Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 05, 1917, Image 3

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B a rth o lo m e w F ined $ 1 0 .
These are good times
in which we are living
The opportunity to see, to know, and to do,
was never greater.
The opportunity
for men to make the most of them­
selves, if they have it in them, was
never so great as now.
However in these modern times before one
can take full advantage of the oppor­
tunities presented for growth, for
achievements, one needs the help and
backing of a bank account.
Come in and let us explain to you how easy
it is to start an account at the
Estacada State Bank
Leroy D. Walker, President
Thomas Yocum, Vice President
I r w i n D. W r i g h t , C a s h i e r
& *& #& ** * * * * * * * * * * * * *
** * * * * *
Wooden Stave
The Patent Door is the Main Feature
We have it on display here
The Lowest Price for the
Best S i l o on the Market
Fred Bartholomew made a lit­
tle auto trip to Portland Sunday,
taking one of the machines be­
longing to the Walter Givens
Come to find out, someone had
taken the two license tags off
that particular machine a day or
two previous, but Fred didn’t
know it, until a big, nasty police­
man politely informed him.
Fred claims he put up such a
good line of talk to the Pbliee
Judge, before whom he appeared,
that he saved at least $15. for the
kindly judge only soaked him
$10., so Fred wrote out a check.
E a g ’e C re e k N otes
One night recently chicken-
thieves visi ied Fred Hoffmeister’s
hen-roost, carrying off more than
half his hens. Pete Clester also
received a visit the other night,
presumably by the same parties,
but they failed to get anything
there as they were frightened
away by the dog.
Mrs. Viola Douglass spent Sat­
urday with Mrs. Roy Douglass,
who was slightly ill.
G. W. Baker is on the sick list.
Dick Gibson was a Sandy visi­
tor on Sunday.
The Douglass Bros, did some
chopping for some of the far­
mers op Saturday.
Little Geòrgie Baker is on the
sick list.
Mr. Lowelj of Portland, made
his son C. A. Lotvell, and wife,
a visit Saturday.
The young
people reside on the farm for­
merly owned by the DeRonne’s.
Miss Edna Kennedy, Mrs. R.
M. Brash and children were cal­
ling at the home of Walter Doug­
lass Sunday.
Roy Douglass was a Logan vis­
itor Monday.
A. G. Burnett sold a horse to
Hal Gibson recently.
Dick Gibson, hearing that his
father, James Gibson, was not so
well as usual, called to see him
on Tuesday.
E sch iem a n T o IVfake
P o p In M o n tan a
Dave Eschieman, Estacada’s
popular barber, is leaving about
April 10th for East Scobey, Mon­
tana, where he will go into busi­
ness in the manufacture of pop.
Associated with Dave will be
A1 Lindsey of East Scobey, who,
while visiting in Estacada recent­
ly, persuaded Dave to go into
partnership with him in the pur­
chase o f the pop manufacturing
plant, formerly operated in Esta­
cada by R. G. Marchbank.
Until the business is in opera­
tion and Dave is permanently lo­
cated, Mrs. Eschieman and son
David, Jr. will remain in Esta­
H a rry S n y d er
R e tu rn in g T o O re g o n
Harry Snyder, formerly of Es­
tacada and Cazadero, who last
Spring returned to Mechanics-
burg, Pa. to go into business
there, in a letter to the News re­
ceived this week, writes that he
and Mrs. Snyder expect to leave
for Oregon, April 9th.
Mr. Snyder owns a farm in the
Dodge section and will probably
locate there.
E s ta c a d a P u p ils A m o n g
C o u n ty C o n test W in n e rs
Competition being so keen in
the Clackamas County Story and
Essay Contests, the Estacada
School feels justly proud in an­
nouncing that Helen Wooster of
the seventh grade, who wrote a
description of the Clackamas Riv­
er, won the second prize in the
essay contest; and Thelma Eschel-
man of the eighth grade won
third prize in the original short
story contest.
r f.'.'r ÿvt
Qm f
A b stra c ts ex.imim. .. C orporatio
F in an cial A gents. T ru s ts , E s.ro * c a nd
Accounts. E sta te s p ro b a te d . Cell ac­
tions, Deeds, M ortgages. G enera)
practice in ail c o u rts. C o rrespondence
solicited. P ro m p t a tte n tio n . B ank
references. Fourteenth near.
Mosessohn & Mosessohn
714.71S.716 C h a m b e r o f C o m m o r c A B id *
Come in and let us give you a
little information, and anyway
Basket Social and
Hard Time Party
Let Us Quote You Prices
Garfield Country Club
Estacada Feed & Lumber Co.
Friday, April 13,1917
E sta c a d a ,
O re g o n .
All those wearing white collars will be fined.
All Ladies are requested to bring well filled baskets.