Growers Must Not Sell i Trv Goldenrod Flour Guaranteed . Says. W. K. Newell. Look out for the cars! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I f-fb f.i •j s (• A man’s shady past doesn’t benefit much on an August afternoon. •j ® (• While the street car was being re- ired, the motorman — sawed wood. •) # C* \¥ i» * Yes, Forest Grove ought to have a naturized Alcohol distillery— even if m a “ prohi town.” •) ® O Unless the growers of this vicinity get together and hold on to their; prune crop, the packers will certainly get the best of them as they have an organization and prices have been influenced by statements in papers agreed upon between them . The es-1 presumably by the packers themselves, timate of the crop, supposed to have packers who are trying to get the best been made by the packers, was 40,- of them. 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 lbs. for Oregon, Washington and Idaho, is by far too large, says W. OUR CORRESPONDENCE K. Newell, and was announced by the • Continued from page 1 packers to bear the market and the GALES CREEK price they will pay will be on the l i cent base. Judge McBride was a passenger on W. K. Newell, president of the State A prohibitionist will kick just as Board of Horticulture, says that the d as a “ wet ticket man” when he Northwest crop will be near 2 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 is water in the milk. pounds, or 2 , 000,000 pounds less than •) » (• the record crop two years ago. Reports received by Mr. Newell from the fruit- phe W. C. T . U . are right a growing counties state that the fruit is »se “ Peek-a-boo” waists— will tl off duty. Chief Roller Baldwin at the Holy- roller camp, is not up to his usual form and contents himself by sitting on the beach and wondering what the wild waves are saying. | the Tillamook stage on Thursday of I last week. j Harry Davis of Portland, was a visitor at Robinson’ s camp over Sunday. Billie O’ Brien is a Gales Creek visitor this week. Joe Jarvis of Portland> was the guest Round Trip Tickets. To Portland and and return sold Saturdays and Sundays commencing at 1 p. m. each day, limited to Monday night train leaving Poitland at 8 p. m. Fare $1.05. Round trip tickets sold any day in the week, limit 30 days or less and good on any train. This ticket is for the accommodation of our patons who do not wish to be kept waiting in Portland to purchase tickets. Fare $1,60. N. L. ATKINS, Ag’t. I1,!-: H | TB^nsas City, Kansas, is in debt an inducement to Eastern firms to ‘V s ,000 and is moving constantly accept more readily their offers to sell on a lower basis. direction to the “ tune” of Mr. Newell, who was in our office a W l) per day since the rigid enforce- ,he prohibition law. Wouldn’t yesterday, when questioned concern­ ing the prune market said: “ I am L m I* kock* ^ an 10 sent* some °* our « lea th ers, who were raised on prohi- convinced that the li-c e n t basis should *w ^ and have been running Forest not be considered seriously by Oregon • J on prohibition, down there to growers. That price is below cost of « X* a them how to run a dry town" raising, and if it is all that can be cOfJjut deriving revenue from blind gotten out of the crop it will mean an abandonment of prune raising in Oregon. •) a (• Mr. and Mrs. Loren Watkins left fo r1 home, Tuesday. Mr. Watkins left — Try Goldenrod sooner than he first expected. He has [ like it. been suffering with a severe sore lip. ~ Have > ^ weakness of gny klnd_ Story o# Jo h n Or - uforil, n Once F n .- stomach, back, or any organs of ,h uiou « London C h aracter. body? Don’t dope yourself with oidi' John Oxenforil was for years the nary medicine. Hollister’ s lead I ng theatrical critic of London. Rocky Mr. Oxouford was troubled with a seri­ Mountain Tea is the supreme curative 35 cents, Tea ous bronchial affection, which occa­ power. 01 Tablets. sionally disturbed the audience, for he Dr. H ines’ Drug Store refused to give up his beloved theater, although desperately ill. A certain ris­ Notice for Publication. ing young actor was very anxious to obtain Oxenford’s valuable opinion on U nlltd s u m Land Office, Portland, Oreg» bis work, and the tender hearted old i J umu . uk gentleman literally left his bed a ild : Notice l> hereby (¡Wen that In compliance » lth» came down to the theater on a bitter p,ov‘, '°“ of the acl of Congr™ or jUM 3 1 clever youngster. In the middle of one Tclritory, , c, trndedl0 of the actor s lined scenes on came the I , ct of Augu, t 4> 1892. H Co,‘r, cough from the Oxenford box. It con- j land, county o f Multnomah, state of p'V ’ tinned SO long that it unnerved the day tiled In th tl office his sworn statement h T mk actor, and he came to a dead stop. T c . for the purchare c f the Loti i . j, , nd 3 a«d swq 0|T the surprise of everybody he advanced *■* 01 Section No. 2 in Township No. 2, Kaa.f j , , * to the front and said. "Ladles and gen- and »111 ° n ' f proof to show that the land