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About Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1929)
rT.Af’ KAMAft COUNTY NEWS, FKÎDAY, A r m i $ , 192$ SA N D Y BOCALS We Specialize in Ralph Brown has gone to work at the Sardy market and is driving a truck. Sundy grade school lost the hall game to Sandyridge Friday, 26 to o. George Allgeier dre-ve the bus, taking the entire eighth grade room for the outing. A family has moved on the John Haley place. Herman Walters, rural carrier on Boring Route 2, attended the young people’s social at Sandy Community church Friday night. Walter has been on this mail route for live years. Mrs. A. Byron, Cottrell, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hare Id Krebs over the week end and also visited Sandy Grange. F. Lohrman has been delivering cordwood in Sandy recently. Mrs. N. L. Horr and little Marietta left for Montana Saturday night to spend the summer. Mr. Horr will join them when high school is out. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Loundree invited Clair Nolan and Richard Maronay to play cards Saturday night. Guests at Sunday dinner at the home o f Mrs. Miller were Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Hall, Miss Arleigh Kaninierer, N. L. Horr and Lewis Hall. Jonnie Shelley is getting better and was able to be out on Sunday. Sylvester Hall is employed to put in the wiring for the new state garage at Sandy. He also did special wiring in the Hoffman house recently. High mass was held at the Sandy Catholic church on Sunday by Rev. Father Boniventura. Alfred Meining reported it was a tough,drive up the mountain in the snow, on Saturday, delivering gro cery orders. Mrs. G. D. Orr’s nephew, Leslie Davis, o f Corvallis, is working at the Bruns-Mclntyre mill and staying at the Orr home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bacon called on Mrs. Miller Friday and later went smelt-dipping. Three dances were “ on” Saturday night, one at the Henry Keisicker home, one at Sandy Grange hall and another at Sladky’s. Mr. and Mrs. Harper had at dinner Friday evening, Mrs. Miller, R. W. Mallery, Lois and Clara Payn. Lois, coming from Goldendale, left Satur day. Clair Nolan was invited to Gresham to a dinner Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Art Young enter tained company on Sunday. . Miss Pearl Proctor is improving rapidly again but was still in bed the most o f the time the first o f the week. Ed Gesch has torn down his old barn and built it into chicken houses. He will raise White Leghorns and has 200 little chicks as a starter. George Hartwig drove the school bus to Milwaukie Saturday to take the typing contestants there. Clar ence Eri also went. Little David Christianson, Billy Lauderback, Jack Goheen and Buddy Reed took down with the measles on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Palmer will move in the Esson house when the Pace family goes away. Five men and five women are in the cast of the three-act comedy drama to be put on by the Cottrell P.-T. A., Wednesday night, April 24. Big show— deserves a full house. Mr. and Mrs. George Houskins, the Walter Locke family, Portland, and Helen Dahrens visited at the Ed Geseh home late Sunday. Adolph AschofT greeted friends in Sandy on Saturday. Mr. Aschoff is now recovered from a severe attack o f la grippe. He had over 200 let ters, from all over the world, at Christinas time, and it has kept him busy to get them answered. Mrs. George Beers was drawn on Monday to serve on the grand jury. Mr. Beers took her to Oregon City. RATES For Sale— Farm Implements STEEL RANGE, Florence Oil stove, Ads. accepted for this column at 1 porcelain sink and back. Call Es cent per word; minimum charge 25 FOR SALE— One 6-foot Deering tacada phone 77-3. tf cents; three insertions for the price binder, one spun of 1600-pound o f two. Cards o f thanks, 50 cents. horses, harness and wagon, one BALED STRAW for sale. Phone A bookkeeping charge of 10 cents is 11 Sandy 2x1. hay fork outfit complete. See G. made for all classified ads. not paid for in advance. E. Lawrence at Feed store, Esta WANTED TO TRADE $1200 equity cada. tf in property listed below for small Autom obiles For Sale property or acreage preferred:— UK SALE— Oliver two-bottom 12- Four room house, full basement inch plow, for tractor or team use. 1925 FORD ROADSTER with steel laundry trays, bath, breakfast nook Ford truck, with cab and platform pickup delivery, two new rear and garage, lot 50x100, nice lawn, body, low gear transmission— just tires and in good shape mechanic flowers, shrubbery, strawberries the truck for wood or heavy haul ally, $125. Bob Cooke Motor Co.. and raspberries; one ball' block to ing, $125.— Eagle Creek Trading Estacada. tf Columbia park, one and one-half company. m ltf blocks to street ear. House is new LATE 1925 FORD Tudor, just over rented. See Jack Stultz at Sanek hauled; new tires; new generator. HEAVY VAUGHAN DRAG SAW— reconditioned, can be seen at Geil’s Barber Shop, Estaeada. m3 First class condition. To be sold Garage, Estaeada; $75 cash. H. at once at a big bargain. Mrs B. Snyder. a5tf For Rent Blanche Lundy or Bob Smith Gar age, Sandy. Phone Sandy 41. tf FOR RKNT— Five-room furnished Miscellaneous house. See Mrs. J. T. Irvin, Esta FORD TRUCK with flat bed and FOR SALE— Oak Buffet and six oak cada, Ore. It stakes; has generator and battery dining chairs, also oak. Ivan Fair condition throughout. To sell Yost, Sandy. a26 FOR SALE or Rent, house, all con quick, $50. Cooke Motor Co., Es- veniences. Inquire at Estaeada tacada. a l2 tf FOR SALE— Late grown Burbanks; Meat company, Phone 75-1. m3 sound, good table stock, 1 cent per USED CARS— A few good used cars pound; drop seed % c per lb., any For Sale— Livestock to go at a big bargain. Hessel amount, buyer furnish sasks. Ho Implement Co.. Gresham. fl5 tf TWO YOUNG SOWS fo r sale, also mer Revenue, Route 1, Boring, one boar, not related; also pack Oregon. a26 und saddle horses, Indian Runner For Sale— Poultry YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS filled at the duck eggs. Fred Ely, Phone Es PEDIGUEED Mammot.h Bronze Tur- Taber Pharmacy in Gresham. tacada 68-4. m3 key egfis; chotee y5c, extras 50c Prompt and efficient service. each. Mrs. R. E. Beck, R. 2. Esta Phone Gresham 1761. tf For Sale— Real Estate cado, phone 82-7. m3 LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE with us BEST RANCH BUY on the highway; R. I. RED Broilers, for sale at market and tell us your real estate wants about 17 acres o f bottom land; price. Leave orders at Eagle — we may be able to help you.— L. right in Eagle Creek; two good Creek Trading Co. P. Kenny. .tf P. Conner, Licensed Realty Broker, houses, two barns, chicken houses, Eagle Creek Trading Co. m ltf good well— Goose creek runs thru FEW CHOICE R. I. RED hatching edge o f place; for quick sale. eggs. Mrs. Henry Viles, Route 1, SHINGLE MILL, complete, for sale. $3750. L. P. Conner, Eagle Crjek Estaeada, Phone 34-12. a26 Joe Vincent, Route 1, Boring, Ore Trading Co. m l5tf gon. al 7 R. I. Red Hatching Eggs— If you CLEANING and Pressing; ladies’ DO YOU NEED MONEY? $200 tc want eggs from good layers, I can work a specialty; mail orders given $1200 to loan on good real estate supply them at $1.50 per 15, or special attention; repairs and alter security. S. E. Wooster, Estaeada, $6 per 100. S. C. Richmond, R. 1, ations. “ We clean everything.” Oregon. m22tf Eagle Creek; near Dlnty Moore’s City Cleaners, Estaeada. m29 Park. m22tf For Sale— W o o d USED CREAM SEPARATORS, gas engines; spreaders, drills and tract Help W an ted WOOD FOR SALE— No. 1, 16-inch ors. Hessel Implement Company. $6, delivered. Also 12-inch, 24- Gresham. f l5 t f inch and cord wood. Phone Par WANTED— Salesman for the Esla- rish. Sandy 171. mS cada territory for e. well known and popular make o f light automobile FOR SALE— Five horsepower steam boiler with fittings; in good condi To an industrious man a good in Em ploym ent W a n ted come can be shown. Answer, giv tion, bargain. H. Perret, Sandy, ing previous experience, to P. O Phone Sandy 261 m29 PLUMBING— pipe fitting; steel sep: Box 209 Estaeada, Ore.______a5tl tic tanks a specialty. J. F. Stand- FOR SALE— 2,000 £ed ar posts; 12 Mi ish, Garfield. Phone Estaeada Lost and Found cents each. Inquire Estaeada Feed 71-51. fl Store. jll-t f LOST— Near Boring, one 30x5 Good CARD OF THANKS year tire, rim and tube. Liberai reward if returned to the Boring QUILT PATCHES — Enough for We desire to express our since ap quilting both sides, only 59c. Ea Garage, Boring. It preciation and gratitude to our gle Creek Trading Co. m8tf friends for their kind assistance and LOST— In Estaeada, brown leather words o f sympathy, and also for the SHINGLES FOR SALE— Mountain, pockctbook or billfold, containing beautiful floral offerings, at the time close-grained red cedar shingles, union card, identification card, ko manufactured by Turel Shingle o f our recent bereavement.— Mrs. dak pictures, etc., no money. Find mill, Welches, Ore. Drive up and Carrie Keller, John E. Keller, Mrs. er please return to A. A. P. Mc see them or write for prices. Loop Wm. Kaake, Mrs. Fred Horner, Mrs. Dowell, News office, Estaeada. highway, turn left at Zigzag Ran Clarence Jubb. ger station; 3 miles, on a good LOST— Small newspaper cut “ Wis road. m ltf taria Farm,” between Sandy and Estaeada. Please return to News FOR SALE— Team, wagon and har office Sandy or Estaeada. tf ness, all for $230. Eagle Creek Trading Co. m8tf efriotorists STANDARD ETHYL OF TEETH At this office we are equipped to handle the most difficult extrac tion, with gas or local injection around the gums. A trained dental nurse to insure cleanliness. My past experience will hear me out as a painless extractor of T eeth. (Ten Year« Succeiaful Practice) X-Ray Examination* GUARANTEED PLATES $ 1 0 .0 0 to $ 37 .0 0 Out o f town people served in one visit good dentistry. DR. when consistent with P. C. BROW N, Dentist Willamette Building, Oregon City Entrance Opposite Post O ffice Phone 562 MEATS That are right Because our equipment for their handling and care is of the very best E STA C A D A M EAT CO. Phone 75-1 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Estaeada DUNTHORPE M OTOR TRANSPORT CO M PANY PORTLAND— GRESHAM— SANDY FARE V’ ia Section Line Road One- Rnd 6:30 P.M. Lv. j 8:40 A.M. 3:30 P.M. Way Trip SANDY 6:45 P.M. Kelso .................... 8 :4.r> A . 1V1. 3:35 P.M. .20 .10 3:40 P.M. 6:50 P.M. .35 Central Point 8:50 A.M. .20 3:45 P.M. 6:55 P.M. .50 Orient .......... 8:55 A.M. .30 7:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. Powell Valley . 9:00 A.M. .65 .35 4:00 P.M. 7:15 P.M. .80 Gresham 9:15A.M . .45 4:40 P.M. 7:50 P.M. Portland Ar. 9:50 A.M. .75 1.35 One Rnd 1:00 P.M. 5:15 P.M. Lv. 7:00 A.M. Way Trip PORTLAND 1:45 P.M. .50 Gresham .............. 7:45 A.M. 6:00 P.M. .30 6:05 P.M. 1 :50 P.M. .40 .70 Powell Valley 7:50 A.M. 6:10 P.M. .45 .80 Orient 7:55 A.M. 1 :55 P.M. 2:02 P.M. .55 1.00 Central Point 8:02 A.M. 6:17 P.M. Kelso .................... 1 8:10 A.M. 2:10 P.M. 6:25 P.M. .65 1.15 2:15 P.M. Sandy Ar. 8:15 A.M. 6:30 P.M. .75 1.35 DEPOTS: Sandv— Krebs Kafe. Phone 5x2. Portland — Sixth St. Terminal, Sixth and Salmon, Phone* AJ’ wnter 3301 ummiiiMHiiiiiiiiimmimimiimiimiHmiiiiMiimiimmimimmmmiiimiimm:: J E E 8 E BABY C H IC K S A good start is very essential to a rapid growth and a paying flock. We always buy what we have found by experience to be the best. Get our prices on chick grain and mashes, also we will refer you to our successful raisers last year. Ask them about us. BARTH O LOM EW & LAW RENCE DEPENDABLE | Implements . . . Machinery . . . Repairs . . . ) TRACTOR | J ETHYL G A S O L IN E | Bob Smith’s | I Garage | A GREAT NEW GASOLINE plus A ETHYL PREMIUM MOTOR FUEL S T A N D A R D O U C O M F A N T O R C A L IF O R N IA I E E = 8 E P h o n e 601 Estaeada, Oregon Z Statement of Ownership Statement of ownership, manage ~ 11 III 111111111111 11 III 111111 1111111II 11111111111111111111M1111111II111111111111II1111111111111 I II 111 l i t ment, etc., required by the act of congress of August 24, 1912, of the 111111 ii 11 ini 11111111111111111111 ii ii ii 11 ii 1111111111111 ii i; 11; 11111111111 ii 1111 ii it 11 ii 11111111 hi iil . Clackamas County News, published weekly, at Estaeada, Oregon, for April, 1929. State o f Oregon, county o f Clacka WANTED— Used farm wagon. Call mas, ss:— Before me, a notary pub Estaeada 23-11. a26 lic in the state and county aforesaid, personally appeared G. E. Parks, who AUCTION SALE— At the R. B. Gib having been duly sworn according to son farm two miles east o f Eagle law, deposes and says that he is the publisher o f the Clackamas County Creek Grange hall, at 1 p. m., on News, and that the following is, to Tuesday, April 23— cream separa the best o f his knowledge and belief, tor, range, dresser, two bedsteads, a true statement o f the ownership, springs and mattresses, chairs and management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the other household goods; one wagon, above caption, required by act of hack, buggy, mower and rake, fan Aug. 24, 1912, embodied in section ning mill, harrow, and numerous 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, other articles. Terms cash. A. printed on the reverse o f this form, to-wit: W. Cooke, auctioneer, H. F. Gib 1. That the name and address of son, clerk. a 19 the publisher, editor and manager is G. E. Parks, Estaeada, Oregon. 2. That the owner is G. E. Parks, ::iiiiiiiliiiiiiliiiliilllliliilliimiiMiiiiiillu Estaeada, Oregon. A T P O R T L A N D PRICES 3. That the known bond holders, mortagees and other security holders I FO R S A L E — owning or holding I per cent or more E Myers W a te r Systems | o f total amount o f bonds, mortgages, Sandy Grade Teacher* Elected lor other securities are: Claekaoias Miss Dorothy Bolium and Miss Bes De Laval Cream Separators County Bank, Sandy, Oregon. That the two paragraphs next sie Ennis are the newly-elected grade De Laval M ilking Machines above, giving the names of the own- school teachers at Sandy. Miss Bol- ! ers, stockholders, and security hold lum is teaching at Elgin and is direct Vaughan Drag Saws ers, if any, contain not only the list o f stockholders and security holders ing an operetta there. Miss Ennis Vaughan Garden Tractors j as they appear upon the books of has had eight years of musical train j= : the company but also, in cases where ing and six years in elocution. Both the stockholder or security holder are from Portland, but will live here. O L IV E R T R A C T O R IM P L E M E N T S I appears upon the books of the com- I pany as trustee or in any other fidu- I The teaching staff complete will be: SU P E R IO R D R ILL S | GOOD AS N EW | I ciary relation, the name of the per- R. W. Mallery, principal ; Mrs. Ora I son or corporation for whom such | VanFleet, Miss Bolium and Miss En- A ll Oliver Plows— Genuine Repairs I trustee is acting, is given: also that i nis. j the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant’s full BIG B A R G A IN I A C O M P L E T E LIN E O F F A R M M A C H IN E R Y DR. FREEZE RETURNS knowledge and belief as to the cir- i cumstances and conditions under Dr. Harvey Freeze, a well known 1 which stockholders and security hold- ! eye specialist of Oregon City, has re- | ers who do not appear on the books | turned from Los Angeles and re- | of the company as trustees, hold j sumed his practice after an absence 1 stock and securities in a capacity oth o f a month. He took post graduate er than that o f a bona fide owner; and clinical work as well as instruc and this affiant has no reason to be- tion in the use o f three new scientific i lieve that any other person, associa- instruments, the Myoculator, Kerat- Gresham, Oregon ! tion, or corporation has any interest ometer and Perimeter. Dr. Freeze § direct or indirect in the said stock, claims that these three new instru bonds or other securities than as so ments which he has added at a cost N E W C A R A G E N C IE S stated by him. o f over $1000 will so improve opto Sandy | G. E. PARKS, Publisher. métrie diagnosis that all interference CHRYSLER Swi rn to and subscribed before me with normal eye conditions is imme | WILLYS-KNIGHT this 15th day o f April, 1929. diately traceable. He is now in his Phone Sandy 41 § \ WHIPPET PLYMOUTH — (Seal) S. E. WOOSTER, 26th year o f practice, 14 o f which Notary Public. have been in Clackamas county.— ^iiiiiiimmm iiiiMHiM iiniiiiiimiiiiiiHiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiHiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiim iii - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I M I I I I I I I 8 My commission expires May 26, 1931. 1 Adv. | FORDSON | STANDARD | I Hessel Implement Co. v iiiiiiiiiiim iim iiiiiiiiiiim iiim iiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiim iim iiiiiim iiiM iiiiiiim iiiiiiiitiim iiiiiim m The finest gasoline we have ever offered to Pacific Coast EXTRACTION