Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 05, 1920, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Personality of Store an .\d verti.se-
Eastern Clackamas News
Entered at the postoffice in Estacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
Publ shed every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
Editor and Manager.
S ubscription K ates
One year
Six months
Feb. 5.
$25,000 BU SIN ESS O N $«00.
From an Address Before the
East Clackamas Community
Club by H. W . Morgan of
Sellwood, J-n. 30, 1920,
Lslacada, Ore.
< 'In
i .■ **r 1 I.ncutinn.
\Ve caini
e Sidlwood in October,
li» I I ,
Af ter look Ir.g over tlm
business filli! in Sellwood A 11 -ì. Mor­
gan and in.s.ell bolli agieed il was
Ili,' In alimi we wai.Ud- Sellwoo l 1-*
a Utile city of its ovvn, all buill up
by w; e tmuers, many of ¡ ’acni own-
tng iheir o.vn liomes.
Il is supplì.d
wftb 1 lie In ■ t of scliools, cburclits,
conin.t.nity Mon e. One of thè nursi
pnrks in Portland, is locateti in SeU-
wood and luis all file mi va ni aga s 01
Ilio c ,y.
: '■ ()
sajs I lo my betfer
ball: ‘ ‘ Sui:.: n i hy, ibis is ubere we
ani1 t- he agia etl and ber judi:-
meiit is always gooil.
Just a word
iihout lite nature of my business bu-
t'ore i go back agalli to li» 14.
Mv ¡ i m e is sm.ili, only about 22\
IA, IIn reloie il was necessary for me
to con li 11 « • ni'self to only olle Ulte ol
siapb dry goo.ls, noiions, hosiery,
oods, gingluims, some ilress
goods and a few ailks.
No doli ut
Minny slot s bere curry a mu. li more
exlensive line. I do noi e\ « n li.indie
in, 11 V goods >r footwiuir tliat ruu
iato in > 11 , \. I meni imi l Ili.- ¡»ecause
v h,ni I pive voli im aulì,¡al sal"s I
v ani uni lo Uno" w e look il Iroiu a
Minili tock of slaple dry goods witli
all Hi
adjectivi s li II oli
We do
noi 1 .indie» ,adii s* ■ iiu, vvaists or
r 1 01II < a »il
Thursday, February 5, 1920
P • 7e Four
I *o S u t
W itli.
No v w e ai. back agalli ili 1 " ì I ,
wlicn all Europe v us uiad and ilio
proni World W ir was groanlrg in II a
lerrible desi Mietimi.
So i. was limi
1 c i d er t o o k io est,ibi,sii a $25,000
busilli s on -Gioo. for Ibi* was ilio
(rulli all I bad was $('.00 and un in­
sonnie»' palici on wliicli 1 borrowed
$U0O more. Tliis pavé me $1200 io
work 011 and righi bere ! want li» nix
Mrs. Morgan Iliade up for thè resi of
my o: ilal. Sho Iliade caos, aprons,
dresses. labi,' scarfs, lable
in faci sin* Iliade an.v, Ibtng
tliat v onld brìi
ns ri incorni . imi I
can safely sav tbat vvitlim* b> t lu lp
we eoe '<1 noi li. ve in.'.de ìie u n"'s
we lir. e. The llrst two years « e r e
trying »11 "s. We bad noi est abili tini
a credit, m ither bad we a repulation
for b, i e-
bui we pushed alonur
(loinp our bit, little by little ami
day hy day.
(•etling l'uldielf >.
Mv bb > was to gel inv eli' before
thè publi a al lo do Ibi« | must ad
So 1 piarmeli various wavs
of advertisinp.
In a amali commu­
nity sudi ns mine' thè locai in'wspu-
per affords thè beat medium ot pub-
ltrlty. ami in file Ove years I bave
li,'eli In Sellwood, 1 bave never tu cu
wttliort an ad. in thè locai m v na-
per, ami only olire bave I mlssetl a
chaiipe ei ,'ojiy elidi week, and tbat
w a > w ben I >as oul of towt:.
I bis
Constant biftlnp nt thè wnll, is wbnt
brlngs risali
Never piit uni tliitig
in ilo* punrr ib.it you cnn’ t ba i, up.
Ite truthful in your statnients :.,1 do
just w bai voli sav you will do ni,ti
> mi wilt
»011 r» allzo ilio ben, is o
such a campatali.
The personality of your store, your
reputation as a business mail, these
are all advertisements of the best
F or instance, see that your
personality is strong enough when a
woman conies into your store with a
scowl and feeling out with the world
in general, use your own personality
and don’ t let that woman go until
you get a smile out of her.
mind about making a sale— that
worth ten sales in time to
We have many box customers and
fashion plate callers which are rep­
resented by their small children. We
take particular pains with the chil­
dren, giving them the same attention
if not more so, than the grown-ups.
The result is the mother knows when
slie sends her boy or girl to do her
shopping, they will receive the same
careful treatment as if she came her­
This is the personality of a
store and is one feature of advertis­
I,unking for Merchandise.
In looking for merchandise we
first study the wants of our custom-
e r« ; we learn their tastes, we know
„ what they want, amt
in selecting merchandise, we always
look for quality as well as price.
Neat, dainty styles of some reliable
brand of gingham, Ilevonsliire or per­
cales are as important as a piece of
silk, never deciding on an article un­
less we feel morally certain we can
recoin mend it wit hout a come back.
The same is true in hosiery, for as a
a satisfied hosiery customer is
always a satisfied customer the year
arouiid. These are business builders
for your reputation as a store and
are a big asset as an advertising fea-
t ure.
l imited Capital and Increasing Cost.
Referring again to llie first two or
three years of our business activi­
ties, imagine if you can my position
with a verv limited capital and prices
of merchandise steadily getting liigli-
, r ami higher. This you can see was
working a serious hardship on my
capital stock.
My money would not
reach as far as it did once, and at
times I almost gave up hope of being
iible to supply enough goods for a
growing business. W e could see the
results of our labors.
We had made
Iri mis.
We never lost an oppor­
tunity to do a service for Sellwood if
ii was in our power 10 do so.
took an interest in all things and per­
haps we took tile view that we were
¡ 1 - least a citizen of Sellwood, the
place we selected to make our home.
About this lime the U. S took a
hand in the great war.
Our boys
w, re marching to the front ready to
do their duty.
Our country- our
own dear United States
was actual­
ly at war. Our boys were being shot
,town and our girls went, overseas to
lo their bit ami when we heard ot
lu* wonderful victory on that l l t u
lav „1 November, 15*18, we positive-
bad forgotten any troubles we ever
ail in a business way.
And so we
uslied along
business getting bet-
T each day, month, and year witn
rices steadily advancing and nier-
liamlise becoming more scarce. Vet
O' demand still continues, the year
‘ill* being tlie banner year tor a
mall business such as 1 have de­
ni,,.,I to you.
Our total sales very
early reached $25.000 but conside.-
ti,p size of our stock about
7 000, w»* consider it a fair showing.
I'utur* I*ms|KH't.
What about the future?
This is
le question no one can decide. I’ rices
eadtly advancing until they have
ached tlx
highest point of any
eriod during the great war.
mope is clamoring for our mer-
landisc, 11 ml we are not able to pro-
roduce enough for our house pro-
uctiou. The great temptation is to
uv ahead in larger quantities and
,,Vk up even at these excessive
rices. T h e consumer lias the same
He is buying ahead
l be-
»» this to be a grave mistake. V\ e
hhi UI all stop buying and give the
mnufacture time to catch up.
W h ere Wi l l IN he*» End?
\gain Ibis week wholesale prices
f staple commodities have under*
mi '
nough time has elapsed since the
rat of the year to determine the at-
t u,le of the buying* public, and ap-
ireatlv the buyers have started m
l 'ter mined to buy up everything m
10 per cent reduction in
the #high cost of living
Ail in one fell swoop!
W e don’t know what “ fell swoop” means, but
it sounds good.
W e have always wanted to try the Cash and
Carry plan, but have never been in a position to do
so until now.
i ;
W e believe that those who pay cash or meet
their bills -promptly at the end of 30 days, should
not be made to pay for bad debts or interest on long
time accounts; therefore we are making the 10 per
cent discount to get that class of trade.
T o make the above discount, it is necessary
for us to cut out delivering, as the costs of deliv­
ering in the past have been more than the profits on
the goods delivered.
Remember, 10 per cent off at the
East Ciackamas Supply Co.
Your Satisfaction is Our Success
Light Lunches
M ade to Measure
For Men
R. G. M A R C H B A N K
Estacada, O regon
As a result prices are edged
up another notch, and another we. k
goes by making a record for the high-
points reached ami advances of
¡1 much as lftc a yard on staple cot­
ton fabrics.
The indications for Increased pro­
duction are not altogether favorable.
T!ie factories of this country a-e
taxed to their limit. They can do no
V, t we tin public demand
high class merchandise.
It i-- a well
known fact f I i t according to a great
Anierto-n l i n k e r the people of the
United St >tes are selling their ltbertv
bonds at the rate of twelve to thir-
tt ,*11 million.!» per day, in order to sup­
ply their wants and satisfy their
vv ¡shea.
Is It not time for the genor <1 pub­
lic to curtail their expenses and
would not this policy do more to
low, r the high cost o f living?
M ail I In fe r I I , mi -«* P n t h k r i.
Tiler*» Is no doubt this subject he.0
l» 'en cussed and dismissed mere oy
the average small
merchant th-n
any other and rightly so.
F o r this
style of a business hits the merchant
harder than any other form of com­
: petition. But th re are several views
1 wish to pr sent along this line. It
is my opinion the average housewife
would prefer to trade at home pro­
viding she could find what she wants.
She o n take her catalog and look up
anything she wants. She knows she
cui find it there and she is not sure
of iier local merchant. The merchant
without thinking says to Mrs. Cus­
tomer. " N o we haven’t that article
today ’ and lets her go without m i k­
ing th»' elTart to get it for her if it is
possible. If .Mr. Merchant will show
» I
til*' same Interest to the customer
that this mail order catalog does to
its readers, he would make manv
sales which are now lost and the mail
order problem would not bo such a
severe puzzle after all. A little pub­
licity along this line would be of
great value.
Take a page from a
mail order house— make a corres­
ponding copv of the same articles
and quote price«.
Kven if vou are
Id per cent higher it is still to the
advantage o f the ciutonier to trade
at home for she can evamtne the
goods ir question.
I f the buying
(Continued on Past Page)