Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1916)
Rebekahs And Odd Fellows Install And Feast At the joint installation of oth e r s of the Rebekahs and Odd Fellows Lodges of Estacada, held last Saturday evening, the fol lowing officers were installed: High School Play Abandoned Owing to lack of interest and coopera'ion among the students) of the high school, especially j among those pupils who were to | have taken part in the annual ■ play, scheduled for next Friday) night, the play has been aban REBEKAHS Dist. I). G. F. Mrs. Mae Oakley doned. Reed Hogs Going Up N. G. Clara Hicinbothom V. G. Ethel Jones It is a pleasure to chronicle a W. Edith Trowbridge strong upward tendency in th e : C. Caroline Simmons hog market, with tops quoted as j R. S. N. G. Mary Eschelman $7.20 at the Portland Union L. S. N. G. Myrtle Byers Stock Yards Monday last. K. S. V. G. May Oakley Reed There are many farmers in | L. S. V. G. Eva Saling this section who haVe been hold 1. S. G. Mable Fanning ing off the final fattening of th e ir; O. S. G. Anna Watson , hogs for months past, awaiting a j Chaplain Myrtle Belfils price which wbuld allow of mak Organist Abbie Wagner ing a profit, or at least breaking Sec. Sarah E. Bates even for the feeding and care. 1 Treas. Edith Woods This upward market tendency) ODD FELLOWS will be good news to these stock D. D. G. M., 1. O. 0. F. Chas. raisers. Hicinbothom R. S. S. S. Chas. Linn N. G. Earl Jones i L. S. S. S. B. R. Kimmel V. G. J. V. Barr R. Sec. E. B. Byers I. 8. G. G. B. Linn O. S. G. C. A. Havens F. Sec. J. K. Ely Chaplain 0. E. Smith Treas, H. S. Jones Following the installation cere R. S. N. G. Chas. Hicinbothom monies and programs, all march L. S. N. G. Roy Linn ed into the banquet hall, where! R. S. V. G. J. W. Reed a sumptuous dinner was enjoyed. ) L. S. V. G. Earl Day- ( pronounced S h ev - r o - lay ) 'T' he fastest and most powerful, 2 and 5 pas senger automobile ever produced under $700. The ce'ebrated "VALVE IN HEAD” motor. Electric lights, bright and dim.; self starter (that starts everytime); electric horn: everything used in an expensive car. The best value in a modern priced car ever given. Extra rim and demountable wheels. Average 25 miles to a gallon of gasoline. THREE SPEEDS FORWARD. No car FULLY EQUIPPED, is near this in price. Completely Equipped “ The Product of Experience” On the market three years Clackamas Garage - - $685. - - A 15 ce it quality JUNE PEAS 7 k A CAM $1.75 a case, while they last One more week of the January Sale with Specials in All Departments. 15c pkg. Corn Puffs - - 11c 15c pkg. Kellog’s Wheat Biscuit 11c 15c pkg. Violet Oats - 11c 15c pkg. Quaker White Oats lie Don’t forget our Special Prices on all Shoes this month. Now Is The Time To Buy T hem $1. Ladies’ Outing Flannel Night Gowns - 78c $1. Men’s Outing Flannel Pajamas - $1. Outing Flannel Night Gowns 78c 78c There are other Bargains as good as these in Blankets, Sweaters, etc. Have you seen our cyllurrinum Ware? $1. Aluminum Ware (any piece) $ .78 1.50 ” ” ” 1.15 2. ” ” ” 158 It is guaranteed to wear for 20 Y E A R S EAST CLACKAMAS SUPPLY CO. ‘‘Your Satisfaction Is Our Success” Chevrolet line uippeil Saturday Special $ 675 . Estacada, Oregon. Jingle Bells H alf the W ay A real old fashioned sleigh- ride party started out from Esta cada last Friday night as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W' Giv ens, to the accompaniment of the merry jingle bells, and one team of horses, but after traversing about one mile, another team was added. An hour or two later, while passing the Garfield school, the old four hoss sleigh done broke down and all voyagers were transferred to a borrowed wood rack, with wheels instead of run ners. Even with the thermometer below freezing and three hours consumed in the journev, a good time was had at Log La Barre, the party returning to Estacada about milking time. Springwater Beats The Peninsulas The Springwater basketball team defeated the fast Peninsula Park quintet last Saturday night at the Dodge Hall, by the store of 24 to 19. At the end of the first half the visitors were ahead by 11 to 8 points, but it was the final score that ‘‘brought home the bacon.” Manager Horner is in receipt of a letter from the Oregon City basketball tossers, saying that they are very sorry they cannot play a game against the locals, as their schedule is filled. They are not half as sorry as the sporting fans of this section are, for a clash between eastern and western Clackamas teams is always a welcome sight, even if we should possibly happen to get beaten. Change ot Location We beg to announce the removal of our mill and lumber \ard s from the present location in Springwater, to a new location, one and one-half miles east, near the old Cunningham place. The removal of the mill is now going on but will be ready for operation by March 1st next. We will also open a branch yard in Springwater about one-half mile south of the Springwater Store on the Edgar Horner property and hope to soon be able to announce the opening of similar sales yards in Estacada. Our new location is in the midst of one of the finest stands of timber in the state, with from five to six million feet available. We shall be able to supply all grades of lumber, including the best of mouldings, finish and dimension stock. The patronage of our friends, the residents of Clackamas County, is respectfully scliciud. Horner Brothers