Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1958)
CS tat atta s Clatfeamas Count? Jfcto? In Its Fifty-fourth Year of Publication Volume No. 1 // Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Oct. 3, 1958 Number 20 Snoop and Scoop" Answered By H.S. Estacada Route 2 's M rs. Amelia Koenig Hits Error 10c Per Copy $3. 00 Per Year Ao School Monday Local United Fund Teacher Workshop Drive Underway Board Bond Election History Teachers will attend school on Monday but not children. Both high school and grade school students will have a one day va- cation Monday, October 6 th as 'he teachers attend local work- shops. There will be no County Institute for teachers this year but the time will be alloted for loeal Teacher Workshops. The Grade School Workshop will be held in the Estacada Grade School. It will enlighten the teacher on "The Use of Visual Aid Materials in Teaching.” Dr. Milton Grassell, Oregon state College Director, will head the Workshop. The Workshop will be followed by a winter class, Ed. 435 Audio-Visual Aids. This course may be taken for credit of three hours. The high school will meet in the Estacada High School on “ Improving the High School Curriculum.” For the information o f the writ- taken on getting started with a er of Scoop and Snoop, it is a this meeting definite action was matter of public record that the package deal as suggested, two school boards have gotten to- On March 6 th the TWO boards together and offered the voters a again met in joint session. The package plan as he suggested. report of the citizens committee On September 27, 1956 at a was read and found to be the special meeting of the high school suggested package deal as stated, board, a committee was formed to The boards were agreed in ac- study the housing problem at the cepting the commitee report and high school and work out a plan ordered their attorneys to start adaptable to serve all of the dis- preparing the necessary legal triets the best way possible. A documents to place the plan be- letter was written to the chairman fore the people, of each of the seven grade school | On April 11, 1957, the grade boards asking them to serve on school board was again represen- the committee or appoint one of ted by two of its members and their members to serve. The their attorney and the details of date of October 18th was set for the transfer of property were te first meeting of the committee worked out, including grade to get organized. school property north of town j ,, 0 nh.(^ tobf r Jlth * On May th the boards met in the high school and the Estacada J0j nt sessjon with the citizens grade school met in joint session committee and made final pre during which there was a lengthy parations for the calli of Ptbe discussion of the committee and c iecti0n on this proposal. The ion, tu c- v, ilnal order of election was sign- On October J81? the high ed on May 23 1957 and the elec. school board met with the com- tion ^ for June 24th Th mittee and gave an explanation sclts of this election of the reasons for calling the disheartening to the boards and ! committee and their wish that the committces who had w orked' after a thorough study the com- lon„ an hard to nt Mon. Evening saw the kick-off for the United Fund Drive for this area with a meeting at the feta- cada Grade School. The campaign ' is headed by Duane Day as chair- man with his crew of Bob Cody, Jack McRae, Vem Sutton, Homer Newell, Mrs. Don Showerman, Mrs Del Nordquist, Mrs. Geo. Gentem- an and Mrs. Ed Schlue. These folks will spearhead the drive for the period until Oct. 30. The goal for Clackamas County is $119,255 and Estadada’s contributions will make up a fair share of this am ount. Duane says that whatever you give will be appreciated. BUILDING COMMITTEE PLANS ADDITION TO THE SPRINGWATER CHURCH A building committee for the prospective addition to the Springwater Presbyterian Church had their first meeting Tuesday evening and elected officers: Chairman- Carl Illig; secretary and publicity- Lena Kiggins; fin ance committee- Elwin Shibley. Nominated to help with the fin ance and building committee were Richard Guttridge, Bonnie Howell, Harold Horner, Nina Reed and Del Gant. Suggestions for improvements for the present building and the addition were presented and dis cussed. It was decided that Carl Illig would draw the plans and specifications and that Tony Var- itz and Rev. Hampton would help in gathering up what materials are already available and accept any donations that might be given this project. Anyone want to help us improve the church? If so, call CR 9-6968. SPR1NGWATER HOME EC. UNIT TO MEET OCTOBER 7 The Springwater Home Exten sion Unit will meet on Tuesday, October 7 at 10 A.M. in Spring- water Grange hall with the lad- ^ to people. The nl-m whiph wnnlH K p aeeorOahip *"— ~ the »'«»<*■*«'• «*«= vote »«*<* was i Mrs- Amelia Koening of Logan, looking man in the above picture Seriously tho, if it wasn't for our ies ol the Dodge unit as guests, tn the nennlc The Cm,in «ehnni about 3 to 2 against the plan in ! < Estacada, Route 2) ran down the is Vic Bowman. We hope you will fine rostrum of advertisers, it wou- The Home Extension County ^ p ___ both the grade school and the error in the “ Find the Error” con- note the smug expression on his id not be possible to have the con- Agent will lecture and illustrate was represented at this meeting high school district. test last Friday. It was in the face as he presents Mrs. Koenig test- We thank them for their proper fitting of foundation gai- a» it was at all meetings of the Bowman-Hoffman Pontiac ad. In with her prize (which was once support , . . . and you , . for , your interest' , . ments. , ................................ committee. The two borads have worked „„„ ____ , _ . which is making the contest the The meeting will be called at At the high school board meet together harmoniously on this case you don t know him, the fine Clackamas County News money). success it 10 A .M .-b e on time and receive ing of January 10, 1957, a repre plan and on the junior high ■ the attendance door prize. sentative of the grade school was elections that have been placed AUXILIARY SPONSORS A special invitation is extend present to discuss some o f the before the people and it seems DRIVE FOR LOCAL SICKROOM ed to te 4H leaders and to all la factors of the housing shortages the problem is not in their get EQUIPMENT THIS WEEK dies living in the vicinity. The at both schools. ting together but in getting a lit members will bring sack lunches Carl Douglass Unit No. 74 Am-1 l l f l • . ^ n f| I On January 30, 1957 the two tle backing from the outside, in- j and the hostesses, Mrs. Lena erican Legion Auxiliary, Estacada W i l l i © S U l a U 'O S S boards again met in joint session stead o f yelling “ wait, we’ve got The Upper Clackamas River announces the start of its annual Kiggins and Mrs. Evelyn Kiggins for the purpose of discussing the something better coming up,” ev- Chamber of Commerce met at a magazine subscription campaign, , ™ e f Ä !8 ^ SerSJ ^ 1 serve coffee and cake, housing needs at both schools.At erytime an election is called. team defeated Madras Buffaloes special meeting Monday evening. Mrs. George Armstrong, Unit 20 to 0 at Madras Friday night to 1 Because of hunting season it was President, states commissions LOCAL WOMAN 2ND LIEUT. decided to dispense with the reg- will be used to purchase new por- remaln unscored upon Jus seas- a . Q _ X _ „ IN WOMEN MARINE CORPS ular meeting Monday evening. It table sickroom equipment for the OA The Rangers have compli- L U S i I x I l c S T O l Doiores A. Schleichert. daugh was decided that hereafter on the treatment of patients in their own S r, p^.n . ,? V i i i games. Now playing at the Broadway » ter o f Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Schlei- third Monday o f the month that, homes. I Bob . Bieisell, halfback - - „ „ broke Theatre an action packed western chert of Estacada, was commis- j a general luncheon meeting be This equipment is made readi-! away twice for 40 and 50 BLOOD ARROYV” with Phyllis use .ouc do|!n runs, anr passed to Lura A. Stanley of Route 1, Coates and Scott Brady. Story of The Vo-Ag boys in Estacada sioned a second lieutenant in the i held. The first luncheon meeting ly available for temporary exer-1 will me on Monday, Oct. 20, at 12 without charge to all residents, Jlm Ke c r ’ end’ for the third High School’s FFA chapter are Women Marine Corps in Box 323, Eagle Creek, Oregon, Beisell aso kicked two quietly died on September 27tu a young Mormon girl on a miss rar’in to start work on their new cises at the Marine Corps Schols, noon at the Estacada City Hall, doctors and nurses in the Esta- tally. ion for her people. She is helped extra points out of three tries. at the Oregon City Hospital, aft by an Indian scout, gambler and cooperative forest project, ac Quantico, Virginia, on Sept. 12. ! Pres. Len Verburg wants all mem- cada Union High School District. The Madras White Buffaoes, cording to George Gentemann er an illness of about 2 years. The commissioning came at the , bers and prospective members on Only accredited bonded repre- trapptr.They make their danger instructor. Publishers’ Paper conclusion of the 12th Women i hand Mrs. Stanley was bom Lura A. ous way through te Blackfoot In sentatives of the Curtis Circula- although outweighing the fe ta tion Company will call on all re-i ?ada b °y s couldn t get their of- Kring on July 24, 1891 and at the company, Oregon City.tumed the Officers Training Course at dian country in the way to her 1 sidents to explain the plan in '^nsc ,to working against the fast time of her death was 67 years of management of the plot, typical Quantico. The six-week course native Utah. Second big hit— full detail. Each representative | c*lar'ginS Estacada line. Madras age. The early part of her life Clackamas county foothill land, stressed responsbility as a lead- DESTINATION 60,000’ with will bear a letter of authorization j collected only one first down.fe- was spent in to the FFA chapter last spring, ier in the Women Marines, Michigan where Preston Foster> Pat' Conway and from Carl Douglass Unit No. 74, *acada Bangors pack their gear she attended school and grew to c 0]een Gray. aiming to build interest in timber Graduates had previously corn- A suspenceful i signed by the following, Mrs. i J? travel to Banks, Oregon this womanhood. On April 4. 1922 conservation and forest manage- j pld ed the Junior WOTC. of our jet fi!;hters. I Geo. Armstrong, Mrs. J.O.Abbott, Thursday evening, tonight, for at Jnckson Mich, she ment. -------------------------- manned Starts Sund lh h T City improvement goes forward. , , Grace their next' league encounter. Al en J Stanley At a special meeting of Gente In 1939 they d s p e c u l a r warfare epic This week has seen a welcomed E Erickson, and H. still. ! Let’s give our winning team sup- left Michigan and moved to A n- starrj mann, Ray Luthy, Publisher’s res CIark GaWe and B lr, sidewalk extension on the west Thc plan will considered a f)or! By watching them at Banks zona. ident forester, and Hugh G. Cat- In 1940 they continued 1 side of Broadway with the laying Lancaster “ RUN SILENT, RUN community service project and fonlR‘lt- on, County Extension Agent, the westward and settled in Oregon. of hew sidewalk in front of Mrs. DEEP.” During World War II a — following outline for 1958-59 was They have lived in the Portlana, Sheltons and Shorty Cimmerman’s. not a request for donations. Dona- j new captain is assigned to the tions will not be acecpted by ei discussed: Eagle Creek area untit her USS Nerka after his own sub has Work is also underway on the 1. Survey the boundaries, The local American Legion Aux- building next to Estacada Electric ther lhe representatives or the ESTACADA STUDENTS ON death. been sunk. The next in command “ ' organization. TELEVISION LAST MONDAY mark corners and lines with rib iliary Junior Group met recently | The surviving members o f her to the retiring captain shows for their organization meeting, i W 1 ^ the new home of the Mrs. Larson, 6 th grade teacher, bon and signs. family include her husband, Al j great jealousy o f the new man In offi Sportsman’s Club. Mr. Dexter Is and eight of her class presented 2. Make a forest tree type map and elected the following len J. and one son Clyde H. that he expected the eommand.In cers: Bonnie Jones, Chairman; building 50’ x 70’ that will house 3. Make a contour map. Television, Stanley o f Eagle Creek; a brother POW WOWERS WINNERS IN a science lesson on the suspenseful and ensuing act Linda Courtain, vice chairman; a modern restaurant and cocktail 4. Plant seedlings | Channel 8 , at 11:30 to 12 noon Paul Kring at Jackson, Mich. BULL RUN WATER REFUGE ion you will sit spellbound as you Susan 1 (>unge. Banquet faciities are also 5. Start a record-keeping sys Illene Barr, secretary; Monday of this week. Bob Cody, Funeral services were held on watch the submarines in action. RECREATION PROJECT Kathy Ban , ^emg provided for around 90. Kiggins, treasurer tem. The Mt. Hood PowWowers i SuPerintendent. was also inter- j Tuesday, September 30, at 10 A. Ernie Rynning is almost set for Next week- ‘ From Hell to Tex Ann Snowley, chap 6 . Prune a portion o f the tim historian; the j M. in the Chapel o f Carroll Fun- as’ with Don Murray and start of construction on a new last w eek w e re told h v Portland v ' e w e d By Nancy Wells on Diane lain and Linda Fitch, sergeant at bered area. city officials that they are will- Community Workshop program, oral Home, Gresham. Intel- Varsi plus ‘Gang War.’ ing to relinquish some 19,000 T.he the Profff am ls *° ment was in Eagle Creek Ceme- next to the present Sportman's Later this month— ‘The Fly’ a ing different management prac- Debbie Showerman and Kathleen Club. acres now in the Bull Run water glve the ^ vwwlnS audience an tery. Rev. F. Cannell offered science fiction; ‘Old Yeller’ a tices Courtcin color bearers. reserve°to M t N . S S *“ « * “ \ , i n the services and Mrs. Edward, The City Planning Commission Walt Disney picture: ‘Thunder 8.Set aside one acre as a check The officers will be installed te classroom and to Forest for recreation purposes, te classroom and to acqualnl | played the organ Road' with Robert Mltchum. plot which will not receive any By the St.John's Junior Auxiliary approved the application o f Oh as. The tentative agreement is them with the school program. treatment | October 18 at 1 P.M. The Juniors Baker and Walt Stone for the in Members of the class partici- i Luthy suggested that each tree wil1 study Americanism, will stallation of a used car lot and contingent on safeguards de pating were Judy Broadhuret, Ei - 1 be marked with an individual dross representing a Central sales yard for boats and outboard manded by Portland city offic , leen Barr, Carol Klaetsch. Gayle number as well as a test plot American Country, and various motorson the vacant lot between ials in order to protect the city’s ITeiple, Jimmy Hosek, Douglas The agreement number. Each year trees will be other activities in the American their respective residential prop water supply Showerman, Ronnie Slane and erties. It will be required they in becomes effective if and measured for growth in diameter legion Auxiliary, stall a curb and provide parking the Forest Service agreees to ® .I? c e R e e d Ml . P f ti« P * " Ls and height. Some plots will be | Mrs. Adolph Still is senior construct a six foot high cyclone , d,d a very commendable job for Mrs. Amelia Koenig, Estacada, Route 2 found pruned, others thinned, and one chairman, assisted by Mrs. Mur- facilities. The Planning Commission are fence and construct a firebreaic our commum,y plot will get the full treatment ray Kiggins and Mrs. Charles the error in Bowman-Hoffman’s ad so we start over the | Every year changes in the treat- Snowley. Mrs. Lester Courtain trying to arrive at some easy way to keep trespassers out o f at $10.00. We also haver that new rile in, effect ed plots will be compared with assisted with the work of the af- of financing sidewalks and curbs Bull Run watershed and to give KIWANIS KEY CLUB that your subscription must be in good standing the check p lo t jtemoon. Twelve girls attended for the folks desiring them or the necessary added fire protec ATTENDS CONVENTION 1 with more to attend at the next where they fall into a civic impr tion. The Estacada Kiwanis Key if you are to be eligible for the prize. Big Chief Vic Bowman led the Each class will get a different meeting. All Auxiliary Juniors ovement program and it would be This week’s error is worth a whole $ 4 A -0 0 assignment, says Gentemann, ex- and their mothers are most cor- a hardship to have to arrange for Pow Wowers as they gathered Club was well represented at the round the council table in the Northwest Key Club Conference the immediate expense. cept when planting, then they’l l ; dja]iy invited to attend. and some observant person should X V city meeting hall in Portlano. held in Salem last Saturday. all pitch in. The planted a r e « » ______________ A1 Green wait was the spokesman James Keller, vice president, find it. Our advertisers are happy to award you will also be divided into plots for as this historic powwow conven 2*ve a report on local clubs se your prize of $10.00, so be conscientious! testing various species and meth- ed with the Portland city com- tiviUcs The report received an o<k. Publisher’s will furnish Remember, there is only one paper mailed witl missioners and water bureau applause from the audience as the planting equipment and much chiefs. | the best report given on Key the intentional error. Any others do not qualify yoi o f the other tools and records Portland officials present con-1 Club rctivitie, George Suter, necessary to get the project un The Estacada Garden Club will the Cary Wymore, James Keller, for the contest prize. derway. A fine turnout o f Kiwankns and meet next Monday, October 6, at ceded that the acreage in A deliberate mistake of price or text, or both, of Mt. Hood, Terry Kowamoto attended the It’s an FFA project, but we’ll I visiting Kiwanis from Sherwood, the City Hall with the following southeast area sought meeting with Bob Cody, local has been placed in one paper or shopper which is bet the community, in fact the Sandy and Gresham, enjoyed the hostesses: Leila Gordon, Ger- which the PowWowers not Kiwanis president. Rcpresan- whole county, will yet a great Tuesday luncheon Jim Groggln of trade Rhoades and Eva White for rcreation purposes, is drainage tativc: were from all parts of Or- then mailed or delivered at random. You’ll have to amount of worthwhile informa- Portland General Electric outlin- The refreshments will be serv- within the Bull Run check all the ads carefully to find the "planted” tion from the boys’ work, plus a ! ed the recreational program we’ll ed at 1 PJW. and the meeting will district and agreed that giving 1 egon and Washington, up this 19,000 acres would not greater appreciation o f one of enjoy after the lake is filled be- start at 1:30 P M mistake. When you find what you think is the rifrht our most valuable natural re- hind the North Fork dam. Mrs. George Venner, who with harm the water supply o f Port e a g i e c r e e k m o t h e r s mistake, take your paper to the firm in whose ad it land. sources InctdentJy, the new lake is as er husband operates the Venner ’ c l u b t o m e e t ocr. 9 appears and you may take advantage of the error The acquisition of this area by yet unnamed Who would like to Dahlia Gardens in Portland, will name it. Seems like a contest shou show colored slies, display speci- the Forest Service for recreation The Eagle Mothers' j price if to your advantage. You will also receive the Club will hold their first meet- I Id be in order. Anyone have any mens and have a questions and purposes has been one of ' . r m m nn Mrs. May Evans and main objectives of the Pow ing on Thursday, Oct 9 at 1:30 y o u r p r i z e ot JIU .O U . 9“ teT ideas? answer period. from Highland, Calif and Mre. The mistake must he reported by 5 p.m. of the ------------------------- The arrangements scheduled Wowers in 1928. Congressman p m at the Eage creek school for this month are geraniums or Walter Norblad who has been Evans daughter. Velma Ahlberg M r s . .Vi2lfJw °iC r ,TrW J h L Saturday following the date of this paper. If the of Milwaukie. visited at the home MARIAN GUILD BAKE SALE miscellaneous Please bring hor- working with them has a bill in tion of a first aid class. Everyone pnze is not claimed, it will be added to tne next readiness to submit to Congress The Marian Guild will hold its ticulture. of Mr and Mrs. John Sparks, Mr and Mrs. Loren Cyrus, Elta monthly bake sale Saturday, Oct. Women interested in flowers in January permitting return of interested is weirome to attend weed’s prize. A duplicate paper showing the “ mist- Schock and Mrs, Zella Cadanou 4 starting at 10 A M. at the and gardening are invited to at * land 40 the Forest w C#n CR Ä ake” will be posted in the New’s office window on Monday of this week Clackamas County News office, tend. C. of Commerce to Rangers Route Set Noon Meetings Action Western at Broadway Theatre Tree Farm Is Lura A. Stanley F. F. A. Project O ty Shows New Building Strides Auxiliary Junior j Group Elect n s i . ^ 1 . « . «ss. s t t j ä ? ä t e £e “SSod It Pays to Read Our Ads - They Have a $ 1 0 - 0 0 Message in Ads this Week! P.G.E. Jim Greggia Kiwanis Speaker Garden Club Meeting Monday