Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1916)
To Our Friends and Patrons:- W e wish to extend to all the good wishes of We Thanksgiving- Season and if in the past year, we have been able to contribute in a * small way to your prosperity, we are the more thankful. Oar place of business will be closed on T hanksgiving Day after 10 o’clock, but we will be open a^ain on Friday morning, ready to fill your needs for anything in the line of Flour, Feeds, Poultry Supplies, Groceries and Kindred lines We believe “A S atisfied C ustom er Is T h e Best A dvertisem ent" We W ALTER GIVENS CO. Inc. E stacada, O regon. ■ C hildrens’ D ay S ervices Are you through plowing? At the Estacada M. E. Church next Sunday morning, special Childrens’ Day Services will be conducted. The program will be in charge of the Beginners’ Department and the initiation of a number of little children into the Cradle- Roll will take place. This service will begin prompt ly at 11 o’clock and all parents are cordially invited to attend. We have a few PLOWS, DISCS, DRAG and SPRINGTOOTH HAR ROWS bought before the last rise, that we can save you from 10 to 20% on, while they last. We are still selling— H eatin g S toves and R anges, Cream Separators, W ind ow G lass, Sash, Doors, R dofing Mr. Edwin Hill of Denio, Ore gon is a guest at the home of his - daughter, Mrs. Irwin D. Wright of Estacada. J. W. Moore and family of Cazadero last week moved to Estacada, having rented the cot tage on Main St. owned by J. W. Reed. W e carry E V E R Y T H I N G needed to Build a House, Barn or Shack (except the lumber) and can furnish you all tools with which to Build them. BERT H. FINCH Nsils—Builder« Hdw.—Sash Doors Roofing—Paints—Oils—Glass Estacada, Oregon Every Farmer Needs Accurate, Reliable Scales Are you equipped with such weighing device now? j All right, I have taken the agency for the Fairbanks - Genuine - — - Scales ~ — which are recognized the world over as the best “ FOR IF IT IS WEIGHED ON A FAIRBANKS. THERE IS NO ARGUMENT.” — — —— —— —— Call and inspect one. Each scale perfectly equipped with steel to steel bearings, arrow tip beam; large platform and wide wheels. ESTACADA PRICES: C. C. Miller Dances!! Dances!!! The younger folks of this com munity are contemplating a stren uous Thanksgiving holiday, with the majority attending the big dance at Cogswell’s Hall in Eagle Creek on Thanksgiving Eve and the C. I. C. dancing party at the Estacada Pavilion on Thanksgiv ing night. The public is invited to attend and enjoy the good times. A re your crops all in ? Dr. and Mrs. H. V. Adix of Estacada are entertaining a num ber of friends on Thanksgiving Day, among the guests being Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Dunlop of Port- • land. John Page and ye editor of Es tacada last Friday brought into town two baskets well filled with trout, the largest fish measuring 17 inches, having been caught in the Clackamas below River Mill. This catch proves conclusively that the successful angling of trout is not as scientific a matter as is generally claimed. D ances! $15 for 500 lb. capacity-$I8 for 1,000 lb. size. Plum bing—Steam F itting—T inning Leroy D. Walker of Portland was a business visitor in Esta cada the first of the week. Mildred Closner, the two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Closner of Estacada, last Friday drank an unknown quan tity of turpentine, resulting in a sick child for a time, a couple of badly frightened parents and a busy doctor. A Dodge touring car was last week sold by the local agents, the Cascade Garage, to J. Wil helm of Boring. LAWYERS A bstracts examined. Corporation Law. Financial A gents. Trusts, Escrows and Accounts. Estates probated. Collec tions, Deeds, Mortgages. General practice in all courts. Correspondence solicited. Prompt attention. Bank references. Fourteenth pear. I OAKS PtACCB ON PWTUM POOUKTT Mosessohn & Mosessohn 714.71f.71t C h o m b or • ! C o m m o rco B l d » O P O R TL A N D , ORCOON *