+ + + + ♦ + + ♦ + + ♦ + + + B a rth o lo m e w F ined $ 1 0 . ♦ m These are good times in which we are living ♦ The opportunity to see, to know, and to do, was never greater. The opportunity for men to make the most of them­ selves, if they have it in them, was never so great as now. + ♦ ♦ * + * + + ♦ * * + * ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ * However in these modern times before one can take full advantage of the oppor­ tunities presented for growth, for achievements, one needs the help and backing of a bank account. + \ ♦ Come in and let us explain to you how easy it is to start an account at the Estacada State Bank Leroy D. Walker, President Thomas Yocum, Vice President I r w i n D. W r i g h t , C a s h i e r & *& #& ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * J. B. ** * * * * * R A D E Y Wooden Stave SILOS In all sizes The Patent Door is the Main Feature We have it on display here The Lowest Price for the Best S i l o on the Market Fred Bartholomew made a lit­ tle auto trip to Portland Sunday, taking one of the machines be­ longing to the Walter Givens Company. Come to find out, someone had taken the two license tags off that particular machine a day or two previous, but Fred didn’t know it, until a big, nasty police­ man politely informed him. Fred claims he put up such a good line of talk to the Pbliee Judge, before whom he appeared, that he saved at least $15. for the kindly judge only soaked him $10., so Fred wrote out a check. E a g ’e C re e k N otes Contributed One night recently chicken- thieves visi ied Fred Hoffmeister’s hen-roost, carrying off more than half his hens. Pete Clester also received a visit the other night, presumably by the same parties, but they failed to get anything there as they were frightened away by the dog. Mrs. Viola Douglass spent Sat­ urday with Mrs. Roy Douglass, who was slightly ill. G. W. Baker is on the sick list. Dick Gibson was a Sandy visi­ tor on Sunday. The Douglass Bros, did some chopping for some of the far­ mers op Saturday. Little Geòrgie Baker is on the sick list. Mr. Lowelj of Portland, made his son C. A. Lotvell, and wife, a visit Saturday. The young people reside on the farm for­ merly owned by the DeRonne’s. Miss Edna Kennedy, Mrs. R. M. Brash and children were cal­ ling at the home of Walter Doug­ lass Sunday. Roy Douglass was a Logan vis­ itor Monday. A. G. Burnett sold a horse to Hal Gibson recently. Dick Gibson, hearing that his father, James Gibson, was not so well as usual, called to see him on Tuesday. E sch iem a n T o IVfake P o p In M o n tan a Dave Eschieman, Estacada’s popular barber, is leaving about April 10th for East Scobey, Mon­ tana, where he will go into busi­ ness in the manufacture of pop. Associated with Dave will be A1 Lindsey of East Scobey, who, while visiting in Estacada recent­ ly, persuaded Dave to go into partnership with him in the pur­ chase o f the pop manufacturing plant, formerly operated in Esta­ cada by R. G. Marchbank. Until the business is in opera­ tion and Dave is permanently lo­ cated, Mrs. Eschieman and son David, Jr. will remain in Esta­ cada. H a rry S n y d er R e tu rn in g T o O re g o n Harry Snyder, formerly of Es­ tacada and Cazadero, who last Spring returned to Mechanics- burg, Pa. to go into business there, in a letter to the News re­ ceived this week, writes that he and Mrs. Snyder expect to leave for Oregon, April 9th. Mr. Snyder owns a farm in the Dodge section and will probably locate there. E s ta c a d a P u p ils A m o n g C o u n ty C o n test W in n e rs Competition being so keen in the Clackamas County Story and Essay Contests, the Estacada School feels justly proud in an­ nouncing that Helen Wooster of the seventh grade, who wrote a description of the Clackamas Riv­ er, won the second prize in the essay contest; and Thelma Eschel- man of the eighth grade won third prize in the original short story contest. r f.'.'r ÿvt $ Qm f A b stra c ts ex.imim. .. C orporatio .«#. F in an cial A gents. T ru s ts , E s.ro * c a nd Accounts. E sta te s p ro b a te d . Cell ac­ tions, Deeds, M ortgages. G enera) practice in ail c o u rts. C o rrespondence solicited. P ro m p t a tte n tio n . B ank references. Fourteenth near. LOANS PLACED ON PORTLAND PROPERTY Mosessohn & Mosessohn 714.71S.716 C h a m b e r o f C o m m o r c A B id * P O R TLAN D , OREGON Come in and let us give you a little information, and anyway Basket Social and Hard Time Party Let Us Quote You Prices Garfield Country Club Estacada Feed & Lumber Co. Friday, April 13,1917 L. S. BRONSON M. V EVANS E sta c a d a , - O. C. S. GERBER O re g o n . J All those wearing white collars will be fined. All Ladies are requested to bring well filled baskets.