Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 02, 1917, Image 3

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T h
C h an ges B eing M ade
A m ong Soldiers
r ft
Several important changes are
now being made or contemplated
among the various companies of
soldiers stationed in this district,
but as the newspapers have been
officially warned against giving
publicity to these troop move­
ments. the News has abided by
that ruling.
Is Now A National Slogan
i • ~
■ — - ■
~ —
The American people are waking up
They resent the charge that
they are wasteful
Bank deposits all over the country are
increasing by leaps and bounds
Are Y O U a depositor?
If you are not, join the financial
preparedness army.
Manage to
lav aside a certain amount of cash.
We’ll he glad to explain our hank­
ing system.
Cash in hank means a lot to you.
It prepares you for an emergency.
If there is a slump after the war.
ready cash will tide you over.
If there is business expansion, a
goodiy hank account will find you
ready for it.
Account Of Pomona Grange Omitted
See us today about th a t account o f yours
We do all kinds of banking
B stacada State B ank
P erm an en t Im provem ents
N earing C om pletion
r-'W .
Leroy D. Walker, President
Thomas Yocum, Vice President
I r wi n I). Wr i g h t , C a s h i e r
+ + + +
+ +
<iAre not all the
sam e in Q uality'
and w e claim to
have the very best
Prices as low as the lowest i
Estacada Feed & Lumber Co. I
E stacada,
O regon.
An apology is due the mem­
bers of the Garfield Grange for
the News having omitted to
make mention of the special Po­
mona Grange session, held at
their hall on Friday. July 11th.
The News in its issue of July
5th, had called attention to this
important session, hut had later
overlooked printing an account
of the affair.
The only excuse offered is that
owing to the rush of the "war
draft" news, we simply over­
looked this matter and as it hap­
pened were not reminded of it
by any of the Grange members.
With the finishing touches now
being put on the Cascade Garage
building and with the Fstacada
High School well along towards
completion, Estacadians m ay
now point with pride to these
two modern structures.
The new garage is of fire proof
tile material, with concrete floor­
ing and ample lighting and ven­
tilating facilities and from an
architectural s t a n d po i n t is a
structure of beauty and stability.
The high school building is
substantially completed on the
outside and is undoubtedly the
finest structure in this part of
the county.
With the lowering of the side­
walks on Main Street about fin­
ished and the laying of perma­
nent concrete walks in front of
the J. W. Heed property on
Broadway and the Evans’ prop­
erty on Main Street, Estarada is
taking on a more stable and pros­
perous appearance and when the
two whistles at the cannery and
the cheese factory sound their
daily calls, it sounds like good
times and real business.
Card O f T hanks
For the many kindnesses and
expressions of sympathy extend­
ed to us in the recent illness,
death and burial of our mother,
Mrs. Jessie Krieger, we wish to
sincerely thank our many friends
of this community.
Signed -
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Krieger
Albert Krieger
William Krieger
Charles Krieger.
S ten ograp h ers And
T yp ew riters W anted
Tne I'nited States Government
needs, and needs badly, great
numbers of stenographers and
typewriters, both men and wo­
men, for service in the depart­
ments at Washington, I). C., and
the situation in federal offices
outside of Washington is scarce­
ly less urgent. The supply of
qualified persons on the Commis­
sion’s lists for this class of
work is not equal to the demand,
and the Commission urges as a
Patriotic Duty that citizens with
this special knowledge apply for
examination for the government
At present all who pass the ex­
aminations for the Departmental
Service are certified for appoint­
ment. Large numbers of stenog­
raphers and typewriters are need­
ed for the Field Service, and
practically all men who pass tin*
field examination are appointed
at an entrance salary of $1000
per annum. Many women are
required for various branches of
the Field Service, and recently
20 women stenographers and
typewriters have been appointed
in the Puget Sound Navy Yard.
Examinations for the Depart­
mental Service are held every
Tuesday in H cities in the Elev­
enth District. Examinations for
the Field Service will be held on
August 18th.
For full information and appli­
cation blanks apply to Herbert
F. Ward, District Secretary, 11th
Civil Service District, 1103 Post
Office Building. Seattle, Wash.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs.
II. G. Trowbridge, formerly of
Estacada, will be pleased to learn
of bis recent appointment to the
managership of a large milk con-
densery near Snohomish, Wash­
ington, where they will soon
make their home.
Art Perry of Garfield returned
Sunday from Scappoose, where
he was employed for a couple of
weeks prior to the shutting down
of the Nehalem Lumber Com­
pany’s mill last week.
Born Friday, July 27th. to
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lawrence
of Springwater, a son.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Currin of
Currinsville entertained a few
Estacada friends Tuesday even­
ing at a delightful dinner party
A b stracts exam ined. C orporation 1.* w
Financial A gents. T r u sts, Escrows and
A ccounts. E sta tes prob ated . C ollec­
tion s, D eed s, M ortgages.
G eneral
I r ictice in all c o u rts. C orrespondence
solicited. P rom p t a tte n tio n . Bank
references. Fourteenth year.
Mosessohn & Mosessohn
n«.71t-71S Chamber
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