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About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1897)
W A S H IN G -T O N K iE r X I ï . A 'ÿ 'î "/ .'l'i IE |V.. ^ A H A T C H 1T . A SCIENTIST SAVED. ^resident Barnaby, of Hartsville College, Survives a Serious lllnass Through the Aid of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. From the Krpubliean, Columbu*. Ind. Beggar -Please, sir. I ’m so exhaust The H artsvillo College, situated at my work and studies. In tim e I no* ed 1 enn't get my breath and---- Gen H artsville, Indians, was founded years tieed that my health was failing. M y tleman—H ere’s 5 cents; go and bt-.y one ago in the interest of the United Breth trouble was indigestion, and tnis w itls —Harlem Life. ren Church, when the state was mostly other troubles brought on nervousness. •’H ow dreadfully stout the general Is a wilderness, and colleges were scarce. “ My physician prescribed for me fo r gettin g!” "Yes, isn’t it fortuuale! Oth T h e oollege is w ell known throughout some time, and advised me to take » erw ise he wouhlu t be able to wear all the country, former students having change of climate. I did as he request ä bis m edals!"—Punch gone into a ll parts o f the world. ed and was some improved. Soon after, I came here as professor in physios and1 Mr. N ew Hub—W hat does it mean hush,-is ‘PS wl» hold 27. N chemistry, anil later was financial agent when a bride promises to oljey’' Mr*. of this college. The change agreed N ew Hub—Slnqtly that she prefers not s S d ^ r n AT m 0rM - bU8h^ R o a d R i g h t s In G e r m a n y . feet hiiri ’ ,|A <r * ,en feet wide, ten with me, and for awhile my health was Foreigners who visit Berlin will do to make a scene.—Puck. better, but my duties were heavy, and hold TH bSsbeU T “ f m l0UK " * » “ Is that a good hen, Fncle Josh?” " A , well to observe that rule o f etiquette again I found my trouble returning. which precludes a person when out good hen?” said I n» le Josh, “ why, that This time it was more severe and in driving or riding front passing people ’ar heu lays eggs as big as hallstuns." the winter I became com pletely pros —Detroit Free l ’reui. of high rank. trated. I tried various medicines and winVoM01 n - :iU— Thus, a stranger, an American. It la She— W hat a little mouth your young different physicians. F in ally, I was said, was arrested the other day in the lady friend has! IJ doesn't look large î s able to return to my duties. Last spring Thiergarten, for having ventured to enough to hold Iter • nigtte. lie —It j I was elected president of tlie college. <o.u win r .,ho1" 800 b,i,sue|s ° f p» r drive past the carriage conveying the doesn't.—Yonkers Statesman. Again I had considerable work, and «m in 1 L I , 8bel1 ('oru or other Mrs. Newed —Was I nervous, dear, the trouble, which had not been en» Farmer huahelg.-stoekman and young Crown Prince and his brother on their daily drive. tirely cured, began to affect me. and during the ceremony ? Miss Splteglrl The royal vehicle was proceed'ng at last fail I collapsed. I had different W ell, a trifle, at first, darling, «rat not M a k in g th e Soil D eep er. a relatively slow pace. and. as the stran doctors, but none did me any good. hough the farmer may not want to ger was driving a pair o f spirited hors ufter W illiam had said y e s —Truth. Professor Bowman, who is professor Mrs. Ton—You used to say I was tlie low deep f „ r spring crops he always es, he saw no harm In driving past and PEOV. ALVIN r. BA KN A BY. o f natural science, told me o f his ex light o f your life. Mr. Ton— Yes, and l kes to have soil as deep as possible. ahead o f the Princes. A reporter recently called at this fa perience w itli Dr. W illiam s' Pink P ills is an advantage to topdress even This rule has always prevailed with stipiaise that's why. you are so easily mous seat of learning and was shown for Pale People and urged me to g i v « hough only poor soil ¡s used to do it regard to military officers, a young put out uow we are married.—Judy. into the room of the president, Prof. them a trial, because they had benefited! vttn. H e have known the soil dug lieutenant or captain never venturing A ray o f hope: T h e Bride—I'm so him in a sim ilar case, and I concluded from deep wells and spread over ad to give his dust to his major or his col worried about Fred's cold! Her Moth- | A lv in P. Barnahv. When last seen by joining land to greatly help the soil onel. while the latter, in his turn, is er—Still, the m ajority o f cases o f cold the reporter Prof. Barnaby was in d e li to try them. “ The tirst box helped me, and th » alter a year or two. This subsoil was content to follow in the wake o f bU Ln the head terminate favorably.—Puck. cate health. Today he was apparently in the best o f health. In response to second gave great relief, such as I had 01 1,1 ""nei-Hl fertility, though of general. Barnes 'form er—'T alk a (tout your an inquiry the professor said: never experienced from the treatment, it had little or no vegetable frosts! W hy. a boy came down from A fte r using s is “ Oh, yes, I am much better than for of any physician. K O C K U U ON T H E C R E S T O F T H E matter. After it had been exposed to the gallery and wanted his money back some time. I am now in perfect health; boxes of the medicine I was entirely W AVES. frost one or two winters it produced because he was afgald to stay alone.— but my recovery was brought about in cured. Today I am perfectly w ell. 0 good small grain crops, though manure The landsman, tourist or commercial traveler, Life. feel better and stronger than for years^, rather a peculiar w ay.” was needed when corn, potatoes or oth speedily begins, and not only begins, but con “ T e ll meabout it ,” said the reporter. I oertainly recommend this m edicine.” * She—It must have taken a great deal tinues, to feel the extreme of human misery er hoed crops were planted on it.— E x \ during the transit across the tempestuous o f persistence on your part to learn to To ullay all doubt Prof. Barnabjs “ W ell, to begin at the b egin n in g,” change. Atlantic But if, with wise prescience, he h>is 1 play the violin so well. H e—It did. I said the professor, “ I studied too hard cheerfully made an affidavit before provided himself with a supply of Hostetler’; j Htomach Bitters, his pangs are promptly miti- had to go constantly armed for five when at school, endeavoring to educate L Y M A N J. SCUDDER, Dandelion G reen ». (ftted, and then C6RM cm the goo 1 ship again Notary Public m yself for the professions. A fte r com Every housewife knows that dande drops her anchor. This is worth knowing, and years.—Life. of our yachtsman, summer voyagers, Dr. W illia m s ’ P in k P ills for Pale^ "B ut w e cannot live on papa," protest pleting the common course I came here, lion greens are excellent for the table, i thousands tourists and business men do know it. ed the savage's bride to be; “ he is and graduated from tlie theological People are sold by all dealers, or w ill) and none the worse because they are slightly tonic to the stomach and aid Electricity lias been adopted as the dreadfully poor.” " W e can w ait until course. I entered the m inistry, and be sent postpaid on receipt o f price, 60 digestion. But all do not know that m otive power of the machinery in con lie is fa tter!” said tlie cannibal.—De accepted the charge of a United Breth- cents a box, or six itoxes for $2.50 (th e y ren Church at a small place in Kent i are never sold in bulk, or by the 100)(. the dandelion under good cultivation nected with the drainage system in troit Journal. grows much larger than In its wild New Orleans. An old woman quite repellent comes county, Mich. Being of an ambitious by addressing Dr. W illia m s ’ M edicine state, and is therefore much more eas HOM K I’ K o D I C T S A N D F U K K F O O D . In. “ Do you think you can find a nus- nature, I applied m yself diligen tly to Co., Schenectady, N. Y . ily gathered, cleaned and prepared for band fo r me?” she asks. Agent—Per ttye table. It is considerably grown for haps—If some blind man comes In.— A ll Eastern »Svrup, so-called, usually very light colored and oi heavy body, is made from greens by market gardeners, who find L ’ lllustre de Poche. lucose. ‘ Tea Hardin Drips” is made from R E A S O N S F O R U S IN G It a fairly profitable crop. Probably if ugur Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale “ Did you divide your boubous with farmers planted the improved varieties ; by first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac your little brother, M ollle?” “ Yes, tun; tured by the P acific C oast S yru p C o . A ll gen- of dandelion they could And a good ; nine “ Tea Garden Drips" have the manufac- 1 ate the candy and gave him the mot market in nearby eitles or villages , turer’s name lithographed on every can. toes. You know he Is aw fu lly fond of along with other produce. Watercolor drawings w ill, it is said, reading.” —Pick-M e-l'p. last four hundred years if they are pro- “ You poor schoolma'ams are w oefu l U n even ly M atched Team s. | tected from direct sunlight. ly underpaid." "Oh. I dou't know. I It was an old command o f the Mo have taken enough chewtug-gum aw ay saic law not to yoke the ox and the S tate of O h io , C it y of T oledo , f Because it is absolutely pure. L it a s C o u nty . t from the children to last me three ass together. This was not by any Because it is not made by tlie so-called Dutch Process in F r a n k J. C h e n e y makes oath that he is the means an arbitrary rule. It had sound senior partner of the firm of F. J. C heney <fc Co., years."—Indianapolis Journal. which chemicals are used. business in the city of Toledo, County "A h . my poor man,” said the benevo reason behind it. The slow ox and tlm doing Because beans of the finest quality are used. and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay quicker ass could not pull true, ami the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each lent old lady, “ I suppose you are often Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured pinched by want and hunger, are you neither could do Its best when thus and the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans. by the use of H a l l ’ s C atarrh C ure . uot?” “ Yessum, and by de cops.” —Cin I ’ FRANK J. CHENEY. coupled. Whenever teams travel un Because it is the most economical, costing less titan one cent Sworn to before me and subscribed in my cinnati Commercial-Tribune. evenly there is w as taut jerking tlie | presence, this t>th day of December, A. D. 1N*6. a cup. yoke from one side to the other, caus ! , -------1 “ And are the divorce laws so very Re sure that you get the genuine article made by W a LTBR A. W. GLEASON, BAKHR & CO. Ltd., Dorchester. Mass. Established 1 7N(l. ing galls that soon requite a ions Notary Public. liberal in your section?” “ Liberal? Say! H h II’ s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and They are so lilteral that nobody ever period of rest to heal. When the team directly ou the blood ami mueous surfaces is matched so that it will pull true, it aets heard o f a woman crying at a wedding of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. .1. C HENEY A CO., Toledo, O. will do more work, and without eithei out there.” —Detroit Journal. Sold by Druggists, 75e. animal in the team being Injured. H e—Miss Bellacour claims to belong j H a ll’s Family Pills are the best. to a very old fam ily. She—W ell, site's B a rb ed W ir e R e e l. The most extensive cemetery in the Justified. There are six o f those girls, The reel is mnde tip o f two cultivatoi w orjtj ¡g that at Rome, in which over A re you nervous? Y o u r nerves are and the yotiugest o f them must be at wheels, a .1x3 Inch timber for an axle ^ooil.OOO human beings have been least 35.” —Cleveland Leader. the channels through which your gen interred. “ Mrs. Chink lias hit ou a plan to keep eral vitality courses. If they are upset Newton calculated the speed velocity her huslKtud from smoking in the par you can’t be healthy. There are in of the comet of 1860 to be 880,000 lor.” "W h a t dki she do?” "She hung numerable ailments following nervous m iles an hour. Brydonne rated the the portraits o f iter three form er hus speed of the comet he saw in 1770 at bands there.” —Chicago Record. ness. Bachelor—Do you think a man w ill | 2,500,000 miles an hour. have bud luck if lie gets married on Piso’s Cure for Consumption is the only F riday? Benedict—Oh, I don’t think It 1 cough medicine used in my house.—D. C. makes any difference whether it's F ri Albright, Miitlinburg. l ’a., Dec. 11, ’95. day or not.—Yonkers Statesman. Cures all o f them. T h e life o f the nerves is Electricity, A mustard |>ot which does not require ” ‘Truth crushed to earth w ill rise which this famous appliance pours into your body for hours ---- — , . . ~ the use of a spoon has been invented in again,’ ” quoted the earnest man. handles, uprights, braces, etc., put to- -- - at a time. Its effect is soothing, strengthening, exhilarating. The mustard is supplied “ True,” replied Senator Sorghum; “ but irpth<>r iis shown in tliG iiiustriition. . . n , as miu through a little spout by pressing on in many eases, not until a fter the re f Read Dr. Sanden’s famous book. “ T h r e e C l a s s e s o f M e n .” One person guides the reel by holding , . ® ‘ er ee has counted ten.” —Washington It is instructive to weak men or women. It gives hundreds tlie handles while another turns the 1___ ^ Star. crank.— Orange Judd Farmer. o f cases o f cures accomplished in the Northwest. I f you She—T ell me, dearest, do you really will send us your address we will mail you a copy by return tell me all your thoughts? H e—Cer T o m a t o »« G r o w n by th e A c re . tainly, my darling; more than «that, mail F R E E , closely sealed. Many farmers uow tiud the tomato n even. E very day I tell you hundreds fairly profitable crop. They require o f things without even thinking.—An moderately fertile land, but not so rich SA N DEN E LE C TR IC BELT C O . , » » » w . »t w ..h in g t»n »t.. p«.i*i»a<i. o r. swers. as the vines find in ordinary garden The Farm er's W ife —Would you be Whm writing to AdvertiMr pirate mention thil paper. culture. Very rich land makes too w illin g to saw some wood fo r your much foliage and delays ripening of breakfast? Fluent Fontleroy—It would the fruit. It Is not expected, however, be useless, madam. My teeth are not A B it o f O rig in a l S p ellin g. that field tomatoes shall be earliest in as good as they once were.—Cornell The Boy, as has been said, was born market. More often their best sale W idow . without tbe sense o f spell. The Rule comes late in the season, when there is "S o you think with the bishop that o f Three, It pusxled him, and fractions demand even for the unripe fruit to 1«? Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restore« the crowd at Cnrson was not compos were as bad; and the proper placing of made into pickles with other vegetable Weakness, Nervousness, Debility, ed o f average Americans?” “ O f course e and 1, or 1 and e, the doubling o f let products of the garden. anti all the trftitt of evil« I do. The average man was too hard ters ln the middle o f words, and bow from e erlj errors or later eiceeee«; the reunite of up to go.” —Cincinnati Commercial- to treat the addition o f a suffix in “ / ” A P o u lt r y T ab le. overwork, nicknefle, wor- •y, etc. Full «trenfrth. An Ingenious statistician has drawn Tribune. or “ tion” “ alw ays drove him mad,” lerelopment and ton* “ it Is very hard to learn to ride a bl- from his childhood up. He hated to up a table to show how many eggs the lirtv.m to o very o r fra a und portion of the hod/. ; cycle?” asked the pretty girl o f her go to school, but he loved to play various kinds of domestic fow ls lay ' Himple, natural methods. ; cousin W ill, who bad taken three les school; and when Johnny U oimm ibuu per annum, and bow many o f the eggs Immediate improvement seen. Fail nre ini possible. Mas fo r a F ifth o f a Century sons. “ W e ll." said W ill ruefully, and he were not conducting a pomp go to the pound: 2.000 references. Book* explanation and proofs "w hen you hit the ground it is."— ous public funeral—a certain oblong Geese. 4 to the pound; 30 per annum. Cured all form s o f . . . mailed (sealed) free. Washington Times. Polish, 9 to the pound; 150 per an- hat-brush, with a rosewood back, stud K ID N E Y and L IV E R D IS E A S E 5 . Jinks (at a party)—I don’ t see what'B ded with brass tacks, serving as a co f uffalo n y Bantam s. 16 to the pound; 100 per the matter with that pretty woman fin, ln which lay the body o f Henry THE DREAD over there. She was aw fu lly flirty Clay, Daniel W ebster, or tbe Duke of H f l I r A " I ” money by sue* A I rr*" ul " i n itiation lu r ig h t s * 'Haitiburgs, 9 to tbe pound; 200 per a w hile ago and now she won't have W ellington, all o f whom died when l l A l « f I L | I L J fjt I < hicrtso. We buy ftndi 1 sell wheat there on mar- anything to do with me. Stranger—I Johnny and The Boy were about 8 I I ■ ■ Hins. Fortunes have been made on a sm all' “ “Turkeys. 5 to tbe pound; 30 to 60 per have Just come in. She's my w ife.— years o ld -th e y were teaching each eglnninf? by trading In futures. W rite for* full particulars. Best of reference given Her- Scottish Nights. Is but advanced K id n ey Disease. other the three Immortal and exceed eral years’ experience on the Chicago Board o f “ “ “ line fowl. 9 to the pound; ItiO per "Th en why did yon encourage me?” ingly trying “ It's” —reading, ’filin g, Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the bUH|-i E ith e r Is Dangerous. he demanded, fiercely. Tears sprang and 'rithm etlc—In a play school. Hhelr ness. Downing, Hnpkirih.k Co., f'hicairo Board» B oth can be Cured of Trade Brokers. Ottices in Portland, Oregon* ^Leghorns, 9 to the pound: 200 per an- if treated in tim e w ith W a rn e r’s to her eyes. "P ra y , forgive me,” she favorite spelling-book was a certain Spokane and Seattle, Wash. entreated. “ I know I got mad when old cook book discarded by tbe bead Safe Cure. “ “Plymouth Rocks. 8 to the pound; 150 yon asked me to be your w ife, and told o f the kitchen, and considered all that Large bottle or new style «mailer one at your druggist's. Ask for I you never to speak to me again, but was necessary for their educational eith er and accept do substitute. P7.ang1ha>‘s' 8 to ‘ he pound; 150 per ! I am sorry. 1 do not love you now. I purpose. From this, one afternoon, Gives Vigor, Health, Life and Strength. P.aaf don’t believe I loved you even then. I Johnnie gave out "doughnut,” with the to take and effective. Used and sold everywhere. 3“Brahmas. 7 to the pound; 130 per an- If your druggist or merchant has not In stock [ « a s thoughtle«*. Can you not forgive follow in g surprising resu lt Conscious the genuine remedy, which has and will cure | me? May w e uot part friends?” —De o f the puzzling presence o f certain si W per cent, address Plunder's Oregon Blood “ " racks. S to the pound; 30 to 60 per Pori land, Or., by sending f ! for a troit Journal. lent consonants and vowela, The Boy Purifier, or l'» for a half doseo bottles anu we wUl annum.-Farro News. Boston Teacher—W e w ill now fake thus set It down: "D-O, dough, N-O- bottle prepay express. W « carry the most complete line of OrtnnaA.nni up the study o f the senws. W hy has U-G-H-T, nut—doughnutT’ and he went and Athletic Go. ds on the Coast. I 1 1 P T I U K a n d T I L E S c o re d ; n o p a y o n * A n O ld S y n a g o g u e - ¡the Creator furnished ns with eyes? up head in a class o f one. neither teach l|y SUITS A v u UNIFORMS MADE TO OftOER. til enred; send for bonk. Du*. M a . vhf At the foot of Mount Mitbridates. on Boston Pupil (aged 4>—T o enable us to er nor pupil perceiving the funny blun d porter wi CLP, AJH Market felt., 8an Fra inn* bend for Oar Athletic Catalogue. the south coast of Crimea, is a syna- see. Teacher—And what office 1* filled der T b e Boy had made.— 8L Nicholas. W I L L At F I N C K C O .. l , g Ue which dates back l . » * years. S f S . S ’TO M a r k e t S t.. S a n K r a n r l . r o , C a l . I by the nose? Pupil—It was given to Almost destroyed during the Tartar man so that he might smell and thus Microscopical investigation is said ot woof it was restored in liWJ by guard against the Inhalation o f un- prove that the pores of wood invite the H I N ... C '■ C H I L D R E N T g 6 E T ......... . raTberlne * There are seventy farnl- RVF «bouM should Mas. WnfftLov'i SooTHura Starr be ] licalthy odors. T each er—W h y are we passage of moisture <n the direction of for 1./ 1 c children n « ..r ,. . fh» 0 . .» tr It ,.y> ibd* ilw» ic IM « l------- child.•©/*• ----- --- 1 in the Place, and a* there I. only w a e tisn. Pupil—T o hold our n « the* r ’im n *U a v - a ll pain, « m - * w ir d r*#>l|r.nnd la 4 favored with ears? the timber’s growth, but repel it io tbe I th r brat w n H ? fo r dvarrhoMh. T w en ty F ra e * n h a d S m for fifty worshiped In the syn * spectacles In place.—Cleveland Leader. opposite direction. L Ä ___ gogue It Is to be enlarged. “ : A Till- W ell, pvcuient ¡1 ml cheap w atering L sKicli In pastures, aw ay from hi. through which tile drains i iv |„. made fo r a considerable I„| often the Whole season In Bimini; manner: Three or four the main drain dig a hole |joiigh so that tw o barrels may ■d one on top o f the other, the ..Jie lower one coming about lev- I me bottom o f the main tile: this L, for tlie low er barrel w ill briing J| h i - one usually a fe w Inch— ■the top o f the ground. Ii-et the main tile to low er barrel few lateral tile o f small size In sjjght incline and passing III the side o f the barrel. Through hide tile the w ater w ill run from Lin drain and keep the lower i>ar- Erijr full o f w ater at all times ■there is the least flo w in the Brain. Rem ove the bottom o f top , before putting in position. Bet- J use salt barrels fo r the top ones. Irk will destroy them more or »litr e . From the largest cities down to the smallest towns this is the month for the beginning o f out-door sporta of all kinds, ami also the beginning of the season when sprains, bruises, hurts and mishaps ar • as plentiful as huckleberries. Every Spring this is a common exjierieiice, and the com mon experience has settled down to this, that the best thing to do is to be provide«! with a supply o f St Jacobs Oil for emer gencies of the kind as an especially sure cure for the worst sprain or the blackest bruise. Sportsmen, athletes, ball players and oarsmen have known this for many, many seasons, and reference to it is now only a reminder to get your supplies. Hard strains and overwork o f the muscles will bring pains and aches ami sportsmen know what’s best and are never without the sur est cure in tlie use o f the great remedy. V fcÿ- tn COUNTY if n t r r & : = *«s* is : g Walter Baker & Co.’s THE T II.E W E L L . I kerosene barrels w ell burned out Excellent. A pump may be used lis well or the w ater easily dipped I a pail by the hand or with a short This arrangem ent prevents any matter gettin g into the main ■ ^ « i. and if the w ell is covered none ___ get into It.—Farm and Fireside. A ll A b o u t H iv e » . I the tirst place, it is w ell known I tlie common or black bees do not gase to such an extent under the ! conditions as do tlie Italian bees. |honey season has also much to do it. During a scarcity o f honey will not increase so rapidly as if Ihoney flow w as heavy. Also, the of tlie hive has much to do with | control o f swarm ing. I f abun- of room is given black bees for !^ ^ a g e . they w ill seldom swarm at Irren in the beat o f hooey seasons. d ^ J ity of storage room lias much to do {Q^HiiMtrolliiig the çw arm ing o f Italian but they nre more liable to |rm than blacks. It is very import- to have beehives just the right I. even if they are made old box (lion. A very large hive w ill never [luce good results any w ay you take Hives should be made sectional. I if at any tim e more room Is needed another section. T h e required r. as given in our standard works, T^BiiHiut 2.000 cubic loche«.—K n e w finer. P r e t t y K ro o d ’ n-r Coop. L. I.andon, o f W illiam sport. Pa., bite of the enthusiastic fanciers who |ieves that nothing is too good for chickens. The illustration shown lliat o f one o f his brooding coops, a |st palatial affair fo r an old hen and 1 brood. It is handsomely mnde and Inteil in the highest style o f the art. Killed with ventilating blinds and puud glass windows. W h ile it Is libtful if the chicks so reared nre p' better than those who spend their Vkenliood in a dry-goods box, Mr. Jndon lias, at least, tlie satisfaction knowing that Ills chicks are well B re a k fa st Cocoa. J Good H ealth Dr. Sanden’s Electric Beit... VIGOR of MEN ERIE MEDICAL CO., B B b r o o d in g coop. Jotected anil com fortably housed in 1 prettiest brooding coop to be found. J n d c tiitr b Piar by It» I tn lr . [As an indication o f the quality o f a Is. the hair Is made o f much value to fe breeder or feeder. Fine, silky hair an indication that the flesh w ill lie ne-grained and o f good quality, ^ ^ ^ ■ o a rs e . stiff hair Is invariably found an animal slow to fatten and with irse flesh. T h e shrewd feeder and [at shrewd breeder w ill reject an ani- pal with coarse hair; such hair usually companies a bad disposition. Stnr- [>g hair indicates an unhealthy condi gn of the imdy. By studying the pe- N iatitles o f the hair o f live stock Jtich o f the Internal structure and of l*e disposition o f the animal may be Turned. C a p a c it y o f H in a a n d W a g o n ». Every boy around the farm o f suita- [k age should be taught how to figure k t the number o f bushels o f wheat ' PISEA3E !* .^ ! E 0 R rG ^ ß L o o o p üR n i eR CiSt BILL GOODS fcSLS?