Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 10, 1907, Image 6

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    W . H. HOLLIS.
Group of Hawaiian Damsels Now Visiting Oregon
Estate and Corpo-
Under the Chaperonage of Mrs. Tozier » VI cut her red I Real
mon L
a Specialty.
Hines' Store
What a Heap of Happiness B
Would Bring to Forest
Grove Homes.
. tß ß t
HMIJOJl i t f f l
P7\ < H ! O X S T A H L E S
Hard to do housework with an ach­
ing back.
Brings you hours ol misery at leisur«
Paîilu A jo .
Forasi Grove
KcJt Turncuis
or at work.
If women only knew the cause— that
W. Ham'?:
Backache pains come from sick kid­
’ Twould save much needless woe.
Î E S Î A W I s l ’ ElJ
Forest ( 1 rbvti, Croton
1 \ generai b.v 'c’ng h ’i'-'iic
L illc rc S “ ;iM IP ti 1 r*
Doan’ s Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys
Mrs Mary Bumgardner, of 424 Wafer Street, Sa­
lem . O re.. says
“ I have found [Joan’s Kidney
Fills a remedy that is worthy of all confidence and
am pleased to endorse them so that other sufferers
from kidney comp.amt may know how to get relier
I procured Doan s Kidney PiJU at ■ drug store and
several members of our family have used 'hem with
the most gratifying results
I took ihero m yse.f for
a tired aching back and a dragging
that cornea from irregular and deranged kidneys.
The results were o f the best
The aching and sore^
nr as were banished and the kidneys were rendered
normal. My health became better In every way.
.<m '^ted
dep O b llS.
A c (YOU Ills UJ Vll€*fl.
City Shaving Parlors
For th1* Re t Up to date Wmk.
Laths t'acilii \ve. ioiest Giu e.
A. 1. V.’ti tz. Proprietor
For sale by all dealers. Price SO
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
5 S .
New York, sole agents lor the United
Remember the name— Doans
forest Grove,
’ V
A. M o u lto n
? hr
\eai in$ TonsorJalist
take no other.
fS lX O A , D e n tiü t
M. E. Church
Forest Grove, Oregon
Regular preaching services at the Methodist chi rcl
every Sabbath at
1 1 a .m .
and at 8 :00 p. m .
H •t'rv * v o i r
tchool at 10 a. m .; Epwortb League 7:00 p. m .; Mid wc-1
Service, Thursday, 8 :00 p. m.
RE V. H . GO D LD , Paator
German Lutheran Church
Eczema and Pile
The German Lutherans hold services on the 2nd ar
4th Sundays of each month at 2:30 p. m.
H . C . EBE LING. Pastor.
Christian Church.
Bible School, S u n d a y ............................................. 10:00 a. m
Communion and preaching.................................... 11:00 a. m
Junior Mission Band.................................................
3:00 p. m
Prayer meeting on Thursday night.
Home and Try It. Anyway.
Congregational Church
Sunday School at
v ice at
10 a. m.
11 o’ clock.
at 7:30 p. m
Young People’s Meeting held at 6:30 p. m.
Mid weel
RE V. H . W . B O YD . Pastor.
Free Methodist
There will be preaching servicaa in the Free Metho­
dist Church every Sunday at 11 a. m . and 7:30 p. m.
Christian Science.
Services every Sunday at 11 a. m . and 7 :30 p. m
U S South
which brought a heifer and we bred ! Cornelius, Oregon, at
one-half that heifer to the bull
got of Gillen I Saturday, October 19, 1907,
dairy cows.
About 30
inch Bain wagon, Stude-
Osborne steel rake, 3 horse:
10 o ’ clock mower,
, or
the ful- 14 in. stubble plow, double shovel gar­
ounce; and got a bull which we used on our lowing property, to-wit:
den plow, hay rake and rack, forks and
three herd with grand success.
hoes, 20 stands bees.
Horse and yearling heifer, two cows.
at bedtime.
Fifth Street
With more knowledge of feeding
22, heifer will calf March 3, ’ 08; heifer
to I calf eight months old, gasoline spray
Tw o sets fur­
Home Comfort range and parlor stoves,
kitchen handy, fruit jars, window shades
nent authority, who writes in a New; 70 lbs. of good milk per day is a com - in g outfit o d trucks, gasoline dray and and other articles too numerous to m en­
York daily paper, as the finest pre 1 mon occurence. For year ending July circular sawing outfit on trucks com tion.
scription ever written to relieve Back- 31, we sold from 32 cows and heifers, plete, feed cutter, one cierd mill new,
Bladder nearly one half heifers, S3,287.39 in 1 timber jack stump puller, 100 feet
and all forms of Urinary difficulties . 1 milk besides raising nearly all these of hose, Bain 2£ in. single wagon, 3 in
One year's time on
bearing 8 per cent
Board of Epualization for Washington
County, Oregon, will convene at the
; per head of 8125,
Hie herd
tor, 3 brooders,
12 in.
plow, nearly
In the nam e o f the state o f
give it a trial.
tre hereby required
said year shall be completed; which
said Board will continue in session for
one month from said date,
unless the
labors thereof are sooner completed.
Petitions or applications for the re-
^ i o n of a particular assessment shall
be £\ade in writing, verified by the
of the applicant or his attorney,
a i
lied with the Board during the
first week it is by law required to be
in session, and any petition or applica­
tion not so made,
by the order o f
s tall not be considered or acted upon
A Herd of
been reading your paper for twenty-five
G e o r g e H. W il c o x ,
bankable notes
interest on sums
com plaint
h ere in ,
pray the court above
— M oney to loan on farm security
W . H . Hollis.
The annual output of the coun- lober
' s seventy billion
10 o ’ clock
m ent, and decree again st you
bonds o f m atrim ony
Miss H olm es
Saturday ard
Sunday at her h om e.
Mr. Scott ol Gaston, is registered in
the second year class.
named p la in tiff and y o u rse lf, the above
ant, and for such other relief
court m ay deem
publication o f
this sum m ons is
equitable in the prem ises.
T h e date o f the fu st
Thursday, A ugust 22nd, 1907, and that o f
C o u n ty ,
h avin g been made in cham bers, A u g u st
H o n . J.
2 0th ,
1907, on
the C ircu it
N otice Is hereby g iv e n that in co m p lia n c e
u o v isio n s o f th e ’ act o f C on gress o f June
w ith
1 878, e n -
iiled “ A n act for the sale o f timber lands in th e States
W a sh in g to n
T e r r i­
to r y ,” as extended to a ll the Pu blic Land States by act
jf A ugust 4 ,
M ark
B a ile y
Eu np
.ounty o f W a th in g to n , state o f O r e g o n ,
died in this office h is sworn statem ent
H illsb o ro ,
has this
N o . 7 5 1 4 , for the
purchase o f the lot five and the southeast quarter o f the
northwest quarter o f section N o .
I N range N o. 3 W W illa m ette
s ix . In tow nship N o .
m eridian and w ill offer
proof to show that the land so u g ht
is m ore valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricu ltural
to establish his claim to said
purposes, and
land before th e
R egister
ind Receiver at Portland, O r eg o n , on Satu rd ay, the 9th
la y o f N ovem b er, 1937.
He names as w itnesses E. W .
Jale, O reg , J. H .
H o w e ll, o f
H o w e ll, o f
3 ro v e, O regon.
A n y and all persons
i gii Waterman, Football Captai
M on n tain -
M ou n tain d ale, O r e g ..
o f F orest
c la im in g a d v ersely the above
tescribed lands are requested tc file their c la im s in
jffice on or before said 9th day o f N o v e m b er, 1907.
ttt i ’a .iflc I'n u c.slty .
A L G E R N O N S. D R E S S E R . R egister.
(Date o f first p ublication A u g . 2 9 .)
(Matrix by courte»- Portland Journal)
— At Bailey’ s, for ladies’ hand sewed
Power of the Waves
The power of waves, snyti M. Rrou-
rest Koes t0 the calves, is sold as cream or,e M cCorm ick
belffht o f tI" ‘ C(‘n,,'r of grnvlty of the
M y neat bull was a home
United S tates Land O ffice,
head the herd and raise your own good
bought was Joe Johanna DeKol out of
the last p u b-
.ication hereof is T h ursd ay, October 10th , 1907.
P ortland, O reg o n , July 3 0, 1907.
S '. a o v e m ^ T o f f t o w Z 'V & Z L
the other static nml dependent on thè
Joe’s Bride and sired by Johanna A g g ie !
named d e fe n d ­
as the
Notice for Publication.
Pounds goes into condensed milk, one year old. three hogs, and three
'hree billions into cheese, while the DjjjS 6 months old. one truck wagon,
his performance was as good as his
th e
the above
Forest G r o v e. O reg o n .
Holsteins. All the teachers of good
dairying are now talking good bulls to
W e got the idea Johanna’ s
were all right, so the next bull we
d isso lv in g
now e x istin g betw een
Attorney for the P lain tiff,
nln lu La Xa,ure- >* tho « '" » of two ef-
Faul DeKol.
a ju d g ­
pounds, allowing sharp, the following described property,
— Dr. E. H . Brown, Physician and good yearling Holstein bull and after :han their share. In addition to this
Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­ the first plunge it was easy enough.
e*ch individual is supposed to
pliance* in office.
Calls answered
for the one half bloods w ,re' so much eat twenty pound, of butter a yem and
night or day.
better than their mothers that we want- Wlt*i a‘ ‘ our cows, creameries and farms
— M en ’ s canvas oxfords also canvas
to go them one better, so we have « « c a n n o t quite supply the demand
shoes the latest
styles swing and
straight lasts, Blucher cut. At Bailey’ s. continued from that time to this to «h ich necessitates the annual impor-
W . H . H O L L IS ,
is required in making butter, a billion dry C0WSi three heifers and three steers
— M en’ s gun metal,
Blucher cut Ten or twelve years ago Gillett & Son
oxfords, medium high heel the latest sold me a bull out of Joeanna 4th and
at Baileys.
out of a son of Mutual friend 2nd and
r e lie f
iccount o f the absence from this cou nty o f
ing you a little history of our herd of
— W e have always paid the high­ keep a good Holstein bull at the head
est for wool and mohair.— Bailey's.
of the herd.
In buying our bulls we had bullhead
— Mrs. Edm ondson would like to do
luck bv getting three ol the Johannas
work by the day. Phone No. 392. l l t f
m entioned for the
•-mil Seifert o f Bacona, O r e g ., D .
T h is summ ons is published by order o f
mower and rake, one
cows but you have been talking it ’ ’ Lo ° r drank by the people. There is 1 stee] t00th harrow, one crossing ¿low. T h ^ a m ì o W r .n q o n Z t m m 'show
23 years enough to give each person nearly a 0ne hay fork, rope and pulley, one iron that ino total imwer o f waves is divid-
— M en ’ s patent leather button three these many years’ ’ and some
quarters boxing cloth top, very neat ago, you worked me up to
a point 'poun d. o r a good-sized tumbler full, kettle, 20 gallons, cross cut saw, buck 0,1 ef|nnlly between these static and
Oxfords at Bailey’ s.
where I had courage enough to buy a 'hough many of course get much more s a f , grind stone and various kinds of S “ “ t t e * £ « o f astnu-Uim there
for in the com plaint th erein , that is to s a y , f o r
W . Goodin. C ou nty Judge o f
Public Sale.
County, or thirty years and it has had
its influ- ln avera8e of 3,5 60 pounds of milk to t 0 -wjt. Eight cows giving milk, three
enee and I think I can prove it bv giv-
eac^ cow - Over half of this product njce heifers com ing fresh soon, three
— Bring your wool and mohair to us
W e will give you the most for it.—
h e r e o f, to -w it: on or before
| us some startling figures on the sub- j Banks in Cedar Canyon on Friday, Oc-
have j'ect-
and you
p laintiff w ill cause your d efault to be entered and w ill
we cannot have these without the cow.
I will offer at public auction on ti e
I The statisticians at Washington furnish I Dall Baker plaee<
miles west of
Y o u are further notified that if you fa il t o appear and
answer the
rels lim e, 770 lbs. sulphur, household
life would not be worth the living, and
filed a c o m ­
last day o f th e tim e prescribed
if C a lifo rn ia , O r e g o n , N evad a
Dairymen's Corner
H o a r d 'S DAIRYMAN:— W e
Assessor for
the 11th day o f O ctob er, 1907.
and kitchen furniture and other articles
More than twenty-one million cows
authority, whose ei.tire reputation, it
too numerous to mention.
are milked in the United States every­
is said, was established by it.
Term s of sale:— Under $10, cash
A druggist here at home when day. That means much work for many Qver j j q
one year’ s time on bankable
asked stated that he could either sup men, many women and many children.
; note at 8 per cent interest. 2 pet
ply the ingredients or mix the pre­ It also means hundreds ol millions ol
cent off for cash. Free lunch at noon.
scription for our readers, also recom ­ dollars of capital invested, many mil­
W . H . STRATTON, Owner.
lions in profits to the dairymen and
mends it as harmless.
J. W. Hughes. Auctioneer. A. T.
' oceans of expense to the consumer.
Stratton, Clerk.
But we must have milk and butter or
verified, and filed
by the Board.
to a p p ea r and answ er «¿.id c o m ­
plaint on or before th e
! I 16 W'U gel a herd of cows that will cups, two cross cut saws, two barrels
It give him both pride and profit.
lime and sulphur solution spray, 3 bar-
the examination and corrections and certainly com es highly recom m ended
equalization of the assessment rolls for It is the prescription of an eminent
O regon ,
plaint against y o u in the above entitled cou rt,
of Equalization, which will continue slightest injury to the stomach or other tinues along the same line of breeding, I Oliver plow, 50 strawberry crates with
of Sundays
notified that the above named p la in tiff has
day in said month and the time fixed say the results are simply surprising, his best heifer calves and if he has i scale, 12 in. plow and harness, jointer,
by law for the meeting of said Board the relief being effected without the good horse sense, sticks to it and con- 50-tooth steel harrow, 12 in. steel beam
exclusive or,!ans'
and legal holidays, until
Mix some and
Clerk’ s office at the Court house in afflictions may not feel inclined to
' "Hillsboro, on the 21st day of October, place much confidence in this simple any mail who wants good cows to milk ; iron kettles, 10 x 12 tent, pair 2500 lb.
1907, the same being the third Mon­ mixture, yet those who have tried it had better buy a good bull and raise! wagon springs, 800 pound platform
its sessions from day to day,
To James A . F ’ e m in g , the a bove nam ed defen d an t:
G e o . N a y l o r , Clerk.
new; 50 tooth steel lever harrow, 2
Just as sure as we live and breathe, ! cultivators, one 14 tooth; two 30 gal.
lames A . F lem in g. D efen d an t.
J. w . H u g h e s . Auct.
Some persons who suffer with the ' growing better all the time,
S m ily J. F le m in g , P la in tiff,
mixture acts promptly on the calves on full milk
blood which causes Rheumatism.
from the same wide tire Mitchell hail truck wagon, ; 0ver S ’1 und r 510> cash- Tw o pei
after receiving new; two seat buggy, heavy single har- | cenl
I°r cash-
T o the Tax payers of Washington
Free Lunch at Noon.
on the aver- ness, two 3S0 egg Petaluma incubators,
County, Oregon:
A. C. DAVIS, Owner.
Notice is hereby given that the acid and other waste matter from the age for 125, making a yearly incom e nearly new; 120 egg Chatham incuba
(Equalization of 1907 Assessment.)
baker hack. Champion binder, Osborne
ounce; Conpound Kargon, one
ache, Kidney Trouble. Weak
for beef,
Public Sale.
The above is considered by an emi- and with much better breeding, 60
R E V . H . K . B O W M A N , Pastor.
at the Christian Science H all,
' menced with a good herd of com m on 3 spring calves, cow 8 years old, fresht niture, 3 bedsteads, five springs, two
Shake well in a bottle and take a ! cows and our best cow made 36 lbs. cow 6 years old, fresh, N o. 1; cow 3 lounges, 3 stands, set chairs, 3 rockers,
teaspoonful dose alter each meal and railk per day.
years old, fresh; heifer will calf D ec sideboard, clothes cupboard, 2 safes,
service on Thursdays at 7:30 p. m.
Durham bull and 2*vr old heifer good
Get from any prescription pharma- ber to a Sir Henry of Maplewood b u l l A t the residence o( W. H . Stratton,
Fluid Extract Dandelion,
Morning Preaching Ser
Evening service
pounds of 4 percent
cist the following:
RE V. SIAS, P «to r.
:l Jersey,
tion. We had a noble cow, perfect in
every respect which gave in one day |
Mix This Simple. Healthful Recipe at ^g pounds milk and in 30 days 1,862
Christian Endeavor.................................................... 6:30 p. m
Preaching...................................................................... 7:30 p. m
K n o w in g what It 19 to su ftri
r l V 1 -1 -
f r e e O F C H A R G E , to *ti\
• t
U ve cure for E d e m a . Sal' Rheum Ki > • ! •
and Skin D isease*.
Instant relief
U»n 1 *ur.e
W rite F. W . W illia m » , 400 M - u i - n - n
Y o r k . Enclose S u m s
f 0 lks, and other articles too
to mention
numerous »book, nml this is most violent
year’ s time on approved
at the
leather oxfords.
Cuban heel, Blucher cut.
— Hoffman & Allen for good
md lowest prices.
Dr. J. J. Murray, V. S.
V e t e r in a r y
Graduate o f
Su rg e o n
A m erican
D e n t is t
V eterin a ry C o lleg e
N . Y . C ity , 1881.
lid . Phone 744
O ffice , H an cock 6r Gordon
F orest G r o v e , O r.
w a,er m,rfllc’*> diminishing with the
notes bearing
Witham, business manager of
the Index, was in Portland Thursday
’ ‘
7 per ce n t interest on sums over $ 10 ; height#,
under 810 cash. Free lunch at noon
\v. p. SPAULDING, Owner,
ioodyear welt, patent
H is S ystem .
SUlpiH-u Clark (to h!s employer. lea\
tat ion of about 45,000 pounds.
J. w . H ughes, Auc. G. Naylor,Clerk Inff the otfli-et—Oh. Mr. Syn:om. hasen't
you forgotten your unit relia? It's rain­
Trespass Notices for sale at this
Auction Sale.
ing. Mr System—Can't help It. I have
raa»le a resolution to have one here
Having sold my place I will se’.i at
and one at home to provi,le for all
Dr. Boggess was seen at the foot- public auction, on the place. 6 miles emergendo*. Now. if I take this one
ball game with his “ Umbrella.”
west of Gaston, in Patton Valley, on ,ho-r11 ,H,,h lw at hom e.-Loudon Tit
M r Gwvnn has been spending the W ednesday, Oct. 23; sale begins a:
Fore» of Habit.
10 o 'c lo c k sharp, the following d e­
past week at his hom e in Hubbard,
Mr. Kaay-Ckrer up. Mr. reck. If
A . p Chi;dj o| M cr.;dutn> Id|ho scribed property, to wit: One brood " e must go L wu let's g" ehwrfully
mare, weight 1400 lbs; gelding 10 like men. Mr. Peek Itjt. hang It all
registered with the Freshmen class.
years old, 1300 lbs , good work horse. Mr. Easy. If I don’t get home my wife
will ne\ er let me go fishing i gain.
M*’rilk L etch er spent Satur- yearling colt, sucking colt. 13 milk Itover! IIarj*T'» Weekly.
(il previous records and the Academy
day and Sunday at her honn
fresh others in milk; 2 of these
a marked increase over the last
, full blooded Jerseys and 1 half and 1 1 A der- •nt boldness ever meets With
trivuds. Homer.
three years.