Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1908)
W ashington C ounty news vol . v BOY SHOT BY HUNTER FOREST GROVE, WASHINGTON CO., ORE., THURSDAY. JANUARY 30. CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING. FORMER RESIDENT DIES INFLUENCED TO STEAL Charge Takes Effect Over Eye. and in Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hardin Pass Fiftieth I. L. Smith of Sheridan Passed Away Hillsboro Man Escapes Right Hand— Hunter Milestone of Happy Married at the Ripe Age of Eighty Money Stolen for Him Unknown. Life. by a Lad Years. 1908. NO. 20 OREGON APPLE ALL With Henry RIGHT. Field, the Famous Man Passes Judgment On Oregon Fruit. ADKINS’ HERITAGE GROWS. Seed Land in Tennessee. Kentucky and Arkansas Included in Sevier's Estate. Hon. I. L. Smith, for over 30 years Sheriff Connell is after Charles Through the carelessness of some I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hardin cele F'urther news relative to the Adkins The January number of the Fruit unknown hunter little Grant Alexander, brated their fiftieth wedding anniver a resident and business man of this 1 Doughty, aged 28 years, charged with Grower of St. Joe, Mo., the leadiug fortune which has been in the papers son of Mr. and Mis. Robert Alexander, sary at their home north of this city, j city, died yesterday morning at his late robbery. Deputy F. T. Kane was in horticultural paper of the Middle West recently, is the following taktn from I this city Monday searching (or the had an article bv Heurv Field, the the Sunday Journal. living at Oak Hill west of this city, Tuesday, with a great many of their home at Sheridan, aged 80 years. was seriously wounded by gun shot friends from Beaver City, Neb. Mr. .Smith was born in Illinois and *u«itive. The complaining witness is famous seed man of Snenaudoah, Iowa, According to Mrs. Hoare, the prop At 12:30 o’clock the guests sat came to Oregon in 1870 settling at. Bruce Donelson, a 13-year-old lad, in which he said: and narrowly escaped death, Saturday erty is nearer to«being worth $20,000,- down to a table that fairly groaned with Forest Grove. At one time he con who now occupies a cell in the County evening about 4:30 o’clock. "Apples «re scarce in this great 000 than $3,000,000, although the The little fellow was playing out in good things to eat. Turkey, chicken, ducted a hotel here and for several .ail, as one of the principals in the af state of Iowa nowadays and the local exact valuation cannot be learned un the orchard alone and Mrs. Alexander ham, jellies, dainty salads, seven kinds | years owned and operated the sash and fair. Young Donelson, who resides supply is mostly boxed apples from til careful estimates have been made. l '*Was in the house when she heard the of cake and a long list made up the j ; door factory. He was a member of with his grandparents at Hillsboro, the West. I had my first experience A large part of the land which is now shot of a gun ring out. As Mr. Alex menu. I the Oregon legislature from this county Sunday morning entered the hired with a Spitzenberg the other day. The covered by the City of Nashville, Ten Until 5:30 o’clock the friends of and highly respected and influential girl’s room and robbed her of over $30 groceryman had a box of Washington- nessee, is included in the Sevier grant. ander was away from home she knew that it was not him that was doing the Uncle "Bobbie” sat at the festive citizen of this place: a member of the and a gold watch. grown Spitzenbergs in his window that "Most of the laud is included in The boy was taken into custody looked mighty good and I started in three large tracts, one in southwestern shooting. She rushed out into the or board of good things and told stories G. A. R.. Methodist church and chard to find little Grant badly bleed of the old life at Beaver City. Masons. Five years ago he moved to shortly after, and says that Doughty in in to buy the whole box, but he said Kentucky, another in northeastern Ar Mr. and Mrs. Hardin were married Sheridan of this state. fluenced him to rob the domestic, and they cost him $3 50 and he would kansas and the third that upon which ing. He had rec rived a shot above the left eye and three had entered his in Missouri and moved from there to His body will be brought to this that after the commission of the felony have to have -more than that, so I Nashville stands. This laud was all right hand Dr. Hines was calipd and Nebraska where they lived for many city Saturday and the memorial ser- he gave Doughty the $30 and the backed down and compromised on given Captain John Sevier for his with considerable difficulty stopped years. They came to Forest Grove l vices will be under the, direction of the watch. Doughty at once started east buying a dozen apples. When I got work on behalf of the little republic about six years ago and have a host of Masons. Interment will be in the ward, and it is thought that he intends home and and started to eating on during the revolutionary war, and later the flow of blood. going to San Francisco for enlistment them I decided I wanted that whole an fettling Kentucky and Tennessee. Grant was looking up into a tree at friends in the vicinity who wish them Buxton cemetery. in the regular army. He is an ex box anyway, but when I got down some birds when the shot struck him, many more years of happy life. Mr. Captain, afterwards, general, Sevier He leaves the following children:' and a big charge of number four shot Hardin is 85 and his wife 70 years of James T., Cheney, Wash.; Geo. L. soldier and served in the Philippines. town I found that some one had beat.| was a companion of Daniel Boone in His parents reside in East Hillsboro. I me to them. If there is anything the early settlement of Kentucky and entered the tree by his side. The re age and both enjoying good health. Among the presents received were: and Fred of Sheridan, Wy.; Mrs. Flora Doughty wears a stubby mustache, 1 finer and more nearly fruit for the gods the Blue Mountain districts, and he port of the gun came from the barn, E. Hinman, Spokane; Mrs. Esther J. and it is thought that it was the work a pretty glass water set, by Mr. and Kane, Portland: Will H., Mrs. L. Day but no beard. When last seen he than a Washington Spitzenberg, it can and Boone were together in several wore a pair of blue army pants, a black of some one that was hunting pheasants Mrs. John Taylor; beautiful fruit dish, expeditious into what was then the vir : Stewart, Mrs. Carrie Merchant, Reno, overcoat, and a black felt hat. He is ! have my vote. in the kale patch near the barn as Mr. A- L- Sexton; a gold lined silver gin wilderness. It was for his daring Walter Hoge of this city wrote Mr. Nevada, and Elmer of Vancouver, about 5 feet 9 inches in height, and Alexander says that he has noticed tea set, by the children; gold lined Field, reminding him that Oregon also and enterprise in se'curing this vast Wash. has blue eyes. that the birds have been very thick water set, by Mesdames Thomas, raised good apples and adding that, territory for the United States that the Nichols. Jackson, and $10 in gold, by ^ th e re of Lte. though there was a creek between the government granted him patents to the BANKS MAN PRESIDENT. It is not only out of season to hunt Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramsey. two states the quality of the fruit was land. STATE C. E. CONVENTION not Those present were: Mrs. Joe Lam- the pheasants, *but Mr. Alexander has After General Sevier’s death the changed thereby. Mr. Field in a F. Willis Chosen to High Office trespass notices upon the place so the bert, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramsey, titles were misiaid, and his children private letter to Mr. Hoge says: fellow that did the shooting will prob Mr. and Mrs. John Prichard. Mr and by Federation of Hardware ^ ! Endeavorers to Gather at Eugene. " I am pleased to know that ft did forgot the existence of grants to land Mrs. Abe Hardin, Mrs. A. Jackson, ably not announce it. February 20-23. not hurt your feelings when I was that was worth millions even then. It and Implement Dealers. The boy is about all right again and Charles Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. bragging about the Washington apples. was not until a great grandson, while E. F. Willis of Banks is the last Plans for the eighteenth state con Yes, I meant the remarks should ap looking over some family papers in Sexton, Doc. Thomas and wife. Mr. in school. and Mrs. James Nichols, Mr and Mrs. man 'n Washington county in the cap vention of the Oregon Christian En ply to Washington and Oregon, both, connection with the Sibley claim, came Baz Jennings, and fourteen grand ital list to pluck a presidential plum. deavor union, to be held in Eugene, but I thought after I had written it across the deeds that General Sevier’s Editor Worthy of His Hire. children and two great grand children. At a meeting of the Federation of February 20 to 23 inclusive, are well that some of my Oregon friends might descendants knew of their existence. Hardware and Implement Dealers of under way. The state president, Rev. One would think there was an old j ‘ feel that I was unfair to them, but any- Henry Hopkins Sibley of the confed ., . . D . the Western States, Mr. Willis was C. T. Huid, of Corvallis, announces country editor in the Postoffice De School Report. elected as its head ruler- He has just that a strong set of speakers is being : way the apples were rrighty good and erate army, inventor of the Sibley tent, partment, making laws and regulations, I wish I had two or three boxes of was also one of the Sevier descendants, Of Dist. 75, for the month ending completed one year as vice president secured for the convention. The list them right now. a good fellow, of the Tom Richardson If express was and his family endeavored to secure order, who is bound to give the boys Jan. 24: No. pupils attending during of the Oregon Retail Hardware and includes Rev..L. R. Dyott, pastor of not so high I would have you send the payment of a claim against the month 37; average daily attendance 3*. Implement Dealers Association, de the First Congregational church of a boost and bring them into their re me a box of them from there. We government for the use of his invention. ward. He must be a man of exper Those neither absent nor tardy during clining re-election in order to ally him Portland; Rev. W. H. Foulks, pastor can’t get any more of them here for This was finally decided adversely to ience, with the frailties of the delin month, Clarence Beard, John Garrigus, self with the fede-ation which includes of the first Presbyterian church of Port love or money. The only thing they the Seviers and Adkins, however, as it all the Pacific Northwestern States and | Katherine Heltzel, John Heltzel, New- land; President P. L. Ctrmpbell of the will offer us now is New York Bald was claimed Captain Sibley lost his quent subscriber, that terror of the ed itor and despair of the editor’s wifi, ; ton Shipley, Ella Garrigus, Mae Helt will undoubtedly include Colorado and University of Oregon; President Kerr wins or California Bellefleur, arid rights when he resigned from West of the Oregon Agricultural college; neither one tastes good to me any Point and entered the Confederate who in most cases is the financial zel, Florence Thornburg, Alvon Ship- U tah\ ley, Edith Garrigus, Ernest Shipley, Mr. Willis is the organization’s first Revs. J. J. Evans, D. A. Thompson, more.” "m an ’ of the firm. For lo, and be service. hold. comes the ruling that papers, to Lester Sell, Carl Wilcox, Frances Sell. president. He is a native of Illinois A. A. Winter, and others. Mrs. Hoare is a daughter of J. W. and rode Abe Lincoln’s knee many Tljose who averaged more than 90, The program is not yet complete, get into-the pound rate, must hereafter H. Adkins, of Forest Grove, Oregon, Good Show Coming be paid for by subscribers in advance, Ralip Wilcox, John Garrigus, Katherine times. His father was one of L*n- but it includes conferences’for the del and a sister of Miss Lena Adkins, of or at best cannot run more than a year Heltzel, John Heltzel, Newton Ship- coin’s bondsmen yvhen he was ap- egates, and open meetings for the Portland, the maid who will also come behind Well, wny not? All the pros ley, Merton Benefiel, Gladyse Phipps, j pointed postmaster of Salem, Illinois. people of Eugene; also three simul in for a goodly share of the huge estate. Mr. Willis was in the wholesale bus taneous meetings for Sunday afternoon, p ered city publications adopted the Gladyse Benefiel, Nellie Beard, Marion Mr. Adkins has seven children,-John rule years ago, and it should be en Hopkins, Ella Garrigus, Pearl Thorn- iness for 20 years and was North est the last day of the convention—one Adkins, Julia Adkins, Charles Adkins, forced by. the country weekly as a mat burg, Chester Benefiel, Mae Heltzel, ’ manager for the D. M Auburn Mach each for men, women and children. Mrs. McFarland, of Forest Grove, Mrs. Florence Thornburg, Alvon Shipley, inery with headquarters at Portland for The railroads have granted the usual ter of plain business. Trttes, Lena Adkins and Mrs. T. J. four years. In all his traveling as a one and one-third fare to all delegates. If ever the laOorer is worthy of his Edith Garrigus, Otto Peterson, Sophia Hoare. Arthur Adkins Jr., lives at ?bmmercia) man he says he likes Ore- Eugene Endeavorers have organized hire, it is the editor and publisher of Phipps. 452 Karl street, Portland, while Clara gon the best—and Banks, where he the necessary committees, and will ETHEL SMITH, Teacher. the local weekly, plugging and boost and Emma Dilley, two grand daughters has been in business for over two years. provide entertainment for all accredited ing year in and out for his home town of Mr. Adkins, live with the Hoares at Oratorical Contest. delegates. H. A. Scullen is chairman and county, often worried ipto sleep » 550 Pettygrove street, and they will How They Do It in Missouri. of the entertainment committee, and Marsh Hail will be the scene of a less nights by visions of bil$ due and also come in for their mother’s share A Boone man who has been down all name of delegates should be sent payable and nothing on hand or in stimng contest in oratory Friday even of the estate when it is finally settled. in Missouri during the recent financial to him. right to meet them. It is safe to ven- ing of this week Six rival orators It is believed that there are two pucker says he didn’t see any clearing There are between 200 and 300 of tnre saying there is not a country pa will strive for first place in the annual heirs to the estate in Richmond, Mis house certificates but he husked corn a the Christian Endeavor societies in the per m the land that has not at this preliminary contest. This is one of souri, seven in Colorado and one in week for a man down there and when state, and an attendance of fully 200 date, from $500 to $1000 on its books, the big events of the school year and California. Mrs. Susan Sevier, the I he drew his salary the old man gave delegates is expected. owing by "good fellows,” most of much interest is being shown in the grand-aunt of Mrs. Hoare, is the only him four coon skins to square the bill Whom are of honest purpose, yet care coming contest. one of the original family left, and thS Entertainment. Two prizes, one of $15.00 and an He went over to a store and purchased less or shiftless about paying up. Hoares expect to go to Virginia to These same "good fellows” havg plen other of $10.00 will be awarded to the a pair of mittins and some tocacco, protect her interests. Come and see the old maids trans ty of money on circus day, and when speakers receiving first and second I throwing down a coon skin in pay- formed into beautiful young maidens I ment. The merchant put it under they attend the county fair or other places respectively. berore your own eyes, to be given bv B. H. Laughlin went to North Yam An excellent musical program will I the counter, rang it up on the cash the Ladies Maccabees, at Greenville public diversion, or when they think of hill Monday, to attend the funeral of the re8‘ster an<* save him a skunk and it at all, say to themselves they will be given in connection with Hall, Saturday night, February 8th, at his aunt, Mrs. Delia Smith, who died pay some day. They meet the news- speeches. Mrs. Pauline Miller Chap- two weasel skin* ,or ch an g e.-E x . 8 o’clock sharp. Music by the Brass in Portland last Saturday. Mrs. Smith Lee Willard and his company of 12 paper man with a cordial shake of the man, of the Conservatory of Music, Band of Banks. Admission 25 and 15 people comes to Verts Hall on this ’ormerly lived in North Yamhill and hand and compliment him on the will sing two numbers and this in it- cents. Friday night, January 31, presenting leaves, besides other relatives, a food work he i« doing, but that is all, self should attract a large number of After the Entertainment is over the the Country Squire, a deiightful and daughter, Mrs. John Roberts of Banks. while he wonders if the Creator gave people, Ladies will give a Leap Year dance. refreshing old fashioned comedy by The News is laying plans for pub tome men a double allowance of gall James Hoover of Beaverton, com Everybody invited to come, 'and La James A. Kent. This company is one lishing in the near future, a special Firemen's Ball. In mistaken fear he hesitates to cut dies bring the purse. Dance tickets of the best, playing all the large cities mitted suicide Sunday morning by tak edition. It is not the intention to 50 cents. em off. ing strychnine. He did not appear Friday evening, February 14—Val and no doubt will receive a well melancholy previous to the rksh deed ■ The day of deliverance is at hand; entine’s Eve—the firemen of this city include the regular edition in this filled house. Mr. Williard has and the first his wife knew of it was henceforth the sign goes up “ Cash up will give their regular annual dance in special number, but make it en Woman’s Club. been compared with the great Mans- when he came to her and asked for a and no grumbling.” —Sunday Oregon the Masonic Hall. Heretofore the tirely separate, and in the form of a The open meeting of the Woman’s field and comes to this city with glow ian. _______________ firemen’s hop has been one of the magazine of about the size of the Club has been postponed from Mon ing press .notices from all over the drink of water. When asked what was ’ j social events of the season, calling Youth’s Companion. There will be day, Feb. 10, until Monday, Feb. 17, country. It is not often that the peo the matter he merely pointed to tne paper in which the poison had been Word From State Board of Health, forth capital patronage, and the affair 3000 copies printed, one being on account of the Club not being able ple of Forest Grove get the oppor wrapped and was dead within three Recorder Hog«, receivid the other promises to be just so this year. By to secure the church parlors where the tunity to hear a top notch production quarters of an hour Hoover was 49 y a letter fiom the State Board of patronizing the event the lovers of the sent »to every subscriber of The meeting was to have been held, until of this sort but Mr. W.illiard believe; years old and leaves a wife and three News gratis, and the balance sold. light fantastic will not only get the en the latter date. in keepiog his Thespians keyed up for children. He lived a mile and one ealth concerning the local board in M r s . A. B. T o dd . ich the following instructions are joyment. but will help to buy fixtures The edition will be known as the their work in the larger cities— hence half west of Beaverton. Coroner and paraphrenalia for the fire boys. iven: Secretary. he makes the towns along the line Brown of Hillsboro held an inquest. Board of Trade number and will ‘‘What your city council should do They have done good work the past contain every possible bit of infor He will show at the Marquam theatre, to give Dr. Hines their united sup- year and deserve a big turn out Valen Tonight! Tonight! The colered show people created Portland, Saturday night. Mr. Willard mation concerning Forest Grove rt and insist that every physician in tine’s Eve. Tickets will be $1.00. considerable excitement here Ft day will put his famous play, "T h e Coun Tonight the local talent entertain mrt vicinity handsomely illustrated s city reports promptly to the local st noon when they gathered at Par ment company will give its first show try Squire-.” alth officer all cases of contagious son’s corner for their horn exhibitior. with numerous views. It will be in Vert’s Hall. Tickets have been New Fire Insurance Co. Music may have charms for the hurran isease has been quarantined no one printed of heavy book paper and Special Announcement. going rapidly, and an enthusiastic lot As an outcome from the difficulties a release the quarantine exc-pt the species, but from the way that Mr. j of show shoppers will be present to we hope to be able to fill 24 pages I take much pleasure in andbunc Baker’s four horses cut up on hearing health officer. Your community which arose at the annual election of a laugh over the monologues, readings, ing to the citizens of Forest Grove and the brass band would indicate any bill find that it pays in the long run to board of directors for the Bankers and and to insure this to be the best song hits, musical comedy, and enjoy insist on absolute quaranrine, even in I Merchants Mutual Fire Relief Associa publication of its kind ever at the melody of the quartet and song- vicinity that I have secured Mr. Lee thing else but charming music for the "suspected cases, and also to insist on tion some two weeks ago. it !s under tempted in Forest Grove we have ' sters. The Hebrew Farce is a dandy. Williard and his Eastern company of steeds. They cut loose with a yood some twelve players for one perform gate, turned around the corner, and Absolute and thorough dVnfection stood that a new company is to be or secured the services of Walter Hoge, ance of "T he Country Squire” a com raced with break neck speed down before releasing from quarantine. I ganized. Fred. A. Watrous, former Grange Meeting. edy in three acts,in Verts Hallson thi* Main street, now on this side of the shall send Dr. Hines a set of record state agent for the above company, is who. as a writer, is well known in Gale Grange No. 282 will hold its Priday night. January 31, and person- road and now the other. Zip, they books for keeping stitistics which will on the road in the interests of the new this community. A limited amount greatly facilitate his work.” company and it is understood that he of advertising space will be sold to regular monthly session on Saturday, i | ally guarantee all who may attend a took the GoT corner and down Pacific avenue the four horse team ran as Ben - —-—----- --------- has almost enough business pledged gether with biographical sketches Of Feb. 1st, 1908, at 10:30 o’clock a. clean, delightful and refreshing per Haris steeds of old. They were m. The questions to be discussed formance) Miss Behe Johnson, who has been to begin writing insurance according stopped near the feed stable. The dMKttending St Mary s Academy of Port- to the state iaws. The name of the new our most prominent citizens and are: The Parcels Post and The proper | Respectfully, funny thing about it was that n t a can it im e for planting grain. A full attend- * J- HENRY WiRTZ, land, returned to her home at Spring company will be the Pacific Hr c : their pictures. j ance is desired. Sec. j Manager Verts Hall. was lost nor a bit of butter churned. ul farm iast week. j Mutual Fire Insurance Compahy. i