Eastern Clackamas News Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon It. M. Standish, Editor and Manager Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. S ubscription R ates One year Six months - - . $1.00 . . ,50 Thursday, May 3, 1917 Dont forget that Tuesday, May 15th, has been set for Estacada’s Clean-Up-Day and volunteers are needed with teams. In t h e meantime, you can greatly sim­ plify the work by cleaning up your own inside property and col­ lecting your unburnable refuse in shape for hauling away. The action o f the taxpayers at a recent meeting with the Esta­ cada School Board is hard to fathom, when they voted strong­ ly against the proposed purchase o f the adjoining athletic field, despite the generous offer o f Dr. H. V. A dix to put up a bona, guaranteeing to buy the property at the end o f five years, in case the taxpayers at that time were not satisfied with their bargain. Dr. A d ix ’ s offer made the prop­ osition a “ sure bet” with no chance to lose and everything to gain. As long as the funds were available for the purchase and as the experience o f hundreds o f other schools has shown the need o f nearby athletic fields and as the school district could resell if it tired o f its bargain it looks as though the taxpayers voted w ith­ out clearly considering the ques­ tion from all standpoints. There are several important highways in this district which need working, among them being the Douglass Hili Hoad in Upper Eagle ('reek and a similar stretch between Springwater and Dodge. In the form er district, the res­ idents have generously volunteer­ ed over a thousand dollars worth o f labor and money, but ow ing to the action o f the court last fall, the special road levy for the im­ provement o f this hill was declar­ ed illegal so if this important trade artery is to be put in pass­ able condition, it will have to be by volunteer labor largely and the volunteer co-operation o f the entire district. Within a short time, the tax­ payers o f that district contem­ plate holding a Good Hoads Day, when everyone will lend his or her aid in the work. When this call comes, the people o f Estaca­ da and all nearby sections should get together and collectively join with our neighbors. Especially should the Estacada people join in the work, i f for no other rea­ son than to make possible a bet­ ter, all year around trade artery into this city. Aside from a desire to show our neighborliness and aid in a good cause such action by the City o f Estacada will be a wise business proposition, with results accru­ ing, such as have been returned many-fold from the financial aid given the George Bridge Hoad a few years ago. Probably with the highest o f intentions, but unthinkingly, we, o f Estacada, are offerin g insults to our elective officers in many ways today. As a proof o f this, consider the men who make up our School Board and our City Council. These men were elected to these places o f trust by the people them­ selves and the very fact that they were elected, should be proof suf­ ficient that we believe them to be honest men and well qualified to exercise the duties o f their office. As everyone knows, no salaries are attached to the office o f a member o f the School Board, ex ­ cepting the\inofficio office o f sec­ retary - with the Mayor and Coun- eilmen o f Estacada serving free. Yet, it has reached the place today that the moment either o f these boards is ca led upon to use its discretion and exercise its power, immediate criticism o f its workings and handicapping o f its power follows. This was recently exemplified in the action taken by the tax­ payers in appointing a committee to work with the School Board in the present negotiations and e r e c ­ tion o f the Estacada High School building. The same attitude has been more than apparent in many act­ ions o f the City Council, which fo r the good o f the city have seemed necessary, but which have met with stubborn resistance by many o f the voters. None but those who have serv­ ed on one or the other o f these boards, knows what a thankless job it is - what a lot o f hard work and w orrying has to be endured and while no remuneration is e x ­ pected and no thanks are forth ­ coming - unjust criticism and handicapping o f their actions by the same people who elected them, should be done away with. I f this condition continues, it will be but a short time until no capable man or woman will ac­ cept the responsibilities o f these important ollices. The article in the News o f April 19th, - urging the opening up o f the fish-ladders in the near­ by dams and the opening for cer­ tain hours each day o f the fish racks in the streams - has met with the hearty approval o f the local sportsmen and farmers. It has been suggested that the Farmers’ & Merchants’ Club take up the m atter and by means o f petitions or legal action, insist that some relief be given this sec­ tion. which originally was second ’ to none in the United States for its salmon fishing streams. As the salmon return a fter four years to the stream in w hich they were propagated, to in turn pro­ pagate their young - it will be but a few years before the Clackamas and its tributaries will receive no more salmon runs, fo r few. if any are able to propagate locally now and the output o f the hatcheries is distributed largely tooth er and distant streams. Prices on ALL FOOD STUFF hav" raised and are still going higher— but d > not blame us (your home mer­ chant) for this. . We have held our prices down, even a fter ’ he raise as long as our stocks on hand lasted. N ow we must go on the market and buy at the higher prices and must make our prices in accordance— but will continue to make the BEST PRICES PO S S IB L E with good service and good merchandise. L. A. Chapman f A Estacada, Oregon 'T W e have just taken the agency for the Singer N ew Home W hite Rotary SEWING MACHINES » So you can now buy anyone of these leading'makes of machines on the easiest of monthly payments. A SK • • t US A B O U T f J TH E M ‘ O ur W A L L P A P E R A gency is keeping us hustling these Spring days. W e have complete catalogs to select from and through our Portland connections are able to make delivery promptly and save you money. I f you are considering repapering this season, call and inspect our full line o f samples. Park & Closner Broadway at 2nd Chevrolet - Estacada, Oregon The >»» mu «uniy w Dodge Cars $625. The Car o f No $880. Chum m y four passenger S ix Roadsters and Saxon S ix ’s $965. I- CASCADE S. P. Pesznecker - GA RAGE - Estacada, Oregon