Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1908)
THE NEW S Into the Scrap Next mittee to investigate April and June. j Hyde to strip of land Cot title of E. A. corner Council . the primary election | ,- will be held Street and Pacific Avenue reported Published every Thursday by The As that nothing had been done since K pre Washington County Publishing Co., April 17 th, and the general election vious report. He turned in the ab June 1st, it is of interest just now to stract and Incorporated. opinion, showing title in This high class drop head sewing machine bought by us in know how to proceed in the matter of , city to disputed large quantities, thus enabling us to sell them at a very low Entered at the post-office at Forest tiling Initiative Petitions, Nominating filed with recorder. strip and papers were Grove, Oregon, as second class Petitions, etc. According to the Sec Bill of W. H. Hollis <20.00 for price. mail matter. retary ot Siate, compilation proceed abstract and legal services in case City ings under initiative petitions must Subscription $1.50 Per Year have 7,465 signatures; initiative peti- ; vs. Bellinger was presented and on motion of Councilman Hollinger was W e will send this machine to your nearest railroad station tions must be tiled by Jan. 31; argu- , I allowed. Advartislng rates mad* known on application. meuts advocating measures must be j Application for water by J. N. Hoff with freight prepaid for $ 3 .0 0 and $ 2 .0 0 in monthly in filed by Feb. 3d; person filing argu- ! stallments till $ 2 5 .0 0 is paid us. Oi.icial Paper of City of Foresi Grove inent must pay cost of paper and man and for lights bv G. O. Sloan Why send east or to Portland when you can buy at home were granted on usual restrictions. printing; initiative measures must be i The annual report of the Finance \ just as cheap. Officiai Paper Washington Co. printed by the Secretary of State by Committee from Jan. 1, 1907 to Jan. March 2d; Secretary must make up the 1, 1908 was read and upon motion of A. E. NOURSE........................MANAGER torn) of ballot by March 4th. Hollinger was ordered in- Candidates for state and district of | Councilman Forest G ro v e . . . Oregon J F. WOODS..................................EDITOR fices corporated into the records: and district attorneys must file Sole Agents for the White Sewing Machine in Washington County. GENERAL FUND tne Secretary of State at the time THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1908 with of beginning to circulate petitions a RECEIPTS copy of tne petition as evidence that On hand Jan. 1, 1 9 0 7 .... 8 1,208 99 Hon. H. M. Cake of Portland, said elector is a candidate for nomina Reed for L ights.................. 2.911.41 “ Water ............... , 2,696.38 by his party. The vote cast by a has announced himself as a can- tion v as made chairman with authority to “ Licences, fines, political party in each voting precinct Most Grocors Sell d date for the United States sen for representative in Congress at the etc.......................... 291.40 select two councilmen to act with him. He named councilmen Roe and Hin Sale of L & W stock last preceeding general election is the 14.90 ate in opposition to Senator basis on which the percentage for pe O L Y iV iP iC ( man. C.. O. Roe was elected presi “ County Treasurer, Fulton. Mr. Cake made the titions shall be counted and need not taxes................. 3,654 76 dent of the Council. A letter from Robert C. Yenney, tvery sack guaranteed run two years ago but was de exceed 1000 signers. secretary of the State Board of Health Total................. . 10.777.84 Petitions for nomination for office to feated by Senator Bourne by a I be voted for in the Stite at large must Made of selected Eastern Oregon Hard Wheat, concerning the cases of dyptheria and DISBURSMENTS it produces more loaves of bread than any other small majority. Mr. Cake is be signed by at least two per cent of Paid E. W. Haines...........8 2,742.17 asking for the appointment of a city health officer, was read. Upon motion flour and the loaves are lighter and whiter. Be Interest on bonds. . . . 1,633 00 an able lawyer and is in every the party electors. Dr. Charles Hines was elected citv A. G. Long, hose. . . 443.00 cause of the increased quantity of bread produced Petitions for nominations for offices way qualified to fill the position. to be voted for in only ons county or “ for wood pipe............. 598.64 physician to serve two years and the the cost is no higher than for other flours. Recorder was ordered to write Dr. Yen H e has come out in support district, shall be filed with the County electric and general Ask your Grocer for It. expenses ............... 343.42 ney concerning the action. not less than fifteen days before of Statement No. 1 and the di | Clerk Bond of L. J. Corl was approved. S. E. Todd, L & W the date of the primary election, Wed rect primary law. T” E P0RTLAHD FLCUHINS MILLS CO. C om ......................... 231.00 nesday, April 1st. Primary elections COUNTY COURT NEWS Assistant...................... 119.80 I will be heid Friday, April 17. - «Sti g M a r W O W i W. S. Hudson, treas As promised, Francis J. Heney gave Register now, the books are open, PROBATE COURT. com............... 33.00 U. S. Senator C. W. Fultun a jolt in a and avoid the trouble of swearing in “ L. sal J. & C orl................... of Randel Dunsmoor. Final 302.24 acct Estate ' your vote. Having registered two speech made in Portland Tuesday j vears ago will not do, you have got to filed. Mar 2d time set for final W. Hoge, recorder. .. 55.30 IN SU R A N C E night. All durii.g the Hall trial, how register every two years. City Marshal............... 72.70 settlement. Estate of Christian Rottger deceased. ever, there has been but little to di “ Attorney fees............... 30.00 Sale of real estate. W R Harris con “ A. Hinman, safe......... 100.00 firmed Regular Meeting of the Council. rectly connect Fulton with the charge and administrator" authorized to F. M. Starrett, city hall BANKERS AND MERCHANTS made by Heney, but it is conclusive Council met in regular session last execute deed, and March 2d time set plans........................ 51.56 M U T U A L P IR E R E L IE E A SSN . that Fulton has aided in shielding Thursday evening under provisions of for final settlement of estate. L. L. Hollinger, street criminals. The numerous letters ex the charter for closing the business of Estate of Janies Sample deceased. work ...................... 10.70 Final municipal year. acct filed. Feb. 23 time set for changed between the Senator and the The C. L. Hinman. street committee reported :is the : final settlement. w ork........................ those Indited might not disclose f.vorablv Finance 6.00 on the following bills: Guardianship of John G Vincent et enough evidence to insure an indite Wash. Co. Pub. Co., printing 8 9.95 “ Geo. O. Sloan, Inst Emcline Vincent appointed guar Best Cheapest warrant...................... 156.70 al. ment, but they have bet n printed and F. B. Rutherfoid, atty fees Mil dian. Bonds 81400. “ Chas. E. Sadd, Inst read by the people, which is enough. | ler case ............................... 10.00 Estate of Andrew Führer deceased. warrant...................... 630.68 Inventory W. H. Lyda, lumber............... 62.21 “ Chas. and appraisement filed and E. Sadd, Inst W. Haines, light and water, approved. Lowell Markte has been on the sick; E Dec........................................ warrant................... 114.76 22S.50 Estate of Chris Molstead deceased. list for several days. L. Hollinger, costs C. L. Hinman, 3 light poles. 7.50 ' L. suit Ordered that Clerk of Court turn over P. U. vs. City. 62.80 S. G , supplies........................ 1.25 “ for lumber................... 177.06 to Guardian one Certificate of deposit | Spray Your Trees , How’s This? 8311.57. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case Library Boar 1, library fund... 27.50 “ printing................. 242.22 for Estate Councilman Hollinger moved that of Ludwig Stemhoff deceased. Of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. W ith lime sulphur solution for San Jose scale a Street and sidewalks. . 329.95 F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo. Ohio. r port be approved and warrants drawn Final acct filed. March 2nd time set pure liquid spray manufactured by W . Stratton to Library Fund........ 391.59 for final settlement of estate. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for f ir the several amounts. Carried. “ “ Building “ . . . . 660.05 &£ Son lor sale by Goff Bros., Forest Grove, and the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable Councilman Walker of the Street Estate of Elizabeth E Fuqua de In all business transactions, and financially able to carry all other expenses. . . . 363 31 by W . H . Stratton, Cornelius, by-the gallon or Cornu ittee r poited that he had out any obligations made by his firm. ceased. Final report filed. March 2d made some inquiries in regard to cost barrel. W e keep lime and sulphur lor spraying. Waldlng, Klnnan ft Marvin, time set for final settlement. Total............. .810,118.77 Estate of C K Schmeltzer deceased. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. of pipe for water extension towa-ds the Balance Jan. 1, 1908___ 609.07 Annual report filed. Ordered that Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting di rectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys cemetery, but had not received quo LIBRARY FUND tations on 2-inch wood pipe. Further funds on hand be distributed among tem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Amt. transferred from Gen. Told by all Druggists. time granted. the heirs. Take Hall’s Famil> Pills for constipation. Fund.............................. 391.59 Mayor Laughlin as special conr.- paid to Library Board for REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Exp .................................. 306 25 Thomas Bradley et ux to Louis H J. H. Hartley W. I. Cody j S riZ S Œ  i_ .7-£%2EE"-æaa5îr .-.-saa&nsa Larson 6.22 acres in sec 21 t 1 s 1 Balance....................................... 85.34 w 84Ü0. Building fund.............................117.12 H O Hays et ux to Peter Zabicki 10 acres in sec 6 t 3 s 1 w 8400. VALLEY REALTY CO. SPECIAL STREET FUND John Meier et ux to G F Beeler ! Rec’d from assessments........ 1292.82 t'orest Grcva, Or. Transferred from Gen. Fund. . 660 05 45.85 acres sec 3 t 1 n 2 w $2200. W R Hicks to Andrew Boos part of Raal Esilia InvasLnents Seventy acres, rich black soil, One hundred acres, 75 in cul T otal................................ 1952.K7 sec 22 t 1 s 4 w $750. 10 acres in cultivation, fair house tivation, one new house, large Paid out on street work.......... 1740.52 J Claude Greear et ux to H G Guild Loins & Insurance et ux part of blk 6 Oak Grove Add and barn, other outbuildings, new barn, out buildings, sixty Hillsboro $1650. fine orchard, two spring branches acres fine bottom land, balance Balance..................................... 212.28 Tender, Juicy, Steaks on place, land a little rolling, lo a little rolling, nearly all in clover Grand total of cash in treasury 1,023.81 John A Hob'.s et ux to C C Beers Rents Coliected 35 acres in Wm McLin d 1 c t 1 n 3 cated on main road, 6 miles from and crops, spring branches run Roasts and Stews, OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS w $2975. town. Price 81550. ning through place. Bonded indebtedness 6 per to Frank Ramsey n u t of Young orchard located on Sausage and Bacon cent int........................27,000 00 A F Hill M d Hill Fifteen acres, l£ miles from 1 c t 2 s r w $3000. main road two miles from town. Not including acciued int. .31,012.81 Forest Grove all in cultivation, J W Pickthorne et ux to F X Fisher i Trice 86500. Snap. Office in Times Building good house, large barn, other During the past year the city has lots 1 and 3 Peachvale $400. AH kinds of Fresh outbuildings, fine orchard, all paid 8806.70 principal and 895.44 in Charles Aulner to Albert J Moore, Three hundred and fifteen Cr.gon bearing trees, land level, rich, terest on its warrant indebtedness. et ux 81 acres in sec 22 t 2 s 2 w Forasi 6rov* acres, 220 in cultivation, balance black soil located J mile from S. B. Starrett and S. A. Walker, Fi 82000. good pasture, fair house and barn pioposed motor line a little east nance Committee. August C Brandt et ux to T C running water, land mostly bot City Treasurer Corl asked for a new Longsworth 80 acres in sec 8 t 2 s r 1 ! lood Eatables of Forest Grove on main road, tom, 7 miles from Amity G r o c e r ie s book for Water and Light business and w 81. finap 825U0. condenser. 826 an acre. on motion of Councilman Wirtz the re J H Lambert to Sheridan Wheaton at Seventeen acres all in cultiva corder was directed to order one for lots 25 and 27 Peachvale $300. House 6 rooms, tion, fine level land i mile from him. J T Gerrish et ux to Charley ground, fruit trees, w. F. SCHULTZ Forest Grove on main road. Wirtz moved that pending case of Meacham part of secs 25 t 1 n 3 w & gw Prices house. Trice 81150. Price 8100 an acre. City vs. C. F. Miller be dismissed sec 30 t n 2 w 82000. Everybody knows that Motion carried. Alfred J Raymond et ux to Harry H 1 After a few words from the retiring Graham et ux 8 acres in sec 14 t 1 n we keep the best Meats members the council adjourned sine 4 w 8750. die and the new council was called to Melissa O Shipley et al to Clarence to be had, but this is to order. E Shipley part of sec 19 t 2 n 3 w $5. remind you to give us Mayor Laughlin announced the fol Samuel B Lawrence Jr to Mettie R lowing committees: Fish part of sec 33 t 1 s 2 w & sec 4 t ! a call. Finance, C. O. Roe, S. T. Walker; s 2 w (29 acres) $2000. Streets and Public Property, C. L T B Stevenson to H T Buxton 40 1 <r Hinman, H. J. Golf; Water and Light, acres in sec 35 t 1 n 4 w $60. Saelens & Co. S. T. Walker, J H. Wirtz; Health and Wm Reidt et ux to H R Moore lots FOREST GROVE Police, G. G. Paterson, C. O. Roe; 17 to 22 block 33 W’est Portland Buy your drugs, sun Printing and supplies, H. J. Goff, G. Heights $1. Special attention is directed to our fall Dress Goods G. Paterson; Ordinances, J. H. Wirtz Moses Dillaboy et ux to D C Ulerv dries, stationer}-. Kcr et al 40.03 acres in sec 25 t 1 s 2 w Two Good Homes W aists, Skirts and Wrapps. W e have the choicest and C. I.. Hinman. daks and supplies at bond of L. J. Corl, city treas- $1100. fabrics and highly tailored goods. W e invite you urer, The with F o p snle W. B. Haines and John Robert P. Wirtz et ux to J J Wirtz to call and see them. Dr. Hines’ Drug Store Thornburgh as surieties in the sum of part of blk 24 Forest Grove 8600. $1000 was read. The question was J M Meehan et ux to August Wen- On Easy Payments and you will be[happy. raised as to whether W. B. Haines was zel et ux part sec 36 t 1 s 2 w $2230. a "freeholder” in the eyes of the law, Herman Boehme to M C Mapes 20 $300 will put you in pos and the bond was referred to the acres in sec 28 t 1 s 1 w $1200. session of either. Finance Committee to investigate. S P Hepler et al to George Hepler They are nice homes, in Bond of Walter Hoge, recorder, with 5 acres in Hiram Johnson d 1 c t 1 s 2 W e can satisfy any man, boy or youth in Clothing. Belle choice locations. One is T. Hoge as surety in the sura of w $163. Our stock is complete besides the prices and per $500 was worth $1250, the other read and approved. J P Tamiesie et ux tc F H Sumner fect fit are both guaranteed. The declination of Ed. R. Wirtz, tract in M Moore d i e t 1 s 2 w $900. 81300, and they are bar elected to office of city marshal gains at these prices. drlsio re was read and on motion of E. T. Judd, breeder of fine dray Let us show them to you. Councilman Roe was accepted. N o horses, of Salem, who lectured in this carried that Marshal Lennevhie city last Fall with the agriculturists —If anyone has a cream separat® Forest Grove - - Oregon tion be invited to continue in office until from na«iL for O. A. C. was in the Grove the THOMAS HOGs: sale, please notify me by Geor*« further arrangements are made _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j State capacity and make. first of this week for the Hazelwood The question of Rules of Order was 2St3* raised and on motion Mayor Laughlin C eamery Company. —A full line of Comforts at Bailey’s. ^Kessler, Banks, Oregon. How to W E E K B U Y S IT $60 machine for $25 GOFF BROTHERS .OUR Of Forest Grove, Oregon onci j W . H. S tra tto n & Son . NOBLE The Heal Eslate Man Good Things 1 TO EAT V e g e ta b le s D u rin g th e A Few Bargains Just Now. NEW YEAR 1908 Fall Showing Fall Clothing Dr. Hines’ NELSON B. LA COURSE THE BIG ECONOMICAL STORE &