EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11,1924, COUNTY FAIR NOTES I has been deferred to him, and I feel some who have received the benefits suit o f clothes or the overcoat; that the rest of the committee concur of our mystic rights and ceremonies. must go over. ] In this statement. The real test of Masonry is not wheth­ When a multitude of middle er one man Is better than another by There are many little corner3 Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, reason of having received the degrees and small display cases in the interests are supported between SPIRIT OF MASONRY Oregon, as second-class mail. of Masonry, but whether he Is better It U my very pleasant duty at this after having received those degrees large exhibition rooms at the the producer and the family;; time to give expression to the feelings than he was before. And by this Test Clackamas county fair grounds when a dollar’ s worth o f food of pleasure which we experience In Masonry has been tried for centuries in Canby that draw no such wide products on the farm goes to the Puldished every Thursday at being thus honored with the presence and not found wanting; so. If we are homes at three dollars, and when Estacada. Oregon of the M. W. Orand Master and other not better men and better citizens by spread attention as do some of Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of reason of having received instruc­ the shelves on which are lodged like middle profits are exacted! Oregon A. F. & A. M. It has been a tions in the beauties of Masonry, the great blue ribbon displays, but from almost any necessary man­ U PTO N H. GIBBS long time since we have been per­ fault lies with us and not with Ma­ these nooks and smaller cases ufactured product, then there Editor and^Manager. mitted to entertain even one repre­ sonry. And may I not digress at this house articles which are often cannot be but one result—re­ sentative cf the Grand Lodge and it Is point to paraphrase a little poem the product of days and weeks duced consumption—and thpt quite worth the effort we have put which I came across one day? S ubscription R ates o f the most intricate labor and condition hits everybody. forth in the past few months to have so many of them with us tonight. We If you want to hnve the kind of a Iodic- skill and care. They are the One year I f there were normal con- i Like the kind of a lodge you like. hope that they may be so favorably Six months needle work exhibits, the home sumption in Oregon; if the sala­ Impressed with their reception here You needn't slip your clothes In a grip economics department and the ried and day-labor families could And start on a long. long hike. tonight that they may be with us You'll only And what you left behind. floral displays. buy what the families could con­ Thursday. September 11. 1924. again at no distant date and that their For there's nothing that’s really new ; next visit may not be deferred until Mrs. A. H. Knight of Canby sume. fruits would not rot under It’s a knock at yours- lf. we again build a Temple will have charge o f the domes­ the trees; berries would not be When you knock your Lodge ; We are also delighted to have with tic science department. Mrs. left to dry on the vin»-8 and there us so many members of our affiliated It Isn't the Lodge—It’s you ! Knight is well posted in this de­ wouid not be any "surplus” in organization, the Order of the Eastern Heal lodges aren't made by men afraid B IB LE T H O U G H T .Star, who are nlways ready to do their partment, having been in charge the state. Lest someone else- gets ahead. utmost to aid and assist In any Ma When everyone works and nobody shirks. for a number o f years and is in­ — FO R TO D A Y — | Perhaps someday there will sonic undertaking. Our pleasure at You can raise a lodge from the dead ; the being In our new home is heightened And If while you work for Fraternity'* teresting women in the county be joint action between in entering articles in that de­ grower and eater when a greater by the thought that they will share It sake, with us. partment. Your brother is working too, part of the 66"er Mr"'Lonsberri exnert« absence, and every one of the committee has given his best, ths ultimáis decision etc., are too h i g h , then the new 18th. He contemplates a tnpeast |a t e in October. ^ U to return Eastern Clackamas News ★ IB[bU pMwssi.’i ^ - r FINANCIAL TRAINING OF THE CHILDREN ESTACADA STATE BANK FOUR Per Cent Interest; 100 Per Cent Security and Service. PROGRAM Springwater Fair & Picnic At Springwater Grange Hall September 12, 1924 ARE VOU READY EOR SCHOOL? i EVERYTHING SCHOOL 5 THE ESTACADA PHARMACY t THE ESTACADA MEAT PRIZES GIVEN Money and Ribbon Prizes will be given on First, Second and Third premiums to boys and girls of school age. H, C. GOHRING Prop, ADMISSION FR E E ☆ Beef, Mutton, Veal and hogs Bought ☆ Estacada : : t.h-" ,.'? n,:ird. Oregon 2* ,hon,f.“ J 5* 1:*-*« " " -