity o f Springfield and Eu
gene. Montana capitalists are asso
ciated with Mr. Black in the enter­
prise. They have expended many thous­
ands o f dollars in blasting the tunnel
through the rock and next summer
ill begin the work o f building con­
crete headgates.
It will be necessary
to pack all o f the material to the lake
from Hazel Dell, nearly 30 miles,
th horses, as there are no roads
leading to the lake.
Suffrage Splits Harvard.
Cambridge, M ass.— The
Developments o f McNamara Case.
James B. McNamara pleads guilty
o f dynamiting Los Angeles Times,
causing 21 deaths; will receive life
John J. McNamara pleads guilty in
Llewellyn Iron works case; no deaths
caused; will get 14 years.
Ortie McManigal, who confessed
and implicated McNamaras, will get
light sentence.
Prosecution of Bert H. Franklin on
charge o f bribing talesman will be
General Harrison Gray. Otis says
law-abiding labor unions will profit by
Samuel Gompers declares his credul­
ity was imposed upon.
Federal authorities may continue
investigation in collateral cases.
Los Angeles, Cal.— James B. Mc­
Namara pleaded guilty to murder in
the first degree in Judge Bordwell’s
court Friday. His brother, John J.
McNamara, secretary o f the Interna­
tional Association o f Bridge
Structural Iron Workers, entered a
plea of guilty to dynamiting the Llew­
ellyn Iron Works in Los Angeles,
Christmas day, 1910.
James B. McNamara’s confession
clears up absolutely the tragedy o f the
explosion and fire which,
at 1 :07
o ’clock on the morning o f October 1,
1910, wrecked the plant o f the Los
Angeles Times and caused the death
o f 21 persons. For 19 o f these deaths
the McNamara brothers were indicted,
and J. B. McNamara was on trial spe­
cifically for the murder o f Charles J.
Haggerty, a machinist, whose body
was found nearer than that o f any
other to the spot where the dynamite
was supposed to have been placed.
It is expected that Disrict Attorney
John D. Fredericks will ask for life
imprisonment for James B. McNam­
ara, the confessed murderer, and prob­
ably 14 years for his brother.
As the two brothers sat together in
the county jail, refusing to see any
one or make any statement, an inter­
est second only to the occurrence itself
hung about the question with refer­
ence to James B.
. “ Why (lid he confess?”
To this opposing counsel gave the
same answer.
"H e confessed because he was guil­
ty, and thaf’s all there is to i t ," de­
clared District Attorney Fredericks.
“ He was counselled to confess be­
cause that was the best thing he could
do, in the opinion o f counsel," said
Attorney Clarence S. Darrow, chief o f
counsel. " I will say now that there
was no other reason or motive in it.
I ’ve studied this case for months. It
presented a stone w all.”
Reward McManigal.
Los Angeles— Ortie E. McManigal,
the confessed dynamiter, whose ad­
missions are said to have been a big
factor in the McNamaras pleading
guilty, will go virtually free, if the
plans o f the state in his behalf do not
go wrong. A fter court had adjeumed
Malcolm MaLaren, the Bums detec­
tive who has been a daily visitor to
McManigal’s cell since the dynamiter
was brought here last spring, and has
always spoken in a friendly way o f
the prisoner, came upon District A t­
torney Fredericks in the prosecutor’s
“ There’s just one thing I want to
ask o f you, ” said McLaren to Fred­
ericks, "a n d that is that you do all
you can for M cM a n ig a l."
Fredericks held up his right hand as
he answered;
" I promise you I ’ ll do all in my
power for him.
H e may have to take
a light sentence, but I ’ ll do the best I
can. 99
refusal o f
the Harvard corporation to allow Mrs.
Single Rate Cut 10 Cents,
Tacoma — Announcement has been
Pankhurst to address the students in
a college building has caused a stir in made here at the offices o f the O .-W .
undergraduate circles.
The body o f R. A N . company o f a reduction o f 10
students is splitting into two camps, cents per 100 pounds in the rate on
suffragists and anti-suffragists, and shingles from Tacoma and Seattle to
influential alumni are being asked to Denver and Colorado points. This will
take a band in the controversy.
give Tacoma a rate o f 50 cents, the
A petition has been started praying same as the rate from Portland. The
the corporation to reserve its judg­ reduction is the result o f long-contin­
Water Ditches Are Built,
Lakeview— Surprise valley soon will ment and the party is enrolling itself ued complaints on the part o f Ta­
as the Harvard Men’ s Equal Suffrage coma shippers, that they were un
be irrigated with water furnished by
able to compete with Portland. The
the Modoc County Irrigation company,
new rate goes into effect in Janu­
which is building a large ditch from
Embezzlement Is Charge.
ary, 1912.
Cowhead lake, ten miles east o f Fort
Cordova, Alaska— John W . Foulkes,
Bidwell. A great power project also
assistant postmaster under ex-Presi-
Pair Painted as Martyrs.
is a part o f the enterprise.
power house will be established near
if' i ' “ *’ was ®iven “
S ,l t Lake C ity— T h st the M cNam -
,r a 8 P‘ e *le d «u ilty, although innocent,
Cowhead lake. A fter the water passes e m b l « H n 7 l / ^ n g f ° n
* j’ 000 of postoffice funds to relieve the unions from the finan-
through the power house for the gen­ * - i * * * 1
ov« r to the grand jury , cial burden o f the defense was
eration o f electricity it will be carried ***! w“®
under $ 6,000 bounds. Pending the s e - , view expressed at a
a special
special me
in a large ditch 26 miles down the east
curing o f bonds Foulkes was remanded o f the local union o f Structural B l
side o f the valley. The ditch will wa­
to jail.
Postofflce Inspector Smith and Ironworkers here. Salt Lalj
ter 20,000 acres.
testified at the hearing that a shortage cal, it was said, had contributed
o f $4,000 was not discovered by the than $6,000 to the defense fund,
Water Tracts; La Grande.
inspectors because o f false reports.
public was asked by a vote o f & e 1^
La Grande— The La Grande Irriga­
cal to suspend judgment until a l f t g l l
tion company has completed its incor­
Newspaper Best Educators.
facta were known.
poration papers and within the next
Salt Lake City— "G eography can be
ten days earth will be moved in con­ properly taught only from the newspa­
German Naval Plans Big.
structing main laterals for the irriga­ pers,” declared Dr. A . E. Winship, o f
A news agency which is
tion o f about 10,000 acres in Southern Boston, in an address to the Utah Ed­
Union county. Th* incorporators are ucational association on "Education sometimes well informed, says an in-
J. E. Reynolds, J. D. Me Ken non, F. for P rosp erity ." He declared news­ crease o f the German navy has been
L. Meyers, who are stockholders with papers were the graateat textbooks in ®a«Wed on. It says the government
is determined to spend $9 0,000,000 on
th* Eastern Ore g on Light A Power
the. JT orW’ “
“w otber publication
company; M. H . Davis and L. A . conld keep pace with the rapid changes the augmentation o f its fleet, which
be spread over six years.
Lewis, both o f Boise.
o f modem Ufa.
Official circles maintain silence.