Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, August 09, 1906, Image 6

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    Growers Must Not Sell
i Trv Goldenrod Flour Guaranteed .
Says. W. K. Newell.
Look out for the cars! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I f-fb
•j s (•
A man’s shady past doesn’t benefit
much on an August afternoon.
•j ® (•
While the street car was being re-
ired, the motorman — sawed wood.
•) # C*
i» *
Yes, Forest Grove ought to have a
naturized Alcohol distillery— even if
m a “ prohi town.”
•) ® O
Unless the growers of this vicinity
get together and hold on to their;
prune crop, the packers will certainly
get the best of them as they have an
organization and prices have been
influenced by statements in papers
agreed upon between them . The es-1
presumably by the packers themselves,
timate of the crop, supposed to have
who are trying to get the best
been made by the packers, was 40,-
of them.
0 0 0 ,0 0 0 lbs. for Oregon, Washington
and Idaho, is by far too large, says W.
K. Newell, and was announced by the •
Continued from page 1
packers to bear the market and the
price they will pay will be on the l i
cent base.
Judge McBride was a passenger on
W. K. Newell, president of the State
A prohibitionist will kick just as Board of Horticulture, says that the
d as a “ wet ticket man” when he Northwest crop will be near 2 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
is water in the milk.
pounds, or 2 , 000,000 pounds less than
•) » (•
the record crop two years ago. Reports
received by Mr. Newell from the fruit-
W. C. T . U . are right a
growing counties state that the fruit is
»se “ Peek-a-boo” waists— will tl
off duty.
Chief Roller Baldwin at the Holy-
roller camp, is not up to his usual form
and contents himself by sitting on the
beach and wondering what the wild
waves are saying.
| the Tillamook stage on Thursday of
I last week.
Harry Davis of Portland, was a visitor
at Robinson’ s camp over Sunday.
Billie O’ Brien is a Gales Creek visitor
this week.
Joe Jarvis of Portland> was the guest
Round Trip Tickets.
To Portland and and return sold
Saturdays and Sundays commencing at
1 p. m. each day, limited to Monday
night train leaving Poitland at 8 p. m.
Fare $1.05.
Round trip tickets sold any day in
the week, limit 30 days or less and
good on any train. This ticket is for
the accommodation of our patons who
do not wish to be kept waiting in
Portland to purchase tickets.
N. L. ATKINS, Ag’t.
TB^nsas City, Kansas, is in debt an inducement to Eastern firms to
‘V s
,000 and is moving constantly accept more readily their offers to sell
on a lower basis.
direction to the “ tune” of
Mr. Newell, who was in our office
a W l) per day since the rigid enforce-
,he prohibition law. Wouldn’t yesterday, when questioned concern­
ing the prune market said: “ I am
L m I* kock* ^ an 10 sent* some °* our
« lea th ers, who were raised on prohi- convinced that the li-c e n t basis should
*w ^ and have been running Forest not be considered seriously by Oregon
• J on prohibition, down there to growers. That price is below cost of
« X*
a them how to run a
dry town" raising, and if it is all that can be
cOfJjut deriving revenue from
blind gotten out of the crop it will mean an
abandonment of prune raising in
•) a (•
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Watkins left fo r1
home, Tuesday.
Mr. Watkins left
— Try Goldenrod
sooner than he first expected. He has [ like it.
been suffering with a severe sore lip.
~ Have > ^ weakness of gny klnd_
Story o# Jo h n Or - uforil, n Once F n .- stomach, back, or any organs of ,h
uiou « London C h aracter.
body? Don’t dope yourself with oidi'
John Oxenforil was for years the
nary medicine.
Hollister’ s
lead I ng theatrical critic of London.
Mr. Oxouford was troubled with a seri­ Mountain Tea is the supreme curative
35 cents, Tea
ous bronchial affection, which occa­ power.
01 Tablets.
sionally disturbed the audience, for he Dr. H ines’ Drug Store
refused to give up his beloved theater,
although desperately ill. A certain ris­
Notice for Publication.
ing young actor was very anxious to
obtain Oxenford’s valuable opinion on
U nlltd s u m Land Office, Portland, Oreg»
bis work, and the tender hearted old i
J umu . uk
gentleman literally left his bed a ild : Notice l> hereby (¡Wen that In compliance » lth»
came down to the theater on a bitter p,ov‘, '°“ of the acl of Congr™ or jUM 3 1
clever youngster. In the middle of one Tclritory, , c, trndedl0
of the actor s lined scenes on came the I , ct of Augu, t 4> 1892.
H Co,‘r,
cough from the Oxenford box. It con- j land, county o f Multnomah, state of p'V ’
tinned SO long that it unnerved the day tiled In th tl office his sworn statement h T mk
actor, and he came to a dead stop. T c . for the purchare c f the Loti i . j, , nd 3 a«d swq 0|T
the surprise of everybody he advanced *■* 01 Section No. 2 in Township No. 2, Kaa.f j , , *
to the front and said. "Ladles and gen- and »111 ° n ' f proof to show that the land <ouehtiIlno,
tlemen. I am sirrv to say that unless ,al“*bl' ,or lu ,lnb’'' or ,,on' 'h«nfor itrteuhM
the old gentleman with the Irritating
hl^*clak‘l“ ,0 Kii ^ *»..
cough retires temporarily from the Oregon, on W e d n e *a y , , h. s.h d . , of
theater I really cannot go on. 1 forget
He nam e. a . w .m e « e .: jm iu . c . Bu!keof
everything. It Is painful 80 to address Oregon; Edwaid Burke of Portland, Oregon; Oliver^
you, but I am powerless In the matter St»ffotd o f Portland, Oregon; Jam ei Miller of PotilJi’
and place myself iu your hands.”
; Oregon.
The disturbance at once censed, and
Any and a11 p "*™. claiming adveneiy the iso,,,
the box was empty. When the otir- d' ,crlb*d land* ,re r' qur,,ed to nie their claim. intfcu
tain fell a friend rushed around and. °mc' cn or b" or' ,:,ld s,h day «f September, i*».
breathless, said to the distressed actor: !
(F irst Pub. June 14)
"Do you know what you have done? j
Do you know who it was that you turn- j
ed out of the box?” "I neither know [
Notice for Publication.
nor care." wits the reply. "Why. It ! ......... .
. ,
United States Land Office,
was John Oxenford!
The actor wnr 1
paralyzed, but lie got h!s goa l notice all
NoUct „ h„ eby gl, „ thlt ln
tile same. The veteran critic went provision* of the act of Congress of June 3 , 1873 . fn-
honie couch I n s to praise tile your.** titled ‘ -An act for the sale of timber lands in the Stttn
actor who had turned him out.
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri
dropping of! badly and much of it was of Miss Margaret Batemani ^ Sunday,
shriveled up :n the July hot weather. I
A gentleman by the name of Martin
Another matter that will reduce the
* * f*
.. , ,
.. ” . 'T
a prospective timber buyer, was uu
k . hidden mil,ion, h . „ been
" ° P to. peek.ng «
| c k „ Cr„ k doli
,„« w„ k, looki„ ,
1 -
increased shipment ol green fruit E a s t1
id since Russell Sage’s death.— . . .
_, .
, .
, | for a location for a sawmill,
this year. This export demand is the
would you like to be Mrs.— Only
largest ever known in this state, and in
Miss Lucy Jacobs of Kansas- is visit‘
£ 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 to the good.
addition to the fruit sent to markets in *ng ber aunt’ ^ rS- ^ eo‘ Chapman,
•) » (•
this country there has been a big sale
Frank Maitland had his foot badly
■lops! Wires!
cut last Tuesday, at the Patton logging
Sunny Alberta.
top poles and Hop lice! i
Besides denying the figures given caraP-
1 ,1 soon be as familiar and pleasant
Four hundred and eighty acres of
out as the estimate on the crop, grow - 1
Misses Lena Shorb and Fern Hayne,
i is as ever— and then we shall all
winter wheat land in Sunny Al­
ers figure out that dealers have sold | °f Forest Grove, were visitors here,
to* fi something to “ jing le.”
from rock, brush or stumps,
short, especially on the largest sizes of Sunday.
hard wheat land, no waste
prunes, and now that the crop promises
Grant Hughes was making some
Ekhe only jewels that man should to fall below early estimates find them -j necessary repairs on the telephones i land on it. You pay $560 cash down
and pay $320 each year for five years
ashamed to wear are the beads selves caught and are endeavoring to j Sunday,
with 6 per cent interest.
By fencing
h on est toil— and the place to find pull prices down, so they may come
Wm. Davies of Banks, while enroute
. ,
, . , ,
/ ey,.,,
. .
, _
,i and breaking this land, you can have
is the harvest field.
out whole on smaller sizes.
for Tillamook last Tuesday, had one of ,
T h e R u l e « l»y W l i i e h t h e iiitto re n t
, ,
the crops to make payments with, and,
•) ® (•
The Pasific Fruit World says in re­ his horses badly hurt
Poli itM A r e V a l u e d .
by breaking loose
, .
a very low estimate, this 480 acres
The average nmn Is gveutl.v puzzled
T he prune dunng the night.
is rumored that the Tim es editor gard to this year’s crop:
m11 ^ #12i000 by the time
to find one dog awnnled n first prize
fishing last Saturday; let every market continues weak, though there
Wm. and Fred Wilson broke up 1 the last payment is due. For partic­ and another, which to him appears to
[brace up for a good one— a fish is nothing to justify low prices and that
he quite as fine a specimen, awarded
camp at the forks of Gales Creek and ulars, see A. B. Thomas.
no prize at all. A man who knows the
the Northern growers have organized
r! Perhaps this is a suitable one:
returned home after a week of moun­
relative values of the different points
j angler sallies forth again,
tain life.
lu all breeds of dogs is a veritable
Weather. July 20 to 31.
cent basis.
wulklng encyclopedia.
ad by the brooklets shore
Misses Lucy Crowther and Mary
Generally speaking, the best dog Is
The Pacific Rural Press in an edi­
h idly lie and fish and then
Lousignout left Saturday for Osso,
one which comes nearest the standard
. . . . . . . 5 4 ................
torial says:
The prune situation is
•^“ !S home and lies some more.
of requirements for Its own particular
. .84___ ___55...............
Growers are naturally
breed, about ” 5 per cent of the points
•) ® (•
1. .78.. . . ___52.................
Mr. Frank Lafferty continues in very
being usually awarded for Hue head
indignant at circulation of reports of
Appropriate Interjections.
proportions, an equal number for legs
poor health.
cheap prunes and reports also contrast
. . 91 . . . . .. . . 4 9 ............
and feet, a similar number for body
ir the tailor— Oh, scissors!
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson went to
. . 87 . . . . ___49...............
sales at low rates for the evident intent
and color and the rest for symmetry.
farmer— Good land!
. .84___ . . . . 44
In the Dalmatian, for Instance, thirty
of bearing the local market.
At a Reedville, Tuesday, where they will
points are given for color and mark­
. . 9 7 . . . . . . . . 5 7 ................
buthcer— Bah!
recent meeting of San Jose Grange, a
ings, while head, eyes and ears hare
. . 93. . . . ___56.............
confection«— Ob, judge!
report was read stating that in spite of
only fifteen; the bulldog, on the other
Mrs. Frank Allen is on the sick list.
. . 82 . . . . . . . . 44 .............. 78
novel reader— Great Scott!
the 3 j-c e n t basis established at a pre­
30 . .79. ... ___49.............
Mrs. Crowther is much improved at J
widpw— Man alive!
. . 78 . . . .
vious meeting of prunegrowers, many present.
points; the collie has twenty-five for
inebriate— Great snakes!
For the month— Clear days, 20; i coat, color being Immaterial, and twen
packers had contracted with Eastern
lanta Constitution.
[partly cloudy, 11; no high winds,! ty-five for head and ears.
firms to sell on a 23, 2 j and 3-cent
The St. Bernard has forty for head
•) ® <a
northerly winds with exception of 5
basis, and that some of the packers
and ears and five each for coat and
This is probably the biggest week of days southwest. Thunder and rain but color. The Pomeranian has but fifteen
Itouch of nature makes the whole had not purchased a single prune from
the season with wind and cooler not rain enough to measure, July 28. for bead and ears, forty-five points go­
world kin,
the growers; that this year conditions
ing for coat, color and tail, with fifteen
weather the first of the week.
[{bunch of grafters takes the whole over the country and elsewhere pointed
for appearance. It may he set down us
Among the arrivals are: Thursday—
world’s skin;
to an unusual demand, the dried apri­
Old maids would be scarce and hard governing In all breeds of dogs that
whatever is the typical feature of that
;ouch of humor makes the whole cots and apples being scarce, and the Sam Todd, Carl Christian and Frank
to find,
treed is the feature upon which stress
world grin,
prune crop in both Servia and France Fletcher; Saturday— Col. Harry Haynes
Could they be made to see,
Is laid in the allotment of points.
Monday — Mr. and | How grace and beauty is combined
iood adulteration keeps the whole being light; and that the 3 j-c e n t and
A C o rn in o li D c l b a i o c .
world thin,
basis decided upon early in the season Mrs. Ralph Kinton, Mrs. Hute Johnson!
By using Rocky Mountain T ea.—
One of the commonest of delusions
had been used by the packers only as
Dr. Hines’ Drug Store.
and one of the fatalest is where a man
an* ^
& (•
J the shirt-waist man run at la
Elhout saying a word?
Horace Thomas and Rolla Peterson
are faithfully paroling the beach looking
for (M er) Maids and are rarely seen
tory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4, 1892, Joseph W. Pearl, of Portland,
county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day
j filled in this office his sworn statement No. 6951, fjrthe
purchase o f the S. E . V* of Section No. 18, in Township
[ No. 2 North, Range No. 6 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver
at Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 15th day of
August, 1906.
He names as witnesses: K. G. Staples, W. Ingalls,
W . L. Snyder and H. G. Schmidt, all of Portland,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-
described lands are requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 15th day o f August, 1906.
(F irst Publication June 7th)
Notice for Publication
United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon,
July 12, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions o f the act o f Congress of June 3,1878, entitled
"A n act for the sale of limber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory”
as extended to all the Public Land States by sc*, of
August 4, 1892, Lydia B. Hiatt of Gales Creek, county
of Washington, Stale of Oregon, has this day filed in this
office her sworn statement No. 6990 for the purchase of
the WVs of N * V4 and EVb of NW >4 0 f Section No. 23
in Township No. 1. North Range No. 5 West, and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before
Register and R eceiver at
Portland, Oregon, on
Monday, the 24th day of September. 1906.
He names as witnesses: Clarence Reed of Portland,
Oregon; J . N. Hoffman, o f Forest Grove, Oregon;
Herman Englebrecht, of Gales Creek, Oregon; A. t.
Hawthorne, of Gales Creek, Oregon.
Any and all persons claim ing adversely the above-
described lands are requested to file their claims in this
office on or befofe said 24th day of September, 1906.
thinks he's In a hurry.—Puck.
(F irst Pub Ju ly 19.)
No man can enjoy life or feel that ho
ts really living who has no work to ciu. A S K
—Success Magazine.
Frank Flether left Tuesday voting a
WANTED: by Chicago wholesale
very pleasant time and promising to Ian<^ ma** order house,
manager (man or woman) for this °Pen front 9 to 12 and from 1 to 6
make a longer stay next year.
K m !
- - . i ,■!
„ ,
. .
, „
_ , . . . , I county and adjoining territory. Salary through July and August,
Carl Christian and Sam Todd joined
expenses paid weekly; ex-
M r s m l B erd aN )
the Holy-rollers and got into the spirit
pense money advanced. Work pleas­
of the game from the start.
Main Street, Forest Grove, Ore.
ant; position permanent. No invest-
Mr. Kertson’s folks met with quite | meet or experience required. Spare
an annoyance last week. A cow got time valuable. Write at once for full
Administratrix’s Notice.
As to the 4 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 pound average into their camp and ate up everything particulars and enclose self-addressed
NoMct l, hereby Eiven, that the und ersized, has
for this year’s crop in the Pacific North­ except a cake which Mr. Kertson had envelope. Address, GENERAL MANAG­ p n * Pa0lD,fd
>*>' County Judge of Washington A nd all P oints E ast and S outh .
ounty. State of Oregon, adnrmltratrla of the eitate of
west, it would be well to inquire what made. I guess the laugh is on “ Bill.” ER, 134 E . Lake S t., Chicago.
’ d' C'a,' d and hM duly «“="‘»«1 »
would be done with a ciop of that size.
■uch. AH persons having claim ! against said eitate
d » ^ n t the „ m e
The capacity of the packing establish­
” ' h'
01 t^ugiey a Son, l„ forea,
ments is barely equal to handling the
: rove. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof
The Flyer: The Fast Mail
Dated this 19th day of July, 1900 .
S plendid S er v ic e , U p to D ate
2 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 to 27,000,000-pound croo,
E. Myrtle BULLOCK,
E quipm en t , C ourteous
Administratrix of the estate of Mathew S. Brown,
and even with an increase this year in
E m ployes .
the packing capacity of Clark Countv.
Langley * io n attorneys fo . Administratrix,
Washington, it is not so great as to
i First Pub.. July 19.)
Daylight trip throught the
take care of a phenomenal crop.
erheard on the Forest
ation Co.’s car:
’hat do you mean by saying that
impany causes grief to little chi!-
” asked the street railway official
sh; •U,” answered the irresponsible
its this way: Your company
conductor, the conductor
the passenger, the passenger
Indignant and when he gets
bullies his wife, and there’s
g left for her to do but to
"Tw o important points for growers
the baby.”
to remember are the almost total
« g w
clean up of last year’s stocks all over
electric car has often been the the country, and a shortage in foreign
gng stock of some of our towns- crops this year. Last year the basis
id a "Jin g le ” by one of these is was 2 j to 2 j-cen ts and I can see no
take it for what it’s worth:
reason why the price this year should
Edward’s cars they run very fast, not be fully that, and in reality should
go thru Forest Grove according, be higher, considering trade conditions
ents a trip to where you wet and cost of production.
rour lips
“ Packers are open to reason and if
• King will bring you back if Oregon prune jrowe*s will simply de­
iu don’t lose your grip.
cline to consider bids at unprofitable
Edward is the fellow with the
noney sack,
he should lose his grip he’d
er bring her back,
t ten cents a trip before you can
ret your lip.”
figures, packers will soon amend their
ideas. I believe no grower should ac­
cept less than 2 Cents and ought to get
2 } as basi . ”
These acts go to show that the
growers n ust look out and not be
îfaM ù*
Overland Trains Daily 2
Cascade and Rocky
M o u n t a in s .
Notice for Publication.
For tickets, rates, folders and full
information, call on or address
tW' ” lba* in C0“PUd«e'wHhrthe
City Ticket Agent, 122 Third St.,
States of California. Oregon. Nevada a « ,
Portland, Or.
Doited State, Laod Office, Portland. Oeegoo,
r r ; m '*"n<w*:i ,h' ^ ^
0 « " ‘* Louden.
County of Multnomah,
S t« e of Oregon,
«led la this office her t *crn statement No
purchase of the NWL, of S e c o n No. JS.
S- G. Y E R K E S, A. G. P. A., Seattle.
Wash., Cor. 2nd Ave. and Columbia St.
" “J Nonh- R* " t t No 7 W e « , and will offe, proof £
•how that the land sough, is m o t, , . ^
timber o , «one than for agrtcuitural p u ^ w e . L “
We Give Expedited Service on
»•>« before
. call oa o* addrooo
T h ir d S t . , P u r la n d .
PorUlnd' Oregon;
Any and all
» . » . D i e K S O V. e . T 7t . ,
a< rt.rtland. c C : .
Honda,, the 27th day o f A u ra « . 1906.
She I
» m witnesses : a . G Lefle,
O r o w c j r Shepherd
tto u t« * o f t h e f i i m o u * O rls s rttn l L i m i t e d
r o t detallad Information, ratea, s
has this day
69 «
Ó ra.
Ingalls of
h .
c‘a ‘">l»g adversely the a b o ,,,
t teqoewed to gl« thet, claim , to
said 27ffi day of August, 1906.
Route your shipments
Great Northern,
Full infoimation front
W m. H ARD ER,
General Agent; Portland Oregon
A IG ggN O N s . D RESSER.
>»tost Rah June 14 )
Goldenrod Flour now 95 centi
Pe- sack.