Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 07, 1927, Page Page 7, Image 7

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Page 7
e n u in e
Prepared Especially for Infants
'T 'H E R E never was a road I came
I couldn’t turu around;
You cnriuot get ao deep in shame
Bat that the solid ground
Lies right behind. The way is straight.
The latest hour Is not too lute.
and Children of All Ages
Fletcher's Castorla has
been in use for over 30 yeurs as a
pleasant, harmless substitute for Cas­
tor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Props nnd
Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcot­
ics. Proven directions are on each
packnge. Physicians everywhere rec­
ommend it.
The genuine bears signature o f
And say not sin’s the easy way.
And righteousness the hard.
I’ve had my fuu. I’ve hud my play.
And I’ve discovered, parti.
That slipping down the thing grows flat.
But cliutblug up is uot like that.
Each hour you get a finer view,
The higher that you climb.
Each duy you flail some gluduess new—
You have a better time
Than they who walk the road below
They say It’s easier to go.
Soft Corns
Up here you find the fresher air,
Y’ ou find the fairer flow'rs ;
They walk among life’s oozes there.
Up her» the hills are ours;
The sun Is bright, the sklet ure tdue-
Up here’* th# easy road for you !
Money Back Says Your Druggist
if Moone’s Emerald Oil Doesn’t
Do Aw ay With A ll Soreness
and Pain in 24 Hours.
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians
Carboil draws out tltc core
and gives quick relief
G E N E R O U S 5 0 tB O X
A t All Druj&ists — Money-back Guárante#
*Pum.OC>s‘ '-*'NlAt. CO-
Accept only “Baver’’ package
which contains proven directions.
By Viola Brothers Shor
“I f e v e r y on e w e r e wl.*e a n d sw e e t,
A n d ev e ry one w e re jo lly :
I f e v e r y h e a r t w i t h prladness beat,
A n d n o n e Aver© m e l a n c h o l y :
I f n o n e s h o u l d g r u m b l e o r c o m p l a in ,
A n d n obod y should la b o r
In e vi l w o r k , b u t e a c h w e r e f a i r
T o lo v e a n d h e lp his n e ig h b o r - —
Oh, w h a t a h a p p y w o r l d ’t w o u l d be
F o r y o u a n d me, f o r y o u a n d m e.“
I X 1 TE A L L nave some recipes which
VV we enjoy preparing again and
again. One of these Is a good cooky
recipe, for in most homes the cooky
Jar Is a very Important part of the
household equipment, uud It Is wise to
keep It well stocked.
M a rth a ’s Cookies.
“ Hub Back of Ears’*
At All Druggists. Price $1
Folder about “ D E A F N E S S ” on request,
1’orolux N e w Wo nde rfu l Skin Laxutive,Cleans
up pimples, blackheads, boils. Ingrown hairs,
freckles, oily skin, etc. guaran. Trial size 25c
Box 12, Arcade Sta.. Los Angeles, Calif.
quickly relieved and often cleared
away by a few applications of
Substitute f o r Sun
Dwellers In smoke-shrouded cities
mid such as sleep by day and work
by night can make up what they
suiter from lack o f sufficient sunshine
by the vise of electric sun baths, ac­
cording to an eminent British health
authority. Prolonged periods of wet
weather tend noticeably to Increase
the spread of sickness in large cities,
and pulmonary diseases are prevalent
where sunlight Is lacking, ns are many
ailments peculiar to children. Elec­
tric sun baths, the British physician
referred to declares, offer a satisfac­
tory substitute for nature’s own.
T a k e T a b le ts W it h o u t F e a r I f Y o u
See the S a fe ty “ B a y e r C ro s s.”
W arning! Unless you see the name
“ Bayer” on package or on tablets you
nre not getting the genuine Bayer
Aspirin proved safe by millions and
prescribed by physicians for 26 years.
Say ’’Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.
Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv
Take one cupful of shortening, add
two cupfuls of sugar, three well-beaten
eggs, salt and one-half cupful of milk.
Sift two cupfuls of flour with two
teaspoonfuls of baking powder and
add lemon flavoring, or the grated
rind o f a lemon. Let stand an hour
to chill, then roll with as little flour
as possible.
R a isin Pie.
Take one cupful of raisins, chop
fine and cook In one cupful of water
five minutes; add three-fourths of a
cupful of sugar well mixed with a
tuhlespoonful of cornstarch; add the
yolks of two eggs and the Juice ami
grated rind of a lemon.
Jelly Roll.
Beat three eggs until light, ndd one
cupful of sugar, two tablespoonftils of
water and a pinch of salt, stir In one
cupful of flour slfred with two tea-
spoonfuls of baking powder, adding
tlie flour gradually. B.ake In n drip­
ping pan well greased. Turn out on
a towel wrung out of cold water. Trim
the edges, spread with Jelly and roll
up while warm.
Apple Roll.
Mnke a rich biscuit dough, roll out
and cover with one cupful of chopped
apples Well sugared and flavored with
either cinnamon or nutmeg. Bake one-
half hour, then pour over some cran­
berry sauce and bake ten minutes
C hocolate P u d d in g .
Bent one egg. add one-half cupful of
sugar and one cupful of milk, pour
over one and one-half cupfuls o f flour
sifted with three teaspoonfuls of bak­
ing powder; when well blended ndd
two squares of chocolate, melted, a
pinch of salt. Steam one and one-half
L ake M ic h ig a n ’s D istinction
Lake Michigan Is the only one of
the Great Lakes lying wholly within
the boundary of the United States,
says the Dearborn Independent.
I f W o r m s or Tape wor m persist In youi
system, use the r< at vermifuge. Dr. Peery'i
•’ Tread Shot." Only 50 cents at your drug,
gist or 372 Pearl St.. N. Y Adv.
(<g). 1927. Western Newspaper Union.)
ship of the nlr, carry­
ing a burden of human freight,
crumpled and fell, carrying with it to
destruction a score and more of lives.
Examination of the wreckage showed
that In the center of the great frame­
work there was a weak spot which,
when the strain of actual operation
was placed upon it, could not stand
the test and, failing, caused disaster.
Few of us realize on how precarious
a base our success reposes until we
dare summon courage to look upon our
Self-examination to most of us Is
not a pleasant hit of duty to perform,
and for this reason we are apt to put
It off with an “ oh, don't bother me"
attitude, and turn to something more
I d huiuans the perilous weak spot
may be In temper, perverseness, indif­
ference, untidiness, selfishness or in­
efficiency, all productive of a fatty
degeneration of the moral fiber.
The thing to do is to discover Just
what our shortcomings are, and. hav­
ing determined their nature, we must
then proceed to overcome them— to
pntch them up, as It were, and re­
solve that they shall not again be
permitted to Imperil nur progress.
It will cost tremendous will-power
to do this, but the reward In the end
will compensate liberally for all the
When In command of the American
army, Washington was conscious of
his weakness and sought strength
through prayer In the silence of the
forest. When he comprehended his
lack o f education, Lincoln became an
earnest student.
These two beloved men learned
where to press forward .a the fullness
o f their strength.
And In such acts as these lies mas­
I f you Imitate them, you, too, can
overcome whatever weakness you inny
have before It becomes a settled habit
and drags you down.
It Is never too late to retrace steps,
even though you may be “ down and
I f you are genuinely serious In your
desire to rise In the world, to win re­
spect, to put money In your [parse, to
write your name hesld_ the successful,
resohe today that yon will no longer
he Impotent through frailties of your
Summon all your energy and with
a heart of oak march on to victory.
By Imploring Faith and Patience to
help you, you will find the battle com­
paratively easy, the good results being
In most Instances out of all proportion
to your anticipation.
W IN’ the disease Is half F
K NO cure.
But how many of us e\
sttspecks there’s anything the matt
with us?
“ A woman and a melon,” remark
Mr. Blotto, “ shouldn’t be too fresh.”
"Y’ eeh,” replied the Little Wotns
"and if they’re too ripe who wan
Reputation Is a groat llcutcnai
It’ll keep people outa the lion’s di
even when he ain’t there no more.
No matter how enormous a thlr
you got, you don’t have to travel to
very big stream to quench it.
A lazy man takes more trouble g<
tin’ out of a job than a willin’ mi
puts Into doin’ It.
Even light Is a curse If you got so
How It Started
By J e a n
N ew to n
CK>0<><>0<><>0<><>0 G CK XK ><>0-0<>CK K > O
ARCASM may he ironical, It me
he clever and witty, but to he rea
ly sarcasm It must also have a bar
that will hurt, a lever that pries npai
some shame or pretense anti lays i
open to amusement and contempt.
The modern usage of the wor
might almost he said to he a figar
th e adaptation of Its original mem
lug. For we have “ sarcasm” from ll<
ancient Greek, where It meant to tea
flesh like dogs.
Modern weapons nre likely to he It
tellectual rather than physical. CP
llization forbids us to use our teetl
but the edge of sarcasm can he Jm
ns sharp, and sometimes inflicts hurt
far deeper than torn flesh 1
If You Need a Tonic, Get
the Beat!
“ Making a bed used to be one of
the simpler household arts," says
Home-loving Honors, “ but nowadays
with davenport beds, wardrobe beds,
and vanishing cots. It’s getting to be
a l o b for prestidigitator».”
? r
ell-A ns R e a lly S u re R elief
iousands of Testimonials From Doc­
tors, Nurses and Dentists Say So.
For correcting over-acidity and
Ickly relieving belching, gas, sick
tilache, heartburn, nausea, bilious
s and other digestive disorders.
:LL-ANS has been proved of great
iue for the past thirty years. Not
axatlve but a tested Sure R elief for
ligestlon. Perfectly harmless and
¡taunt to take. Send for free samples
: Bell & Co., Inc., Orangeburg, N. Y.
Thslnfants'and Children's Regulator
is best for baby. Guaranteed free
from narcotics, opiates, alcohol
and all harmful ingredients. Open
formula on every label.
A t a ll D r u g g is ts
Writ** fo r fn*o booklet o f letters from
gratefu l mothers.
Anglo- American
Drug Co.
215-217 Fulton St.
N e w York
Snuff A g a in in F a v o r
SmilT is once more coming Into favor
some circles In England as an ele-
nt social accomplishment. The tine
mientan of 1027 points Ills witty
rases by tapping the ltd of his snuff-
x, tiftd. ns he takes a pinch, makes
i arabesque flourish in the air with
I the conscious grace of an Eight-
nth century beau.
..I**’* C e r b o l l s n l v e q u i c k l y If c ll r v r ft
1 heals b u rn ing, itching and to rtu rin g
n d i s e a s e s , it i n s t a n t l y s t o p s tin* p a i n
b u r n s . H e a l s w i t h o u t s c a r s . ¡¡0c a n d
A s k y o u r d r u g g i s t , o r s e n d 30c to
. J. \V. C o l e Co.. 127 H Knell,t Ave .,
,k D a r k , 111., f o r a p a c k a g e . — A d v .
A t T ra in in g C a m p
Lncly Visitor (uutctiiiiK pugilist
wlow-boxing) And is I h * really try-
g to hit his own shadow?
Pruiner—That’s ritfht, miss.
Lady Visitor- Hood heavens. Poor
iling. How long lias he been like
it?— Passing Show.
Sore and tnflurnrd eyes, stick nnd prranula-
i ih h e a l e d
i rom ptly
by n i g h t l y
• m a n L y e B a l a a m . 35 con la. A d v .
Sim ilar
Mice— Why don’t yon tell Itod
oikly that you don’t like him as
II ns Ted?
'can— I can’t. I’m not sure tliHt
d will propose.
> e d b y nnfprl d o c to r 40 y r «. D on’ t o rd er
kb you w ill fo llo w d ire c tio n «. Send $2 or
te M A D D E N COM I* A N Y . B ox *72. El
.o. Texan, fo r fu ll in fo r m a t io n —-Adv.
When the engine of an automobile
dipped with a new then! lost a Hr de-
e overheats the car’s horn Is
Ilonicopitt liic tind Itioclicniii
H«*nt p o s t p a i d to ¡ill p a r t s « » f t h e w o r l d M a n ­
l i « I orni b o o k lo ie fi co. H a l - .
. <)., t i l l
St f l a i r St . f h lenirò. Ill
i: i . h l l - l n d Inf ,5.
Small im proved farms in v 11 established
settlement. Fruit, a lfalfa, dairy, hogs, poul­
try. Churches, high sen. ml, gram m ar schools.
A lso unim proved lands with first water rights.
Easy terms. W rite fra.ro Farms, Kerman, Calif.
U. ,
P h l o x as N a tio n a l F lo w e r
The phlox was suggested as a na-
tloiial flower by l)r. Edward Wherry,
ol Hie Agricultural department, in ad­
dressing the Wildllower Preservation
society ¡it VYitslilnglon, snys the Path­
finder Magazine. At vnrlons times
tlie columbine, gnldenrnd, do :wood,
inountnin laurel nnd (railing nrhuius
Imve been propo-ed, but eongress litis
not given any flower such distiiiethm.
Some states, however, have adopted
stute flowers.
A Stiff Job
“ Ah, my friend, you seem to hnv«
it very stiff neok.”
“ Yes I got if while sketching in
“ In an accident?”
"No. 1 intinteli the Leaning Tower
of Plsn.” - Sondagsnisse Strlx
R e c o v e r s F r o m L o n g Illn e s s
A m azin g Im provem ent in M rs. Jester’s H ealth Surprises
F riends. Serious A ilm ents C au sed hy N ervous Freak*
d o w n Relieved a n d Strength Restored by F an lac.
Looks a n d Feels B etter T h a n E ver
« I T AND ami Seal" originated when
i k writing was not as generally
understood as today, but was limited
to a few clerks. Documents were then
confirmed by the Impression of the
hand dipped In ink, and then the seal
was duly added. A* dipping the hand
In Ink was dirty and laithenmm# the
thumb was later substituted. We are
told that “ scores of old English and
French deeds are still in existence In
which such signatures appear.” Later
the name was written and this writing
came to be known as “ the hand.”
Hence the expression “ Hand and
Seal” has come to mean to confirm;
to keep secure or secret.— Anna S
The young lady across the way sa>
her father believes In doing the fji
and generous thing by poor Iti.-s
and he Is for recognizing that ui
happy nation the minute It can h
shown that It would help hu-lut-
in this country.
<®. ltl'i, Weetem N* w »p a p er Union )
»2, by Mr C la r e N e w e p ep er S yn d ica te.)
-------- o --------
-------- —o ----------
Count T ha t D ay Lost. Etc.
Heaviest M e ta l
The most completely I oat of all days
it the one on which we have not
laughed.—Livingston Southern Home
The best way to keep baby
in crowing, contented health
is Mrs. Winslow'sSyrup. This
safe, pleasant, effective reme­
dy regulates the bowels and
quickly overcomes diarrhoea,
colic, flatulency, constipation,
and teething troubles.
P o p u la r S an D ie g o W o m a n
DoYou Know
-That :
i ? f
One M o r e Chance
Dick had been listening thought-
1 1
ly to the story of Adam and Eve
id when Ids mother was done he
"Mother, doesn’t God forgive sin
rs ?’’
•Yes, Dick, why?"
"Then why didn’t He give Adam
st one more chance?”— Indianapolis
Ml family trees have more or les-
by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
-------- I t --------
The longest term o f office o f nnj
fTovernment official Is that of the comp­
troller tenoral an<J assistant, w h o e a c t
hold office for IT» years.
Fresno, Calif.—“It Is not long sine*
I was all rundown In health and An­
ally decided to try Dr. Pierce’» Gol­
den Medical Discovery, as I knew
of other people In my neighborhood
who had constantly relied upon Dr.
Pierce’s remedies and always re­
ceived satisfactory results. I teok
only a few bottles and by that time
I had regained my normal health.
“Dr. Pierce’» Pleasant Purgative
Pel'et» are good, too.”— Manuel T.
White, 53» Call I sc h St
All dealer» sell Dr. Pierce’» PeF
lets. 30 cents for 60 Pellets.
When run-down you can quickly
pick up and regain vim. rigor, vital­
ity by obtaining ttat» Medical Dis­
covery of Dr Pierce's at the drug
•tore. In tablefe or Hqnld. or send 10c
to Dr Pierce'» Invalid»’ Hotel. Buf­
falo, N. Y . for tidal pkg tablet«.
ITandv “ Bavcr” boxes of 12 tablet»
Also bottles of 24 and 100— Druggists.
Aayu’m la the trade mark o f Rayer Manufacture o f Monoacetieacldester o f Sallcylicaeld
Deafness—Head Noises
I ® by McClut« Newspaper Syndicate.)
Get a bottle o f Moone's Emerald
Oil with the understanding that if it
does not put an eml to the pain and
soreness and do away with the corn
Itself your money w ill be promptly
Don’t worry about how long you’ve
bad it or bow many other prepara­
tions you have tried.
Tills power­
ful penetrating oil is one prepara­
tion that will help to mnke your
painful aching feet so healthy and
free from corn and bunion troubles
that you’ll be tilde to go anywhere
and do anything in absolute feet
So marvelously powerful Is Moone's
Emerald Oil that thousands have
found It gives wonderful results in
the treatment o f dangerous swollen or
varicose veins. Your druggist is sell­
ing lots o f it.
The bureau o f standard* < i n t*
heaviest metal known I* osmium writ
a density of 22.47St
•Tanlac Ins certainly done w .ri­
der« for me; I cannot praised enough,”
dc lure* Mrs. T. I>. Jester, 12t>S Penn­
sylvania Avenue, Nun De-go, Calif.
“ I hud suffered a nervous breakdown,
and for many months afterward I
continued to get worse ami worse,
de-pita all the different nervo med­
icines I tried. Nothing seemed to
help until I tried Teniae.
“ I was as near to t»eing a complete
nervous and physical wreck as I could
Is-, without entirely enllapmng. The
slightest noise would make me want
lo scream, and after retiring it would
be hours I efore I eould sleep. I would
»waken with terrible nervous head-
•ehes and the slightest exertion would
tire me out so that I would 1st trem-
lln g . I lost weight and ap|ietite. I
tru d Tanlae with little expectation
of improvement.
“ Before I had taken all of the first
bottle, I developed a ravenous ap­
petite, and waa Sleeping Iiettar. I con­
tinued to improve rapidly and felt
like a different person entirely. In
less than three weeks I had gained
Sevan pounds! Later, mv »righ t
went up from 105 to 125 pounds.
II your troubles are sunuar to Uiuaa
from w h ic h M i
! *»••» «•
! no
k ^ n lv, K1 f r» h* f \>oi- r <* it m !• » latef
T ar'
ill <!■ >’ilif|# > h<’i;> \ t>u jn r af
it, hcljaul Mrs. .b^'or ami as it Ins
Lelr* I thousands of other Buffi n r-».
Tanlae is a pur*» arid wh"h m n
con pound, maac from h»rl>s. roots
n i
Tardar formula. It is a wonderful
tonic medí» 'i ne, for run-down and 'i**rv-
ous conditions and f<»r digestive dis*
orders. All good druggist* .**«*11 Tanias
— g»*t Tour
Ixittle today I Ovaf
40 million bottles sold.