Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, December 20, 1906, Image 1

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[ Football Captain Elected.
■day at chapel
fe briefly to
President Ferrin
the student body on
that football as
Id this year under the
[very encouraging throughout the
try, and thought the material ad-
made in this line would
the young
men of town and elect committeemen.
Prof. Brdwell txplained the propo­
Water Meter Ordinance fosses Sec­
ond Reading— Drainage Question
'cpils uf
McEIdowney Give Council Decides That City Cannot
Splendili Vocal Recital Monday—
At « special meeting of the City
Council Tuesday, the water meter ordi­
nance passed the second reading.
this ordinance the water
gallons and 20 cents for each addition­
classmates who came with their sym­
pathy and tributes of love.
M rs . F lorence R aines .
The pupils of Mrs.
Wilber McEI­
downey gave a delightful musical re­
cital at her home last Monday evening
There were fifty guests present and
they were unanimous in saying that
Mrs. McEIdowney has dev eloped a fine
light, pliable, durable, convenient, and » a le . and w h ic h I f r e v o lu tlo n lz in e
t h e u r t o f s h a v in g .
I $2 00 at reulh to •'quaint ail with the matreloy, an 1 Injtananeuu« huning atui h i " j h *
lot of trained voices.
Miss Hawley
Miss Hancock.
“ Four-leaf
"M essa g e,"
Mr. Kertson; “ When Song is Sweet,”
F R L E with a Dollar Strop.
There wa$ a discussion on
j more than 60 days and had been pub-
Mr. Sam Short is patronizing th 1
. lished at length in his paper for the condenser now.
Mrs. Emma Hines and Mrs. Esthet
| past four weeks, he has just discov-
Hundley made a business trip to th« ]
| ered that the object of the same is to
Grove last Thursday.
grant to the City Council power to
Charley Clark, who has been qu ite
license a saloon in the City, but this is poorly with rheumatism, is much im­
not all of his discovery; he has further proved.
found that Sec. 9 of this infamous act
Miss Zula Shorb came out from the!
provides “ that license shall not be Grove Saturday and is spending a few
days with relatives here before going
issued for less time than one year.”
to her home on Wilson River.
The Editor asserts with all the vehe­
Mr. T . P. McGarry is doing busi­
mence of his enthusiastic nature that
ness in Portland this week.
the section providing that no license
Quite a large crowd from here at­
should be issued for less time than one
tended the entertainment given at the
year was placed there for the express Lyda School House last Friday even­
purpose of deceiving the "temperance ing. The cushion was won by Mr.
voters of Forest Grove.”
W e ask in Eh Smith of Glenwood. The school
the name of com m on sense, could realized over $40 toward their library.
language be more specific or certain,
how could it deceive any one who can
Our friend H oge being bound
to oppose the
Brick Work Begun on New
A. M. M cKenzie,
the workmen they expect
get something workh having
the citizens make the laws by which
ning for a short time as a matter of visit.
experiment and if it pays continue,
not q i .
Mrs. Swift has been quite ill but
These were our reasons for recovering.
to get the
Miss Frances Orr was visiting in
Dilley Tuesday.
any of
giving up
Mrs. Tom Hundley
passing this Grove last Saturday.
rights by
Neither the people nor
Miss Lela Wagner was visiting Miss
authority to Belle Johnson at Springhill farm last
license a saloon in the city nor ever Saturday and Sunday.
have had. The amendment confers
Mr. Dick Hundley of Hillsboro was
that power upon the council but de­ in Dilley visiting his brother T om over
tracts no power from the legal voter, Sunday.
as under the existing charter he does
not possess the
power nor does the
We expected
require the council elect,
under *he
amended state constitution, to
which a vote of
the citizens may be
called on any ordinance passed or about
to be
passed by
Notice for Publication
Unitrd S tates Land Office Portland, Oregon.
Dee. S, 1906.
council, and we think the voters will
Would it not have been a good plan if
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tie
provisions o f the act of Congress o f June 3, 1878,
titled “ An act for the sale of timber lands In the States
of California Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri
tory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4. 1892. Peter Grossen Jr. of Hillsboro,
county of Washington, state o f Oregon has this day filed
in this office liis sworn statement No. 7138, for the pur­
chase of the NWVi of Sec. No. 11, in township No. 3
North, «Cange No. 5 West, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before the register and receiver at
Portland. Oregon, on Monday the 25th day of February,
He names as witnesses Robert T. Simpson, of Buxton,
Oregon, David O'Donnell, o f Buxton, Oregon, Frfcnk
Burgholxer, of Timber, Oregon, Max Burgholxer, of
Timber, Oregon.
Any -nd a!! perrons clalm 'ng adversely the above
I described .and» are requested to file their claims In this
I office on or before raid 25th day of February, 1907.
(First Publication Dec. 13»)
Fruit Growers.
The Hotticultural Society directed
first story up in a couple of weeks and me to request the growers to report
the carpenters will hurry up the frame the number of trees and age, with the
part of the building. T h ; head con ­ possible amount of material each will
We Carry th<t L a r g e s t,
Most Complete Stock of
Watches, Jewelry, Sil-
verwore, aiul Cut (ilass
in Washington Co.
Christmas Services at Virt's Hall.
H a r r is ,
County Fruit Inspector
the city council have the
that burned last week can be had at
D ec. 25th Christmas day, at 11 the Auction House at Forest Grove;
either cut down or destroy such or­
o ’ clock a. m. Solemn Church Services also a big line of new and second hand
chards or have the trees sprayed at the
will be held at Vert’ s hall by Rev. goods at bargain prices with which to
Father Verhaag. who invites all to at­ supply your kitchen, dining room and
w . R.
in a d -1 Mr. Harold Hason is grinding feed
if they for the farmers now.
1907, I will proceed under the law t<
they are governed and Knowing
The Fruit Inspector of this county
tractors intend to get all the workmen require from the winter’ s Spray
almost all trees are in­
Will you please, at on ce, give me
from town if possible. This is a very
fected with fruit pests and the law re­
commendable move on their part. Al­ the information?
quires the owners or persons having
H . H a y n e s , S e c ’ y.
though there are, just as good mechan­
possession thereof to destroy or eradi­
ics here as can be found in the city, it
cate such orchards or Pests.
rou are
is generally the rule for the contractors
therefore notified that unless such or­
to import their help.
Slightly damaged Mattresses and
chards or pests are destroyed or eradi­
Couches from the big mattress factory
cated before the first dav of ApriL
has found
Tne Union Sunday School are pre­
paring for their Xmas exercises.
principles upon which
Mrs. Latta; "Song of the Heart,” Miss and Architect Whidden were all out our present council had submitted the
Hawley; “ The Birthday of a K ing,” from Portland Friday looking over the special 1 and 2 mill tax levy to the
progress of the new ladies dormitory
voters at the next election?
It could
and they were very much pleased
have been done with comparatively no
A crowd of college folks, consisting with the work.
expense. Our theory is to let the
The concrete water table is com ­
of Misses Bain. Maud and Kate Shan­
voters decide all important questions.
non, Messrs. Orr and Coons, will leave pleted and four masons, the three
w . M. L a n g l e y .
Saturday for Gearhart, where they will Baldwin brothers and Jack Seed of
Notice to Fruit Growers in Washing­
ton County.
Mrs. Vincent was in the Grove Sat­
urday doing her Xmas shopping.
the petition is founded, that is to let
spend the holidays at a house party Portland began on the brick work yes­
terday afternoon. If nothing hinders
riven by a relative of Miss Bain.
tch our windows,
Miss Emma Briggs and Miss Merle
that Maury were in Portland last Friday.
owners should do the work when it
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tupper start
lie would not voice the sentiment of
Saturday for Monmouth to spend
falls opposite their property.
the voters by so doing openly, he has
Christmas with Mrs. Tupper’ s parents
The Haines contract was read and
sought for some internal reason for op­ Mr. Boots family.
considered, and the city fathers decid­
position. Let the voters decide how
The Christmas tree will be on Mon­
ed that according to the written agree­
well he has succeeded.
day evening D ec. 24th. Everybody
ment, the municipality has no legal
W e are rather reluctant about an­ invited to com e and have a good time.
right to demand its forfeiture.
swering this editorial as it is the only
Mr. R. Ott of Portland visited at the
contract calls for just as good lights as
time in our lives that we have been home of Mr. A. Briggs Sunday.
were given under the city manage­
accused of doing anything “ shrewd”
The Dilley Public School is practic­
ment, and while everybody knows that
or “ smart.”
W e dislike, very much, ing for an entertainment to be given
lanterns were not needed in those
therefore, to disprove that idea by giv­ after the Holidays.
days, yet it is a difficult matter to prove
ing our real object in placing this re­
Mrs. Vanmeter and Miss Conger vis­
that the preseut system is inferior to
striction, wh ch was to com pel the ited Forest Grove last Saturday.
the old one.
person procur r.g a 1'cense to pay the
Miss Josie Freund our popular
full amount into the treasury so if his Ticket Agent, was kept quite late
Sunday evening: the evening t ain
Coeds Debate Tryout.
license should be forfeited for any vio­
from Portland arm ing at 12:30 a. m.
The municipal ownership question lation of the ordinance the city would instead of 5:30 p. m.
.as thrashed out from A to Z last be the gainer, it would be a great in­
The DeMoss family will give one of
night, when eight coeds used all their centive to the saloon man to keep their fine conceits in the M. E. church
voicees either for or against the propo­ himself within the law when he has so on Wednesday evening of this week.
sition. The affair v.as a splendid exhi­ large an amount at stake. It also pre­ They com e very highly recom m ended.
bition of forensic work, and every girl vents any one Irom starting and run­
Mrs. Linegar’ s father is paying her a
who sang, “ Song of the Heart,” by
that spoke can well feel proud that
Junison, especially delighted the audi­
she appeared on the occasion.
ence with her sweet, deep tones.
successful candidates were
“ When Song is Sweet.” by Mrs. Latta
Misses Silverman, Ferrin and Frances
called forth hearty applause, and the
Abernethy, and the Baptist maids of
rendition of “ Message” by Mr. Kert
McMinnville will certainly have to get
son was beautiful and full of expression
opera glasses to penetrate their smoke
Mr. Jesse’ s work was well received,
in March.
and Miss Hancock sung “ Foui-leaf
Their leader Miss Silverman, had
Clover” , very sweetly.
The public
probably the best voice of the evening.
will be glad to hear that Mrs. M c­
Everything she said could be heard in
EIdowney intends to give a public re­
all parts of the auditorium, and what
cital at Verts Hall this winter some
she said was right to the point. Miss
Her pupils have progressed
Fe.rin’ s argument was strong and con ­
greatly since their last public appear­
vincing, well outlined and supported
ance, which was enthusiastically re­
by able authority, and the three will
ceived. The program at the Monday
make a dandy team.
recital was:
Mr. Jesse,
The other speakers were: Misses
"Little Boy Blue,” Mrs. Hancock;
Clapp, Holm es, Templeton, Fitch and
“ The Dandelion and the Daisy,” Miss
H oge. Principal Bates, Prof. Boggess
Patton; “ Whisper and I Shall Hear,”
and Dr. Hazard of Portland Academy
Miss Scolfield;“ TwiIight’ ’ Mrs. Kertson,
acted as judges.
“ Slumber Song,” Miss Lovnes; “ Swal­
A G ood R azor is a mans ;oy
according to the
also to her teacher and
al lot, o f handsome, hand-forced, hollow ground
12.00 each at retail, which we will give away abso­
meters wiil be
tiling, but Mayor Peterson ruled that
friends who so kindly tendered their
Radium ite
Window Display
holding that the city should do all the
assistance and comfort during the sick­
m White They Last
al 1000.
the drainage question, some members
and appreciation to my neighbors and
patrons will
have to pay 50 cents for the first 2000
Card of Thanks.
ence Ada;
Demand Forfeiture 0Í Haines Ccn-
House Party at Gearhart
I wish to express nSy heartfelt thanks
ness and death of my daughter,
The Misses Lena Pritzloff and RurJ
The editor of the Tim es is entitled
Parkins returned home from a w eek'J
to oe classed as one of the great riis-
visit in Portland, Saturday.
; coverers of the age. After the peti-
Miss Myrtle Smith of Forest G r o v i
I tion for the referendum had been filed is visiting for a few weeks with h e l
in the office of the City Recorder for sister, Mrs. Lee.
at the call of the Boy’ s Club Commit­
tee to formally organize
Great Discovery
A good sized crowd of young men
met in the Reading Room last Friday
h will mean much for the coming
lve received a fine new,
Ite Razors that usually s
le to advertise the wonder
D E C E M B E R 20 1906
Boys Club Organize.
sition and called for a vote on five
fcr it a more sportsmanlike game. |
men to act with the present committee
luted that the faculty stood ready
for the purpose of drafting a constitu­
tion and making further plans. The suc­
hnd would do what ever was in
cessful candidates were Rollo Peter­
! power to give each student the
son, Harve Baldwin, Harry Giltner,1
htages of some athletic training,
Jake Buxton and Art Caples and they
[ach Coons then in a neat speech of
will act with Mrs. E. E Williams, Mrs.
[ntation awarded the Varsity foot-
Shannon and Professor Bridwell. Jake
r'P” to the following students:
Buxton was called upon for a speech
fard, G. Brown, W. E. Gwynn, C.
and was very enthusiastic over the new
lason, J. Ward, H P. Humphreys,
effort for a club and said that he would
laterman, R. Abraham, A. C. Al­
do all that he could to help the work
to.. Denny, A. A. Kirkwood, H.
n, D. I. Aller and S B. Lawrence,
The two committees met jointly and *
meeting of the football squad H.
discussed matters and will go right
Lmiphreys was elected to the cap-
ahead with the work. This is some­
lip of the 1907 football team,
thing that the young men of town
luceed J. R . Ward- who by
should take an interest in for it is or- !
kitty determination and the in-
ganized for their benefit and has cost
| shown in the boys held the
the committee a great deal of time and
kt team together. The exper-
| that the team received this
: parlor.
Abbott <£ Son
J ew elers