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About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1897)
KRUPT STOCK IN MINE! m For up-to-date styles in Ladies’ and G ent’s Footwear, at Lowest City Prices, call at GREGG’S SI 1013 8 < r r< >1113. TT TOW N. j on w ell im proved farms or more at 8 per cen t. Jy F. N ixon. 1 ‘ d glass at A b b o t & K oe s loans call oil H . Sew School Officers. C all and see H aines & B a iley 's dress goods. W. T o Loan— Some m oney.— Edw ard I.. S a v io r. F resh oysters in every style at the j Hom e Bakery. Eor sale,— Fresh cows, seed w heat and oats. J. S. N ew ell, D il'e y . ^ 50 M ondav was the d ay o f the annua school m eeting and the re-iults. so f ir obtain able, are given below ; first ti< director elected, then the clerk w ith in*'* post office address and the num ber ol children in the district betw een the ages o f four and tw en ty years. Star in d i cates officer was re-elected. No 3 A A Lit tel, E C Mulloy* Laurel. 90. 14 11 jt A J Hamrick, A M Porter Gaston (K J D Hibbs was elected in place of Direct«»! Wahl, resigned. itton was d o in g business in M oney to loan in sums to suit. Room s 44 18 T L M«»relock,* K bt Staph *n», P ogre»» 0 1 and 2, Shu te Building, H illsboro. Or. “ 19 Jacob Anderro, Chits T Sbatiuck. 11 1 >- boro, 80 . V H ain es returned M onday N o tice.— A ll persons in debt to Dr. 44 20 jt Chat Keruger, A W Wright*Middleton3 Cole w ill please ca ll and settle th eir a c “ 28 W 8 Walker* Ja*B Miller,* Gadon, 40. CU pff L Sapp in gton was in the counts. 44 28 jt J Skuza, T W Grant,* Scapp«»ose. 67. 44 30 J F Laff Tty, K P Lilly,* Giles ( reek. -.6. la y . A t the school m eeting held last Mon 44 32 jt A <J Davis, >1 I, Hates,* Gaston, ::0. Dws and m ouldings a day E . A H yde was re-elected director 44 jt M G Keerz, J O Gust in, Middleton, 3$. 44 4 1 W K Whitney* Benton Phillips*Mauniup41 and F rank K a n e clerk. A b b o tt & Roe. “ 47 Chns Matthies-'U, red Kruege , Miduta tOO| l.‘. C all and see H tines & B a iley ’ s goods you can get all kin ds o f and get prices. T h eir spring goods are “ 48 John Henry, 8 A Kline.* Beaverton, 103. fed fish o f A . T . Boos. 44 57 Chas Bernard,* M s Barites, Beaverton 70. co in in g in very rapidly, “ 59 Henry Jones,Mrs Abbie (Joburn*Glencoe48 I — T w o varieties, W h ite •4 67 jt Fred l)wrig, John A Johnson, 5.5 Wash Dr. R. H. H ovey and Mr. J. L. G regg ted Chaff, at W aters & ington st, Portland, 68. were in Portland the forepart o f th e *• 79 Frank iiausafus, Jerome Palinateer* w eek ami heard the famous Sousa hand. HeedviHe, ?4. t>ubled w ith C atarrh , Sore “ 81 Fred Stucki, Peter Grosser!, cedar Mills, 71 Mr. W alter M iller, o f the firm o f M iller Disease consult Dr. C. 44 87 jt Kiley l hom i*, eter J Lunds Buxton 28 Bros., prom inent hop buyers o f Y a m h ill (Special election will be held to fill vacancy ig fc , on board.) co u n ty, was in town co n tractin g for ind g tv jftrlo u save your local fare to 44 88 L S McConnell, V Campbell* Sqerw od 135 hops Tuesday last. •• 9.) F T Miller, J W Me Roberts* Gal s «’reek 6- Cent, o u t v y i n g your R . R. tickets o f 91 J J Crowley, W W Lewis* Dilley,28, F ra n k Hartm an was arrested last Tues onsiderjpl 44 95 John Freecleeu, G O Bailey, Raliegh, 39. Jt th e trest flour a lw ays call “Success requires not someth ng u ‘w To win applause and recognition, But doing; that which others <lo Beyond their range of Competition.” H aines & B ailey w ill sell you good goods and sell as cheap as anyone. Py* ‘T cconi-^A^jjyg sen s first. T h is is day at H illsboro and taken form the train enroute to Portland on a charge o f an ¡c .n -i, a dem and for abscon din g debtor. Court House Sews. we th e L D u rin g the w eek Prof. V in to n F. Probate:— In the m atter o f th e estate get O U T S ’ r O aru.. _r Sundayed at Cooper, a blind phren ologist o f some o f Wm. G uthrie, deceased. Bond filed t Coa-B ■ cM in nville. Miss V ivian note, lectured to large audiences in and approved, G . M ath ies, John W al g lteen*#a,lied her- V erts hull on the science o f p h ren ology. and W m. M ainland appointed ap ust Un-iiaSsiid cookies ju st lik e home Bert B ow lby, who has been w orkin g praise rs. ar- H e H om e B akery cheaper In re estate o f C h ristan n a H a ll, de in W ard ’s drug store, started W ednesday >ded to » » p a k e them . for The Dalles where he has secured a ceased. Bond o f R . C ran d all executoi tan<iW > L W ells, o f Portland, position in one o f the leading drug stores. filed and approved. In re estate o f D arlin g Sm ith , deceastd pe state leagu e o f rep u b li- M arried— Miss M ary D ixou and Mr execu trix gran ted leave to sell personal in tow n Tuesday. CO I R aym ond Dixon at the hom e o f the property at p ublic or private s d e for n :rtb and W alter Cole went groom 's father, Mr. Jacob D ixon, on less than appraised value, all notes to l> fed n esn ay to hear S o u sa’s T h ursday, Feb. 25, by Rev J. VV. Starr secured and to draw ten per cen t in tv i w ill return F riday. S h a v in g 10 cents, hair tu ttin g 20 cents est. Property exem pt from taxatio n st 397 . S a in , o f S co g gin s valley, at the E agle parlor, n ext door to H ughes o ff to w idow. 'fe w days in the G rove vis- & S o n ’s hardw are store. G ood work In re estate o f Sarah J. M ull, deceast d friend Miss E ttie Patton. and courteous attention. Drop in and Ordered that real p roperty o f said estaw excep t a 13-acre tract devised to Clia- id eb ted to H a ttram p f Bros. see us. Johnny L iles, propiietor. W illo u gh by, be sold for o n e-h alf cash it Jl ahd settle a t once that Mr. Edw ard H ack received the first m ay be prom ptly closed prize o f $25 offered b y W . A. Burpee & hand, balan ce, not to exceed six m onth tim e, at 8 per cen t, secured by fir- Co. for the heaviest head o f Danish m ortgage, co n veyan ce at cost o f pur g rent— Store buildin g and Island oats. T his was 16 inches long, chaser. llin g and about one acre and w eighed 28-32 o f an ounce. It bore In re estate o f W m . D em ing, deceased. llley, on term s to suit pur- 273 spikelets con tain in g 769 grains. F ilial account filed and set for hearing [. Purdy. 49 ! Sunday evening services at th e C on on M oudayi A pril 5, 1897. at 10 o 'clo ck . L arge, reports a d au gh ter gregation al church w ill be given up to a. in. In re estate o f Jesse C ornelius, de pounds horn to the wife o f W om an ’s Foreign M isionary Society. B ellin gh er o f this city the An interesting musical and literary pro ceased. R eport o f sale o f real property gram w ill be given. A collection w ill he filed and approved and co n veyan ce o i- th in stant. taken up in response to ati appeal from dered made. ughes started for Baker the executive hoard. In re estate o f R obt. J. P atton, de even in g. H e w ill spend ceased. Personal prop erty set over to T lie wife o f Mr. C h arles M eeks, o f i Eastern Oregon lookin g widow and m inor children . M ountaindale, came to our city last F ri tone business. In re estate o f J. P. V a u gh n , deceased d ay to try that new preparation for the office bu ild in g has a ve ty extraction o f teeth adm inistered by R eport of sale o f real p roperty filed am nee in its new coat o f ligh t Doctor C. L. L arge. She was very m uch approved, and con veyan ce ordered. jd w ith w hite, w hich it re- j elated with the dentist, D octor H o v ey 's In re estate o f Wm. G ilp in , deceased Mr. Dolstrom during the extractin g, also w ith the pleasant effect W ill probated and execu to r ordered to giv e bonds for the sum o f fjuoo. o f the rem edy adm inistered. In re estate o f M. W ren, deceased aeriff V augh n reports a rob- The W ashington C o u n ty M ills were G. W. Marsh appointed adm inistrator C hinese cam p at D illey. shut down the forepart o f this Week on w ith bonds at J jojo . C. H. Blanchard, s o f pants and a lookin g glass account o f havin g to add more m achinery Eff. L. S ch eiffelin , and John W . Com e A sm all lo o k in g glass was in order to attend to their increase o f lius, appointed appraisers. n w hich a nam e was w ritten. j business. T h ey ate at present gettin g Ir. re estate o f John K a y , deceased e seen around th at vicin ity out an order o f fifteen carloads of flour Report ol sale o f real prop erty filed all- is suspected that they* were w hich must he ready for shipm en t bv con veyan ce ordered m ade. arties. the 28th o f this month. Law D o ck et.— R. H . W a lker vs J<-hn ;, in side o f one m inute, re- j Sch m idt. Sale o f real estate herein ai d The follow ing letters are unclaim ed M iss D aisy L au gh lin o f this and advertised at the postoffice: Mrs 1 heretofore m ade confirm ed. y , under the influence o f the M a rria g e s — M ary L Berdan and Id t A . C harnw orth, Mrs. A . E usebia D ixon, adm inistered by Dr.. C. L. M ary Horstman, Mrs» Lena LUndberg, Perkins; H arry C lark and Bird Brown; nteen difficult teeth to ex- Miss G eorgia R css. Joel V. Brown, J. M. W m. Balw ell and D olly Poole. ¡?eral w ho w itnessed the E dgar, Sam uel J. Ennis, John V . H ale, ix tr a c tin g , rem arked that M r F . J. H am tnersley, Sam uel B. Jones, For Sale. able “ d a n d y ” at it. Mr. Jack M arten, N ath an iel D. M oore, Eleven acres adjoin in g P'orest G rove, ful p arty was given F rid ay Mr. A lbert W alker. 6 acres in bearing fruit trees, balance in the Misses G rah am , H ibbs A pleasant party Was giVeh last T ues h ay and pasture, 8 room house w ill I at the hom e o f th e last day evenin g by Mr. and Mrs. G eo. Sloan bath room , all n icely finished, al9o ban usic, gam es and refreshment» h a y shed, p o u ltry house, e tc ., fine loca- th e en tertain in g program . in honor o f Mr. Bert B ow lby. w ho went ’ tion, also large lot in tow n. A ddress, W ednesday to T h e D alles, w here he has sent were: M isses G raham , A. M il l k r , secured a position with a d ruggist. D ane ssell, G leason , B ailey and j 51 Forest G ro ve, O regon. in g filled up the even in g’ s program and Messrs. B ills, T urpin , G ates, d eligh tfu l refreshm ents were served. :r, T ongue and T reve Jones. T he guests were: Mr. and Mrs. N ew ell Attention, Veterans. 's office was thronged w ith M acrum , Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W irtz. Mrs. I f you are en titled to an in crease t- d n esday, one o f them being Maud V augh n; Messrs. A rth ur Caples, M yers, w ho had ridden on Chris. V augh n and Bonnie N ew by. pension, em ploy J. H . Dolstrum . H e hs from the N ehalem to have had several y e a rs ’ exp erien ce w ith tl G en. T horp has received his appoint pension departm ent at W ashin gton, 3 teeth, and to try th a t new en by Dr. C. L . L arge. Sh e m ent as national lecturer and organizer C. He also m akes a sp ecialty of mak pleased w ith his clever operat- for O regon, W ashington and Idaho, o f out pension papers, and all kinds II pleased w ith the effect o f the Junior O rder o f U n ited A m erican n otarial w ork. L on g term loans on hi M echanic* and will begin his work March m ortgage on im proved farm s ind H edy adm inistered. 1. His friends are gratified at th is re co g property well insured. se was given M esdam es A. T. nition o f his worth, and the order is to be J. H. D o l s t r o m , J K a te T a y lo r, F rid a y , by th e congratulated upon h a vin g secured the e R e lief Corps on the occasion H hday an n iversary. A very services o f so elegant an orator and so Dentistry. ¡ternoon was passed. Those estim able a gen tlem an . Dr. R. H. H ovey h a vin g located i :: M esdam e- Boos, T ay lo r, Forest G rove for the p ractice o f dentist jrp , l^tvnolds, Anderson, Save tak es th is m ethod o f in fo rm in g the p “ausen, K een e, D. Sm ith , E. F ew realize th a t each squirrel destroys lie th a t he is prepared to do anv work liap elle, C h een y, Pearsons, $1.50 worth o f grain a n n u ally. W ake- th at line. O ffice in In gle* & Portei W A. C rosiey and Brown. l e t s Squirrel and G o ph er E x term in a tor b u ild in g. cs' W o rk in g S o cie ty o f the is the most effective ami econom ical poi -p al chu rch was entertain ed son know n. Brice reduced to 30 cents. Bilious Colie. e o f Mrs. C . W . R ansom , F or sale by J. C . C la rk , druggist. afternoon. T he society is Persons w ho are su b ject to a tta ck s < ood w ork in m akin g arti- bilious co lic w ill he pleased to know th» Card of Thank*. co m fo it o f those w ho need prom pt relief m a y be had by tak ii I desire to express m y th an k s to Con C h am b e rla in 's C o lic, C h o lera am i Iha Parker, o f Portland, and Mrs. were visitors. Mrs. B aker, g r e g a t io n ! V . P S. C. E. . L ad ies' W o rk rhiea R em ed y, and if tak en as soon > x-cn quite ill, was p resent, in g S o cie ty , and o th er friends, for th e first indication of th e disease a eased to sec her so m uch im- special favor* received, pear», it w ill prevent th e a tta ck , I THAT IS WHAT WE DO. We are not like the Hind Wheel of a Wagon Always Following in an Old hut, But we are Pushers, Always Striving for a Still Larger Business. W H Y N O T? We are not simply “Dealers in Drugs” but we are PRACTICAL PHARMACISTS, And our Care, Skill and Precision in Dispensing Insure our Customers the Best Possible Results and Guar antee Them Against Errors. WHO FILLS YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY RECEIPTS? W e M ake a Specialty of th is D epartm ent. W e Hake No Extra Charge for Delivering Goods. Prescriptions left at Our Pharmacy by Your Physician, or Sent to Us, will .Receive Our Best Attention and the Medicine will be Promptly Sent to Your Home. DON’T BLAME YOUR PHYSICIAN IP MEDICINE PRESCRIBED B Y HIM DOES NOT H A V E THE DESIRED EFFECT. RESULTS ARE G EN ER ALLY PROMPT AND SATISFACTORY W H E N RELIABLE DRUGS ARE USED. Drugs of Extra Purity a Specialty! ALL DRUGS AND MEDICINES USED IN PRESCRIPTIONS OR SOLD ARE OF THE BEST Q U A LIT Y. J Your Grain. bkaltu, E. W. Dixon. calc by J. C. Clark. Diuggiet. WE KEEP IX WTOCK ALL Standard Patent Medicines. We also Carry a Large Stock of the Finest AMERICAN, FRENCH AND ENGLISH PERFUMES, Toilet Soaps and Toilet Articles. c . PIONEER DRUG STORE, FOREST GROVE - • - OREGON.