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About Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1910)
y G rove P ress Vol. 1 FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY MARCH 24. 1910 No. 20 Easter Services to be Held at “HOLY CITY” BRILLIANT ODD FELLOWS TO ERECT Congregational Church HANDSOME LODGE HALL SUCCESS IN EVERY WAY Oratorio Exceptionally Well Rendered To Large and Appreciative Audience—Mrs. Williams Scores Triumph—Financially Satisfactory u Spontaneous and enthusiastic Goldie Peterson gave the beauti applause resounded almost con ful soprano solo “ These Are They tinually from within the Congre Which Came Out o f Great Tribu gational church Monday night. lation” in a voice o f wonderful It was the occasion o f the quality and magnitude. The greatest and most spectacular duet rendered by Misses Aldrich musical event in the history o f and Taylor, “ They Shall hunger Forest Grove. The rendering o f No More” was one o f the many that classic among classics; tke parts which were gold embossed Oratorio o f the “ Holy City,” by upon the minds o f the apprecia an exceptionally well trained and tive listeners. ably directed chorus o f fifty voic On account o f throat trouble es, possessed by local singers ex | Rev. D. T. Thomas was unable to clusively, and brought to a state appear in his solo part. The o f perfection and absolute con closing chorus truly carried one trol under the leadership and in exalted ecstacy to the gates of supervision o f Mrs. E. E. Wil the “ Holy City.” The entire af liams. fair was one o f brilliancy and The oratorio is a sacred com displayed talent not often found position, the text o f which is outside the professional choruses generally taken from, or founded I o f high class. on, the scriptures. It was de Forest Grove should indeed be rived from the religious tragedy j proud to have within its clairp a o f the middle ages, o f which it woman o f talent, knowledge and presents a modified form. Its ; directorship such as that shown origin ha3 generally been as i by Mrs. Williams. To have cribed to St. Phillipo Neri, who trained this choir in a few weeks in 1540, formed the celebrated to such a point o f excellence in “ Congregation o f the Oratory” the production o f a classic like in Rome, one of its objects being the “ Holy C ity,” is a task which to deter young people from pro requires exceptional ability. fane amusements, by rendering The concert was also a success religious services as attractive as financially, the gross receipts be possible. ing about $125. A fter expenses The rendition as delivered Mon were deducted from this, one day evening was correct in each third was turned over to the particular part. An excellent Public School to apply on its pia orchestra o f nine pieces, includ no, and the remainder will be ex ing piano and organ, handling pended in the purchase o f music the accompaniment throughout for the Congregational Church in a manner denoting careful and choir, o f which Mrs. Williams is thorough study o f every detail. director. The introduction to part 1, the “ Contemplation,” was played with a mastery that compelled and held the attention o f the au dience from start to finish. The dance given at Sargent’s The opening chorus, “ No Sha- Hall on Saturday night for the daws Yonder,” was rendered in benefit o f the Gales Creek base a manner that demonstrated the ball club was a success both fi talent in the chorus and the ex nancially and socially. A num cellent training o f the able direc ber o f Forest Grove people were tor. Miss Stella Rau in her solo, present among whom were Mr. “ My Soul is Athirst for God, ” and Mrs. Fred McNamer, Mr. displayed an exquisite voice, and and Mrs. B. Morgan, Mr. and the trio given by Misses Peterson, Mrs. J. Brodric. Hoge and Aldrich, “ A t Even tide It Shall Be Light,” was ap plauded to encore by the audience. The Solo, “ Eye Hath Not Seen, ” which was most admirably suited ta Mrs. Wilbur McEldowney’ s Prof. J. W. Marsh o f Pacific inch contralto voice, was exceed University celebrated his 74th ingly pretty. Mr. Richard Ab birthday Tuesday. He has been raham won the praise o f the en connected with the cause o f edu tire assemblage in his rendition cation for more than forty years o f “ A New Heaven and a New and is held in high esteem by the Earth.” Prof. Gardner, who great number who enjoy his ac was assigned a tenor solo, “ To quaintance. Evidences o f the good will o f tne Lord Our God, ’ ’ was debarred from appearing by a severe cold. his many friends here were the The solo was sung by Mrs. E. E. postal shower, and the gathering Williams, and demonstrated most at the Congregational church forcefully her native talent, the Tuesday evening where he re foundation o f her excellent dir ceived the felicitations and good ecting ability. “ Come Ye Blessed wishes o f his many admirers. o f My Father” was sung by Miss Ben Barrett o f Gales Creek Amy Tnomas and the entire church was filled with the mellow was in town on business, Wednes sweetness o f her voice. Miss day. Successful Dance Held at Gales Creek Hall Prof. Marsh Passes Another Milestone of Life Easter services at the Congre gational church will be conducted Sunday morning at eleven o ’ clock by Rev. Frank Dyer, National Secretary o f the Congregational Brotherhood. Rev. Dyer, whose home is in Chicago, came west to be present at the great Laymen’s Missionary Convention to be held in Portland. Rev. Mr. Thomas, the pastor, has been indisposed for two or three weeks and is greatly pleased that he succeeded in engaging Rev. Dyer to fill his appointment Sunday morning. Arrangements have been made for special music for the occasion. The Sunday School Easter Ser vices will be held at 7 p. m. in stead o f 11 a. m. Scenic Theatre Changes Hands Last Thursday S. J. Man.ey and Roy Olson, young men o f Port land purchased the Scenic Thea ter from Baer and Wirtz. The new owners took possession Wednesday o f this week. They are both experienced men in the business, and their qualifications will enable them to furnish high- class amusements to all patrons. Death of Mrs. Annie Juncker Excavating Started on Site and Structure will be Hurried to Completion-Will be Three Stories—Architects Working on Plans Rae and McFarland, architects and the banquet hall. The third o f Portland, are preparing the floor space will be devoted ex plans for the new three story clusively to the uses o f the lodge. The building will occupy the building to be erected by the Local Lodge o f Odd Fellows in | lot 50x100 feet at the intersection the near future and expect to o f Main Street and 1st Ave. have them ready at an early date. North. A force o f men will be The building, a blue print of gin excavating next week. The members o f the lodge are which may be seen in the window o f Mertz & Latta, will be a hand- anxious to have their building some and well appointed struc- i completed by the end o f the sum- ture and a monument to the pro mer, and to expedite the con gressive spirit which pervades struction, they will have the the members o f the strong and concrete work and excavating done, while they are perfecting flourishing lodge. The first floor will be leased plans and taking the necessary for store rooms. On the second preliminary steps prior to closing floor will be nine office rooms the contract for the erection of the building. Death of Well Known Wash Former Resident of City Nar ington County Citizen rowly Escapes Death At his home northwest o f Five persons, occupants o f an Forest Grove occurred the death last Saturday of Frederick Wm. automobile, on their way from David, a pioneer of the western Astoria to Seaside, narrowly es country. Deceased was born in caped being bimed alive at 10 Hamburg, Germany, Aug. 17, o ’ clock Monday night, when the 1839. A fter leaving his native big machine overturned and was land he spent two years in Aus buried in quicksand near the tria. From there he came to Gearhart road. Dr. A. M. Kinney, his wife America, settling in California where he engaged in farming and baby o f Astoria, accompanied until 1870. In that year he by Miss Peyton, Astoria, and H. moved to Oregon and built a L. Finch, o f Portland, were en- home on a beautiful eminence joying the trip when they came northwest o f this well known as to a stretch o f unfamiliar road. A team belonging to Gordon & David’s Hill. Here he lived for Dr. Kinney was running at a fair Brown while standing near the nearly forty years. Deceased rate o f speed when the car struck Forest Grove National Bank leaves a w ife and one son. Fun- some obstacle, overturned and Monday, became frightened and eral services were conducted at began to sink. Gradually ft sank ran for several blocks before they the home last Monday, by Rev. lower and lower and the passen- were stopped but luckily no dam Barber and the remains were in- tfers crawled to safe ground as age was done. A young man on terred at the Buxton Cemetery. | quickly as possible. Fortunate a cayuse and one in a wagon, ly for the party a passing team both o f whom were approaching and several men came to the res the horses at a rapid rate caused cue and carried the unfortunates them to take fright. They were There will be special services back to Astoria. hitched to a light buggy occupied Mrs. Dr. Kinney is the daugh- at • the Christian church n e x t ) by two Portland men, but the ter o f J. T. Buxton of this city, Sunday morning and evening. latter lost no time in alighting Excellent musical programs have and is well known by a great from the vehicle and gave them been prepared for both services, many o f our residents, who will full rein for the run. and solos will be rendered by be both shocked and pleased to Mrs. McEldowney and M i s s learn o f her narrow escape from death by suffocation. Newman. The text for the morning ser Paul E. S. Sexton and Miss Ola May Parr were united in mon is taken from Luke XXIV:6 marriage Monday at the Christian Christ is Risen” * and the sub Several changes have la tely church. The marriage was sol ject o f the evening discourse been made in the personal o f the will be “ The Divinity o f Christ emnized by the Rev. Dr. Stivers office force at the Oregon Elec in the presence of a few near as Seen in His Resurrection. tric depot. Mr. Farmer succeed relatives and intimate friends. e d C. E. A l b i n s a s a g e n t , Mr. A fter the ceremony Mrs. A. S. Albina accepting a position with Sexton served dinner at her home Forest Grove National Bank. H. The yearly bulletin issued by to a few invited guests in honor F. Rice, a young but competent the Oregon Dental Board report o f the event. The bride is a telegrapher from Ranier has daughter o f Frank Parr who ed as dead Dr. R. H. Hovey a former dental surgeon o f Oregon. taken the place made vacant by lives on a farm near the city. the advancement o f Mr. Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Sexton will leave When the report reached Dr. Hovey, who supposedly had and is exceptionally well pleased for Missoula, Montana about “ shuffled off” he was living in with the city and its surround April 1st and will establish a per Mexico and enjoying excellent ings. manent home on a claim in the health. In a letter o f recent Flat Head Reservation, which date to the Oregonian he correct- The following marriage licens Mr. Sexton drew last spring. ______________ ed the report and stated it had es were issued at Hillsboro this A r> ort been very much exaggerated. A C. Mack rod t, urna was in in P Port- Dr Hovey was for a number month: Robert H. Kruger, aged land Monday and Tuesday and years a practicing dentist in 25 and Marie Rea, aged 21, is brought out a new' 1910 model this city, and many o f his friends sued March 19th. Paul E. S. Indian motorcycle. It is certain- here have no doubt heard the Sexton age 27 and Ola May Parr lv a peach mistaken report o f his death. age 20, issued March 21. A t her home in Thatcher, Mrs. Annie Juncker died the 17th day o f March. Deceased was born in Germany February 15th, 1845 and she and her husband came to Oregon three years ago. Fun eral services were conducted at the residence by Rev. Traglio and the body was interred Satur day in Forest View Cemetery. Buggy Team Makes Wild Run Christian Church Services Joined in Ties of Matrimony Change in Stai at 0 . E. Ry. Dr. Hovey Very Much Alive