Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 22, 1904, Image 1

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    Vol. 2.
Washington County at Salem
Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, Thursday, September 2 2,1904.
judged from his action that he poss­
essed possibilities much below the 2:10
Lord Lovelace, a two year old stal­
lion, owned by E. B. Tongue, won the
two year old pacing stake.
Mr. W. B. Cate, of Hillsboro,
won some prizes on his Herford cattle
and also bought a few more to add to
his fine herd.
Mr. George Sloan, of Forest Grove,
purchased the premium 8 month old
Yorkshire brood sow and a boar from
the premium brood pen of Yorkshire
Washington County did well consid­
ering the few entries made this year
and an added impetuous given to
blooded stock raising.
Considering the number of entries
from Washington County at the State
Fair this year the county has no cause
for complaint. Our county exhibit was a
credit to us although we won only
fifth place. Many expressed them­
selves as satisfied that Polk County
won first fairly yet many thought that
this county should have had at least
third place if not second. At any rate
our exhibit was fine and Mr. Wall has
reason to feel proud of his efforts and
if he had received more help the result
would have been different. The fair
was above the average this year and all
departments were well filled except
the poultry. The races were good
and the animal parade showing the
winners was the finest ever held at Evidences That College Has Opened
Salem. Edward Naylor of this city
The ladies of the Congregational
was on hand with his goats and two Church held a business meeting last
dogs, Pup and Tot. Pup as usual Friday night after which they were
won first prize on field work with goats to serve a luncheon of doughnuts and
and sheep while Tot won second place coffee to those present. All went well
in the same work although in a green | during the business meeting and until
class. Mr. Naylor came away with 1 time for luncheon. Repairing to the
three second prizes on goats as follows: j serving parlor they found the fifteen
Second best Billey against five other ' dozen doughnuts and the cream for the
entries, second-best Nanny against coffee missing. Had it been during the
five other entries, second-best in flock school year it would have been laid to
containing Billey, Nanny, a one year the students. However the Philbrook
old doe and doe kid. This is all the brothers are back but both claim they
more creditable owing to the fact that can prove an alibi. It later develops
his flock was sheared late, was not i that some of the Band Boys were treat­
kept up and prepared for this fair and ed to doughnuts Fridy evening and
was fed nothing but what they could thus suspicion cast upon them but
pick from the clearing. They also they have exonerated themselves, it
competed against the flocks belonging appearing that the culprits were an
to Cra'g, Riddle, Harrison and Grant entirely different set of boys. The
who have bands of state repute.
real culprits had too many doughnuts
Alex Chalmers won first on his short­ to dispose of and so they treated
horn bull, Marquis of Lome and while liberally, the band boys getting a good­
at Salem bought the young one year ly portion. The ladies have at last a
old bull, Golden Crown, which is one good clue and have followed it up so
of the best bred shorthorn bulls in the that they feel certain who the guilty
parties are and are forced to the con­
United States.
In the racing class, Bryon Lace, viction that college has really opened.
They can ascribe no motive to the
owned by E. B. Tongue and Mr. Hell- boys except that they must have had
man, of Hillsboro, won the 2:25 pac­ abnormal appetites and came back
ing race easily and after the race, a early for a square meal. They should
gentleman from California offered them have at least been chivalrous enough
$2500 for the flyer but they do not to have left a portion of the good
I things and thus have saved the ladies
wish to sell him. They paid 8900 for undue embarassment.
him at the McCarthy sale last spring
J. S. Buxton Honored
when the horses of the Tongue estate
Monday morning our townsman J. S.
were sold. He is a stallion capable of
going at a 2:10 clip and has a future Buxton, of the firm of R^e & Buxton,
before him. The California gentleman left Forest Grove for Portland to further
his knowlege along lines of the art of
embalming and undertaking. Being a
very modest and unassuming gentle­
man he has quietly worked up in his
profession by hard study and careful
application to his work, so that today
he stands as one of the most popular
and successful funeral directors in the
valley and has one of the finest cars
used outside of Portland. His purpose
in going to Portland was to listen to
the lecture of Prof. W. P. Hohenshuh,
the leading member of the National
Association of Funeral Directors, and
to be present at the State gathering
which had for its object the organiza­
tion of an Oregon Funeral Director’s
Association. At this meeting he was
elected to the important office of
Second vice-President of the Oregon
Association and made a member of
some important committees.
new transportation laws regarding the
carrying of corpses and the require­
ments of the State Board of Health
make necessary an examination of all
embalmers and that
will occur this week. A strong effort
is being made to get the National
Association for Portland next year.
Hon. Chris P. Yates was bom in
Chautauqua county, New York, June
23, 1835. While a young man he
travelled through South America as a
special correspondent for New York
papers. He later went to Colorado
from where he enlisted as a private in
the 1st Colorado Cavalry and was
mustered out of the service as a cap­
tain and an assistant army surgeon.
He founded the Rocky Mountain News
the first issue of which was printed on
wrapping paper, now the most promi­
nent Denver paper and he was also
a member of the first Constitutional
Convention held in Colorado. In
1871 he came to Oregon and was con­
nected with the Telegram and other
Portland papers, also in the music
business in that city. He located on his
farm in Washington county in 1882.
Wh c in Multnomah county he was a
mei iber of all important political con­
ventions and a member of the legisla­
ture from that county in 1878. While
living in Washington county he was
prominent politically, being appointed
postmaster at Manning in 1890 and
No. 19
elected to the legislature in 1894.
His vote was the deciding vote which
elected McBride to the United States
Senate in his contest with Dolph. He
is a cousin of the late Gov. Yates, of
Illinois, and a nephew of the was Gov.
Yates of the same state. The end came
on Sept. 16, in a sad manner. He was
sitting alone before the open fireplace
when he was stricken with one of his
attacks of temporary paralysis and fell
forward into the fireplace and before he
could recover or help came to him he
was burned to death, unless death had
already relieved him of his sufferings.
He leaves a wife, three sons and one
daughter, besides a host of friends to
mourn their loss. The funeral services
were conducted by Rev. L. Belknap,
of Forest Grove, the interment taking
place at the Fir Grove Church, near
Progressive Nebraska Farmer
Mr. C. O. Henry, who for many
years was one of the most progressive
farmers in Furnace County, Nebr., is
here visiting his many old time friends
from that country who are now located
here. Mr. Henry has invested in a
ranch near Woodburn, Oregon, where
he has spent the past months attending
to its products. He will remain here
a short time then return to Nebraska.
With his family he will likely move to
Oregon to remain permanently.
Touring the West
Atty. and Mrs. Fred Helwig, of
Coloma, Michigan, were in the city
Wednesday, visiting Attys. Hollis &
Hawks both of whom were well ac­
quainted with Mr. Helwig who was al­
so a classmate of Mr. Hawks at the
University of Michigan. Mr. and Mrs.
Helwig are touring the West and
express themselves as being well pleas­
ed with the Willamette Valley.
Candidates for the trip to St. Louis
Following is the total vote cast for
the candidates to World’s Fair at St.
Louis up to last evening.
Alyee Cronin.............................. 7443
Pearl Chandler............................5772
Lena Parker...............................2973
Manche Langley..........................733
Stella Via.................................... 30
Detta Friday................................ 13
Grace Baer.................................. 19
Ruby Price.................................. 19