FOREST GROVE, WASHINGTON CO., ORE., [ Football Captain Elected. ■day at chapel fe briefly to Lies. He President Ferrin the student body on said that football as Id this year under the new rules [very encouraging throughout the try, and thought the material ad- kment made in this line would the young men of town and elect committeemen. Prof. Brdwell txplained the propo­ Water Meter Ordinance fosses Sec­ ond Reading— Drainage Question Discussed 'cpils uf Mrs. McEIdowney Give Council Decides That City Cannot Splendili Vocal Recital Monday— At « special meeting of the City Council Tuesday, the water meter ordi­ nance passed the second reading. this ordinance the water gallons and 20 cents for each addition­ Flor­ classmates who came with their sym­ pathy and tributes of love. M rs . F lorence R aines . The pupils of Mrs. Wilber McEI­ downey gave a delightful musical re­ cital at her home last Monday evening There were fifty guests present and they were unanimous in saying that Mrs. McEIdowney has dev eloped a fine IIUMITE DOLLAR RAZOR STROP light, pliable, durable, convenient, and » a le . and w h ic h I f r e v o lu tlo n lz in e t h e u r t o f s h a v in g . OR GIVEN FREE To The PURCHASER of EACH STROP I0DAY AS THEY ARE COINC FACT. a f f i S S S SpS I $2 00 at reulh to •'quaint ail with the matreloy, an 1 Injtananeuu« huning atui h i " j h * lot of trained voices. Clover” Miss Hawley Miss Henderson; Miss Hancock. “ Four-leaf "M essa g e," Mr. Kertson; “ When Song is Sweet,” F R L E with a Dollar Strop. read There wa$ a discussion on j more than 60 days and had been pub- Mr. Sam Short is patronizing th 1 . lished at length in his paper for the condenser now. Mrs. Emma Hines and Mrs. Esthet | past four weeks, he has just discov- Hundley made a business trip to th« ] | ered that the object of the same is to Grove last Thursday. grant to the City Council power to Charley Clark, who has been qu ite license a saloon in the City, but this is poorly with rheumatism, is much im­ not all of his discovery; he has further proved. • found that Sec. 9 of this infamous act Miss Zula Shorb came out from the! provides “ that license shall not be Grove Saturday and is spending a few days with relatives here before going issued for less time than one year.” to her home on Wilson River. The Editor asserts with all the vehe­ Mr. T . P. McGarry is doing busi­ mence of his enthusiastic nature that ness in Portland this week. the section providing that no license Quite a large crowd from here at­ should be issued for less time than one tended the entertainment given at the year was placed there for the express Lyda School House last Friday even­ purpose of deceiving the "temperance ing. The cushion was won by Mr. voters of Forest Grove.” W e ask in Eh Smith of Glenwood. The school the name of com m on sense, could realized over $40 toward their library. language be more specific or certain, how could it deceive any one who can read? Our friend H oge being bound to oppose the property Dormitory. Brick Work Begun on New A. M. M cKenzie, Alfred the workmen they expect get something workh having Bingham the citizens make the laws by which ning for a short time as a matter of visit. experiment and if it pays continue, not q i . OREGON if Mrs. Swift has been quite ill but These were our reasons for recovering. one veir to get the Miss Frances Orr was visiting in Dilley Tuesday. where the any of people their amendment, are giving up Mrs. Tom Hundley passing this Grove last Saturday. rights by Forest Neither the people nor Miss Lela Wagner was visiting Miss authority to Belle Johnson at Springhill farm last license a saloon in the city nor ever Saturday and Sunday. have had. The amendment confers Mr. Dick Hundley of Hillsboro was that power upon the council but de­ in Dilley visiting his brother T om over tracts no power from the legal voter, Sunday. as under the existing charter he does not possess the council. power nor does the We expected the require the council elect, under *he amended state constitution, to some plain mode which a vote of of enact procedure by the citizens may be called on any ordinance passed or about to be passed by the city Notice for Publication Unitrd S tates Land Office Portland, Oregon. Dee. S, 1906. present council, and we think the voters will council. Would it not have been a good plan if Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tie provisions o f the act of Congress o f June 3, 1878, titled “ An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. 1892. Peter Grossen Jr. of Hillsboro, county of Washington, state o f Oregon has this day filed in this office liis sworn statement No. 7138, for the pur­ chase of the NWVi of Sec. No. 11, in township No. 3 North, «Cange No. 5 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the register and receiver at Portland. Oregon, on Monday the 25th day of February, 1907. He names as witnesses Robert T. Simpson, of Buxton, Oregon, David O'Donnell, o f Buxton, Oregon, Frfcnk Burgholxer, of Timber, Oregon, Max Burgholxer, of Timber, Oregon. Any -nd a!! perrons clalm 'ng adversely the above I described .and» are requested to file their claims In this I office on or before raid 25th day of February, 1907. ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Register. (First Publication Dec. 13») Fruit Growers. The Hotticultural Society directed first story up in a couple of weeks and me to request the growers to report the carpenters will hurry up the frame the number of trees and age, with the part of the building. T h ; head con ­ possible amount of material each will CHRISTMAS GIFTS We Carry th