Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1908)
FIRST N ATIO N AL B A N K i [ O f F o r e s t G r o v e , O re g o n $25,000.00 Capital fully paid - - - 25.000. 00 Share holders liability - - - 10.000. 00 Surplus - - - - - D IR E C T O R S i •1. R . Loomis k. M. Dooly M. 1 ‘etcr.Hon R. M, Dooly, *Jr. Prank li. Dooly M. C. W ortmun ------------------- ^ ___________________________ ___ _______ SI ci. r * r v ipeoial Offer otl loi tm un no foi dkl KUl thl I»ln i.u: Mil oxc Imi, tini tnli nul u nt roo It is rumored that a new mutual local telephone company is to be or ganized here in the near future. Archie Bryant was up to Carlton the first of the week and reports a good business in the photographic line. For a limited time I will make one dozen cabinet photos including one 8x10 carbon enlargement all for Col. Harry Haynes, who has been suffering from an attack of la grippe the past week, is rapidly improving. Wilbur Hughes, W a s h i n g t o n I County’s popular auctioneer, was swap ping talk with Grove folks Wednesday. $ 3.50 You are invited to visit our studio and see what we have done for others Miss Ina Freeman who has been a member of The News force for the | past year will soon leave for Los Ange- ; les, California. Pacific Art Stucio Archie Bryant, Prop. THE Tuesday, Feb. 4, there will be a meeting of the Cemetery Association in the Public Reading Room. CITY Mr. and Mrs. Demorest of Hood River, have gone up the valley to look at property, but think they will return and locate here. Mrs. Mollie Hughes of Portland, spent Sunday at the home of her father Levi Smith, who has been on the sick : list for several days. I H . W . SPARKS, LOCAL EDITOR. The Domestic department of the Woman’s Club is postponed for one week to meet with Mrs. Edward Sey mour Monday, Feb. 10. Rudy Schultz was a Portland visitor Sunday. Miss Frances Abernethy of the Port land Library, who was a student at the Will Sparks was a Portland visitor varsity last year, visited with her pa Tucadai. rents in this city Sunday. “ T ilt tcry rin« H er i te r "P HM Ul hall. ■Il repli “V •‘A tlire. tnke door ■ ,.t | a r c n. ber, «K < > . Htm like ters.' Mr a c» meni th e r c h alí doari hlm he hi . “M «loilS lng I “Yi a me "V tvhei buy fo r 8 n sol c alle lit O’ Klvei such pitie “B kuoc have A married man comes nearer realiz Arrangements have been made with Messrs. Folsom and Thomas to hold a ing how mean he is than does a man series of meetings at the Congrega who is single. tional church to begin next Monday * * * evening. So next week that will be It is a bold old soldier whr, when the place for us all. addressed as “ Colonel,” says he is not Monday, Feb. 3, is the time set for a colonel, and never was. opening the meetings to be conducted * • * by Rev. A. J. Folsom at the Congre Any man can bring a smile to the gational church. Rev. D. T. Thomas is to sing. All are requested to be faces of the women he knows. Just let i him boast that he is “ free.” there promptly at 7:30. . It has been announced in the dailies Some women have such a tender, that Frank Fletcher will lead the Whitman debating team against Wil sympathetic nature they are almost as lamette university. The Salem co-eds easily effected as the stock market. • * * will have to go some if they put up a We can’t all look at things in the stronger leader than he is. same light. No doubt the man wno Complete plans have been decided wears side whiskers admires them. upon for the Oregon Building at the • • • Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Fxposition, and The man who hires his children to up to date* it is the most attractive state building yet shown in America be good never gets the results obtain upon the grounds of a great Fair. ed by the father who uses a whip. * * * John Peters, a member of last year's Some people spend half their time graduating class of P. U., was visiting with friends in this city last week telling what they intend to do, and The surveying force he has been with the other half explaining why they in Washington has abandoned work didn’t do it. temporarily on account of the rain. # * * W. W. King came out from Port Widowers do one thing better than land last Monday to help Chas. Van widows: They don’t take their chil- Doren finish his house on David’s Hill Mr. King owns a neat cottage dren with them on their second wed- in the east end of town and expects to ding trip. return to Forest Grove about Feb. 1st. — We can sell or rent your farm. to live. Valley Realty Co. 29-2 Chas. Fitch, formerly of Cornelius but lately of Forest Grove, has pur — We repair and cover umbrellas. chased the George Eason place of 150 L. J. Corl & Son. » 23tf. acres, one mile west of Dilley, con i — Hoffman & Allen Co. are head sideration 82400. Sale was made through T. H. Littlehale’s real estate quarters this month for bargains. agency. — Money to loan on farm security Myron Beard, the noted wife beater W. H. Hollis, Forest Grove who got his start in this county, has — No fictitious values on goods been sentenced to the Kelly Butte bought from Hoffman & Allen Co. rock pile of Multnomah county ins eai — We have a man that wants to rent of being given the same medicine that he has meted out to his wife these a good farm. Valley Realty Co. 29-2 many years. — Have you seen those new caps at Miss Rachel Lowery, aged 85 years, Hoffman & Allen Co.? Prices right. died at her home near Gaston Wednes — Don’t forget that Hoffman & Al day of last week and was buried in the len Co. are offering tare bargains this Hill cemetery, Gaston, Friday. De month. ceased was an old time resident and a sister of John Lowrey. She was born — Your wheel should be put in prop in Pennsylvania. er shape for winter. Corl and Son 23tf. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott who for will do it. merly lived in South Park of this city — Wanted— Everybody to list their are now at Pomona, California. Mr. farms with us. Valiev Realty Co. 29-2 Scott was engineer on the special west — List your property with us if you side when here. They have written to have The News sent them at their want it sold. Valley Realty Co. 29-2 California home.. — Buy your spraying material of Hon. W. K Newell of Dilley was in Voters who have not registered for our city yesterday. the primaries had better get busy. At John Beal of Seghers was in the Cornelius the books are open for reg istration at Judge Fitch’s office. Grove yesterday trading. The Masonic lodge who last year Oscar Baldwin and wile were out purchased the building known as Verts from the Rose City Sunday. hall wish it to be hereafter understood Mr. and Mrs. Mayne Abbott were that name is changed to Masonic hall. Portland visitors over Sunday. Rev. P. E. Bauer and family of Ak M E. Johrson of Gaston was doing ron, Ohio, expect to arrive in Forest business in this city Tuesday. j Grove, Saturday, to visit Mrs. Bauer’s Ray Hansberry of Arnold, Nebraska, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Garrison. is registered at the Leabo hotel. W. Hoople. a capitalist of Calgary, M. Eump is very sick with heart Canada, was here last week visiting his The city library has been enriched Nichols where you can see it tested trouble and no: expected to live. daughter Miss Nell Hoople, who is a this week by a splendid gift from Mrs. and know just what you are getting. I. P. Senger of Patton Valley, has student in the Conservatory of Music. G. A. Hughes. It consists of four 2nd house south of Laughlin hotel. volumes of Macauley’s History of Eng Forest Grove. 30t-4 moved to Forest Grove to reside. Newberg will have a house-warming, land, six volumes of H um e’s History S. B. Curtis of Salem, was registered under the auspices of the Newberg of England and six volumes of Gib Announcement. at the Laughlin hotel Thursday of last Board of Trade, on February 1st, cele bon’s History of Rome. The undersigned wishes to announce brating the opening of their fine new week. Clarence Whealdon, a personal his candidacy for the clerkship of Imperial Hotel. Mrs. Leabo and daughter Bertha friend of the local editor, has just won Washington county to come before the Mr. and Mrs. Orville Danner of To- were doing shopping in Portland Sat leadership of one of the University of 1 ledo and Mrs. Allen Gearheart of Port urday. Oregon debating teams which meet primary next April. I have had exper land, are visiting at the home of the W. W. Wright of Hillsboro was reg ladies’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. the state institutions of Idaho and ience in that office and il elected will Washington. There were 16 men in give the people my best efforts in that istered at the Leabo hotel one day last I Venen of this city. the contest in which young Whealdon office. week. The attention of all persons holding won leadership. W. D. S m it h . Raleigh and Charles Walker attend property in the Mountainview (U nion) It is expected that the work on the ed a club dance in Portland Monday Cemetery-»« called to the annual meet tax roll for 1907 will be finished by evening. Administratrix' Notice. ing to be held in the Reading Room Feb. 1, and the books will then be N o tice is h e re b y g iv en th a t I, th e u n d e rs ig n e d , have A. S. Venen, the jeweler, went to next Monday at 2 p. m. ready for Sheriff Connell for collection. been d u ly ap p o in te d by th e co u n ty co u rt or W ashing- Perrydale the first of the week on Mrs. J. C. Hazzard, wife of Prof. The levy is 9.3 mills based upon a in g C ounty, O regon, a d m in istra trix of th e e sta te o f R. business. M. Bisbee, deceased, a nd have qualified as su c h . All Hazzard of Portland Academy, has valuation of 16,592,774 and raises for persons h a v in g claim s a g a in s t said esta te a re hereby The officers of the Modern Wood again taken up quarters at the Laugh state, county and general school pur notified to p resent the sem e to m e w ith p ro p er vouchers men of America will be installed Fri lin hotel. The Prof, will soon begin poses. An aggregate of 8154.311. at th e law office of W . N . B a rre tt, at H illsb o ro , O re gon w ith in s ix m onths from th e date h e re o f. day night. to travel back and forth. A. C. Goodrich of North Yamhill was D ated this Ja n u ary 30, 1908. Claude Smith, Rolla Peterson and in the Grove last week looking after TER ESA BISB EE, Mrs. ArthurN Richardson together ye local editor, were in Portland Satur with her daughter Miss F'ern of Gold- some prunes he purchased here. Mr. A d m in istra trix of the estate of R. M. Bisbee. de ceased. day and Sunday. dendale and S. W. Laughlin of North Goodrich is an old newspaper man and W . N . B ifn ett, A tty for E s ta te . 30-St Stanley Smith, a University of Ore Yamhill spent a day last week with formerly owned the “ Record” of North Yamhill. Mr. Goodrich says that he gon law student, was visiting friends in their brother, B. H , our mayor. quit pushing the pencil because it was the Grove Sunday Mrs. W. W. Ryals, formerly Miss hard on his eyes— however, most of us Mrs. B. H. Laughlin and Mrs. Joe Grace Dennis and :» member of The stop slinging ink because of our appe Portland, Oregon Lenneville were doing shopping i n ; Times force, was in from Scoggins tites. Valley the first of the week and re Portland Saturday. Wm. Ladd Theo. .B. Wilcox Goff Bros., the hardware men are membered this office with a call. President Vice Pres. making some extensive improvements H. D. Bryant of Timber Valley, Will Steiger, who formerly attended in the upper floor of their building. Wash , visited with his son, Archie Cheapest life insurance the law Tualatin Academy, was married yestef- A nenj elevator has been ordered and Bryant, last week. day in Hoqnaim, Wash, to a girl of will be in place in about two weeks, allows. Miss Helen Hughes wh‘o has been j that place. Mr. Steiger is in the stove We insure men and women from which will be used to lift farm machin visiting in California, has returned to business with his father in Portland. ery, etc., to the top floor. They just 17 years to 55 years. her home in Portland. The Wom-in's Club will give an en- placed an order for two car loads of | Sell five, ten and twenty year Charles H. Shipley of Banks, is smil | tertair.ment for the benefit of the Pub- Mitchell wagons and buggies, in antic bonds which give satisfactory re ing greatly over the arrival of a baby I lie Library in the near future. Mrs. ipation of a big business this spring. turns. girl at his home last week. | Thomas’ Quartett of Portland, will be Last week The News printed an Drop me a card and I will call There will be work in the third de- | the leading feature, assisted by local item urging people having old mag gree of Masons Saturday night, All ! talent. azines to contribute them to the Free upon you. Explanation costs noth members please take notice. — We have established an employ Reading Room and as a result scores ing. N. L. ATKINS. Emil and M. L. Keiserof Baker Cily ment office and can furnish you any of periodicals have been brought in to Resident Agent. hive been in thir city for several days kind of help. Let us know your wants. the city institution, the past few days; and also ten copies of a splendid book, i Valley Realty Co. 29-2 in interests of mining stock. "A Beautiful Life,” —the life of Christ. The books are nicely bound and hand somely illustrated with photo cuts from ! great paintings. They are being sold The basis of all wealth at 50 cents—the money to be applied is land. We have a T o feed the body and starve the blood is like pouring water to the Library Fund. For the Spring Season We have received our line of Youth’s and Children’s Spring Clothing, which consists of all the latest makes and colors for the Spring and Summer of 1908. The colors this year will be mostly greys and browns. Spring samples of men’s suits are here. When you select your suit this Spring remember that all the fashions are to be found here. John Anderson, THE TAILOR. Don’t Forget to Call on A b ra h a m At B ro s . and see the new goods which are arriving every day. Some very fine shirt waists, laces and embroideries of all kinds. We aim to give you the worth of your money, whether you buy dry goods, shoes, ladies or gents furnish ings or groceries. Every thing is as good as represented. Phone orders will receive careful and prompt atten tion. - We respectfully solicit your trade s Mk. . M JAM ES RA SM U SE N Dealer in FL O U R Forest Grove, Ore., a n d P E E D - Pacific Ave. mi i)6St LINE of SPRAY PUMPS TH E M EY ER S COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO. j I ■Î Blood Pood through a sieve. and rich. Iron-Tone^feeds the blood and makes it red HOWH OBSERVATIONS. How a boy hates to confess! For Sale by all Druggists. Price SO cents. Let us send you our little How important some little things booklet, ‘‘Renew Your Vitality,” which tells you what IRON-TONE is and seem to some men! what it will do. You can have it for the asking. • • • Address G R O V E R M E D IC IN E CO., Woodbum, Ore. If you crowd friendship too much, you will find the limit. • • Don’t expect a satisfactory when you hire a cheap man • • • will have a few choice books and pictures as well as When we meet some people, we dainty hand painted greetings for the Saint of Feb. 14. I ' iih I C n r d a U a l o r « feel the need of a word more meaning PHONE Nil £ • ®- P E N P I E L D than “ crank.” THE BOOK STORE large list of both city and farm properties for sale. Would be pleased to have you call on us. OREGON LAND COMPANY Forest Grove O- i I hc C orner S tore We have a number of different patterns for you to pick from so come and make your selec tion so as to be sure and have it when you are ready to start work. We can sell you a spray material that is very’ highly recomended the price is 35c per single gallon, 30 cents per gallon for 5 gallons and 25 cents per gallon by the barrel. G O FF BROS.