Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1908)
,VOL. VI Lulu J Allen...................... 4 Daniel Staver................... 4 The little seven year --------- „ ----- , of Mr and Mrs. Riley Boyd of this Reaular Monthly Meeting Tuesday- W F Hartrampl Many Bills Allowed. John Templeton............... 1 city, died at St. Vincent’s hospital in i Octavia Smith Council met in regular monthly ses- Portland Tuesday evening, at nine With the Colts’ victory Sunday over W J R B e a c h ................. 1 o’clock, from the effects of an opera- sion Tuesday night with all members this city, after which the groom sang the Banks Outlaws, by a score of 9 to tion for peritonitis. The child was in- present except Henry Wirtz. Reports Walter Bernard, Prominent Farmer "Oh Promise Me,” to the bride’s ac 7, the bronchoes ended a very suc jured by falling fiom a hammock of treasurer, recorder, and committee companiment on the piano. Miss cessful season, winning fifteen games k of Verboort, Meets Bad Library Fund several days ago but not thought ser- read and placed on file, Briedwell was heard in a piano solo, and losing but six. Since Robinson, Paid warrant .............................. 25 00 ious. She grew worse until Sunday j E. W. Haines was present and Accident she having also played Mendelsohn’s the new pitcher, has been added to when she was removed to Portland, called attention to the nuisance of lit- Mr. J H. McMillan, now part Wedding March. At the request of The funeral services were held at the tering up the streets, and the licence eighty-five years of age and tempor the staff the Colts have dropped b"t the bride there were no formal con home this morning by J. D. H. Ad- committee was instructed to draft an or- arily residing at Coshocton, Ohio, one game—that to the Sherwood White gratulations, the entire service kins of Gales Creek. Miss Amv dinance prohibiting spitting and throw- writes: "Having lived in Oregon sixty Sox. which team was defeated in the marked with simplicity. About thirty Thomas sang two beautiful solos. The ing of nut shells, banana peelings and years and believing it to be the best first game here by a score of 4 to 1. guests were present, principally rela So with the White Sox the Colts broke remains were laid to rest in Forest; other trash upon the sidewalks. country in the United States, I take even and neither can claim a victory, tives of the bride in this county and of View cemetery. The sympathy of the j The mayor reported that he had pleasure in sending people there who , Was Taken to the Hospital where Leg the groom from Portland. The bridal entire community is extended to the called on several of the parties delin- are looking for a home. Rheumatism as the rub off was never played—al couple in company with Mr. and Mrs. was Amputated. Died Tues bereaved parents. I quent in the special street assessments has a firm grip on me, and I am unable though very much desired by the Thomas of Portland, will spend their day and Interment at and they had promised to settle the to labor, but I can talk of Oregon and Colts. honeymoon camping on Wilson river Great preparations had been made Found Dead. i same. Verboort Today. spread Oregon literature and will be for a rip roaring big game with the It. in Tillamook county.— McMinnville Frederick W. King, aged 73 years, a warrant of *31.13 was ordered glad to receive some from all parts ot Johns Apostles here Monday, but the News-Reporter. a veteran of the Civil War, was found drawn in favor of Mrs. Pierce for inter the state. I have been able to send untimely Jupiter Pluvius plotted dead on the doorstep of his home on est on warrant. Walter Bernard, a well known citi You Can't Miss Here. many people to Oregon, and they have against the lovers of the game and the outskirts of Hillsboro Sunday. It was moved and carried that the zen of this county, died Tuesday written that they were glad they made turned loose, first gently and then not It is not often a Theatrical Com morning at the St. Vincent’s hospital, pany, visiting this city, will as an evi King had evidently risen early and af- ; committee on Streets and Public prop the change.” Oregonians should re so gently which scared the Apostles Portland, from the effects of injuries dence of good faith, give a public ter preparing for breakfast had gone erty investigate Main street and report member that there are thousands more out, and put all possibility of a game received at his Verboort home Satur guarantee, as to the excellence of the outside and when returning fell on the. to the mayor with a view of putting it to come on the colonist rates ol Sep to flight. The business men closed dsorstep. in better condition. d a y afternoon, while working with a attraction. But Thos. J. Culligan, the tember and October. their doors and a crackerjack of a Coroner E. B. Brown and Dr. Robin BILLS ALLOWED, clover huller. Manager of Culligan’s NASHVILLE H. J. Goff, C. O. Roe and Ed. Sey crowd would have been present with a son, of Beaverton, gave it as their Together with other neighbors he STUDENTS, who play at Masonic Hall, 8 4 12 mour got bick from the hot sands of good day. opinion that Kin ; had d'ed from heart was hulling clover when something Saturday evening, September 12th, 10 00 the desert at Eugene Monday. Sey Now for the Banks Outlaw game. failure. M L Kline, supplies. went wrong and the feeder or convey gives the following guaranteed pledge. 1 81 mour says his Campbell run out of For the first few contos the illegal King served under McClellan and Munkers, labor........... 1 00 water before the spring was reached, or was thrown out of gear so that the “ We hereby authorize any local mana bunch went after the ball like a hun was in the Sixth Wisconsin Light Ar Goff Bros, supplies . . 5 81 but owing to his superior coaching the gry kid after a doughnut, and by their adjustment could be made. Mr. Ber ger in every town that we play to tillery, enlisting at Green Bay. He L J Corl, sal and com 22 47 animal encouraged thereby, brought clouting of the leather and errors by nard climbed upon the machine and guarantee it to be first-class in every came to this county about ten years 11 50 him to a place of safety. Goff and the Colts they stacked up four runs be when he stepped on the conveyor it particular. The word ’guarantee’ is ago, his wife dying last year. Forest Grove Tim es............... 4 00 Roe likewise were lost—only for a w as somehow thrown into gear drawing much over-worked. Everybody can fore the locals got a trip. A G Long, hydrant............... 27 00 time, however—and they were rescued both feet into the cylinder of the I use it. and almost everybody does. It was a very even matinee and er Probate Court. E A Dixon, labor ................. 8 50 by the Eugenites who met them on rors which were legion owing to the machine. The right foot and ankle It’s a pity to see it misused so often. Guardianship of Nellie M Ritchey Ed Wirtz, labor and material. 4 00 the horizon with refreshments. Well, were ground almost to a pulp and the Guarantee is a good word when it abundance of humidity were about and Frank B Ritchey, minors. Order- ! Stribich, material................... 20 75 they had a time, as the Shriners always left foot badly lacerated. He was re means something. We use it because even. The ball got so wet that it ed that Mrs. Helen Duyke be appoint- I C L Hinman. supplies ......... 18 80 do. moved from the machine to the house we have made it mean something. was impossible to freeze onto it and ed guardian upon filing bond for *1000 263 263 00 and Drs. Hines, Via and Large of For Cut this out and take to the theatre, the twirlers were saved much saliva. Eariy Monday morning a horse Estate of Andrew Johnson, deceased J T Fletcher. 1 so est Grove, and Dr. Linklater of Hills and if after the first act you are dis Moore and Getter were the battery for hitched to a buggy and belonging to John Caldwell, R. S. Robinson and 50 00 boro were called. It was decided by satisfied with the entertainment given, Wm. Lyda, took a notion to run away. [lie Cults and Bullock and Barrett for John Freddeen be appointed apprais Gordon & Mizner, livery.. , 2 00 the physicians to remove him to Port your money will be refunded. We It was left at McGill’s blacksmith shop the Outlaws. None of the Portland ers in Washington county and A. M. land where better attention could be personally guarantee the excellence of for a few moments and the first thing players were in the line up for the Buttler, M. J. Clobessy and H. A. Buf 458 76 given and he was taken on the 4:37 to this attraction.” Mr. Lyda knew the animal was speed Colts. fington appointed in Multnomah coun T h o s . J. C u l l ig a n . 35 00 St. Vincent’s hospital. The leg was It is not probable that any more ing up the street. In turning the cor ty- Less Walker bill. 2 50 amputated late Saturday night but the games will be played here this ye«r ner at A and North First avenue, the Estate of James McNulty, deceased. Burke— Fogel. patient was unable to recover from the owing to the uncertainty of the weather buggy was overturned and smashed Last Saturday occurred the marriage Final account of Jas. B. Finegan filed 491 26 loss of blood and terrible shock to his and people being away to the hop against a tree. This released the of Arthur Burke to Miss Vivian Fogel. and approved. TREASURER’S REPORT. system. yards. But enthusiasm lor the Nation horse which continued down towards MARRIAGE LILCENSES General Fund. Walter Bernard was born in Holland both of this city, in the office of Main street jumping the hitching rack al game has in no wise waned and the Will Haney and Orminda Thatcher, Balance, July 1, 1 9 0 8 .... *2156 22 and came to the United States when County Judge Goodin, and by him. Colts will have another banner team in Albert F. Cherry and Hazel Wood, Received for lights............... 183 61 twice before he was caught. Both contracting parties are well known he was nine years old. When 21 the field next year. Arthur Burke and Mary Schamoni. Ray Williams left Sunday afternoon “ water............... 280 66 years of age he settled at Verboort this here and have many friends who wish for Texas where he will join his grand J H McNamer, met. . 11 00 county, where he met with marked them a happy married life. County Judge Goodin is establishing Birthday Party. Dr Via, m eter............. 11 00 mother, Mrs. E. A. Williams, and to — not by any aggressive solictiation, success at farming, and last year was a Master Gale Miller of Fern Hill Married. “ R P Wirtz, peddling. . 2 50 gether they will go to Tampico, Mexi however, a genuine Gretna Green in candidate to the legislature of this co, where Mrs. Williams has a 500 A very pretty wedding occurred at Farm, son of F. J. Miller, was pleas “ Haines Power Co, use state. acre fruit farm of bananas, pineapples, his offices at Hillsboro. He may not the home of Mrs. Ella Leipold, 109 antly surprised on his 12th birthday, of E n g ............................ 17 50 The funeral was held today at Ver- and oranges. Ray went with the in know it, but it is generally supposed Humbolt Street, Portland, Tuesday at on last Thursday. Lloyd Storkweather, Tioort with interment in the cemetery Joseph Loomis, Roscoe Vaughn, Frank tention of staying five years. Before that County Clerk Bailey is guiding the two o’clock, when the daughter Miss *2,662 49 light hearted folks up the stairway, of that place. Doane, Insel Todd, Tom Todd and Mabel became the bride of Jesse Paid 21 warrants (annexed) 1,087 10 going he got the “ John Henry” of where the Judge always greets them He leaves a wife and the following Willis Hines spent the afternoon with many of his old chums inscribed on Moore, Rev. Weir officiating. children: Mrs. J. N. Vanderzanden, his new white hat which he took with with a confiding smile— not the kind The bride was charmingly gowned him in games galore. Delicious ice 1,575 39 Banks; Josephine, Martin, Maggie, him into Mexico. Ray's many friends that won’t come off, but one that al in white satin and carried bride’s roses. cream, cake and candy were served Special Street Fund. ways lasts a long time. Minnie, Zellie, Christine and Francis and each boy went home rejoicing that Her maid. Miss Eva Bacon, wore pink Balance July 1, 1908........... 624 66 wish him success. at home; two sisters, Mrs. Van Kim. he had had a gala time. The public sales of H. D. Jennings organdie. She was given away by her Oscar Curry, of Laurel, has been ar Paid 7 warrants................... 14 82 Mrs. Gomas, and three brothers, Her on the 3rd and A. S. Dilley on the j brother Carl Leopold. Billie Ayers Big Bear Killed. rested in Tillamook county upon a bert, John and Theodore. 5th, were well attended. The Jen | acted as best man and the bridal warrant by Sheriff Hancock, charging H. W. Scott, reports to The News 1 609 84 bouquet was caught by Miss Manche him with stealing a mare and colt. nings sale was held near Gaston and tha. a large bear was killed last Sun-' Library Fund. ^Washington County Would Co-operate. the Dilley sale was ont three miles Langley of this city. day on the Kilham ranch 10 miles Balance July 1, 1908........... 392 25 Curry spent the summer in Wheeler Judge Goodin, in answering the in west of this city. J. W. Hughes, the Mr. and Mrs. Moore are well known 1 warrant........................ 25 00 county and the charge is laid by the vitation to attend the good roads meet in this city. He formerly attended the west of Gaston. It is said that this ' district attorney at Fascel. Curry genial auctioneer, cried both sales and ing at Tillamook held on September academy here and lived at Greenville, bear has during the past summer killed 367 25 came to visit his mother a few dajs the proprietors are perfectly satisfied 4th, had the following to say concern while Mrs. Moore lived with her moth 50 head of goats for Mr. Kilham. ago, but Hancock received the papers with the returns. Building Fund ing the good roads movement in this Resolutions. er near Thatcher before moving to Balance July 1, 1908........... 641 54 too late to intercept him. The sheriff, W. J. R. Beach has received a com Jounty: Whereas, the Shadow of Dea.h has Portland. They have gone to Idaho however, tracked him to the Coast General Fund munication from the G. A. R Post at “ The subjent of good roads is the for their wedding trip after which they fallen on the home of our sister, Mrs. Paid J C Latta......................... 12 country. Curry will be held until a McMinnville which state* that the paramount issue with us in Washing will return to Portland, where they will Ray Watrons and taken from her her Wheeler official reaches Tillamook directors of the Yamhill County Fair “ J H Wirt* ..................... 10 ton county, and at no time before has loved 'ones, make their home. county. " L J Corl......................... 27 have set aside Tuesday, Sept. 23—tl e the popular demand for first class maca Therefore, be it resolved that we, “ Frank S a u n d e rs ,.« .... 2 Mis. Sanford, as the new librarian, second day of the fair—as Grand Army dam roads been so great with us. New Physician. the sisters of J. B. Mathews Relief “ S E Todd ...................... 7 will take charge of the reading room Day, and invites all veterans and their The good roads meetings throughout Dr. S. M. Wendt, who has been Corps, extend our most tender sym “ E W Haines................... 263 and library on next Tuesday the 15th. families to attend. the state should demand of our legis practicing medicine and surgery in pathy to her and family in this affliction F M P a r r ......... 7 Miss Penfield, who has given much of Walter Hoge of Portland, former lature an appropriation to aid the Seattle, has decided to locate here and and also express our heartfelt sympathy I 4 W R Tucker. . her time will be relieved of any further City Recorder of the Grove and editor counties in this permanent road build has gone to the Sound city to get his in this hour of bereavement. May C L Hinman . . . 31 duty, owing to the duties of her store. of the Times, was out from Portland ing and to place the work under state | household effects. Dr. Wendt is a God bless and comfort their hearts. L Morley........... The new hours for keeping open are Tuesday, where he is conducting a ve y supervision. graduate of Hamlin, Minnesota, Uni DAYSE M ark ee , 3 J C Latta........... from 9 to 11 a. m.; 1:30 to 5 p. m , successful job printing office. Mr , In regard to the road by way of Wil versity, and has been practicing for E stella C ornelius , The Bazaar 1 and 6:30 to 7:30. During the latter Hoge and daughter Jessie will come son river from this county to Tilla- twelve years. He speaks German anna peters . Marshall Wells. . hours patrons will have access not only out next week and Miss Jessie w 1 ^mook, I can assure you that this flueutly. Last Winter and Spring he 21 to the reading room, but the books as register at the College and attend Pa Vital Statiitics. county will cooperate with you in any was at the Chicago Policlinic and Mayo A Beihmrohr ............... 125 well. cific University this year. improvements necessary ” Vital statistics for Washington Brothers Hospital, Rochester, Minne M Munkers............... 28 The ball game advertised between Those having mads reservation of sota, and has done much work in sur county reported during August: return John Stribich............. 4 the Colts and the Tri City league team | Wilson— Lancefield. safe deposit boxes will do well to con e gery. Dr. Wendt has opened up an on marriages, 7; typhoid fever cases, E B Sappington ........... 50 00 from St. Johns, was called off Monday At the beautiful country home of in early and make their selections. office over the Forest Grove National 1; small pox cases, 2; births, males, Mrs G H Baber, int . . . 180 00 owing to the rain. It was the inten Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lancefield near The Forest Grove National bank ex Bank and will be readv to answer calls 14, females. 14; total, 28; deaths, war & int 302 20 tion of Manager Sparks to make this Amity at high noon on Tuesday, Sej- pects another shipment to be placed n in a few days. He will answer nigh: males, ( , females. 3; total 9. J F McGill................. 2 75 the last game of the season. All the tember 1, 1908, Miss Jessie Lancefield their vault this week. D. W ood , calls from the Forest Grove Hotel un business houses had promised to close was given in marriage to Mr. Hiram Co. Health Officer. til a residence is secured. Dr. Lowe, the optician, is now at *1087 10 and had the game materialized, it Edwin Wilson of Bellingham, Wash Hotel Laughlin. In town till Satur Special Street Fund would have been witnessed by a Urge — Buy Tiplesa Electric Levi Sparks is reported as seriously ington. The Presbyterian ceremony day noon. Paid J M Ballard crowd. burners at V. S. Abraham’s. »as used by Rev. A. M. Williams o f sick at his home on Third street. J BOTH LEGS CRUSHED j H a in e s P o w e r w. 111 i V