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About Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1910)
Blood Humors INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE Î / % PILES When T roops Storm Monastery They Find Occupants Gone. Commonly cause pimples, bolls, hives, “ I have suffered with piles for thirty- eczema or salt rheum, or some other Lisbon — Following their policy of eix years. One year ago last April I be- form of eruption; but sometimes they extreme vigilance, authorities o f the gan taking Cascarets for constipation. In SAYS OREGON BEST STATE. exist In the system, Indicated by feel* BASS PUT IN KLAMATH. provisional government sent a force the course o f a week I noticed the pd*» lngs of weakness, languor, loss of ap to search the monastery at Grace and began to disappear and at the end of six petite, or general debility, without On arriving they weeks they did not trouble m e at aQ. Lake Stocked From River Sloughs Railroad Man Here on Visit, Sorry arrest the friars. causing any breaking out. He Can’t Locate. found the doors barricaded. The sold Cascarets have done wonders for me. f Near Portland. They are expelled and the whole sys am entirely cured and feel like a ucn tem Is renovated, strengthened ar ■ Under the supervision o f Robert O. Portland—James H. Carside, one of iers and members o f the populace fired ■tan.” George Kryder, Napoleon, Q. several volleys into the building, toned by Stevenson, state game warden, lake the best known railroad men in the whereupon the friars returned the at Pleasant, Palatable. Putenc Taate O-ott Do Good. N ever Sloltsn. Weaken or Grina Klamath has been stocked with 10,000 middle states and for nearly a quarter tack, their bullets striking the road 10c. 26c, 60c. N ever »old In bulk. The vvrw bass fry. The fish were taken from o f a century connected with the A. T. way and adjacent buildings. nine tablet »tamped C C C . Guaranteed ta The at Get It today In usual liquid form or cure or your money back. the Willamette and Columbia sloughs chocolated tablets called S a rsa ta b s» tackers then withdrew for consulta near Portland to lake Klamath by & S. F. Ry. Co., and the C. R! I. & P. tion. Ry., at Atchison, Kan., is in Portland J. L. Green, chief deputy game A D yro -n H ta la e . Shortly they returned to the attack, C e r ta in ly A n n o y in g . warden, and C. T. Evans, a special for a few days visiting. Many years ago some admirers ot assailing the heavy doors o f the con The Circle Railroad in London de deputy warden. This is Mr. Carside’s first trip west vent with battering rams. When the Lord Byron raised a subscription for acrlbes a circle whose diameter Is The bass were liberated in the lake Oregon doors yielded, the soldiers and the peo a monument to the poet to be placed »bout 10 miles. In the car was an old after being taken from Portland on o f the Rocky Mountains. and very obese lady, who expressed board the Southern Pacific train. The looks good to him, and he says when ple rushed in and searched every cor In Westminster Abbey. Chantrey was the utmost solicitude lest she be car fish were transported in huge cans in he gets back to dear old Kansas he will ner of the edifice, but not a friar was requested to execute 1L but on ac to be found. It is surmised they made count of the smallness of the mnt ried past her station. A passenger as the express car. have to boost for Oregon, whether he their escape by underground passages, subscribed he declined, tnd Thorwal* sures! her that her station was half an Considering the fact that the fish wants to or not, for he believes in tell On account o f reports that some sen was then applied to and cheerfully hoar away, and that he would tell her were taken in the express car the loss troops in the provinces have not yet undertook the work. ing the truth, the whole truth and When they reached It. was small. Fewer than 1,000 were declared their adherence to the repub In about 1838 the finished statue "Thank you very much, sir,” said lost in the transfer. The usual meth nothing but the truth. lic, the provisional government has arrived at the customs house In Lon .he old lady, "but whenever I gets od o f transportation is a refrigerating “ Oregon is the best state in the posted 39 heavy guns and 10 Maxims don. but to the astonishment of the out, bein' as 'ow I’m so 'eary, I backo car. The temperature o f the water Union,” Mr. Carside exclaimed en- in trenches on the heights o f the city, subscribers the dean of Westminster out; an’ I ain't more than 'arf w i; should be about 56 degrees. Hundreds out afore along comes a guard, aV o f pounds o f ice were used in keeping thusiatically. “ I t ’s a dandy. And I and are ready to check any attempted Dr. Ireland, declined to give pennla '• says, ‘Look lively there, mum,’ siyi the temperature down. Several stops have seen all the states o f the country invasion o f Lisbon. Up to the pres elon to have It set up In the abbey, he, ‘look lively, an’ ’e pushes me bao'. j were made for fresh water. A report except those o f the Pacific Northwest. ent, however, the government has re and owing to this difficulty, which In again, an* I’ve been round the clr- | was abroad that the state fish hatchery On the way out I had a good opportu ceived no advices o f risings in favor of proved Insurmountable, for Dr. Ira- the monarch. land's successor was of the same opin- «1» three times this morning!” had stocked Lake Klamath, but this nity to draw comparisons, and let me The most interesting man in Portu Ion, It remained for upward of twelve was erroneous. The work was done by N e w Y o r k ’s N igh* W o r k e r s . Game Warden Stevenson and his tell you that Oregon is the best o f ’ em gal is the new president, Theophile years in the customs house, when It U generally supposed that the assistants. If an appropriation is all. I know you have a good many Braga, who may be said without exag (1846) It was removed to the library night workers are few In number, made for stocking the streams and people from Kansas out here, and I geration to be the father, not only ef of Trinity College. Cambridge. The poet Is represented In the but careful canvass shows that the lakes o f the state, Game Warden Stev don’ t blame them a bit for remaining. this revolution, but o f that in Brazil, total number of persoas who work enson says that he will make them I would like to stay here myself. having, by his standing as a professor statue of the size of life, seated on a after sundown In New York reaches fairly teem with;the gamey fish. You’ ve got the land, the resources, o f his philosophy, paved the way for ruin, with his left foot resting on the fragment of a column. In his right the figure of 61.000. This Is equal to “ We can stock every lake and and above all the climate. I never had both movements. hand he holds a style up to hla mouth. the population of each of such cities stream in the state with bass, ring an idea what wealth had been bestow RELIEF FUND GROWS. In his left a book, Inscribed “Childs ss Springfield, Mass.. Hoboken. N J., perch, croppies and sunfish at practi ed by nature out here. I have read a Harold.” He Is dressed In a frock Uavannah, Ga., Utica, N. Y , and cally no expense,” said Chief Deputy good deal about it and heard it talked Elizabeth, N. J. Warden Green. “ These fish we shall of, but could not imagine that it was $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 Already Donated fo r Times coat and cloak. Beelde him on the left Is a skull, above which Is the take from the sloughs in the vicinity the truth, but from what I now see Explosion Victims. Mothers w ill find Mrs. Winslow’ s Soothing 7 7 » Ukersss Is, of Already we have taken only half was told.” rrup thu best remedy to use fo* their children o f Portland. Los Angeles— Funds for the relief Athenian owl. urlng the teething period. more than 100,000 from the ponds ad o f families left dependent by the course, posthumous. Thorvaldsen was jacent to Columbia slough, which are New Sawmill to Start. Times explosion may soon equal the born November 19, 1770, and dlsd on rapidly drying up.” J A Doubtful Member. Portland— A new sawmill, with a amounts appropriated for the capture March 24. 1844.____________ capacity o f 30,000 feet per day, is and conviction o f the conspirators. In Miss Wood’s kindergarten clasr T h e Fla sh of oem ua. ready for operation near Bull Run. It Banks have joined with the newspa there wers eight pupils, four girls ant APPLE SHOW TO BE LARGE. A man should learn to detect ana is owned by the Mount Heod Railway pers in collecting funds, and it is an tour boys. One of the boys, however watch that gleam ot light which had not yet reached the estate of kilts State Horticultural Society Receives company and will be sawing railroad nounced that the total so far collected flashes across his mind from within is more than $30,000. ties to capacity in a few days. W il not to mention trousers. Accordingly more than the luster of the firmament Many Inquiries. This will be divided among the fam liam Willis, o f Sellwood, will take when little Susan Phelps was asked b} ot bards and sages. Yet he dismisses Portland — That the annual apple charge o f the mill. ilies o f 21 Times employes. It is prob a visitor to tell how many boyB and without notice his thought, because able that when the subscription lists many girls there were, her con show to be given here under the aus are closed, there will be more than It Is his. In every work of genius we pices of the Oregon State Horitcultural PORTLAND M ARKETS. fcned reasoning went as follows; recognize our own rejected thought», $2,000 available for each family. society November 30 and December 1 “ There's eight, one, two, three, four they come back to ne with a oertaln and 2 will be the largest affair o f the Only 17 bodies o f the men who lost Green Fruits— Apples, new, 60c® five, six, seven, eight. Miss Elliott,” sh« alienated majesty.— Emerson. kind ever held in the state, is the be their lives in the explosion and fire $1.50 per box; pears, $1@2; peaches, replied. “ And If he’s a girl”—sh< lief o f Frank W. Power, secretary o f have been recovered. It is believed 40®65c per crate; grapes, 50c®$1.25 pointed at one who wore dresses In True 8ecret of Living. stead of manly garb— "why. there’i the society. Mr. Power is in receipt per box; 15c per basket; cranberries, that either the |force of the exposion The secret of living la the discov five girls, and one, two, three boys daily o f inquiries from fruitgrowers $8.10(a9.50 per barrel; huckleberries, or the intense heat o f the flames ery of the greatest good, the things all over the state for complete details which instantly formed, disintegrated 7@8e per pound; watermelons, $1 per Rut If she's a boy, there’s one, two that are really worth the seeking, the hundred; cantaloupes, $1®1.50 per the bodies o f those still missing, and three, four girls, and one, two— foui and premium lists. values that do not fade nor depred The special prize o f $250 for the that the cinder fragments were hauled crate; casabas, $3.50 per dozen. boys. She’s really a boy, you know ate. The greatest good yon can do away with the rest o f the debris. largest and best exhibit, which has Vegetables— Beans, 3® 5c per pound; Miss Elliot,” she confided. In conclu been made open to fruitgrowers o f any cabbage, l ^ @ 2 c ; cauliflower,’ 50c@ Only 18 o f the 23 supposed to have any person or people Is to train than lion.— Youth’s Companion. to make this discrimination, to help district in the Northwest, is creating $1.25 per dozen; celery 75®90c; corn, been killed have been accounted for. for themselves A general ¡funeral for the victims them to choose much interest and Mr. Powers believes 12®15c; cucumbers, 25®40c per box; Proper Fumigation. To fumigate a room after sickness, that a large list o f entries for this eggplant, $1@1.25 per crate; garlic, will be held. General Otis has arrang amongst the many possible prises the paste strips of newspapers over cracks prize will be received. 8 ® 10c per pound; green onions, 15c ed ¡for the interment* in a plot in ones that are worthy. of windows and doors. Remove all The show is receiving support o f the per dozen; peppers, 6c; pumpkins, Hollywood cemetery, which will be 'Mabel, I don’t propose----- " living things. Loosen the bedding and Portland Commercial club and that or lj^ c ; radishes, 15@20c per dozen; marked by a shaft to be erected to ’Well, George, I’ve noticed that bn» carpets. Burn two or three formalde ganization has voted $100 towards sprouts, 7® 8c; squash, per their memory. daddy says you’d better propose he hyde candles (obtained at drug stores) the fund to be raised for the sweep- pound; tomatoes, 15®25c per box; car A great throng is expected to attend fore long or there will be dole’s." according to directions on the box. stakes prize o f $250. rots, $1@1.25 sack; $1.50 hundred; the funeral, and though the city is "When you Interrupted me, Mabel, quiet, with no undercurrent o f feeling Leave room closed six or eight hours. Mr. Power announced that the rail parsnips, $1@ 1.25; turnips, $1. I was about to say that I do not pro roads have agreed to grant special Open and air. Potatoes— Oregon, $1.15® 1.25 per apparent, the auditorium where the pose to wait any longer to lean» rates for the show. With their as hundred; sweet potatoes, 2 % @ 2 % c services are to be held, will be heavily whether you do or <%o not return mj Worth Its Weight in Gold. guarded. sistance it is believed that the atten per pound. love.” It’ s PETTIT’S EYE SALVE, strength dance this year will be unusually good. Onions— Oregon, buying price, $1.10 GROW ERS HOLDING APPLES. "Oh, George! This Is so sudden!”— ens eyes of the old, tonic for eve per hundred. Hbuston Post strain, weak and watery eyes. All W h eat— Track prices: Blues tern, ’ 67 FOREST FIRE RECALLED. druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, If you ran a shoe store, would 7 » 88®89c; club, 83c; red Russian, 81c; Buyers Threaten to Go to Middle West for Fruit in Barrels. like It If your clerks bought shoe» #1 valley, 86c; 40-fold, 86c; Turkey red, Forest Service to Replant Acreage 82® 88c. Walla Walla, Wash.— Less than 26 an opposition dealer? Three Hardest Words. — — — — — — — — Burned 63 Years Ago. Barley— Feed, $22 per ton; brewing, per cent of the apple crop o f the North A learned man has said that 9.e Footgear Brought Success. west has been sold, according to esti $23. three hardest words to pronounce In With the coming o f the rainy season It was the sturdy sandals of the Millstuffs— Bran, $25 per ton; mid mates o f local commission men. Orch- the English language are ” 1 was mis in Oregon, the forest service has plan Teutonic tribes that enabled them tc taken.” When Frederick the Great ned the seeding of between 6,000 and dlings, $33; shorts, $27; rolled barley, ardists are holding their fruit at pres ent about 15 to 25 cents a box higher march across Europe to the walk of wrote to the senate, ” 1 have Just los; 6,000 acres o f burned-over lands at a $24.50®26.50. than the buyers are willing to pay, Rome, and we know that the footgew Hay— Track prices: Timothy, W il a battle, and It's entirely my o n cost of approximately $20,000, 700 of an army Is stilt a most Import»»! fault,” Goldsmith says, “ his confesslrtt acres being situated at the Bull Run lamette valley, $19@20 per ton; East and as a result little trading is being part of Its equlpmenL Those wbon showed more greatness than all h.> watershed, as an auxiliary to the Port ern Oregon, $21®22; alfalfa, new, $15 done. I f this state o f affairs continues, the Romans called Scythians w®1 @ 1 6 ; grain hay, $14. land water supply. victories.” Com— Whole, $32; cracked, $33 ton. say buyers from the East, they will be rough sheepskin boots and the Gauli The largest amount o f planting is to Oats — White, $27 per ton; gray, forced to buy the crops o f the Middle were already noted for their wood* Teacher— What Is the meantn* *• be done in the ML Hebo district, south _________________ West, now ready in barrels in Colorado soles. the word ‘'procrastinate?” of Tillamook, and adjacent to the $26;. California, $25®27. They ex Poultry — Hens, 16c; springs, 16; and East to the Ohio river. Better Look Outside. dairying district. The district was Pupil— To put off. Teacher— Right. Illustrate It la s burned over in 1857 and has never be ducks, white, 17®17H’c; geese, 11® pect to see Walla Walla valley apples If you want to make the best * come reforested. It is now a mat o f 12 ^ c ; turkeys, live, 20c; dressed, placed on the market in large quanti your life, don’t spend much tlms 11 sentence. ties, however, within the next few looking within and wondering If T001 Pupil— I tried to steal a ride on s ferns and underbrush. On most o f the 22lt® 2 5 c ; squabs, $2 per dozen. Butter— City creamery, solid pack, days. street car yesterday, but I was pro area Eastern hardwoods will be plant feelings are all right Look out»W Apples here are ready this year fully Instead, and see what you are do1“* ed. hickory, white oak and chestnut 36c per pound; prints, 37®37t^c; out crastlnated.—Toledo Blade. being the favorites. Most o f these side creamery, 86®36c; butter fat, ten days ahead o f the usual schedule. for others, what you are saying abo®* L urk. Weather conditions have been such other people, how you are behaving u species are now being grown in the 36c; country store, 24@25c. "She always was a lucky woman." Eggs — Oregon, candled, 34@35c, that the fruit has ripened early and those around you. If you are h*b»^ front yards o f the ranchers in that sec "What’« happened now?” the fruitgrowers have been active in lng kindly and truly to your ort* tion, which gives the Federal officers Eastern, 26@32c per dozen. “ A neighbor of hers has bought Pork— Fancy, 15c per pound. boxing the fruit as soon as it was bor you will not go far wrong. encouragement in the belief that they vacuum cleaner and she can borrow will thrive. The ferns and underbrush Veal — Good, average, 1 0 @ llc per ready. it whenever she wants to.”— Detroit will be cleared away with mattocks so pound. Montana City Holds Record. Free Press. ______________ Aviator Falls T o Death. Miles City, Montana, holds the r» Cattle— Beef steers, good to choice, that seed may be given a chance to $5®5.50; fair to medium. $4.50® 5; »row , __________________ St. Petersburg—Captain Macievieh, ord for variation In temperature, To Brest. In New Shoes. choice spayed heifers, $4.50@ 4.75; the Russian military aviator, was highest temperature recorded tb«* Always »hake In A llen’* Foot E»*e, speardei. Hood Fruit Fair Nov. 23-26. cure, hot, sw eeting, a ch in g , sw ollen fe e . good to choice beef cows, $4.26@ 4.60; killed in a fall from a Voisin biplane. 111 deg., which Is within * deg °* urea eorua, Ingrow ing n ails sn d bunion*. At Hood River— The hoard o f directors medium to good, $3.60®4; common, $2 The accident occurred during an alti highest recorded In the United 8^ .11 drvggiata end shoe afore», 25c. P ont accept ant aukstltute. Sample m a l.o l FUEL. Addrew o f the Hood River Fruit Fair associa ® 3.50; hulls, $3.S0®4; stags, good to tude competition, which was won by Miles City » lowest mark has bee« Alien S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. tion have fixed the date for holding the choice, |4®4.50; calves, light, $7® Captain Macievieh, who reached a deg. below zero, which Is truly annual fruit fair from November 23 to 7.50; heavy, $3.75®6. height of 3,933 feet. Macievieh had The range between these Australian Rabbit Industry. Hogs— Top, $10®10.2S; fair to me risen to that height, when he decided tremea Is 178 deg., which Is s f*»"* In many town, rabbit killing and 26. The fair will continue for four days. This is one day longer than it dium. $9.25@10. to descend. At a height o f 1,640 feet freezing and preparing the shins for Hereditary Instinct. has been held in previous years. The Sheep— Beat valley wethers, $3.26® hia machine upset and the aviator was txport Is a growing as sat of great When baby turns swsy W * late date at which it will .Tie held this 3.50; fair to'good wethers, $3®3.25; thrown out. He came down like a value. especially during the winter year will enable the growers to make best Mt. Adams wethers. |4®4.25; plummet, reaching the ground before amiable visitor who Is trying to mason, when It enables men who a much finer display than in former best valley ewes, $3®3.50; lamhe, the biplane. Every bone in his body friends, and rushes to mother *** have no other occupation to make buries his face In her skirts, be MW years. The fair building will not be choice ML Adams, $6.26®5.50; choice was broken except one arm. a good living and spend considerable lng exactly what It was wise tor ** finished for this year’ s display and the valley, $5®5.25. money at the country stores. dred to do In the ancient forest. use o f several o f the ¡largest buildings Cotton Prices Advance. stranger and danger were the **** in the city is at ^the disposal o f the Ingratitude. New York— There was an active de thing, snd not Just rhymes as a " fair committee. mand in the cotton market this week, Chicago Tribune. “ I wish the meddlesome busybody with prices making a new high record C om ics Pears Sail High. who made two blades o f grass grow for the season on the strong showing O PIU M —TOBACCO M edford- A carload o f Cornice pears where only one grew b e fo r e /’ grunted of the English market following the from the Hillcreet orchard has been the old gentleman with a lawnmower, settlement o f the Lancashire labor sold for $6.70 s box. This is the ban pausing to wipe his perspiring brow, troubles end reports that many South ner price received for Rogue River “ could make two muscles grow where ern plantara were holding cotton for 16 valley pears this season. there is only one now. ” canta. Hood’s Sarsaparilla i FRIARS BATTLE WITH REBELS K è e le y ALCOHOL {u r o P ortland O regc HHMR