Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, June 22, 1905, Image 1

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VOL. I l l
gation but at the last regular meeting
ordered to be further
Most of the council-
men unofficially expressed their willing-
to pay the medical and nurse
E Dewey, Who Fell On Sidewalk De­
hire, which amounts to $53, but
mands $2,958 Damages From
thought adversely regarding the claim
$250 damages.
This City
SUES CITY FOR DAMAGES the matter was
B V JIN E 3 1
from county school fund. .. 1849 30
from Co. treasurer
from state school fund......... 690 69
Recieved for tuition.................. 48 75
Received from sale of warrants 4150 00
Annual School Meeting Held Monday
Total $10,666 86
Chooses A G Hoffman As
Fish for Dairy and Gales Creek.
Part Of City In Maintaining
Side Walks
J. S. Buxton, president of the Forest
and Stream Rod and Gun G ub, receiv­
ed word a few days ago that the govern­
ment would be ready to deliver to their
Club, about 4000 rainbow trout to be
planted in Dairy and Gales Creek in a
short time. The Rod and Gun Club
have been in correspondence with the
fish hatcheries during the bast winter
and have at last suceeded in getting a
good hatch for these creeks. The fishes
will be shipped to Forest Grove in
special tanks and taken to the streams
named by members of the club. The
boys feel that they will be amply paid
for their efforts as the streams are prac­
tically fished out in this county.
Shows School
Healthy Condition— Clerk W S
Hudson Re-elected
for teachers’ wages. . . . $3571.75
“ rent of rooms...........
28 00
“ fuel and school sups.
666 89
“ repairs and improv­
ing grounds......
“ new
addition to
school h o u se .......... 3539 75
interest of bonds and
warrants ......................
356 09
for insurance.........
clerk’s salary.........
all other purposes.. . .
404 67
The annual school election was held
Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock, for the
$9017 15
purpose of hearing . the annual school
Balance on hand
$1649 71
| report and to elect a new member for
W. S. HUDSON, Clerk.
three years, C. N. Johnson’s time
having expired.
The minutes of previous meetings
were read and approved as was also the
report. Nominations for dirictor was Serviecs Were Held By Members
in order and Henry Wirt? and A. G.
Of All Fraternal
tion, both of which were interesting and Hoffman were nominated. Mr. Wirtz
received 44 and Mr. Hoffman 74,
Fell From Cherry Tree.
Monday afternoon the art depart­ consequently the latter will fill the
Wednesday afternoon at about 2
ment made an exhibit of its works of office for the next three .»cars.
The fraternal organizations of this
o’clock, Mrs. M. S. Allen, wife of Mer­
art. In the evening a most eloquent
Mr. Hoffman is a brother of Attorney city banded together last Sunday and
chant Allen, fell from a cherry tree
| address was delivered by Hon. S. A. Hoffman and a member of the firm of held a memorial service at Vert’s hall
at the home of her brother, W. H.
Lowell of Pendleton.
Hoffman & Allen Co., and will no and decorated the graves of deceased
Jarmin, in South Park, and was ser­
Pacific University Turns Out Class of
The Junior Class Day exercises were doubt be a valuable acquisition to the members, at the cemetery. At 2
iously injured. She fell some 12 or 15
held Tuesday afternoon on the College board. The board as it now stands is o’clock the band led the procession of
feet and struck on her side and back,
Eight Graduates This
Campus when a program of orations, j composed 0f H . A. Buxton, I. K. members of both lodge and ladies
$ 2 , 000 .
and was rendered unconscious, fîo
etc., was given. Willard H . Wirtz W eitzel and A. G. Hoffman.
auxiliaries, and marched to Naylor’s
The plaintiff is represented by J. N. bones were broken and no serious inter­
presented each of the class with a
cemetery and decorated the graves.
Hoffman of this city and M. B. Bump nal injuries were discovered. The pa­
gift appropriate with some feature of ly reelected. The report which is herein Returning to the hall an address was
of Hillsboro, and the city by Judge W. tient began regaining consciousness
their college life. In the evening the given shows the district to be in a listened to from Jugde W. H. Hollis,
H. Hollis.
at ten o’clock last night and was re­ An Excellent Program Was Rendered alumni association held its annual
healthy state after having built a large after which Mrs. McEldowney sang a
At the regular meeting of the coun­ ported as much improved this morning.
meeting and it was attended by a addition to the school house.
beautiful solo, followed by Senator
cil in May, Mr. Dewey presented a bill
larger number of members than on Scholars enrolled................................486 Haines with an address, all of which
far medical services, nurse hire and Chas. Miller, Wm. Billinger, Harry
any former occasion.
An excellent M ales................................................. 228 was pleasing and appropriate.
damages, in the total sum of $303.00 Wescott and Harry Russell returned a
program was prepared, on which was Females ............................................. 258
This was the first service of the
The matter was taken up and passed few days ago front Wilson River, where
M. O. Lownsdale, who captured the Teachers............................................ 9 kind to be held in Forest Grove, but it
to the ordinance committee for investi- they were camped for a few days.
audience with his magnificent baritone Cash on hand at time of taking last is the intention of the fraternal orders
The forty-third annnal commence­
annual report— 1 9 0 4 ,... .$1850.84
voice. Rev. Horace Ramsey made an
to hold memorial services each year,
ment exercises of Pacific University!
Rec’d from County Treasurer
address and Miss Mildred Tibbals
if maintained will grow into
from district tax.................. 2077 28
were held Wednesday morning at 10
' read
an essaji, which concluded the Recieved from Co. treasurer
o’clock in Marsh Hall. The chapel
program. The members of the alumni, 1
was beautifully decorated for the occa­
faculty and friends then repaired to
the banquet hall.
The exercises began promptly at
the appointed hour and during its con­
Cornelius Board of Trade
tinuation was one of the most pleasing
Citizens of Cornelius have organized
of its kind to be heard in Marsh Hall j
a Board of Trade which is boosting the
Successors to McNAMER k JOHNSON
! for a long time. Professor Frank T.
growth of that city. Last Saturday the
Chapman, director of the conservatory
board met and elected officers for the
: of music, rendered a piano solo, after
coming year: The board was organ-
, which four of the eight graduates de­
! ized some few weeks ago with a good
livered their orations. The addresses
! live list of members. They adopted a
all showed careful preparation and
constitution and by-laws similar to
training and were delivered in a man­
those of the Board of Trade of this J
ner highly complimentary to both the
place. The officers elected Saturday
student and the faculty. Each pre­
evening are as follows: C. B. Bu­
sented his chosen subject with an
chanan, president; C. W. Fitch, vice
alacrity that proved a familiarity with
president; D. J. Barrett, secretary; ,
their respective themes, and brought
Ernest Wilkins, Treasurer.
forth hearty applause from the large
The membership up to Saturday
audience present.
is as follows:
At this interim Mrs. Pauline Miller
C. B. Buchanan, C. E. Wolf, J. A.
Chapman sang a very beautiful solo
The above cut shows the Champion of all Mowers.
Irraler, J. C. Buchanan, D. J. Ban-ett,
entitled “ Beloved, it is M om,” after
W e have both the draw cut and Wabble gear in 4 1-2
O. E. Edson, H . F. Challacombe,
which the orations were continued.
and 5 foot cut, also the Champion hay rake 8, 9 and
E. G. Wilkins, L. G. Wiedewitsch,
Mr. Lauren S. Pease sang a solo and
10 foot in hand or self dump, Myers hay carriers and
A. S. Hatch, C. C. Hancock, A. Ben-
the conferring of degrees was begun
pure Manila rope, not standard Manila as as some
ning, F. Geiger, C. W. Hendricks,
by President Ferrin. In this part of
dealers sell for PU R E . W e sell nothing but the best
A. A. Phillips, C. W. Fitch, G. W.
the program, Governor Chamberlain,
goods money can buy.
Marsh, Benj. Scholfield.
who was present and delivered an ad­
dress, and Mayor Geo. H. Williams of
*1 Will You Meet On The Trail."
Portland, were given the honorary de­
The above is the title of a new song
Now is the time to Paint Your House or bam a
gree of LL. D., the first college on the written by Edwin S. Sparks of this city.
good coat of Paint. W e’ll save you money; we have
coast to confer the degree upon the It is proving a decided success and
the best paint money can buy.
The Sherwin-Will­
state’s chief executive.
will be one of the popular songs of the
iams, a little dearer than some others but has greater
At 1 p. m. was held the corporation season. Music dealers in Portland
covering capacity and guaranteed pure, so costs less
dinner in the parlors of the Congrega­ have already taken enough copies to
in the end. Also White Lead and Linseed oil at
tional church, which was participated insure Mr. Sparks a handsome profit,
lowest prices. Come and let us figure with you on
in by the trustees of the college, alum-, The ^
had been on the market but
your paint job.
ni, graduates and invited guests.
three days when several hundred of
At 8 o’clock in the evening the the first edition were taken.
commencement concert was given in song
j,, individuality which, when
A full line of Plumbing Goods always on hand.
Marsh Hall at which time one of the
heard, does not appeal to the av­
Stoves fitted with coil and hot water tank and work
best prepared programs ever heard erage song lover, but the more it is
absolutely guaranteed, if we do your work and it is
here was rendered. This was fol­ heard the more popular it becomes.
not satisfactory, we expect no pay.
Get your work
io ved by the students’ grand ball in Mr. Sparks has been to considerable
done by someone that knows how to do it.
W e can
Vert’s hall, and which closed the festiv­ expense in putting the song on the
refer you to a number in town we have done this class
ities which had been in progress for the market, and has had one of the best
We have a full line of Elgin Watches always on hand. All
of work for, if you want references.
past week.
standard makes of gold filled cases; but nothing cheaper
musicians in Portland arrange the
than the twenty year grades.
On Friday evening a recital by the music.
See our line of Novelty Fobs and Chatlaine Pins, the latest
pupils of the Conservatory of music was
in town.
Forest Grove Victorious
given, and on Saturday evening was the
Lewis & Clark souvenir spoons, just arrived and all designs new.
Forest Grove ball team, known as
anniversary of the conservatory, both at
the Cactus G ub, won from the Wood-
the Congregational church.
B o th P h o n e s
Sunday morning President Feirin de- mere G ub of Portland Sunday, by a
livered the baccalaureate sermon and in score of 6 to 5. Forest Grove has a
the evening Prof. W. P. Drew delivered good G u b and has lost but one game
a sermon before the Christian Associa- this season.
E. Dewey, who on the evening
of March 30, fell on the side walk near
Cornelius & Hancock’s livery barn,
has filed suit against the city of Forest
Grove, asking damages to the amount
of $2,958. The complaint which was
served on H . G. King, as clerk, Tues­
day alleges that on the date mentioned
the plaintiff fell at the place stated,
and received injuries. and bruises
and said fall was caused by loose boards
and rotten stringers in the side-walk,
and which amounts to, together with
costs for medical attention and nurse
hire, to $958; and it further alleges
that the injuries received caused him
to be unfit for manual labor, which he
was heretofore unable to do, and his
complaint prays for a further sum of
G o ff B r o s .
Johnson & Johnson
Dealers in
Both Phones
The Prices
Are Right