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About Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1916)
+ * + + + + + + + * + + + *-i- + + + + + + * + + * + +; ♦ PROFESSIONAL CAROS W ant and F o r Sale C o lu m n 5 cents per line. Cash in advance ♦ FOR SA LE — 1 year Italian Prune trees, e x tra fine also Lam bert and Bing Cherry. Write for prices, phone G. T. Hunt. 0 . W. Failing, nurseryman, R. F. D. 1, Estacada, Oregon. FOR S A L E -V e tc h Seed 3c »>. Phone Frank Thomas, Garfield. FOR SA LE Mare#nd Geld ing, lOOOtt) each, in good condi tion. Team and chain harness for $75 or single horses at $35 each. One mile North of Doug lass School House. R. M. Brash, Barton, Oregon. FOR S A LE 1450 lb. work mare 6 yrs. old. Bargain. W. Kaake, Estacada, Oregon. For Sale or Trade - One 14 in. Oliver plow in good condition. Will sell cheap or trade for a smaller plow. Inquire News office. WANTED A PPLES in any quantity—price $8 to $10 per ton, depending on quality. R. C. Deming Packing Co. Estacada, Oregon. * Undertaking and Embalming * L. A. Chapman Licensed Embalmer Phone Store or Residence Operating Hearse and Morgue ♦ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Money In China and Egypt. Coiua were rnude iu Cliiiia so long ago. It is said, as the year 2250 B. C., but they could not have beeu other hau portions of inetui «ast Into porta tile shape, such as were all the earliest moneys. In Egypt, ihe cruille of civil! zatlou and commerce, strange to say. there was no Imperial coinage. Copper, silver and gold were used, but they were manufactured Into lumps, shaped sometimes like brick, and in the rase of gold and silver were molded in rings, like the ancient Irish money of ten centuries ago. it appears almost in conceivable that a people who created the pyramids and erected such mag uittceut temples should have beeu eu tirely ignorant of coins. Yet it is eer tain from the statements of Ilerodo tus that such was the case The tirsl coinage of money in Egypt was not struck to assist the Egyptians them selves In their commercial dealings, but. rather, because the foreign mer -bants with whom they traded, the <»reeks and the Phoenicians, demand ed some medium which would have the guarantee of Its value apparent on it and which would circulate for that v a l u e . ________________ Poor Little Goose! "Seems as if l can never find a de cent <iuill In the house!" growled the eighteenth century author. ’I thiuk It would pay you to keep a goose!" sharply retorted Ids wife. ‘You mean one that would be of some help to me. don’t you?" chortled the brute.—Detroit Free Press. Two Carloads Monday If the present rate of livestock shipping from the Estacada yards continues, prosperity is assured to this community, as each car load means the paying out of from Coyotes. $1,500 to $2,000 to the local The annual losses of live stock on the national forest ranges of the west farmers. due to predatory animals are over Last Monday, buyer Givens j Approximately 75 per cent shipped two carloads, one being i of the sheep losses are due to coyotes I Mountain lions are charged with kill made up of cattle and the other | ing only few head of rattle ami sbeep. of hogs. A Sure Exit. Life has a thousand exits, blit none or surer than changing seats in a canoe when you cannot swim the distance to shore. —Louisville Courler- •lournal j Is swifter left hand, caused by getting caught in a drag saw. At first [ it looked as though Dick would j have to go through the balance of his days with one short digit, but after Dr. Adix finished with ! the job, it looks as though th e ' finger would be as good as ever, after a few weeks of healing. Henry V. Adix, M. D. ¡ + + + + The children of 1400 rural Ore gon schools have been using | lessons on the fight against tuber culosis as texts in their class work during the past year. The les sons were furnished free by the Oregon Association for the Pre vention of Tuberculosis as a part of its work. Now they are organizing to help the Red Cross Seal sale of the Association so that this method of disseminating inform ation may be continued and the association be strengthened in its campaign to exterminate the dread disease in this state. Acting under the formal ap proval and permission of the Board of School Directors, the | children of 52 Portland schools will also join in the big move ment. : more than $1000 will result from * i their enthusiastic work this year, j ¡Their effort will be made prin-j cipally d u r i n g “Tuberculosis Week” . This comes December 3 to 10, j reaching a climax with ‘ ‘Tuber - 1 eulosis Sunday” , December 10. ! when every pulpit in the state is asked to join the campaign by re-1 counting progress and repeating the warnings against the disease, i The Association has sent a let- j ter direct to the children of each j school. It tells them how to pro- j ceed. It tells them why the work is BO much worth while. Through the agency of the C. I. C. the Red Cross Stamps arej already on sale in the majority of Estacada business places and the public is urged to do its share in the pood work. Daily Delivery Service M I L K C R E A M Milk and Cream delivered at your door, each morning between 5 and 6 o’clock. Absolutely rich, pure milk, ft< n well caret! for, • grain and ensilage fed lersey cow- Phone your wants the night befor • and we will make delivery early the next morning. Whether you are a regular customer of not, feel free to call upon us, when in need of extra milk or cream. Phone - P hysician and S urgeon Office Adjoining Residence Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring You Can Help the Good Work Individual Verdicts. The lady jury had been out for hours. The Judg»* looked tired, the clerk yawned, the loungers slept. The bailifl. after listening at the key hole several times, shook his head with a dlscouruged air And then, quite unexpectedly, the Jury announced It wus ready to report, and the twelve ladies filed in. “Have you agreed upon a verdict?” the demanded The forelady smiled. “We have agree«! upon twelve ver diets, your honor.’* she told him in her flutelike voice "You are discharged!" roared the Last year the children secured judge "isn ’t he horrid?" said the ladies.— $775.74 from the sale of Red I i Cross Seals. It is expected that j Exchange. SHOES—Made to order and absolutely guaranteed, and I ’m in Estacada all the y e a r’round to stand back of that guarantee. High top work shoes a specialty. Also all kinds of repair work. W. B. Simmons Main St. Dick Githens of Currinsville Tuesday received a bad lacer- ation of the middle finger on his Estacada C. R . Lovell - Currinsville Dr. L. A. Wells Dentist Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix Dr. R. Morse P hysician and S urgeon Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Claude W. Devore Attorney at Law ard Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. Stone & Moulton A tto r n e y s - a t * Law Phones- Pacific 405. 4-5-6 Stevens Bldg. JO H N Home A 270. Oregon City, Or. BR O W N The Insurance Man O regon Fire Relief Ass’ n Of McMinnville, Oregon. Also First Class OLD LIN E Insurance. Automobile Insurance A Specialty Phone 513 - Gresham Team Work. Hauling and Packing W ood delivered, any amount or length. TIE SHED - 10c per Rig. W. M. Yonce *F 4* *F 4* 4* “1* -f- -J- 4* -f- 4- 4* -I- + + + 4* 4* 4- 4* 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4- 4- 4« 4- 4* 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* + p r a c t ic a l h e a l t h --- -h *i- -p -J* h in t . Ivy Poisoning. A perfectly harmless and ex- ceedlngly useful remedy for the infiamuiatioi) caused by romiug In contact with wild ivy is boric acid in solution Make n solution from bori< arid powder, four tea spoonfuls <IF’solved in » pint of hotling water When this is raid apply to the ;ilT«*rted parts The skin should be covered with with gauze I r a n be bought by the roll In drug stores», kept con- sfantly wet with old borir add solution If tin* tr- bhig Is very Intense me parts may be spong ed off with a weak solution of alcohol «half water and half air«»- hob. whei. the gauze is < hanged The gauze should tie put on fresh quite freonentlv If there Is much «Nixing from the litre blebs iblls- tersi the skin lietrfii* to heal and is fairly smooth a plain cold cream ointment may be kept on the skin + + ^ 4- 4- 4* 4* 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4* 4* 4* 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4- 4* 4* 4* 4« 4- 4* 4 - 4 * 4- 4» 4* 4* 4- *F 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4- 4- 4- 4* 4* 4-