m ♦ + ♦ + ♦* + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ T h C h an ges B eing M ade A m ong Soldiers r ft Several important changes are now being made or contemplated among the various companies of soldiers stationed in this district, but as the newspapers have been officially warned against giving publicity to these troop move­ ments. the News has abided by that ruling. Is Now A National Slogan i • ~ —— —— ■ — - ■ ■- ~ — The American people are waking up They resent the charge that they are wasteful Bank deposits all over the country are increasing by leaps and bounds V + + + + Are Y O U a depositor? If you are not, join the financial preparedness army. Manage to lav aside a certain amount of cash. We’ll he glad to explain our hank­ ing system. Cash in hank means a lot to you. It prepares you for an emergency. If there is a slump after the war. ready cash will tide you over. If there is business expansion, a goodiy hank account will find you ready for it. ♦ + + * * + Account Of Pomona Grange Omitted + + + + + + + + + + + See us today about th a t account o f yours We do all kinds of banking B stacada State B ank P erm an en t Im provem ents N earing C om pletion r-'W . m Leroy D. Walker, President Thomas Yocum, Vice President I r wi n I). Wr i g h t , C a s h i e r + + + + + + + m ++++++++++++++ MILL FEEDS