Broad-axe. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-19??, May 21, 1896, Image 4

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    State Chemist, California:
The Royal fulfils 'all the require-
ments. Our tests show it has greater
leavening power than any other.
The Navalta Oplatea af
praaeaw la Hal UlUn.
There U one passage iu Louis Stevea
sou 'a correspondence which it woo Id
have been thousand pille to miss, to
much poomdm baa been written about
8terenaon'a work, ha iu made th lo
ll m wbils ba lired of uch an eitrara
gant ayatem of puffing, that than w hp
did not know him were almost inevita
bly forced to associate him with bia
flatterer and to believe that ba moat
aea himself with their eve. It ia clear
that ba did not. Ilia moat exacting
critic can hardly haT lodged him mora
sternly than be judged himself.
"Fur the not- my akill deaer me,
aooh a it is. or waa. It waa a very lit
tla do of inspiration, and a pretty lit
tle trick of style, long- lost, improved
by tba moat heroic industry. So far I
hare managed to please tba journalists.
But I am a fictitious article, and bar
long known it. I am' read by Journal
ists, by my fellow novelista, and by
bnye. With these, incipit et explicit my
rogue. Uood Ihuig anyway, fur it aeema
to bare aold the edition. 1 tio not
think it la poaaible to bare fewer ilia
ioua than L I aometimea wiah I bad
mure. They are amusing. Bnt I cannot
take myaelf aeriooaly aa an artist. The
limitatioua are ao obvious. "'
It ia not often one finda a popular au
thor writing in roch a atrain an ao
thor, too, whom there eeemed general
conspiracy among tba reviewer to spoil.
What a contrast it ia to the following
extract from the touching epilogue add
ed to these letter by hia editor and
"The fragment on which he wrought
during the laat month of hia life give
to my mind, aa it did to bia own, for
the first time the full mearure of bia
powers, and if in the literature of ro
mance there ia to be found work more
maaterly, of Lioie prercmg human in
sight or more concentrated imaginatire
riaion and beauty, I do not know it.'
Macmillan'f Magaiioe.
Bat taw Baas Had am Th Vmmg Ia Baat
aoaa te Ba Foal a.
One day in a Sixth avenue cbophouaa
we(l dressed young man anting at a
table not far from me finished hia lunch
and aaked for hia check, but aa it waa
brought to him he aoddenly rose up and
hurried to the caahier'a desk, which waa
near the door, and said :
"Sir, I bare dropped foO out of my
pocket in Ibia place) Let no one go out
until I make a search !"
"Where's your check?" he waa asked.
"Here it ia. I had two twenties and
a $10 bill."
"Will yon pay tbia check of $1.50?"
"I can't till I find my rolL"
"Tbomaa, call in an officer!"
-.Hat wbat lor?" eased tb victim.
' "To arrest yon if yon don't pay!
That's an old game too ancient to
work here."
"But I bare dropped $.)0i"
"Guff I Will you pay?"
"I'll pay if I can find my money. I
know I bad it when I came in here."
"Call the copper, Tom !" -
Two minutea later an officer bustled
in to see what was wanted. The cashier
was telling him that be bad a dead beat
to be cared for when a woman rose np
to leare, and the young man's $50 was
found on the floor, where it had been
oirr ared by her skirts.
"Didn't I tell yon so!" be exclaimed
as be returned to the cashier to pay the
check. "Nice sort of msn, yon are! I'll
sue yon for damages before I'm through
with this!"
The cashier looked tired, but made
no reply. When the indignant young
man bad departed. I aaid : '
"Then he wasn't a beat, after all?"
"The alickeat kind," be replied. -
"But be lost his money, and it waa
found. V '
"Don't yon beliereit! The woman
was bia pal and gare it up only when
abe saw that be would be arrested.
Tour Uncle Hiram baa been sight bere
for 25 years and knows the ropes I"
Mew York Cor. IWnul Fraa Praaa
"Hare yon fastened the windows,
dear?" abe aaked as they were about to
retire for the night
"Ho; wbst's the use? I gare yon the
last dollar I bad to buy that bat, and
we need not fear burglars. "
"But tbey might sit down on my bat,
yon know." Detroit Free Press.
masse a
doubt treated aad ear.
ad mora case thaa any
Hrtaa Phratciaat bia
eaoocaa ia aatoalahing.
Wa bar beard of caaaf
-el aa years' ataadin
IB, tit
work or
tbia dl
with a
taraa bnt-
tie of bat abaolata cars, fraa to ear a offeror
wb i eand taosr P. O aad Kaprea addroaa.
Wo a1 riaa anr out wishing a core to addraaa
tat w, ft, RX&X . -. a Caiar $u Bear Tar
WHO cmiEt tie UXSEST j
lea ka
Tfeer will an naif roe wttb an rtalnf Toa wast
al Inwaat ajartai arteaa. send loeOeaeral rala
hvao a CaMincua at ('railing wood! ar Barhrr
auapuaa. mm Jtaraet atrast, aa rraartas, Cat,
fOa ffU THAI ASt c or
! tlAxzuxu Mils
r- -
V I oao OMOaaTkhMJtaaaa
, J I Ofire tor a Oewe.
aaMbriraaaiaaiaataa). akaa
! aaanfraax. Ala. in
aV.aaaaasa.Ce.fUa. fa.
ow tbe Booaraa-o la Broaa4 aad tra
para A far tho Tra4a.
"Bta-k" beer ia the keynote of hiKtory
of beer, brewing aa it ia uuderatoixl by
the people of thia day. It ia generally
auppoaed that beer ia of diatinctiTelr
German origin, whereaa it ia a fact that
beer waa brewed by the men of many
nationalities in many parte of the world
centuries before the Chriatian era. The
fcgypliana. the Mreeka, the Romans,
made beer from corn and barley in thorn
ancient times. The lager beer of the
liermana waa a Bavarian product and
"botk" beer originated in Hararia.
We bare beard a number of atoriea sa
to the origin of the term "bock'' beer,
and while they all vary aa'to detail, they
are aa a rule correct. When beer waa
first brewed iu Bavaria and for a long
time after arl in that aud all other
parta of the world, ice formed no part
in the manufacture, though it waa rerr
necessary that it should be fermented
and aiored in a cold temperature, Aa ioe 1 ,
... ,,a..l,i.MlfWtDl
was not relied upon to make thia cold
air and aa artificial refrigeration waa not ;
dreamed of. brewing waa done only iu j
cold weather, and the beer waa atored in
chill raulta underground. Here it waa j
left to age until some time in spring, j
say the latter part of April or the begin- J
ning of May, when the vaults were
thrown open and the thirxty public waa
regaled with a pure, wholesome draft of
the foamy beverage. And aa the firat
issue from thete vaults waa atronger and
liable to go to the bead, the people were
said to be " bocked ;" hence the name.
Another Tertian of, the story ia that
when tbe raulta were thrown open, a
bock jumped out and that gave rise to
the name and alao to the widely adver
tised "William" goat who ai.rna tbe
"bock" beer aigua of the present day.
But "bock" beer seaxon ia a time of
sentiment to the Germans, and other
people bare imbibed the sentiment with
the dark and heavy drink. Tbey want
"bock" beer at the proper time and
they will drink it then and enjoy it
Wine and Spirit Journal.
orar Heaolsoa Waa Bath
I maninr Bills.
Throughout the late summer and au
tnmn of IM)7 tbe imperial court was j
more stately than ever before. The old
nobility became aiwidnoua in their at
tendance, and. aa one of the empress' la
dies in waiting ia said to bare remarked,
the court "received good company."
On bis return Napoleon bad foond Jose
phine's extraragance to be aa unbound
ed as ever, eut he could not well com
plain, because, although for tbe moat
part frugal himself, be had thia time
anoooraged larishness "hi hia family.
Still, it waa not agreeable to bare drexa-
rnahera' hllla nnnpjuln Ol carriage
when driving in rtate with hia consort
and on one occasion be sent' an unprin
cipled but clever milliner to the prison
of Bicetre for baring disobeyed his or
ders in furnishing ber wares to tbe em.
pi os at exorbitant prices. The person
was so indiapensable to tbe court lsdiea,
however, that they crowded ber cell,
and she was soon released.
At St. Cloud, Malmaison, the Tuile
riea and Fontainebleau tbe social rices
of courts began to appear, bnt they were
sternly repressed, especially high play
By way of contrast, the city of Paria
was at that rery moment debauched by
a profusion of gambling bells and
bouses of prostitution licensed at an
enormous figure by Fouche and produc
ing great revenues for the secret police.
The gorgeous state uniforms of tbe
marshals, tbe rich and elegant costumes
of the ladies, tbe bespangled and begilt
coats of tbe household, dancing, tbeat
ricala, coocerfa and exenraions all
these elements should have combined to
create brilliancy and gayety in the im
perial circle, but tbey did not. "Life
of Napolooo," by Professor Sloans in
Dtaaealtlaa of Canasta Collar.
Lock is not a reliable factor in the
difficult problem of carnation culture. It
demands exhaMMtire, knowledge of the
habits, requirements and diaeai-e of tbe
plant, unceasing watchfulness and uire
mitting labor tbe year through. Even
when all is done that actus possible to
merit success, tbe grower is liable to tbe
exasperation of finding that particular
varieties, upon which be may hare based
bia mist sanguine expectation, obsti
nately refuse to flourish under bis care-
Almost every carnation cnltnrist knows
varieties that he "simply cannot raise"
and neither he, nor anybody else, can
tell the reason why. Of course, there
must be something lacking, in soil, wa
ter, air or treatment, which tbey re
quire, but it eeems as if tbey were ca
pable of taking offense at bfm, or bis
surrounding, aud preferring death, or
at least unproductive life, to endurance
of the association. Scribner a.
WUUag to Oblige.
Ex-Senator Sawyer was qnoted In
Washington aa saying: "When they ask
me if I want to be a delegate. I tell
them 'No, I don't care anything about
it,' that I have been to a good many
cuuveut ion 7 - that 1 an pretty near bo
want to go ia fly place I am perfectly
1 u wri watut iw luamo an a uaKVi a
accept. I're got nothing else to do, bnt
I'm too old to bar any ambition, and
hereafter will do anything that is want
ad of me, bat ao mora. "
Tbia la a very avnaibla and moderate
obsecration. But it applies to all aorta
of jobs, laclading United States senator.
La Croaae (Wia.f dhroniclai
Wwm I Aaa la Bailor? Ttatiba.
Tba annoyance of wheel slipping oa
tracks, especially ia ap grades, and tba
tretseodoos resistance experienced bar
led to a new Invention. Tbe rail is pro-'
Tided with an edge or rim covered with Tba attar of roar is obtained by ab
cogs or teeth, and tba wheel baa aimi-, (tract ing from rose leaves the volatile
1st coaa which engage with them. These , oil Ibey contain aad condensing It in
aog are set on diagonally, inclining , masse of cotton batting,
downward, and are leas likel lo arira. I
ma lata dues and dirt. Kaw York
Bat rkta Ttaae II Waa la saaretary llefc
Saalb-a IMala Kaaaa.
President Cleveland weut on another
dnckitig trip the other nihl. Mrs.
flerelsnd aocornVUiel bim this tuna.
Tbey left the White Houe at an ' early
bur and returned rery late. It waa eu
Joyed alo by the entite cabinet, for er
rrj one i( the reaidenl'a adriaers aaw
him a he held a gun iu hia hand aud
watchod three dnck fliuitiug on the wa
ter. The gnu waa shout sercn inchea
luig, aud the docka were of papier
' mav'he.
The water waa in an artifloial lake
which had been built in the center of
i Secretary Hoke mith'a dining room ta
I ble and rUlinl with not only docka, bat
aa a j I ..m . V . I at.
guu there waa at the president's plate a
miniature fUhfua ttxl iu crder that he
might enjoy hiulf if the dncka gvt
away. Everything waa planueti i make
bim bapr.v.
Vtually cabinet dinners are rery form
al affairs, but it waa the avcrvtaiy of
the interior's turn to give! oue i'iat
night, sud Mr. aud Mr. Hoks Smith
decided to provide a (ew noveltie. They
deaigned a aure enough lake, whicU waa
10 feet long by 6 Jeet wide and several
rnches deep.
ANlorit built a grotto in the center
of Marrland rocks, covcrea u wun
frri aud orchid and carried out tbe
hnnioroua idaaa of the M-retary rery
successfully. A 10 cent r.u uiau-of war
waa anchored in front of the eivretarr
of' the navr'a plate. Penny cauuoua
over breaMworka of rtonea at
the aecretaiy of war;coilaof red
were atrung along iu front of the secre
tary of state; a girl with her eyta band
aged waa aleepiug off a dock opposite At
torney General Hartuou. -Secretary of
Agriculture Morton gased ou a little
wooden farmer pouring aeel dowu a
hole in the rock iutead of into con
greovmen'a di'tricta. Pwtmater Gen
eral Wilson confronted a mermaid who
seemed to want to deliver a letter from
tbe deep. Little gold dollar studded
an old Kentucky home in the cliffs
which Secretary Carliale faced, thrr
all biased a huge Maltese cro with 45
electric light, emblematic of the 45
states. Pittsburg Diapatch.
rae-aco tba talnltoa Arair
Raroraa Areola. Ilia.
; The miDiuM cf the rarioua rhurcbeo
j in Areola. 111., have declared their iu.
; ability to bring about satUfsctorr re
I ligioua remit. They claim the city ia
i growing worae daily and that itnmnral
' ity ia visible everywhere; that hell holra
j and dena of vice are ruining tbe tnajot
i ity of the yonng men. Tbey further
i claim that the churches are powerless to
remedy the titustion, and have settled
on a new and novel method of action
At anertet conference of the ministers
of tbe city it wa decided to aei-ure the
services of a Salvation Army band from
Indianapolis to aaairt in the work. The
duty if the SalvationifU will be to make
a personal canvana of the steeped in sin
element and endeavor to lead tbem into
tbe path of righteousness.
The movement is indorsed by promi
nent church members, who believe much
good tnsy be accomplished. Chicago
CtlMat Da It Hloaaelt
A famous English physician. Sir
James O'richron Brown, bss rixen np a
an opponent cf tbe higher education of
women. Two yeara ago, be aavs, be
met a high school girl who waa readiog
"Lucretiua" fiir recreation, but abe
failed lamentably when bo aked ber to
boil a potato.
VUlie poeainiy air James
would bave been equally onfortnnate
bad be been aaked to boil tbe potato
himself, or, to cite a more niawoline
employment, to hitch np his own horse.
It Is impossible fur one person, whether
man or womanto acquire all the ac
complishments, "but rf a woman suc
ceeds with her higher education, aa
many cf tbem bave succeeded, abo can
afford to pay for having her potatoes
boiled. This is now ao well understood
and conceded that tbe opposition to
woman's advancement is confined al
most exclusively to tba ultra conserva
tives, of whom Sir James Cricbton
Brown appears to be a type. Philadel
phia Ledger.
he Ballt a Chare h.
Mrs. Althia Hulta of Artimua, Ky.,
baa built a church through ber own
efforts alone. A year ago be made up
ber mind that a church waa a need. She
asked help from tba miners, bat they
were poor to a man. Nothing daunted, I
ha set to work. 8be gathered berries, i
tramped across the mountains and sold 1
tbem. She raised a pig and a calf and
donated tbem both. In every way in i
her power abe toiled fur tha good end. j
Laat fall she begged of tbe miners again, j
bnt tbia time for work. She met with a
ready response. A tract of land was I
bequeathed. Lumber was giren. The
little store of Barings did the rest. Tbe
church ia now under roof. Little more
baa been done, but it ia a church which
one day will -ba complete, ami Mrs.
Halts baa ber reward.
Mrs. Clara laa4.
In evening dree Mrs. Cleveland is
tba handsomest woman todsy in Wash
ington. She has a beautiful neck and
well rounded a boulders, and with the
sparkle of her Jewels makes a picture
of a Whit Houae miatreM which is
imply regal. Her smile ia contagions,
for ber manners ar always agreeably
Mrs. Cleveland is seen on the street
oooaaiusjsjlyr walking -in -the mornings
or driving around among the abops. She
la tbe most devoted of mothers, and is
never away from tba children at night.
This baa done away with tbe little shop
ping jaunts to New York which need to
gira ber ao much pleasure during ber
first residence bere. Sew York Times.
Bae TMIo.
ft that Wrntalag woman I aotalnatrrl and
alerted, will abe ba th governor or grjrsraoa
of tha staler Atlanta (.MvHltntton. .
We are afraid ana will be governor.
A the case stands now, when a woman
la cbrjaen to preside over a meeting of
women, aha is called tba "chairman"
and is addressed a Mrs. Chairman of
tener than otherwise. -New York Sun.
Tbera ar said to be 4 1 Koman Catbo-
I lie pear la lb British bona of lord.
Tb dual arraufeursut fr th Yale
Princeton track awn have int been
eouipreted. It hat been sell led that the
sanies ahall ba li)i at ilia Yala Meld on
raturday, May l, mnd Khali be aocord
' iug to the I. C A. A. A. mica.
i U. Zalamea, who holds the title of
' amateur bicycle obamniou of South
l Auierioa. was uliaof ilia luuaeiiiiera who I
I arrived the other morning in New York 1
'on the ateanier Alleguiy, from the '
, I'uited States of Oolombia. j
There, is strong 'probability of a
, friendly alliance bet ecu the governing j
! at h lotto tKxlies of Knglaiid. l anada and j
'the United State. Nvretary Sullivau
aiaieu yeateruay tliat the I auudiau om
alliance, and that the A. A. A. of Kng
laud will oooatdiT the qucatiou at a
meeting next month. Mepa are alao be
lug taken toward au alliaiK-e Nlcu
the A. A. V. and the Y. M. C. A.
The Yale Aluruui Wevkly states that
plaua are being made by prominent
i Yale alumni aud the New York Ath
letic club for a geueral football confer
ence of eaatern oollqgea. It
ia thought
f aucceanful -this bcme will re
,nu in , Yale-Harvard reconciliation,
a Harvard baa been invited, aud will
probably participate iu the conference.
The proposed conference baa the cordial
souport of the student body at Yale,
aadar LatWra la tletglaat.
The Belgian authoritiea, it agemi, are
anxioua to aare the poatoflice aa much
trouble aa possible in the matter of de
livering letters on Sunday. For thia rea
son every postage stamp ia issued with
a little perforated anpploment inscribed
with the legend, "St aa lirrer le di
manche!" Those who are auxioua to
have their letters delivered ou the sev
enth aa oo the other ait daya of tbe wet-k
tear thia off, while those whose com
munication are not of any apecial im
portance leare it on.
Tbe new womau ha arisen In t'hitia.
At Shuntun the daughter of a magis
trate acta as hia treasurer, and the dis
trict la atartled at the fact that lie baa
made 60.000 taela since she liegaa to
"finance" hia affairs, six month a no.
There Is, after all. but oue reliable
way to increase your Income, aud that
Is to reduce your exix-unes.
In this beautiful season of flowering
grrsn, when the air ia balmy and the tnn
ligbt golden, it eeema a pity that anything
ahould enter Into this Eden of o ir to mar
iu pleasures and blight i's Joy, but ao it ia
ordained; man baa hi henuur. and it ia
even doubtful if all of life aer a seen of
pleasure whether wa could poooibly sn-
tor it. The bird eonie and aing, and tba
nrda aing and go. Kheumaiiam rooiea
alao. -it ooniet from exposure to lb damp
neaa of the nights and morning to th
audden ebang of temperature, and it cer
tainly ga, as thonxands know, by the
prompt ue of Bt. Jacoh (hi, which it a
complete and perfect cure. It ia a all.
therefore, while at enjoy ail thsae aeaton
abls dslighte, not to be without trot great
remedy lor pain, and to havs it readv.
mora because wa ars lbs more liable at Una
oaaon than any other to tuifer from tuch
a hat," aaket tho nertVt. "it thr diffrr-1
tar botweon all aod bomorT" Th uruArlt j
it O'K tu-adier thaa a Titan lltwrairl (rra me
aoara.eaoi rniit aii'i irrar, Miloua n-muwui
fr dnial ana bjr lioarrllar't Htntnarh Hiltra, a i
Mrtecl antlitnti u malarial polaoo In air or a a !
u-r. U la alao an uurkamplod remady fur '
bllitma, rbanmailr-or kMnaj complaint, lit, t
lieaalaaud ntftvouttuate. It ImnruTfO appatita
and tMv and n ceavalaouonce. j
Kha Tula An'lmll it,um la an ilMnl.l f
oon I mant ibry J..n I aa out minoy la In
Ho Thy du, a. (aat aa Ihcji cau gel
Piao'a Cure for Consumption ia Ihs beat
of all cough cure. tieorg W. l-oti,
Fabucbcr, I , Augutt Hi, lano.
fT'7 "'" V"ir"tror the asnaaot
mcli aud rtn. tin r 'Wanao ih whole im
whrn aulrrli,, it throub tba ma-on. aurfaer.
Hneh aitii-lra thirutd hrvor be ar.1 oacapl ou
prearrlpllont Irnm rrpuubla ahjralclaDa, aa Ike
damaa Kiev win .lo ta lea fold u the f mm ta
can poaatblr 1rrla Imm Uiem Htll't alarrb
Curs, manulartunM r T. 1. CbctHrr A Co., To
ledo, ., uouiain, i,i maienry, and la lakan la
IrrnaJljTj ai;tui( dimilf apuD Ih blood and
mueoui turtace, of iliaiyatf-m. In bay Ins Hall
Catarrh llirt bt-aurr )ou (at Ui(iiuln. Il It
takea Intama ly, ud mad In Towdo, oblo, by
r. J. Cheney A i n. TaatlmonUla lira
Bold by Diuirlib, pria te par bollle.
tlali't ramll) Plili ,ra tbe beat.
au lia
T Dr. Rllaal
Oroat Strtt Roatoror. ST Im aAat uaa a rat
aar'a aaa. Harrriiiaa earaa. Traua aaS Bl al
Hrua auw iraw v nt raaaa ewes to Or.
n Area at. rbiiaaaipai, rw
v-Tav 6aa tor breakfast.
It it often difficult to convince peo
ple their blootl i impure, until dread
ful carbuncles, absccsaes, bolli, Scrof
ula or salt rheum, are painful proof of
the fact. It it wisdom noir, or when
ever there ia any indication of
blood, to take Hood's Sanaparilla, and
prevent such eruptions and suffering'.
"I bad a dreadful ear banc la a bar,
rod, fiery, fierce and aore. Tbe doctor at
tended ma over seven weeks. When the
abeeess broke, tat pain wereterrible.aad
I thought I ahoeld not live through It. I
beard and real aa mack aboat Hood'
Saras parilla, that I decided te take It, and
any hatband, who waa an Raring wjtb
bolls, took It alao. It aooa purified our
ballt me ep aad restored my health so
that, although tba doctor said I would
not be able to work bard, I have sine
done t he work for 90 people- Hood' Har
aa parilla cured my bos hand ol the boils
end w regard it a wonderful medlcin."
Ma. An a a frraaeov, Latimer, Ksnsaa.
ta the On Tnat ttbmd Parta. Al srrrtatat.
nr Mver tit, easy to take.
'ir'a a. tMtmm hairf'MWwiaMMwaM
. a aau. a. aesAsk. faua. r.
A aattaalbof A-kl Hint la Kalar a Caaa-
avMllaa Kaaaalaattaa.
Mayor latrick Juroine tllraaon of
Long Island City has been challenged
lo a competitive examination by one of
tits scholars of au Aatoria arhool.
The rhalleugar la Frank II. Ward, 1 1
year old. who lives st 0M Iloyt ave
nue, Aatoria. lis atleuda the Aatoria
afhool, and waa among tlioao lm wait
npou tl big the other tiny,
asking to have former I'tincipal Martin
Joyce reluntated.
The in a Tor aaked Ward to diwlgnate
the oity'a public building, and the boy
replted that the county Jll was' oue ilf
them. The mayor eooied Ward aud lii
principal for this, and the youth went
, away looking for redrva.
t The other afternoon be walked into
: the city hall and Inquired for mayor.
' OliHwoo a private secrttary, I'hilip J. :
Coffey, told htm that Hlcn.vm wa get- i
ting rid of Newtown Oeek tualnria ;
' down at Lakewond, N. J.
"When he cornea in. give bim this .
; See?" the boy commanded.
I The ueatly written challenge waa aa
follow :
1 Uuul li-fD t'lrv. r.-l. IT
I Tntlne. P J. Oltwuu, Mauruf Ion I-lul
t ity :
1. til unl-nOnrt. rf" l eiaiiw-tc with
roa in an riaimimtton Umn IKa aiuiht wn
are sow purautiia-nami Ir. antant-lt.'. a-if
raitky, srainmar. im-IUii and arillna-l''
rauaa ynn rt.itiu thai cannot Uiutiil Lotus
Nland tit and Ibal a tjrsan alKiiattna tn
ubhrt bulMmt In He city lt naiulua luv
euuntjt Jad. Kt-full )twr,
r'saka It Wl
Sew York Sun.
Clerouuul aa nttabars Mavo a Man to
Laralo It Waat.
A eoufereiKe wa held recently al -Pittsburg
between Kobinwui and Trheau
of thet'levelaud lUwbu II club, ami Kerr
andvMack of thn I'lttaburga, the out
Come of which ia aaid to be a xlmg i f
iaauiw belwct-n the two clubs, looking to
the locating of the ieiiuant ,for lwtl in
the west.
It waa said at the Hireling that the
east for yeara haa had a combination,
tbe aooceful working of w hu b hna kepi
that section a winner. To nffaet thta, it
la now proptaied by the two dub men
tioued to pool their .extra player, and
aa the season pnigTeaMai draw frmu the
aurplua to trugtheu either team, aa
may be mutually agreed upon.
Whether tin plan will he eemlel to
other weetern tram I uot Hated, but
tbe two priucipala Indieve Ihnt tech a
combination will work w effei'tlvely
that ba peuuaut will urxt land iu the
Bow Mr. Clay Ralaaat a Dollar ror Ike
Kacb member if the SpringMrt
(Mich, t ChriKtinu Ijideavor aa-iety
pledged berwlf to turn into the treaanry
a dollar eitruel by heraelf, and Mrs.
Jennie t'lnr earned bera in a uubiue
way. Two tramps railed at heir houae
and demanded food and lialgmg. She
went iutn a naim, g her huhatid' re
volver and orilored the tratn to throw
up their hands, which they did.
She then commanded them to march
and atarted them for the villnge lirknp.
where ibey were caged for the night. In tbey were regi.tered and
; allowed to depart. Mr, t lay giving
; them breakfaxt. She then prearntel a
! bill te the village council, "To arnwliug
two tramps, 60 cent each, and
that body, after a g'l deal of buinoroua
debate, allowed the bill. Chicago
Time Herald.
Mat With a Kaw BWaat of Job
latoraot la Itroadwaj.
A new vocation came iuto exiatence
laat night with thecoyl weather. Iu the
future the man who adopt it will be
known aa a alot warmer. Tbe Metropol
itan Traction company put Ira fir!
alot warmer towoik at H o'clork last
night, at Thirty-fifth street and Broad-
w,., where the gripmrn on the Urtaid-
,, j C .i i
wa7 railtoad pick up the curve cable.
It was the alot warmer a duty to see
that the cable alot at the Thirty fifth
treet curve waa kept clour of ice, fnce
tbe alot had froxeu over and canard a
block on tbe line. .
The railroad manuger decided that
such a thing abonld never occur sgaln,
and the slot warmer waa pnt to work.
Armed with a bag of cotton wate and
a can filled with kerosene oil he atarted
a bonfire along the np town track. The
fire waa 95 feet lVg. and burned con
tinually over the cable alot.
From time to time tha alot warmer
kept feeding the fire with fuel from hit
bag of cotton waste and ran of oil. Pe
destrlani stood and watched hiaaction.
wondering what he wna doing, and the
passenger in the cable cars left their
seats and Hood up, jut a little hie
frightened, when the car dashed around
the curve and over the flumes. The slot
warmer aaid he had been employed to
keep the fire burning all night. New
York Son.
Baa a Row taaoallaa, hat Baaaaa ta Toll
Aawat It.
The friend of Nicola Tela, th elec
trical wizard, ar aaylng be has develop
ed the X ray idea antil he ia now able
to pa a solid ''.rough solids, and bad
gone so far aa to patent his inventions
before giving them lo a waiting world.
Teala wa aaked about his new dia
eoveriea. He wdlrid only say that be waa
working quietly, and bad atioog hopes
cf developing something valuable. He
declared he was not through with hi In
vestigations, and coo Id mak nothing
public. Tba idea of forcing solid
through solid badly expressed what he
wa trying to do, uulesa ether wa con
sidered a solid, wbiob it wa, scientlflcal
ly considered.
He ix cased himself from talking far
ther about bl di soot eric by saying it
bad erer been hi practice to gir tbe
public lb new only after lie bad mad
it known through a scientlfio society. It
was alao reported that Tesla bad suc
ceeded in photographing the human
brain through tb skull. This th elec
trician denied witb positives eea, Nw
fork Journal.
Thoa Thfie Bony.
The idea of leading an upright Ufa
never occur lo sum people ULtil tbey
etrik a toboggan leading to prison.
Chicago Timea-Herald.
Aaa' Tot If Light Welch.
Tb new Coal trust beau them 11 for
bigness and cinch. Detroit Journal,
Only One Remedy Thot Will Make You 8o
Palne't celery uomyounu.
Why not be a well woman Hit
There are women whooaiiuot toleiar
the atnalleel uegleot about th hooae
who to.i often tak no care of their
They should ue these precloua March
d tya for getting atrong and well by
taking I'alue'a celery oompiund the
greatrat of all tprlug remedies.
Mia Klaie M Hrown of Leeda St..
IVrobealer, Man, whose picture I
giveu above, wrote the 6th of thia
month aa follow:
"Four or five year ago. 1 suffered
with dreadful pain in my back (oaring
to my kldneyai, much ao that night
after night I could io close my eyes,
aud what few hour aleap I did gel, I
ooold be heard moaning and tiwaing,
ahowlng thai even in my deep. I
auffered pain At time I would have
more paiu than uaual over my left
bip.'and when waking In the morning
it would be a'l I ooold do to stretch
"Contains More Flesh Form
ing Matter Than Beef."
That is what an eminent physician
says of gooil cocoa. ( The Cocoa
made ly Walter I laker & Cq Ltd..
Dorchester, Mass., is the best.
Sec that lmit.itnii
laved aw What They Took.
There i one thing which I not gen
erally kuown to the public tint la.
Mo by and In men never received one
cent from tbe f 'on federate government,
kith man provided himrelf with hia
own uuifortn. Iiorari ami arm, ami
boarded httiiaelf. The I'uited Htatea
govenimiut furtilahed ua with captured, anna and ammunition, and the
titra liorM-a captured (;Ur l,nnl.
So, Instead of re-elviiig pity from the
Confederate government, we tnrned
over to them lioraea, mules and arm. I
will mention one incident to ahow what
en honorable and conscientious man
Colonel Mosby waa. On the greenback
raid, when w cuptured $1 OH, 000. be
fore diviaum taoa mude of the money
.10,0O0 wa offered t'olonel Miwbr,
which he declined to receive. Nio did
he ever take anything for hia ovin ue
that had been raptured. Tkomaa Mims
In Washington l'..t.
Mr. Michiiel (1. Muihall calrc lutes
that the I'nilt d Htatea ran easily become
tbe home of VIO.O(K),000 inhabitants
without any overcrowding. Think w hat
a presidential election will mean when
that tiombcr ia reached 1 New York
Record 'T
tmi er
lackwcu's) Durham Tobacco Company.
lo m
lymiuuu, '
W roe be aar
, eat aat till notice aa aaa tf a MA
swar eraar te rmtr wbolttsia Aaaaar.
iln f f llu
which bydan and .horten . woman'
wvmoa taajviir tor ia. win gir naaito ana trngui
nd tnak Ufa a pleasure. For sal -y all dranisu.
my limb down straight, a there would
lie a drawing and trembling of tbe
ootda. liaaidre auoti torture, I began
to bloat a great deal.
"After suffering for some time, a
friend advised n to try I'aine's oalary
oompound. 1 ran truthfully aay that
after uatng four -buttles I - was cured;
Hot helped, but cured."
If you hilve any doubl at all these
aprlug daya about your health If neu
ralgic twlngna, kidney trouble, dlasy
pell. Indigestion or heart palpitation
ahow Ihctnaelvee.don'l wall for plainer
warning. Make a clean aweep of all
these ailment from the ayatem.
. It la eaaleat to do thia now, aa spring
I approaching. Take I'aine's celery
ootnuouud when the ayatem la moat re
aponalva to It draining, atrwnglban-
mg tntluetioe.
An Improved appetite, sound dlgae
i lion, uninterrupted sleep, snd an enar
' genu condition, are lb result of taking
' rains' celery compound.
arc not palmed oil on you.
-" " - " 1 r i
;bave My Child!"
is the cry of
little one
writhes in croup or whoop
injr cotigh. In such cases,
Dr. Acker's Knglish Reni
etly proves a blessing and
a K'xlscnd. Mrs. M. A.
Hurke, of 309 K, 105th St.,
New York, writes: "Dr.
Acker's ftnglish Remedy
cm ed my baby of bronchitis,
and also pave instant relief
in a severe case of croup.
I gratefully recommend it."
larroniaa, ax.isoc.ltl. All DT-BfrUt.
A, ata Miot iHOi, I a la 11
aharaM.. N V.
N. P. N. U. No. tifiO H. F. N. U. No. 717
Dear Siri
You ar an titled to racatr
FREE torn your whotaeal deaier,
Blaokwell'g Oenoine
Durham Cmoking
Tobacco jrow bay. On bar
of soap Fraa with aach potiad,
whet her 16 oc, S ox., 4 ox., or
ox., packagaa.
Wa Kara fwtlfU avary whola.
aal dealer la tha Unltad stataa
that wa will Mppfy thara with soap
aopply ofof A5r?6 DURHAjvTtt
onca, aad laslst oa gwUing your
tp. ontoaraisoia FREEvtili
.u powna tvj aay. faoao
a rmand
offrd for Umlted Uaso. ao orW
YotaT vary tntljr.
tfflreH la
Tha very remarks bl aad certsJn
relief viren woman byeMOORh'S
pevpii vn bturnv k..
Talr-Ca uniformly snorewe.
m Ufa. Thousand ol