Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 03, 1917, Image 6

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    Eastern Clackamas News
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
It. M. Standish,
Editor and Manager
Entered at the postoffice in Estacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
S ubscription R ates
One year
Six months
Thursday, May 3, 1917
Dont forget that Tuesday, May
15th, has been set for Estacada’s
Clean-Up-Day and volunteers are
needed with teams.
In t h e
meantime, you can greatly sim­
plify the work by cleaning up
your own inside property and col­
lecting your unburnable refuse in
shape for hauling away.
The action o f the taxpayers at
a recent meeting with the Esta­
cada School Board is hard to
fathom, when they voted strong­
ly against the proposed purchase
o f the adjoining athletic field,
despite the generous offer o f Dr.
H. V. A dix to put up a bona,
guaranteeing to buy the property
at the end o f five years, in case
the taxpayers at that time were
not satisfied with their bargain.
Dr. A d ix ’ s offer made the prop­
osition a “ sure bet” with no
chance to lose and everything to
As long as the funds were
available for the purchase and as
the experience o f hundreds o f
other schools has shown the need
o f nearby athletic fields and as
the school district could resell if
it tired o f its bargain it looks as
though the taxpayers voted w ith­
out clearly considering the ques­
tion from all standpoints.
There are several important
highways in this district which
need working, among them being
the Douglass Hili Hoad in Upper
Eagle ('reek and a similar stretch
between Springwater and Dodge.
In the form er district, the res­
idents have generously volunteer­
ed over a thousand dollars worth
o f labor and money, but ow ing to
the action o f the court last fall,
the special road levy for the im­
provement o f this hill was declar­
ed illegal so if this important
trade artery is to be put in pass­
able condition, it will have to be
by volunteer labor largely and
the volunteer co-operation o f the
entire district.
Within a short time, the tax­
payers o f that district contem­
plate holding a Good Hoads Day,
when everyone will lend his or
her aid in the work.
When this
call comes, the people o f Estaca­
da and all nearby sections should
get together and collectively join
with our neighbors.
should the Estacada people join
in the work, i f for no other rea­
son than to make possible a bet­
ter, all year around trade artery
into this city.
Aside from a desire to show our
neighborliness and aid in a good
cause such action by the City o f
Estacada will be a wise business
proposition, with results accru­
ing, such as have been returned
many-fold from the financial aid
given the George Bridge Hoad a
few years ago.
Probably with the highest o f
intentions, but unthinkingly, we,
o f Estacada, are offerin g insults
to our elective officers in many
ways today.
As a proof o f this, consider the
men who make up our School
Board and our City Council.
These men were elected to these
places o f trust by the people them­
selves and the very fact that they
were elected, should be proof suf­
ficient that we believe them to be
honest men and well qualified to
exercise the duties o f their office.
As everyone knows, no salaries
are attached to the office o f a
member o f the School Board, ex ­
cepting the\inofficio office o f sec­
retary - with the Mayor and Coun-
eilmen o f Estacada serving free.
Yet, it has reached the place
today that the moment either o f
these boards is ca led upon to use
its discretion and exercise its
power, immediate criticism o f its
workings and handicapping o f
its power follows.
This was recently exemplified
in the action taken by the tax­
payers in appointing a committee
to work with the School Board in
the present negotiations and e r e c ­
tion o f the Estacada High School
The same attitude has been
more than apparent in many act­
ions o f the City Council, which
fo r the good o f the city have
seemed necessary, but which have
met with stubborn resistance by
many o f the voters.
None but those who have serv­
ed on one or the other o f these
boards, knows what a thankless
job it is - what a lot o f hard work
and w orrying has to be endured
and while no remuneration is e x ­
pected and no thanks are forth ­
coming - unjust criticism and
handicapping o f their actions by
the same people who elected them,
should be done away with.
I f this condition continues, it
will be but a short time until no
capable man or woman will ac­
cept the responsibilities o f these
important ollices.
The article in the News o f
April 19th, - urging the opening
up o f the fish-ladders in the near­
by dams and the opening for cer­
tain hours each day o f the fish
racks in the streams - has met
with the hearty approval o f the
local sportsmen and farmers.
It has been suggested that the
Farmers’ & Merchants’ Club take
up the m atter and by means o f
petitions or legal action, insist
that some relief be given this sec­
tion. which originally was second
’ to none in the United States for
its salmon fishing streams.
As the salmon return a fter four
years to the stream in w hich they
were propagated, to in turn pro­
pagate their young - it will be but
a few years before the Clackamas
and its tributaries will receive no
more salmon runs, fo r few. if any
are able to propagate locally now
and the output o f the hatcheries
is distributed largely tooth er and
distant streams.
Prices on
hav" raised and are still going higher—
but d > not blame us (your home mer­
chant) for this.
We have held our prices down, even
a fter ’ he raise as long as our stocks
on hand lasted.
N ow we must go on the market and
buy at the higher prices and must
make our prices in accordance— but
will continue to make the
with good service and good merchandise.
L. A. Chapman f
W e have just taken the agency for the
N ew Home
W hite Rotary
So you can now buy anyone of these leading'makes
of machines on the easiest of monthly payments.
• t
f J
O ur
A gency
is keeping us hustling these Spring days.
W e have complete catalogs to select from and
through our Portland connections are able to
make delivery promptly and save you money.
I f you are considering repapering this season,
call and inspect our full line o f samples.
Park & Closner
Broadway at 2nd
Estacada, Oregon
The >»» mu «uniy w
Dodge Cars
The Car o f
No $880.
Chum m y four passenger S ix Roadsters
and Saxon S ix ’s
S. P. Pesznecker
Estacada, Oregon