Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 11, 1924, Image 2

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I has been deferred to him, and I feel some who have received the benefits
suit o f clothes or the overcoat;
that the rest of the committee concur of our mystic rights and ceremonies.
must go over.
] In this statement.
The real test of Masonry is not wheth­
When a multitude of middle
Entered at the postoffice in Estacada,
reason of having received the degrees and small display cases in the interests are supported between
Oregon, as second-class mail.
of Masonry, but whether he Is better
It U my very pleasant duty at this after having received those degrees large exhibition rooms at the the producer and the family;;
time to give expression to the feelings than he was before. And by this Test Clackamas county fair grounds when a dollar’ s worth o f food
of pleasure which we experience In Masonry has been tried for centuries in Canby that draw no such wide products on the farm goes to the
Puldished every Thursday at
being thus honored with the presence and not found wanting; so. If we are
homes at three dollars, and when
Estacada. Oregon
of the M. W. Orand Master and other not better men and better citizens by spread attention as do some of
Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of reason of having received instruc­ the shelves on which are lodged like middle profits are exacted!
Oregon A. F. & A. M. It has been a tions in the beauties of Masonry, the great blue ribbon displays, but from almost any necessary man­
long time since we have been per­ fault lies with us and not with Ma­ these nooks and smaller cases ufactured product, then
Editor and^Manager.
mitted to entertain even one repre­ sonry. And may I not digress at this house articles which are often cannot be but one result—re­
sentative cf the Grand Lodge and it Is point to paraphrase a little poem
the product of days and weeks duced consumption—and thpt
quite worth the effort we have put which I came across one day?
S ubscription R ates
o f the most intricate labor and condition hits everybody.
forth in the past few months to have
so many of them with us tonight. We If you want to hnve the kind of a Iodic- skill and care. They are the
One year
I f there were normal con- i
Like the kind of a lodge you like.
hope that they may be so favorably
Six months
needle work exhibits, the home sumption in Oregon; if the sala­
Impressed with their reception here You needn't slip your clothes In a grip
economics department and the ried and day-labor families could
And start on a long. long hike.
tonight that they may be with us
You'll only And what you left behind.
floral displays.
buy what the families could con­
Thursday. September 11. 1924. again at no distant date and that their
For there's nothing that’s really new ;
next visit may not be deferred until
Mrs. A. H. Knight of Canby sume. fruits would not rot under
It’s a knock at yours- lf.
we again build a Temple
will have charge o f the domes­ the trees; berries would not be
When you knock your Lodge ;
We are also delighted to have with
tic science department.
Mrs. left to dry on the vin»-8 and there
us so many members of our affiliated It Isn't the Lodge—It’s you !
Knight is well posted in this de­ wouid not be any "surplus” in
organization, the Order of the Eastern Heal lodges aren't made by men afraid
.Star, who are nlways ready to do their
partment, having been in charge the state.
Lest someone else- gets ahead.
utmost to aid and assist In any Ma When everyone works and nobody shirks. for a number o f years and is in­
— FO R TO D A Y — |
Perhaps someday there will
sonic undertaking. Our pleasure at
You can raise a lodge from the dead ;
being In our new home is heightened And If while you work for Fraternity'* teresting women in the county be joint action between
in entering articles in that de­ grower and eater when a greater
by the thought that they will share It
with us.
Your brother is working too,
part of the 66"<i middle profit
We would also voice a word of ap Y'our lodge will be what you want it to
Mrs. Bertha Hurst McFarland will be eliminated. Nearly all
be ;
h a p p y is h e t h a t c o n u e m n e t h
of Canby, who has had charge the nations of Europe have taken
of this and other communities.
It Isnlt the Lodge— It’s YOU.
NOT H IM SELF IN T H A T ’ H1NG was the design of Estacada Lodge hi
o f the floral display for Eeveral this course because necessity
For centuries Masonry haa had a years, will again take charge of has compelled.
W HICH HE A L L O W E T H .-R o m a n » erecting this building to have one
which would not only be a home for distinct place in the affairs of man that department this year. Mrs.
this Lodge, marking a milestone In and the history of nations. A large
Masonic progress in this Jurisdiction, majority of the leaders in the found­ Frank T. Barlow, one of Glad­
hut one which should be a credit and ing of this Republic were Masons and stone’s prominent dahlia grow­
a means of service to this city and as they carefully laid the foundations ers. and Mrs. Frona Dimick of
and we feel that our de of the government in Justice and Oregon City, also a prominent
The following addresses were community,
sign has been, in a measure at least, Equity, placed the cornerstone with
Truth and Wisdom and erected the dahlia grower, are to be among
delivered at the dedication last accomplished
superstructure with the Freedom of those to enter blossoms in the
Thursday night, of the Estacada
me that dreams don’t come true; for man and Equal opportunity for all, so floral claBs.
Masonic Lodge.
The first, on years we have dreamed and hoped may we In our little sphere strive to
There are a number o f special
maintain those principles for which
the history of the local lodge was and prayed for a home for this Lodge they
prizes offered in the dahlia class
gave so much.
and tonight hope has attained frui­
by C. S. Allen, and the other on tion, prayers have been answered and
For the best display
Masonry is doing its part in the this year.
"The Spirit of Masonry,” by H dreams have come true 111 this beau­ world today as it did in the days of of cactus dahlias a first prize of
tiful building that has been dedicated our forefathers. The best thinkers of $1 is to be given, with a second
C. Stephens, W. M.
tonight to the spirit of masonry and the world are members of our order
prize of 50 cents; for the best
the good of mankind.
and it is to be hoped that the day is
We all know that Masonry Is a pro­ not far distant when their influence display of peony dahlia $1 for
Pursuant to a call the following gressive Science, and if we are pro­ will be sufficient to bring to an end first and 50 cents for second, and
It similar cash prizes offered for
Masons, members of various lodges gressing as we should In the Science, the strife and turmoil of war.
from various Jurisdictions, met at the hat progress will be manifested not seems so incomprehensible that na­ the best display o f show and sin­
Balacada Stale Hank on January tlth only In purer acts and nobler deeds tions in this enlightened age should gle dahlias. For the best display
1911, for the purpose of organising a but In more beautiful Masonic edifices ever deem it necessary to go to war to
florists of
settle their differences. Many re­ of cut flowers by
Maaonlc Lodge. There were present as well.
M A N Y a man, as he reaches maturity, has oc-
This building stands as a concrete member back only a few years when Clackamas county a cash prize
Fred W. Gartner. Win. It. F. Brown
Win. Dale, Roger W. Cary, J. C expression of that progress, but my the approved way of settling differ­ of $5 will be given with a second
1 casion to regret that he had small opportunity
Clarkson, Levi J. Coudon. S. Frank friends, this building Is but the out­ ences or disputes was with a gun, a prize of $2. Among those who
Smith, Beach R. Kimmel, E. S ward manifestation of the Spirit that knife or a sword; those of us who had
his youth for financial training.
will enter will be the Oregon
Winner and Henry Joyner. Alter some should actuate all Masons: the spirit the privilege, and I count it a privil­
preliminary talk Fred W. Gartner of Harmony, of Brotherly Love, oi ege, to have grown up In a frontier City greenhouse and Starkers
It should be his ambition to give his chil­
was elected chairman, B. R. Klntniel Fraternity; the spirit, if you please, county, well remember how it was greenhouse of Jennings Lodge,
Secretary. A committee waa appoint of the Gilden Rule which should in­ quite the expected thing for the cow There will also be given $5 and
dren a better opportunity than he had.
cd to petition the Most Worshipful spire all of us, and especially Masons, punchers and bad men to rush in and $2 for the best display of cut
Grand Master for a dispensation to and whieji. If lacking among us, shoot up the towns and forcibly ex­
organize such a Masonic Lodge and to makes this.beautiful building a hollow terminate any who opposed them. flowers by amatures. The green­
A W E LL managed Savings account with this
Initiate, pass and raise all good men mockery end this dedication tonight Those were the days of the triumph house flowers are not to be dis­
of the man with the best gun, but played in the cut flower contest,
anil true who might apply for tills an empty sham.
** Bank will be a distinct help along these lines,
purpose and to do certain other Ma
I know, however, that this building those days are happily past; the In­ and all flowers must be in the
besides establishing the valuable habit o f Thrift.
sonic work. On April 4th the dispen­ does represent the peace and har­ dividual gun toter is an outlaw in
sation having been granted, the mem mony prevailing In our Lodge, for society; we have learned better and hands o f the secretary by 12
bers were culled together and n lodge were it not so, we could not have more just and honorable methods of o’ clock o f the first day of the
was organized. A charter was grant­ brought to a successful conclusion adjusting difficulties; not so, how fair.
ed by the Most Worshipful Grnntl the business on which we have been ever, is it with nations; we still have
Three bands o f Clackamas
Lodge June 16th. 1911. and the Lodge engaged. With a membership of less the national gun toter, who attempts
was constituted by the Most Worship than seventy, one-third of them non­ to demonstrate the righteousness of county will furnish the music
ful Grand Master. Thomas W. Bald­ residents, it may be realized that it his cause by means of the largest gun for the fair this year.
win on July 13th. 1911. A. L. 6911 was a somewhat sizable undertaking or the most poisonous gas, or the fore but one band was secured
The following officers having been upon which we entered a n d 'it could most deadly submarine. It it be true for the four days. Estacada will
elected and appointed, were duly In­ not have been accomplished without that a nation rises no higher in the
W. M„ Fred W. Gartner; the active and earnest support of the plane of civilization than the average furnish the band music for Esta­
of its citizenry; then the correllary cada, Oregon City and
8. W.. Wm. R. F. Brown; J. W . members of this Lodge.
should also be true that it does attain Linn day, Thursday, September
Henry Joyner;
Treas.. Roger W
As time goes on, you may hear some
Cary; Secretary, Wm. Dale; S. D. brother claim, either for himself nr to that point. To the candid and 18; Molalia band which fur­
S. Frank Smith; J. D„ Levi G. Cou- for another, a preponderance of help thinking mind It seems incomprehen­
nished the music last year, will
rion; S. S.. Edmund E. Baling; J. S. or influence in the building of the sible that while in our ordinary af­
Ed L. Wonaeott; Tyler, Beach R temple. If you do, I hope you will fairs the gnu toter or the bad man is play for Molalia and Grange day,
Kimmel. The following members hav­ correct the same. Tell him you did as summarily dealt with by society, yet the last day of the fair, and the
ing presented their demits were en­ much ns any other brother and that In national affairs the national gun Milwaukie band will play for|
rolled as Charter Members of Estaca­ you have for your authority the state­ toter or firebug is recognized as hav­ Milwaukie and Juvenile day,
da Lodge No. 146 A. F. & A. M.: Wm ment of the Master of your Lodge at ing a proper place In the economy of
Dale, Roger W. Cary, Frederick W. the dedication of the Temple; for, my things. We are told that there are the 18th.
A baby show will be held on
Gartner. J. C. Clarkson. Levi O. Cou brother, If you did the best you could questions of honor that can not be
don. E S. W’ onier. Beach R. Kimmel. In the accomplishment of our purpose, settled by arbitration or by adjudica­ Oregon City, Estadada and West
John K Schenk. Ed. L. Wonaeott, then did you as much ns any other
Linn day, and from indications;
Henry Dubolse, Wm. R. F. Brown. brother, no matter what his achieve­ contentions have long since passed in
Henry Joyner, S. Frank Smith, and ment. Your mission In life, and mine, Individual affairs and they have no there will be a dozen baby girls
more place In International negotla and boys entered in the contest.
Edmund E. Baling.
Joes not lie in doing as much as
Wo have Initiated, passed and raised someone else, but in doing A L L that tlons. There Is no question that can­ There will be an age limit.
65, admitted 2» by demit or transfer, we are able in the furtherance of all not be more honorably settled by
Definite decision was made
there have demitted 11, transferred 7. ¡glit and worthy achievement. That proper adjudication than by warfare.
God grant that the Spirit of Ma­ last week for the girls’ baseball
dropped from the rolls 7. Brothers is all for which we must answer.
sonry which prevails In the hearts of team at the fair, the date to be
Henry Dubois, Henry Dillon and Bur­
We frequently hear criticism of Ma­
ton T. Moore have died, leaving 65 sonry because some member of the all good men and the Institution of on the last day of the fair—Sat­
Masonry which exists throughout the
members in good standing.
order does not measure up to the ex­ world may hasten the time when the urday, September 20. A t this
Our Masters have been Frederick pected standard. That Is wrong; that national gun toter may be as unpop time the Oregon City Manufac­
W. Gartner, Wm. R. F. Brown. W. S is not the true test of Masonry. There ular as Is the individual engaged In turing girls’ team and the All
Pyle, l wen E. Smith. Claude W. De­ are undoubtedly many men who have I similar pursuits, and that peace and
vore. Fred Grant Robley, Alfred never seen the inside of a Masonic harmony may prevail among men and Star Americans of Gladstone will
compete for the cash prize. As
Drill. Cornelius S. Allen,
John Lodge who are better Masons than j Masons throughout the world.
Greenwood, Thomas Watson. Edwin
D. Allen. Charles A. Norris. Theo­
dore Ahlberg, and our present Master
------------------------------------------------ — —
Harold C. Stephens.
Our present officers are W. M., Har­
ne of the big main drawing
ESTA C A D A B A N D in full uniform will furnish music.
old C Stephen«; 8. W., Ray H. Keith
J. W.. Cornelius 8. Allen; Treas
c ards of the fair.
Geo. It. E'.lls; Secretary. Wm. Dale;
10:00 a. m. Meeting of Clackamas County Jersey, Guern­
S. D , Walter C. Scrutton; J. D„ Fred
Pointer’s for Paints, Wallpaper
sey a n d Holstein cattle clubs, and inspection o f cattle
C. Bartholomew; S. S., Geo. E. Law ­
a n d agricultural products.
J. 8.. Harold E. Wooster;
» nd Window Glass.
Chaplain. Charles A. Norris; Mar­
shall, Perry M. Anderson:
1 2 .- 0 0 - N O O N - B A S K E T DINNER -Coffee will be served free.
Beach It. Kimmel; Trustees, Geo. A
Lovell: Geo. P. Rose, and Geo. E
1:15—Speaking by E. E. Faville, editor Western Farmer;
Law rence.
E x c e p t the H ic k o ry S tick
For many years the Lodge has con­
0. M. Plummer, Mgr. Pacific International Stock Show;
sidered the building of a Masonic
C. E. Spence. State Market Agent; F. J. Tooze, State
home, with various plan« suggested.
How the System Works Out
It wa» rot until this spring, however
Senator, and others.
The ordinary family, that of
that the matter took shape to the ex
ie day laborer or the salaried
tent that It wus referred to a commit
Eugenics contest.
tee for the purpose of considering the
T h e R E X A L L Store.
" lan, allows "about so much” for
matter and devising a plan and should
amily necessities. The grocery
Stock judging and judging o f Boys and Girls exhibit by
it be deemed feasible to proceed at
that time. The ccthmittec consisted
experts from 0. A. C. and County Agent.
of C. 8 Allen. Oro. R. tjiwrcnce. G.
meat allowance must not overrun;
A. L o rd !, O P. Rose. H C. Stephens,
and S. E Wooster. This committee
fruit for canning, clothing, luxu­
reported a plan for the erection o( the
ries and all the general family
building und the financing of the same
needs must be kept within cer­
snd the report was approved and the
tain limits.
committee continued as a building
COMDit(M with authorization to do
The result is that when living
id all things necessary tn con­
expenses rise, or when the price
nection with the matter. The Masonic
o f a certain commodity goes up.
Building Association was Incorporat­
then the family budget is trim­
ed with all members tn good standing
of E s L c . m U Unlge No. 146 A F Sr
med somewhere to offset the
A. M. as members thereof
Lots 3. 4.
increase. There is only so much
snd 5 In block 7. Estacada were pur­
money to be spent, so the family '
chased and the building aa you now
behold It wrs erected. And tonight
* cT d in *u y
D u p la y th e F la g T o m o r r o w
as far as Chicago. He w II visit
we are able to appreciate the work rot
If the price o f sugar and peaches
a .
only of the committee but of all good
is high, then canned peaches
he tate comm,tteo for th
Ma«ons, members of the Eastern Star
are taken off the winter menu o f ...... ...........
... .. 1 « —------- .a.?— 1 He will also visit Peoris, Deca-
♦«* eu«*
and others who have nssl-'ted In this
grand at d glorious work.
red need* ' i f
: b'‘* me5s h™9«* ' w r t o t i^ b o d S i ¡ ° r' Chicago and some points in
Furthermore. I would like to stile
O r*n from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturdays, open to 8 p. m.
that it has been largely due to the un­
milk and like necessities are high \ * " d individual*
"?;. the , Na- Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri be-
fore ret iming. C. A. Linn will
tiring effort and ability of our Master,
priced, then again the side-lines, i t,0nal co,on,-°" September 1*
Harold C. Stephens, that this build­
have charge o f the lumberyard
fruit; vegetables, etc., are cut! M. Lonsberry is taking his
ing hat become a reality. While each
down. If wood coal furniture cation, commencing Septeml>er Mr"'Lonsberri exnert« absence,
and every one of the committee has
given his best, ths ultimáis decision
etc., are too h i g h , then the new 18th. He contemplates a tnpeast |a t e in October. ^ U to return
Eastern Clackamas News
IB[bU pMwssi.’i ^ - r
FOUR Per Cent Interest; 100 Per Cent Security
and Service.
Springwater Fair & Picnic
At Springwater Grange Hall
September 12, 1924
Money and Ribbon Prizes will be given on First, Second and
Third premiums to boys and girls of school age.
Beef, Mutton, Veal and hogs Bought
: :
t.h-" ,.'? n,:ird.
,hon,f.“ J 5* 1:*-*« " " -