Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1917)
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ + V I bank closed Students Surprise Principal »»-* Legal Holidays Monday + + + + ♦ * + + + + + * + + ♦ ♦ And ♦ + + + Tuesday * + June 4th and 5th. Estacada State Bank Leroy D. Walker, President Thomas Yocum, Vice President I r w i n D. W r i g h t , Cashier & + ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + +.1 m SIDEWALK comprising 2 x 6 fir stringers and planks will COST Ascertain from Recorder Devore, the legal width o f walk required on your street, then P H O N E US Y O U R O RD E R] A N D W E W I L L M A K E P R O M P T D E L IV E R Y . Estacada Feed & Lumber Co. Estacada, - Contributed C. H. Paddison, who recently purchased the W. E. Low ell farm , ba; moved out with his fam ily and is occupying the place. A. W. Cooke and w ife made a visit to the Gibson cemetery Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass took a trip to Logan Sunday, m aking Oscar Benson and fam ily a visit. Miss Edna Kennedy spent the week-end with her Uncle and Aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Barrett, o f Logan. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hollander w ere the dinner-guests o f A. N. Orke and w ife Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hollander have recently sold their farm and will leave Eagle Creek soon. O. C. S. C.ERBER Oregon. Following the closing o f school on Wednesday, Prin. F. B. Guth rie, accompanied by Mrs. Guthrie and son, le ft for Salem Thurs day, where they will make their future home. Mr. Guthrie will begin at once his work with the Wittenberg- a K in g Co. o f The Dalles, who are now erecting a large plant at Sa lem. This well known firm are in the fruit and vegetable pre serving and drying business and Mr. Guthrie will work among the growers in buying the pro duce. For this work, Mr. Guthrie is especially adapted, with his knowledge o f agriculture, to gether with his ability for hard work. W hile the many friends here regret to have Mr. an ! Mr . Guthrie leave Estacada, they congratulate him on his having obtained this lucrative and impor tant position and wish him s m - cess in all ways. W om ans Grange Club A t 2 P. M. Friday, June 1st at the Central Library in Portland, will be held a regular meeting o f the Woman’ s Grange Club. All Clackamas County grange women are urged to attend this meeting and obtain the benefits o f Lhe club. An interesting pro gram has been arranged, with Mrs. Edith Tozier Weathered presiding. Springwater Grange Picnic Mrs. Viola Douglass made a trip to Portland one day last week, to see her son Jess, who came down from The Dalles on a b rief business visit. On Saturday, June t)th, on the Shibley ranch in Springwater, will be held the annual picnic o f the Springwater Grange. The speaker o f the day will bo I)r. Hector McPherson o f the (). A .'C ., with other entertaining ami instructive numbers on the program. Refreshments will he served and all are invited to at tend. Mrs. L. J. Lavender and daugh ter o f Weisner, Idaho are visiting at the C. A. Looney home in Currinsville. Colonel and Mrs. J. C. K ilgore o f Springwater are leaving this week for an extended visit in Chicago. W alter Douglass, while de horning a call' Sunday, fell and had the misfortune to break a couple o f ribs. Better Get Your $7.00 for 4 foot walk • 50 feet long $10.50 ’ 6 . . . $17.00’ 10 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ M. D. EVANS Eag:e Creek Notes Mrs. S. J. Eddy, who, with her little son Bruce, has been a guest at the home o f R. B. Gib son the past week, returned to her home in Portland Sunday evening, accompanied by Mr. Eddy. The LUMBER for your new L. S. BRONSON An informal surprise party was given last Monday evening at the school play-shed by the high school students, with Prin. and Mrs. Guthrie as the guests o f honor. The entertainment and inform al reception took the form o f a farew ell party, with the pupils presenting their guests with two picture placques as reminders o f their many school friends in Estacada. Guthrie Enters Commercial Field Lawn Mowers Sharpened PATHE , Cold Rooster Plays Baby Carriages Re-Tired Y ou ’ ll soon need it. S. P. Pesznecker - Estacada LAWYERS Abstracts examined. Corporation Law. Financial Agents. Trusts, Escrows and Accounts. Estates probated- Collec tions, Deeds, Mortgages. Oeneral practice in all courts. Correspondence solicited. Prompt attention. Banlr references. Fourteenth year. LOAMS PLACED ON PORTLAND PROPERTY Mosessohn & Mosessohn 714-71S-71C Cham ber e t C o m m erc e B ld » I P O R T LA N D , OREQON Saturday Evening June 2nd Bond of Blood In 3 Part«