W . H. HOLLIS. IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW LAWYt R Group of Hawaiian Damsels Now Visiting Oregon Estate and Corpo- Under the Chaperonage of Mrs. Tozier » VI cut her red I Real mon L a Specialty. OFFICE * tho « '" » of two ef- Faul DeKol. forever prayed a ju d g ­ pounds, allowing sharp, the following described property, — Dr. E. H . Brown, Physician and good yearling Holstein bull and after :han their share. In addition to this Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­ the first plunge it was easy enough. e*ch individual is supposed to pliance* in office. Calls answered for the one half bloods w ,re' so much eat twenty pound, of butter a yem and night or day. better than their mothers that we want- Wlt*i a‘ ‘ our cows, creameries and farms — M en ’ s canvas oxfords also canvas ed to go them one better, so we have « « c a n n o t quite supply the demand shoes the latest styles swing and straight lasts, Blucher cut. At Bailey’ s. continued from that time to this to «h ich necessitates the annual impor- Philbrook the W . H . H O L L IS , is required in making butter, a billion dry C0WSi three heifers and three steers — M en’ s gun metal, Blucher cut Ten or twelve years ago Gillett & Son oxfords, medium high heel the latest sold me a bull out of Joeanna 4th and at Baileys. out of a son of Mutual friend 2nd and r e lie f iccount o f the absence from this cou nty o f ing you a little history of our herd of — W e have always paid the high­ keep a good Holstein bull at the head est for wool and mohair.— Bailey's. of the herd. In buying our bulls we had bullhead — Mrs. Edm ondson would like to do luck bv getting three ol the Johannas work by the day. Phone No. 392. l l t f thereto, m entioned for the •-mil Seifert o f Bacona, O r e g ., D . at plead T h is summ ons is published by order o f mower and rake, one cows but you have been talking it ’ ’ Lo ° r drank by the people. There is 1 stee] t00th harrow, one crossing ¿low. T h ^ a m ì o W r .n q o n Z t m m 'show 23 years enough to give each person nearly a 0ne hay fork, rope and pulley, one iron that ino total imwer o f waves is divid- — M en ’ s patent leather button three these many years’ ’ and some quarters boxing cloth top, very neat ago, you worked me up to a point 'poun d. o r a good-sized tumbler full, kettle, 20 gallons, cross cut saw, buck 0,1 ef|nnlly between these static and Oxfords at Bailey’ s. where I had courage enough to buy a 'hough many of course get much more s a f , grind stone and various kinds of S “ “ t t e * £ « o f astnu-Uim there Josh or for in the com plaint th erein , that is to s a y , f o r W . Goodin. C ou nty Judge o f Public Sale. County, or thirty years and it has had its influ- ln avera8e of 3,5 60 pounds of milk to t 0 -wjt. Eight cows giving milk, three 12t4 enee and I think I can prove it bv giv- eac^ cow - Over half of this product njce heifers com ing fresh soon, three — Bring your wool and mohair to us W e will give you the most for it.— Bailey's. h e r e o f, to -w it: on or before Judge. | us some startling figures on the sub- j Banks in Cedar Canyon on Friday, Oc- have j'ect- and you p laintiff w ill cause your d efault to be entered and w ill we cannot have these without the cow. I will offer at public auction on ti e I The statisticians at Washington furnish I Dall Baker plaee< miles west of hereby Y o u are further notified that if you fa il t o appear and answer the rels lim e, 770 lbs. sulphur, household life would not be worth the living, and are filed a c o m ­ last day o f th e tim e prescribed publication if C a lifo rn ia , O r e g o n , N evad a Dairymen's Corner H o a r d 'S DAIRYMAN:— W e Assessor for SAM B. WOODS. you the 11th day o f O ctob er, 1907. and kitchen furniture and other articles More than twenty-one million cows authority, whose ei.tire reputation, it too numerous to mention. are milked in the United States every­ is said, was established by it. Term s of sale:— Under $10, cash A druggist here at home when day. That means much work for many Qver j j q one year’ s time on bankable asked stated that he could either sup men, many women and many children. ; note at 8 per cent interest. 2 pet ply the ingredients or mix the pre­ It also means hundreds ol millions ol cent off for cash. Free lunch at noon. scription for our readers, also recom ­ dollars of capital invested, many mil­ W . H . STRATTON, Owner. lions in profits to the dairymen and mends it as harmless. J. W. Hughes. Auctioneer. A. T. ' oceans of expense to the consumer. Stratton, Clerk. But we must have milk and butter or verified, and filed by the Board. Indiana. OF to a p p ea r and answ er «¿.id c o m ­ plaint on or before th e ! I 16 W'U gel a herd of cows that will cups, two cross cut saws, two barrels It give him both pride and profit. lime and sulphur solution spray, 3 bar- the examination and corrections and certainly com es highly recom m ended equalization of the assessment rolls for It is the prescription of an eminent O regon , plaint against y o u in the above entitled cou rt, of Equalization, which will continue slightest injury to the stomach or other tinues along the same line of breeding, I Oliver plow, 50 strawberry crates with of Sundays STATE COUNTY, notified that the above named p la in tiff has day in said month and the time fixed say the results are simply surprising, his best heifer calves and if he has i scale, 12 in. plow and harness, jointer, by law for the meeting of said Board the relief being effected without the good horse sense, sticks to it and con- 50-tooth steel harrow, 12 in. steel beam exclusive or,!ans' and legal holidays, until Mix some and THE vs. Clerk’ s office at the Court house in afflictions may not feel inclined to ' "Hillsboro, on the 21st day of October, place much confidence in this simple any mail who wants good cows to milk ; iron kettles, 10 x 12 tent, pair 2500 lb. 1907, the same being the third Mon­ mixture, yet those who have tried it had better buy a good bull and raise! wagon springs, 800 pound platform its sessions from day to day, OF W A S H IN G T O N To James A . F ’ e m in g , the a bove nam ed defen d an t: G e o . N a y l o r , Clerk. new; 50 tooth steel lever harrow, 2 Just as sure as we live and breathe, ! cultivators, one 14 tooth; two 30 gal. FOR lames A . F lem in g. D efen d an t. J. w . H u g h e s . Auct. Some persons who suffer with the ' growing better all the time, C IR C U IT S m ily J. F le m in g , P la in tiff, mixture acts promptly on the calves on full milk blood which causes Rheumatism. THE OREGON from the same wide tire Mitchell hail truck wagon, ; 0ver S ’1 und r 510> cash- Tw o pei eliminative tissues of the kidneys, ena- cows, and the calves after receiving new; two seat buggy, heavy single har- | cenl I°r cash- T o the Tax payers of Washington Free Lunch at Noon. bling them to filter and strain the uric the milk would easily sell on the aver- ness, two 3S0 egg Petaluma incubators, County, Oregon: A. C. DAVIS, Owner. Notice is hereby given that the acid and other waste matter from the age for 125, making a yearly incom e nearly new; 120 egg Chatham incuba (Equalization of 1907 Assessment.) This SUMMONS. baker hack. Champion binder, Osborne ounce; Conpound Kargon, one ache, Kidney Trouble. Weak Assessors for beef, Public Sale. bred The above is considered by an emi- and with much better breeding, 60 R E V . H . K . B O W M A N , Pastor. at the Christian Science H all, We good ounces. ' menced with a good herd of com m on 3 spring calves, cow 8 years old, fresht niture, 3 bedsteads, five springs, two Shake well in a bottle and take a ! cows and our best cow made 36 lbs. cow 6 years old, fresh, N o. 1; cow 3 lounges, 3 stands, set chairs, 3 rockers, teaspoonful dose alter each meal and railk per day. years old, fresh; heifer will calf D ec sideboard, clothes cupboard, 2 safes, service on Thursdays at 7:30 p. m. *■ milk. balance Durham bull and 2*vr old heifer good Get from any prescription pharma- ber to a Sir Henry of Maplewood b u l l A t the residence o( W. H . Stratton, Fluid Extract Dandelion, Morning Preaching Ser Evening service pounds of 4 percent cist the following: RE V. SIAS, P «to r. :l Jersey, tion. We had a noble cow, perfect in every respect which gave in one day | Mix This Simple. Healthful Recipe at ^g pounds milk and in 30 days 1,862 Christian Endeavor.................................................... 6:30 p. m Preaching...................................................................... 7:30 p. m | PUBLIC SALES RECIPE. K n o w in g what It 19 to su ftri r l V 1 -1 - f r e e O F C H A R G E , to *ti\ • t U ve cure for E d e m a . Sal' Rheum Ki > • ! • and Skin D isease*. Instant relief U»n 1 *ur.e W rite F. W . W illia m » , 400 M - u i - n - n Y o r k . Enclose S u m s f 0 lks, and other articles too to mention numerous »book, nml this is most violent TERMS OF SALE- year’ s time on approved One at the leather oxfords. Cuban heel, Blucher cut. — Hoffman & Allen for good good md lowest prices. Dr. J. J. Murray, V. S. V e t e r in a r y Graduate o f Su rg e o n A m erican and D e n t is t V eterin a ry C o lleg e N . Y . C ity , 1881. lid . Phone 744 33 O ffice , H an cock 6r Gordon F orest G r o v e , O r. w a,er m,rfllc’*> diminishing with the Mr. notes bearing Witham, business manager of the Index, was in Portland Thursday ’ ‘ ------ 7 per ce n t interest on sums over $ 10 ; height#, under 810 cash. Free lunch at noon \v. p. SPAULDING, Owner, ioodyear welt, patent H is S ystem . SUlpiH-u Clark (to h!s employer. lea\ tat ion of about 45,000 pounds. J. w . H ughes, Auc. G. Naylor,Clerk Inff the otfli-et—Oh. Mr. Syn:om. hasen't you forgotten your unit relia? It's rain­ Trespass Notices for sale at this Auction Sale. ing. Mr System—Can't help It. I have office. raa»le a resolution to have one here Having sold my place I will se’.i at and one at home to provi,le for all Dr. Boggess was seen at the foot- public auction, on the place. 6 miles emergendo*. Now. if I take this one ball game with his “ Umbrella.” west of Gaston, in Patton Valley, on ,ho-r11 ,H,,h lw at hom e.-Loudon Tit Bits. M r Gwvnn has been spending the W ednesday, Oct. 23; sale begins a: Fore» of Habit. 10 o 'c lo c k sharp, the following d e­ past week at his hom e in Hubbard, Mr. Kaay-Ckrer up. Mr. reck. If A . p Chi;dj o| M cr.;dutn> Id|ho scribed property, to wit: One brood " e must go L wu let's g" ehwrfully mare, weight 1400 lbs; gelding 10 like men. Mr. Peek Itjt. hang It all registered with the Freshmen class. years old, 1300 lbs , good work horse. Mr. Easy. If I don’t get home my wife will ne\ er let me go fishing i gain. M*’rilk L etch er spent Satur- yearling colt, sucking colt. 13 milk Itover! IIarj*T'» Weekly. (il previous records and the Academy day and Sunday at her honn fresh others in milk; 2 of these shows a marked increase over the last land. , full blooded Jerseys and 1 half and 1 1 A der- •nt boldness ever meets With produc- trivuds. Homer. three years.