Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 18, 1920, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    P \?e Four
Astern Clackamas News
Entered at the poHtoftlce in luatacada,
Oregon, us second-class mad.
Pul dished every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
Editor and Manager.
S ubscription R atks
One year
Six months
- .75
Thursday. March 18. 1920
king capital punishment, al­
lowed juries to find mitigating
circumstances so to avoid it,
with the result; murders so in­
creased that the guillotine was
once more put in operation.
This shows that capital punish­
ment conserves life instead of
destroying it, for in such cases
it is the corporate life of the com­
munity not the individual which
is the chief consideration.
Capital punishment when
rightly viewed is not unmerciful.
Every precaution of course
should be taken to prevent a
miscarriage of justice, and w’here
there is a reasonable doubt, the
accused should be given the ben­
efit of it. Penologists claim that
punishment should he directed to
the reform ol the criminal,
which is true. But the safety of
society is primary, the reforma­
tion of the criminal is dependent
on this being first secured.
In tirst degree murder, the
w'riter is of the opinion that the
safety of society and the reform­
ation of the criminal are best
secured hv the infliction of capi­
tal punishment.
The latter point may seem du­
bious, hut he gives it advisedly,
for he is convinced that however
faulty human judgments may
he, the Judge of all the earth
will do right, and that divine
justice regards the reformation
of the criminal.
The N e w s is in favor of the
restoration of capital punish­
ment, in the case of murder in
the tirst degree. The arguments
against such infliction do not
outweigh the fact that since its
abolishment the number of hom­
icides has increased in the state.
In this connection it is well to
consider the purpose which law
and its penalties serve.
The primary purpose of law is
for the protection of society, to
insure its security and proper
development. Otherwise there
would be anarchy and confusion
and tin* weak would go to the
wall; all moral distinctions would
be eliminated and might would
constitute right. Crime is social
in effect. When a man commits
a robbery or murder, it is a mat­
ter which involves the whole
A Valued Contemporary
community as its peace and safe­
ty are thereby endangered.
There is none among our ex-
Hence the community deals with
' changes we find more valuable
it, and it is not left entirely to
than The Oregon Voter. Its
the immediate victim to deter­
brilliant editor, C. C. Chapman,
mine whether prosecution and
has a most analytical as well as
punishment shall follow or not.
synthetical mind. The way he
He may be willing to forgive or
analyses a subject and then gives
condone the offense, but when it
its gist in a small compass is
i^ a serious one and the public
most remarkable. No p a p e r
security has been rudel> assault­
that we have seen, deals mo**e
ed, then the state will not al­
efficiently with current events in
low the matter to rest.
ue State, whether political, mu­
It is the impel at ivedutx of the
or legislative. In the
state to conserve the safety of
|: 43 t two issues it has been run­
its citizens, by laws which are
ning a few columns on Political
enforced with suitable penalties,
Personals which are very bright,
to make them effectual. No
breezy and pointed. We have
crime is moi e dangerous to the
that the Voter is controll­
welfare of a community than
ed by the predatory corporations,
cold blooded, premeditated mur­
yet however, we find ourselves
der, which the law terms murder
constantly in agreement with
in the first degree. It should
most of its positions.
receive then tlit* severest penal­
ty. That this is justified, is
The verdict at Montesano in
shown tint it acts as a most
the trial of the 1. W. W. mem­
powt rful deterrent. In lountries
bers, has met with a storm of
where murder is promptly pun­
In rendering a ver­
ished by death, there is much
dict in the second degree, when
more respect for human life
it should have been either the
than where capital punishment
first or acquittal, the jury evi­
does not prevail or where it is
dently tried to straddle. It looks
seldom inflicted. Compare the
as if they had been intimidated
number of homicides in Ureat
by the threats of the I. W. W.
Britain or in Canada, ar din this
country w here a murderer usu- j and al**o in face of the evidence,
did not dare bring in an acquit-
ally gets a ighter s. ntence.
France for years while not re- .
Thursday, March 18. 19>!0
Sahlukene C e l e ,
once queen . of the
Zulu witch doctors,
has abandoned her
practice and is study­
ing Christianity. Cele
was known as pre­
mier “caster out” of
"maidenly spirits” In
Africa. The Zulus be­
lieve these s p i r i t s
have power to keep
eligible young men
from proposiag. At
least, the Zulu debu­
tante thinks this truo
md when a proposal
does not come quick­
ly she seeks the witch
doctor. Tribal wars
in recent years huvo
made men scarce in
!- h.lanJ, so Cele was
doing a tremendous
business when a field
worker for the relig­
ious, social and eco­
nomic world survey
o f t h e Interchurch
World Movement met
her. He saw Cele
banish spirits with in­
cantation a n d t h e
smoke from a fire
consisting of herbs,
l e a v e s , cuttlefish
p o w d e r , elephant’s
flesh a n d a l i v e
python. C e l e e x ­
p l a i n e d that the
python’s ability to
hold t i g h t l y w a s
passed on to the maiden that she might keep her husband in an everlasting
grip. It was through the ef.orts o; Or. James B. McCord, \ Congregational
medical missionary, that Cele became interested in Christianity.
Dr. McCord is now in the United States in the i?»terest of a medical institute
to medicine
be started in Durban. Here the Zulu witcu doctors will be taught
and sur_ary.
\ Why the Electric Cleaner?
w 51-
There is really no comparison between the ease *
and thoroughness with which an Electric Cleaner t*
removes dirt and the difficulty of sweeping.
True, one CAN clean rugs and carpets wthout an *
electric cleaner. A broom or carpet sweeper will brush i
up SOME of the dirt; and if you like the exercise and
have plenty of time and strength a broom and a carpet
beater will do the work after a fashion..
In the same way one can wash without soap. Í
Water alone will remove some dirt if applied with \
enough “elbow grease.“
But people use soap because it cleans more easily
and better than water alone.
Tor the same reason people use Electric Cleaners i
because they clean more easily and far better than other
Be sure and read the “Want” ads.
may mean $ $ for you