DUGS OF DIE WEEK M OSCOW Best TAKES SW EEPSTAKES Packed Carload at Apple Show . National Spokane— Three distinct prizes were awarded to the Moscow car on exhibi­ tion at the National Apple show in this city, but the big sweepstakes, the contest that brought out the keenest competition, was for the best packed carload exhibited at the fair, any vari­ ety. All save one carload entry, the Yellow Newtowns from Talent, Ore., G«neraJ Resume o f Importent Events were entered in this competition, which Moscow won. Presented In Condensed Form In addition the Moscow Wageners fo r Our Busy Reeders. took first for the best car o f W agen­ ers and won a special prize for com­ mercial apples. It is reported thst Italians ere be­ In all Mr. Orcutt and Mr. Knapp, ing crucified end buried alive by the with their car o f Wageners, have won Turks and Arabs. $800 in cash, a silver loving cup, two Current Events or Interest GaDond Fran the World al targe. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE ITALIANS BURIED ALIVE. Women Aid Turks in Psrpstrstlon o f Barbarous Acts. Washington, SE LL P O U L T R Y T R A C T S . W A TER PR O JEC T G B O W S . D. C .— Stories o f al­ most incredible barbarities practiced by Arabs and Turks are contained in Believed Establish Industry on Largs Seals in dispatches received at the Italian em­ Douglas County. bassy here. In a dispatch received from Rome, Oakland— One o f the important de­ Lakeview— Supplementing a million dollar bond issue through underwriters velopments projects launched recently the Italian minister o f foreign affairs Big Laksview Bond Issue is Assured. data porated last week by Portland capital done by ists. The company has obtained title the Lakeview Irrigation & Power to a tract o f 900 acres located one and company toward the reclamation o f one-half miles from Oakland, in Doug­ 60,000 acres in Goose lake valley. las county, and is preparing plans to 10 days in Lakeview and investigating the collecting work That the report o f the engineer will conduct an extensive poultry and egg ties it is believed that the bonds are is declared to be particularly well adapted to poultry raising. The trai adjoins the 1640-acre farm purchased a few days previously by a Chicago syndicate to be used for colonization purposes. It is the purpose o f the Oakland Poultry Products company to subdivide as the Goose Lake Irrigation company. the farm into ten-acre tracts. , Set­ Warranty deeds were given for all tlers will be urged to engage chiefly holdings and quit claim deeds to ail in poultry raising, as it is pointed out rights o f way, water rights and water that larger returns are received from OOntracts. poultry products on a less initial in­ Up to the present time, nearly $1,- vestment than from any other farming 000,000 has been spent on the Drews activity. The company will organi creek project, which is now about 70 an extensive selling agency and wi.l per cent complete. In addition to the take charge o f the marketing o f the completion o f the Drews project, con­ products raised by the settlers. struction work will go forward in In connection with the enterprise early spring on the Cottonwood pro­ one o f the features of the poultry cul­ ject, which roughly estimated, will ture will be a free educational depart­ cost close to three-quarters o f a mil­ ment. An Eastern expert has been lion dollars. With these two projects engaged to teach the settlers the mod­ completed, sufficient water will be ern methods .of poultry growing. In available for watering every acre o f addition to individual assistance on land in the valley as far south as the the farms, the superintendent will California state line. give weekly lectures, touching upon all phases o f the subject. BEND A U T O T R U C K S READY. Before the next hatching season the company will have in operation a 20, Trip s to Be Made to Burns N ow All 000 capacity incubator to supply the market with one-day old chicks. It is Year Round. also planned to rent compartments to Bend— A fter many delays in getting persons who have eggs to be hatched. them here, the two auto trucks which The company has 1,000 White Leg­ the Central Oregon Trucking company horns to provide for the first egg sup­ will operate between here and Burns, ply. hauling freight to the Harney country, As soon as the enterprise is well have arrived. Several car loads of under w ay, the company announces freight have been waiting here for that it will open branch stores in the weeks to be freighted to the interior. large cities in the Northwest to handle The road to be traveled is smooth and the products for the trade demanding solid now. the highest class poultry and fresh The auto truck will get mfleh o f the guaranteed eggs. freighting business from this termin­ The general manager o f the com­ al, from present indications. In ad­ pany said recently that the plan o f dition to the line to Burns, cars will the project has been completed and be operated to Lake county towns. that work on the development o f the Frank McKay, o f Portland, has ar­ poultry co-establishment at Oakland rived with a machine to be used for would be started at once. runs to all towns in the interior where “ Scientific poultry raising is one of freight offers. Only a very deep snow the big needs o f the Northwest,’ ’ said will stop these cars, as the roads in the manager. "W hen approved meth this part o f Central Oregon remain ods are used in connection with this firm the year round. activity there is no industry that will give such substantial returns. We A I D S IN W A T E R F I G H T . can raise poultry here to as good ad­ vantage as in other parts o f the Unit­ Government Helps Indians to Win ed States." Russia is said to have been involved In the sweepstakes competition for practically taken up now. in a plot to assassinate the American the best packed carload exhibit the In order to facilitate the bond issue, treasurer ger.cial o f Persia. Moscow car scored 18461 points out of the Oregon Valley Land company a possible 2,000. The prize for this transferred its property rights to the Governor Foss, o f Massachusetts, was $600 and a gold medal banner. Lakeview Irrigation & Power company fears that government restraint of In the competition on Wageners the business may be worse than restraint Moscow car won first prize, with a who in turn last week transferred its entire holdings to a corporation known o f trusts. score o f 9701J out o f a possible 10,- Japanese Baron Cottu has succeeded 000. The prize was $300 cash and a in negotiating a loan o f $30,000,000 gold medal banner. The car entered by George M. for China among French and Belgian Stowe o f Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho, ran captalists. the Moscow car a close race in this England is considering a loan o f event, scoring 9,4771 points and tak­ $150,000,000 to build warships to pre­ ing second prize [of $100 cash and a serve her two-to-one percentage with silver medal banner. the German navy. A Wisconsin detective who had not seen* his parents for 16 years, found them both serving life sentences in prison for murder. A San Francisco fireman climbed to the fourth floor o f a burning apart­ ment house and rescued two canary birds at the immiennt risk o f his own life. The Standard Oil trust ceased to ex­ ist as such, according to law, on De­ cember 1. About 30 subsidiary cor­ porations are now supposed to be inde­ pendent. Manchu troops have captured Han Yan and put the Chinese rebels to rout. Twenty-seven brass bands combined in one immense band at the Spokane Apple show. The proposed lumber combine of Northwest mills gets little encourage­ ment from Attorney General Wicker- sham. The Santa Fe railroad is blockaded by snow and ice in New Mexico. A small schooner with 23 Chinese on board was caught trying to land the celestials at Monterey, Cal. The strike o f coal miners in North­ ern Colorado is becoming serious and the governor is about to call out troops. Italians report a fierce battle with the Turks in which the city o f Henni was captured and 600 Turks killed and many prisoners taken, including sev­ eral officers. P O R TLAN D M A R K E TS. W heat— Track prices: Bluestem, 82(d 83c; club, 79